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Other urls found in this thread:

Starcraft and Diablo 2 would have made fucking awesome movies.

shame blizzard is such a faggot company now.





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based as fuck "i can't build there" poster


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>*blocks own path*

Diablo 2 would make a good movie. Starcraft would make a good mini-series.

Remember when Starcraft became a magic based universe with Sarah Kerrigan as Goku, yeah, what a great twist

I just started playing diablo 2 again for the first time in years. Been grinding the fuck out of it I forgot how addictive it was.

How did blizzard manage to pump out so many amazing games in the late 90's - early 00's

anybody wanna fire up a game of heaven's last stand?

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Because they were made by 90% white nerds who were making games they wanted to play with no interference by suits following line graphs like cats with a laser pointer. Nowadays it's a "DIVERSE TEAM" following exact orders to match market trend lines. There's no SOUL anymore.

So AI can beat humans at Go, but what about Starcraft? I heard it's only possible right now if the computer cheats with the viewport

you a smart nigga

This post is true.

yeah that's probably a better idea.

regardless, It'd be hard though to get just the right actor for General Duke because his VA was just so goddamn perfect.

I was ways more of a warcraft and diablo guy so I dont know much about starcraft lore, but did they went full fucking retard with the story like they did in diablo and especially in fuckin warcraft

Based and Brevikpilled
Enjoy some youtube gold:

This is true. If you allow the AI to control units it can't actually see and don't limit the APM it will win every time. It will individually control every unit on the map at once and there's no possible way a human can compete. But if you limit the AI to upper limit human APM and it can only control units it can see then it's still up the air. Sometimes it wins, but it loses more often.

Yall niggas watched the ASL finals last night right?
Tastosis was banting pretty good and had some nice storms.
>game GOOD!

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HOTS is a shit game, but it's still a crime that the tank hero in that game isn't Duke. What a joke.


You have to watch this.

WOW made so much money it brought a ton of greedy shitbags into the industry. From then on it was about making a gorillion dollars. Not fun games for nerds to enjoy.
>Blizzard was made of nerds making games for other nerds
>Activision blizzard is full of diversity hires making games designed by marketing teams to please share holders.


papa google still plays

>starcraft II


*controls your mind*

heh, nothing personal mr. president.

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"End my torment!"

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Probably harder to program DeepMind's outputs to an older game but I'm no expert (also I think SC1 pro scene is pretty much dead but idk)

Still very cool I think

>tfw they casted Leland Palmer as the president in RA2

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That Musk AI absolutely shat on on the best DOTA 2 players at first, but eventually people learned how to exploit it and all the weaknesses it had and started winning.
We still have a decade or so where people are still smarter than AI, I think

It took me 12 years to realize he was saying "need a light"


Red Alert 2 was so fucking cheesy, but that's what made it so amazing.

>also I think SC1 pro scene is pretty much dead

With enough time and it can learn all the mechanics extremely well, but is totally unable to strategize.
The real downside to deep learning is that it doesn't categorize and make associations like humans. It really just makes a bunch of multidimensional matrices, which happen to be useful for comparing current game state to a large number of observed game states. "Correct" actions are just an assessment of some weighted average generated from the other states.
A human can come up with strategies which require more than just expert control in common situations, e.g. do attacks on two sides of the map, set up pincers, sacrifice control of one area to gain control of another, etc, etc.

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>starcraft thread on Yea Forums
The fuck?

Yeah, watching it together with Yea Forums Korea Time is top comfiness

The a.i is still very flawed and the player it faced is a literal semi pro

>trumpet plays in the background

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Starcraft 2 has one of the characters become a literal divine being and go to another dimension to fight other divine beings with magic

great science fiction

This is the problem. AI is adaptable and intelligent until it isn't and then humans detect it's patterns and exploit them. Same thing happens in fighting games on the highest difficulties. The AI will read inputs, preform flawless combos, and perfectly space, but there's always one flaw in their game plan and once you find it you can just exploit it over and over to defeat it.

Once the AI becomes as adaptable as humans we're screwed.


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Well, warcraft turned illidan into a paladin...

>no one posting this based motherfucker

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Seriously, most kino video game intro or what?

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AlphaStar beat some non-Korean pros players 10-0

However, it had a bunch of crutches, like playing only one matchup (and a mirror at that), and seeing entire map all at once.
It did have an APM limit, but the limit was checked like once per 5 or 10 seconds so it generally played well below that limit and had occasional explosions into like 600 for a second or two.
It played 1 game with "human-level" camera and got rekt oretty hard.



AlphaStar won and lost games against players. It is exploitable and they had to use different threads for each game.
Pro players can counter those threads relatively quickly if they just get used to it.
With more games the pros may have gotten to the point where they won every game since they just learned how the AI worked. Eventually in the future that will not be the case though.

