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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, it's display case too!

Looks like an overpriced HDD

Whatever it is, I'm not interested. What's supposed to be their killer app? Fucking cellphone games? Fuck off

Sega partnership for new Jet Set Radio game and new Skies of Arcadia game

Good PS4 games look like that?

looks like two painted cardboard boxes stacked on eachother. that corner looks bent in like how cardboard does

what the fuck I am looking at?

A memeing device

some sort of stand for the hardware maybe?

Tomorrow they are going to show pronouns in those displays
No big deal

>it'a LITERALLY nothing

Attached: lol.jpg (225x225, 10K)

It's flat but bigger than a PS4. There must be a strong GPU or/and CPU in there. If it was just for streaming then it could've been as small as a phone or a typical streaming box.

It‘s the fucking stand you idiots, grr.


it's just a slim ps2

In your fucking dreams hahahahaha

The Google Yeti

Google's next step into information gathering of the human race. Nobody is monitoring gaming comms too efficiently yet.

Dead on arrival

Woohoo FGO in HD baby

A collection of PS3 games.

As if people downloading upscales in 2012 wasn't bad enough.

I'm kinda glad the internet in australia is shit and this will never be released here

What am i looking at? It's an empty display case?

>this is where we'll put our next gen console

Attached: fop.png (500x696, 765K)


The internet in most places of the world is too shit to have reliable streaming of games. Makes me wonder what's the plan here. Full on real time streaming of games? That won't work with most of the world, at least not very well.
Streaming of game data to your PC and buying a subscription? So it's kinda like a mix between Netflix and Blizzard launcher games where you can download parts of a game and get to playing it and download more on demand? Then the game selection better be amazing, because we already have things like the Xbox Game pass and the Origin Premier thingie, and they are both "okay" but no revolution to the game industry.
I know they wouldn't waste so much money and hype this thing if they didn't believe it was something new enough to draw an audience in, but right now it looks like just another flavor of the existing things, while for it to be truly revolutionary it would require technology that just can't work right now, in practice.

>Yea Forums thinks a display stand is a console

You guys never fail to amaze me.

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Best post in thread, shut it down

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Streaming games as in they're hosting the machine you're playing the game on and you'll be playing it remotely, like say on a phone?

>form over function

Attached: soyverdose.png (497x519, 395K)

Game streaming has a long way to go.
Simple video capture stream already has a 5-30 second buffer on sites like Twitch and youtube. Now imagine you have to run virtual instances of each game for each player in addition of that.
With current processing power we'd have to sacrifice resolution back to 720p 30fps to have games, and those would still be really simple, slow or turn based ones.

They probably own a ps4 already, the mistake is understandable

google is testing their leftist brainwashing
they're going to sell an empty box for $599
leftists will buy it and scream about how it's the best thing ever and if you dont buy it you're a racist alt-right nazi

See, that's what we don't know. There's lots of speculation there will be some "streaming" component to it and that's what I imagine. Though how they will do reliable streaming of input back and forth, along with a reasonable video/audio quality as well knowing the current state of internet for most of the world, that I don't know. "Netflix for games" overlooks the fact that netflix is just streaming video and even that has to be heavily compressed and is provided in multiple qualities to fit all scenarios. Spotify works because well, it's just audio, but even that gives you an option to leave something temporarily loaded on your PC/Phone in case you lose connection.

Forgot your meds today, grandpa?

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Why is there nothing on the pedestal?

I'd imagine if they're going to try remote stream gaming they'd do as the user above said: simple, slow, or turn based games/strategy games.

>With current processing power we'd have to sacrifice resolution back to 720p 30fps to have games, and those would still be really simple, slow or turn based ones.

And this here is my biggest concern. That they will unveil something that optimizes this whole process so well that it basically makes 720p 30 fps games playable, even slightly more intense ones, so basically the whole thing works, but it's rather limited in quality so it can work. And people accept this since "graphics don't matter, it plays smooth" so we revert to a new era of essentially mobile games we pay monthly for.

But what if you do install the game in your HDD, BUT the shadders and everything that demands a good GPU are processed at the Google servers?

Attached: FORTINITE.png (772x426, 183K)

>Killer app
Begone jew

>this amount of delusion
Its going to be a sonic game from the genesis era and you fucking know it.

Both of those games are shit and not console sellers. Where is their Pokemon, their Halo, their Bloodborne?


too thin to have any real hardware. Probably uses power of cloud like xbox one did at launch.

You will seethe soon enough

"netflix for games" isn't really compatible with AAA games, if you do AAA, you want to sell dozens of millions and keep it for yourself. A "game platform" mean you share all money with everyone no matter the cost of production, effectively promoting small, cost less games to abuse the system. Nobody's gonna invest for nothing in return.


>sonic game exclusively on google machine

lol they’d never. sonic sells hot cakes on the toddlercon and pc

Now this is the official Googlebox-tan.

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It's the fucking stand you cunt.

It's certainly a platform

Seems similar to something like what Nvidia tried to do with their new "neural network anti aliasing" so your video card just knows what something is supposed to look like, trained ahead of time. That didn't work too well though since AI isn't THAT amazing at guessing every frame of every situation for every computer and setup in the world.

Also I can't imagine transferring things back and forth between a server would even work vs just doing it locally on a proper video cards in your case. The highest level of "on-demand" streaming I've seen are some Blizzard games that allow you to download a bit of the game and it's playable, downloading the rest as you play or on-demand when you do something specific.

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This is all proven wrong tho? They did an open to public test with ac odyssey. People say the latency is extremely low to the point where you dont notice it.
Look up project stream on youtube.


