Bethesda is attending E3!
#BE3 is back folks!
Oh, and look..the people in the pic are looking at a field of stars..

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Who cares?

This, fuck Bethesda

I do, it will be at least semi entertaining to watch them try desperately to salvage their reputation for over an hour.

that guy over there

They'll go on stage like nothing happened, normies will have forgotten everything by then, and will instead masturbate at the TES 6 trailer.


I hope everyone attending throws rotten fruit

Is Todd gonna be there? Must be pretty emberessing for him getting up there after FO76.


This guy gets it. Embrace the black pill and accept that "gamers" are low IQ cattle who exist only to be nickel and dime.

Can't wait for Rodd to deflect Fallout 76 questions. HAHAHAHAHAHA... BROS. HE'S SO CHARMING.

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Will they be booed?

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>refresh walmartcanada
the fuck?

>he doesn't know

I hope Todd just walks out there and keeps spouting memes in an effort to drown out the boos.

>he doesn't know

By putting a dragon in Bethesda finally acknowledges that the 7+ year old Skyrim is still the only thing they have to show for themselves...

Oh boy can't wait to see them use this again.

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Ah I just realised.

It was an epic joke with the big jew coporation trying to seem more human

can't wait for another mediocre conference where they don't show absolutely anything new
>hey remember skyrim
>woo fo76 mods
>here have a new card game
>30s trailer for the new space game that doesn't show anything

Skyrim Mobile Edition announced for iPhone 10 XS, Pixel 3, and Galaxy S10.

At a point I feel like if Todd Howard walks out onto stage the audience will just rip him apart.
>We at Bethesda-
And then chaos.
Fuckup 76 and then their shitty smartphone game being delayed well past November.
It sends the message that something went horribly wrong at that studio when they can't even push out a god damn phone game.
They are supposed to be a tripple-A developer.
They're not Undead Labs or some shit.

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Do anons actually believe Fallout 76 tanking will matter in the long run?
It only sold 1.4 mil so even everyone of them swears off Bethesda games they will be fine.
The outrage over was a tempest in a tea cup and all memory of it has disappeared like a fart in the wind.

>save the date
I thought women sending invitations to official-women-parties, like weddings and baby showers, were the only one that did this.
But anyways,
fpbp /thread

Both Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter has topped a billion.
You are either ill informed or have an impossible bar for success.

Or they'll just vet all the questions ahead of time and absolutely nothing will happen

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i don't think they have anything to show
>doom 2 gameplay
>pete hines looking more and more like a robot each year
>wolfstein 3 announcement now with more fuck nazi content
>absolutely nothing from skyrim 2 and the new ip
>rage 2 dlc
>shit that nobody asked for like dishonored 3

I do. I will buy Starfield if it looks at least as good as Skyrim did. I was massively dissapointed by FO4, didn't buy any of its DLC even though I have for every product prior going back to daggerfall on release, and didn't even bother considering FO76, but I really hope the repeated kicks to the dick they got for it will give them the impetus to improve or at the very least stop devolving.

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