Can anyone recommend any super light games under like 150 megabytes a piece to play on my laptop while traveling?

Can anyone recommend any super light games under like 150 megabytes a piece to play on my laptop while traveling?

Size wouldn't be a huge issue but my 258gb micro sd card in my surface pro decided to go and I need some recommendations. Preferably no emulation.

Attached: Map09_oh_noes_two_elementals.png (800x600, 119K)

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Fallout 1 & 2 aren't terribly large
Sonic Mania is small as fuck

I've actually played fallout 1 to death and I'm not a huge sonic fan. I find the levels to be super disjointed and unfun but I didn't consider other platforms. Thanks for the recommendation

Binding of Isaac (i think it's pretty small)
Doom and Doom 2 (as per your image)
maybe minecraft but I'm not sure
I'd also recommend, if you have internet where you're going to check out sites like kongregate for flash games.
have fun!

civ 1/civ 2/colonization

I love ferraris so much but cant get it stable on my surface pro. Minecraft is fun bit of course I already have doom 1 and 2 but thanks user I forget flash games exist lol

Baba is You

Literally the entire set of ROMs worth playing for SNES/Genesis/NES/SMS/GBA

Then throw in whatever PSP/PSX/PS2 isos you fancy

Craft the world

Master of Orion 2, Master of Magic, Ultima 7/Underworld... lots of good shit on Gog.

HOMM3 is like 600 megs and Hotline Miami is 300 but both are great.

Also this, SNES has an extensive library or you could even get DOSBox and enjoy some SimCity or as the other user said some Civ.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

You can emulate a lot of good snes games below that size threshold.

Dwarf Fortress
XCOM 1-2
HoMM 2
Might and Magic 3-5
War Inc.

get more doom wads idk

Rollcage is bang on 150mb. You can download it for free from one of the developer's websites.
It's a very fun and unique racing game.

Heroes 3 of Might and Magic

Sonic Maina is even smaller now they removed denuvo.

oh yeah, if you want something more "graphic", I'd get Brutal Doom

Doom 2 and 150 megabytes of user-created mappacks.

doukemn nookem 3d

Destiny 2

>games under like 150 megabytes a piece to play on my laptop while traveling?
N64 emulator + games. They're like 8 to 64 megs, tops, and can offer tons of hours of gameplay.
I kept playing Mario 64 and Ocarina Of Time during my University's bland IT lessons through my USB stick.

Then there's fucktons of great DOS games that have a file size of a handful of 1.44mb diskettes. I recall Worms 2 being like 50 megs.

SNES and GBA titles would be even smaller.
PS1 games can be doable as well; zipped up, a single CD can be below 200 megabytes.

Attached: Zelda OoT emulation 2016.jpg (2310x1042, 407K)

>get Brutal Doom
>wasting precious disk space on bloated shitty graphics mods instead of level packs

It's finally time you got around to beating the Jill of the Jungle trilogy.

150mb of gameplay mods and custom maps for doom 2 will last you 6 months

Copying from my old "1 CD ROM challenge" results, you could get all this jammed into 700 Megabytes:

>N64 emu (P64)+ plugins + 6 games = 122MB
>SNES emulator + 26 games = 57MB
>NES emu + 30 games = 88MB
>DOOM collection + GZ Doom source-port: 205MB
>Duke 3D + eDuke32 = 138mb
>Worms 2 = 55MB
>Liero = 760 KB

Total: ~681Mb

Attached: Duke Must Die.jpg (1920x1200, 236K)

in my opinion, it gives Doom replayability, and having played Doom a bunch of times, I found it highly enjoyable. All of these are of course only suggestions, OP is free to do as he pleases.

i went to check my folder and brutal doom is actually lower than average filesize for gameplay mods

>Doom replayability
Has anyone thought to make a random map generator?

whats the point when there are practically an unlimited amound of handcrafted doom maps


>a random map generator?
There are a few. Oblige is probably the "best" one, but they are all shit and with the amount of human-made maps they are completely pointless.

u wot now m8?
anything before v2.0 is clean and not jewish.

Attached: DN zero hour - Bolok alien hunter.jpg (1276x949, 196K)

that "slot machine" mod for doom is pretty cool.

Why no emulation? It’s literally your best bet. Hell the entire snes library is probably under 2GB

>anything before v2.0 is clean and not jewish.
does it support every n64 game?


Don't forget to compress your file system.

>does it support every n64 game?
I've played all the main attractions of the system on my ancient 1.6 during the past couple decades, no real issues.
I'm sure that somebody could find an obscure Japanese import-only title that would not work well, but whatev.

Attached: ConkersBadFurDayZombies.jpg (1254x946, 489K)

Does your laptop have a numpad?

Attached: 1529992072280.jpg (1250x1250, 70K)

>playing roguelikes with a numpad

Reccomend playing Doom 64 Ex. Its a source port of the N64 game but fully playable with a mouse and keyboard.


Attached: 1552555649291.png (444x440, 117K)

ogxcom, heroes of might and magic 3, warcraft 2, roller coaster tycoon, with an emulator anything 8-16-32bit, even nintendo64, or ds.

system shock 2, halo 1, deus ex, trackmania 2 stadium and unreal 1 are small

your dick is small

it just werks, even on 20yo wormboxes.

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