Why did you stop playing Smite?
Why did you stop playing Smite?
I play it from time to time, good thing it has cross platform and free to play, can play with my friends doesn't matter which console they have.
It's not the best game, can be frustrating from time to time, but it gets good and fun once you git gud.
Sometimes i wish, LoL went console too.
I still do, just waiting for mah boi
Weird aesthetic and game feel
Me and my friends only ever bothered with arena, and that got old after a while
He's meant to be a mix of a guradian and a warrior which will be interesting. Could Horus and Set be released together? That would be good, Jormungander is pretty fun too.
As far as i recall they will be released together, maybe next patch or the one after it since lorez mentioned they'd be released near the anniversary
That sounds pretty good, hopefully a gameplay preview comes out soon. I missed out parts of the triple worshipper event so hopefully that comes back so I can finish some of my characters I used to play.
what's a good character for a beginner
Because they changed my main's design from a good representation of her depictions to a random anime cat-girl.
I'm playing right now though
Anubis, his 2 and 4 combo will get you a lot of kills.
about to start playing Smite because Riot clearly has no idea what they're doing with LoL
Im a former Smitefag with 1600 hours here
The game suffers from power creep, and hirez is terrible at balance gods. The meta is whoever can get a slight lead in the beginning and cheese out the rest of the game by playing aggressive knowing the enemy team can punish you because being a couple levels up on somebody means your unkillable unless you tower dive hard.
Matchmaking is terrible with ranked, there are no set roles for choosing a position. You either get people who pros and they steal your lane from you or you get top elo play well and have somebody dc, which nets you a loss.
Fuck mobas, glad i quit this shit game
How did you know Hi-rez or "titan" or whatever your WoW online name is now
►Too many nerfs to Jungle
►ADC feels like shit
►"supports" worthless you're either a glorified "tank" with less mitigation and healing abilities than most warriors while doing no dmg or you have hour long cool downs on your CC which make you worthless in team fights
►Mages OP since forever and are now getting power creeped even harder with nerfs to the other roles
►Warrios OP as fuck this season for no reason
Of Smite is full of pedos too
Because League is better.
Paragon was better than both though
I never played it lmao
FUCK YOU for killing Tribes btw
This. I used to miss Paragon. But i think I dodged a bullet not getting caught with that EPIC games store spyware shit now.
this, shame given enough time EPIC ruins everything they create
I'm tired of having to pay for skins and battlepasses. It's the same reason I don't play paladins as much anymore
Ra is already in the game though what are you waiting for?
I didn't like the changes they made to season 3. I enjoyed season 1 and 2 tho.
Because my girl Nemesis got nerfed into the fucking ground
And I'm NOT talking about the initial release nerf, that was fully justified. I'm talking about making her 100% useless unless you unironically use the dash as a damaging tool
I play more since the begging of Season 5 cuz the new Conquest map feels more like right to me than used to be. Back then playing only the other mods felt like a guilty pleasure.
I wanna main Camazotz but apparently is shitty now and makes me sad.
I never started
I played this game like 5 years ago. What has changed. I remember Ullr was a new god at the time
Meme skins.
I just like Scylla the character, not my fault she is like this in Smite.
>>>>fabulous chiron
I can't find any gods that "Click" for me.
When I played LoL Darius and echo were my jam.
If I didn't get either I crashed the lobby with no survivors.
It's ugly and voice acting is dogshit
The game itself is fine tho but i got bored by it. Well, i got bored of the assfaggots in general.
*blocks your path*
Serious talk: Do you guys think Kek (the god) will ever be released?
I started playing fairly recently. Bacchus was my most recent new god that I've gotten because that chest you get for goodwill and stuff gave me the dude weed skin and I've been doing pretty well
A MASTER lizard
would unironically buy if they released a skin like this