They'll make it up with microtransactions and subscriptions.

>huge square

its's gonan bomb in japan

lmao thats funny if true. whole thread of retards bashing a stand.

Nice reading comprehension

>bottlenecking the framerate of your game to both updload and download of each frame's data
Recipe for disaster.
remember, shaders need the final state of the rendered frame. you can't just bake it in parallel.

It does not matter. As much as a cool Jet Set Radio game would be, we are talking about a whole new entry into the video gaming world from a massive company that already dominates many areas of technology, like video hosting. A company that wants to enter a market and take a big enough share of it for this to be profitable. How many people realistically even know about Jet Set Radio to go "oh shit, time to ditch the PS4 and not buy a PS5 and go with the new Google Console!". This need to have wide market appeal.

Is this some sort of April fools joke? There is never any article linked, no information, no hype, no games, and the only place i ever heard it mentioned is Yea Forums.

It's a streaming only device, it could be at the size of a flashdrive but with an hdmi exit instead of an usb one. Hell, they could even ditch the "streaming device" thing and only make an app for Smart TVs, selling only a usb device that makes the TV app recognize wireless joypads.

They only shaped it like a console because they want you to associate it with one.

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>This is all proven wrong tho?
No, no it's not. Your "public test" didn't run a million of player in a data center, and ubisoft games are laggy to begin with so of course their braindead consumers see "no difference".

The question is whether it's just gonna play mobile games or if they're actually going to attempt some exclusive AAA title blitz
Latter would be pretty cool

>the netfllix of gaming
>but no, it's still individual pay to play lol

Sound like a retarded idea. Instead WHAT IF they trained a neural network to preocompute shaders on the fly, so you could run any game with shit tier CPU/GPU?

>running emulated AAA games by the millions on a server
dude, we can't even fucking emulate a ps3 game right now.

Of course it is a stand.

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press conference tomorrow mate

look up a video on youtube. The player character reacts immediately to input. Also google has infinite money, servers and bandwidth so doubt they're gonna run out of that.

Sounds like you spend too much time on Yea Forums and not enough time researching this topic. I literally google "google gdc console" and found a million articles and videos discussing it. Try it, it's not so hard.

It‘s AAA


Already has more good games than sony or microsoft’s current consoles. Based google. Redpilling all the Trump supporters

so? that shit WILL appear on other platforms, it's SEGA it will be like a year of exclusivity, this google shit is Ouya Twouya

>mfw Sony could easily destroy it by doing the same thing, just because PSNOW actually have games

Streaming is still shit tough.

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>Also google has infinite money, servers and bandwidth so doubt they're gonna run out of that

But does the general public have all of this? It doesn't matter if Google provides us with the best connection in the world if most of the world doesn't have a high enough speed and stable internet connection to keep up with it. Unless they also plan to partner up with every ISP on the planet or roll out Google Fiber everywhere, it's only half of the issue solved.

What kind of support would they need to make it Sony 1996 II Electric Boogaloo?
Would such a thing even be possible in the era of the quadrillion dollar budget?

>look at marketing data
wew lad, you are really bad at this shilling thing.

All three are shit, since none of then is japanese.

get fucked Google, the olde dog is coming home to roost.

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paid subscriptions for a bundle of games like microsoft and ea do now, or individual games that will probably be f2p with microtransactions.

In theory a nice idea, but again, look at Nvidia's attempt to do simply anti aliasing and what a blurry mess it's turned out to be. Has to be done very well, over a long period of time with a fuckton of hardware and it may still never be good enough on release for games to justify it.

>google has infinite mone
nobody has. Certainly not google after all their recent blunders.

Hope I don't get fired for this. Here's your console bro

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>marketing data
>when google let literally everyone from the USA try project stream and videos are all over youtube

Glad you are really intelligent and didn't notice that nobody here is bashing the stand and are actually discussing the possibilities of what the console will be then.

I don‘t know, but Ubisoft is already a confirmed big supporter, so there‘s that.

Wow! It's a box!

wake me up when we get a new nights or sonic adventure

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this thing is gonna suck isn't it Yea Forumsros

A flat Ouya

Ouya is unironically kino

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the main selling point is paying cheap monthly price to play ANY game on it

Great. Now I can finally stream Assassin's Creed and Far Cry games, which are only available on every other console (even on the Switch in some cases) and also PC for lower prices and better graphical fidelity.

Really, it'd take a combination of a lot of factors here to convince people to move away from other systems to this one, I'm curious to see what the hell they have up their sleeve that they feel is enough to justify trying.

that's not how any of the words you used work, at all.

W-what is this...

What if it's just a chrome addon?

Yeah, with terrible graphical fidelity (which I agree, may not matter to a lot of people) and potential network latency issues up their butt. People who are already willing to drop $60 on the latest cod anyways and already own consoles, or PC gamers. This selection has to be amazing, on a cheap console that somehow plays better or not much worse than the existing alternatives. I just don't see how it'd work.

It doesn't end there

Attached: we have to go deeper.png (490x546, 166K)

This, put some context in your post next time you fucking moron OP

I'm getting Ouya vibes from the marketing. Also, Did you forget to put the console in the case?

so Xbox game pass but with Google's quality control, you know that good old quality control they've shown on their GOOGLE PLAY store.

and all tied to ONLINE ONLY gameplay, at least Ouya had the excuse to be retarded, whats' googles aren't they supposed to be the smart people that will save the world with AI

it's the temperature control for this cool new george foreman grill.

Attached: Intellivision-Amico.jpg (2048x1271, 889K)

It's a fucking phone you braindead idiot