There's also a complication when it comes to starcraft since it's a real time game, it's harder to make a fair comparison.
A braindead AI could beat a pro if it had 10000 apm and omnipresent management so siege tanks only hit 1 zergling at a time because the rest of the split split seconds before impact.

AlphaStar wasn't that crazy, but it jumped very high in apm during fights, and that's apm with no mistakes like human apm.

To make it an accurate comparison humans need be mentally connected to the game instead of using mouse and keyboard, or the AI need to use a mouse and keyboard through robotic hands.
If that isn't equalized, they're not playing the same game. I feel like an apm limiter is arbitrary, so I'd much prefer to see robotics to genuniely compare if it is beating a human.

I think alphastar had like 100 years of simulated games that it has learned from, so it could be really interesting to see in the future if starcraft AIs can help develop the meta.
One thing people were looking at was the oversaturation of Probes, meaning the AI used more probes than is generally thought to be effective for mining the main base. That is something it has learned over its 100 years of playing vs other AIs, but it may have learned that early on for very stupid reasons, like maybe it was used to losing a lot of probes so it compensated by having more than people think is needed, and then that behaviour stuck around.

Red Alert is a great franchise to make into movies honestly.
With the time travel shit they don't need to follow a specific game, just the basic principle, alternate history where hitler is killed, then commies vs allies with future tech, a ham-lord as the us president and some fun thot commando girl

Yes, starcraft, warcraft and diablo all went retarded with the lore.
Actually I don't know if diablo went that retarded, the presentation and aesthetic was worse, but I barely played it. I didn't get into it because of the poor mechanics. warcraft and sc for sure tho.


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In the pipe, five by five

Why'd Blizzard ruin all the franchises I grew up with. Fucking cryptojew niggers.

Go ahead TACCOM


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yeah! how come that sandpit that i played in when i was five years old sucks now that i'm 44? jew nigger google communist bastards jewed MY SAND PIT!


When it comes to most KINO Blizzard cinematics, it's a toss-up between that one, the Auriga or Arthas' Homecoming.

I dont know user, pretty sure that sandpit is still a sandpit

Everything comes to an end eventually. Nothing was going to survive wow raking in as much cash as it did.

who /scv/ here?

A Diablo tv-series is coming, really hope they don't fuck it up... but of course they will.

Drones all the way

Blizzard went too shit after WoW. Warcraft 3 was their last good game.

This one is spectacular also.

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Haha he thinks her name is Sylvanas and not Traxex the Drow ranger.

>drags a mine into a control group of your probes
*pssshhh* nothin personnel kid

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Last - Rain semis were better. Mini is trash. I wish Snow made it instead of him or Last.

Just waiting for bisu to finish his military service.

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We better see a Flash - Bisu finals next season instead of these younger chumps.

This one's my favorite. It's such a good propaganda speech but the delivery is what makes it so good.

Also instead of being about three species vying for control using any means necessary to achieve victory like in the first game the story is now about uniting against hatred and defeating it with the power of love and friendship.

I hope so but bisu doesn't get out until september and, assuming he even starts playing again, will take months to get competitive again. By that time flash probably has to enlist himself. But heres hoping.

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Fuck you guys, I'm starting the campaign again. Time to bring down the Confederacy.

the spinning thing is the head, right? the dragoon is probably the most difficult design to comprehend in the original starwars. It's like 4 thicc legs wearing knee-high boots attached to a fit abdomen with a rotating head and even until now, i can't unsee it

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Not to mention AlphaStar only ever used a couple of unit types of because those were the only ones it was trained for.

Love when they run away from tanks or mines or whatever. Like

Top tier television.

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Nach ta'kala

This. It was also much more grounded and realistic and characters had actual story arcs. Kerrigan was terrifying by the end of Brood War and was completely unstoppable. To go with "oh she was just mind controlled now heroes will fight against the big baddie" route was the cheapest storywriting conceivable. If there was ever a villain to unite against, it should have remained as Kerrigan and Jim Raynor should have died taking her out.

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diablo 2 cinematics were pretty kino aswell

isn't it in netflix?
it's dead on arrival m8

>play as Zerg, need to kill hero unit Fenix
>*spawn broodling move*

heh... nothing personnel.. templar

>when it transitions into the protoss and the zerg listening in


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>protagonist swears vengeance for the craven murder of his comrade Fenix at the hand of some alien bitch
>sequel has him pining for the alien bitch and only mentions Fenix in a throwaway line in the second game

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Such a great voice actor, amazing speech


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Yeah there is a huge difference both in tone and the story itself between pre-WoW (or arguably WC3) Blizzard and nu-Blizzard

This remaster would still be alive and kicking if it werent that unforgiving to the newcomers. No better ai, no tutorials, no nothing. Justvan HD coat of paint and fuck off. I know that this is what remastered means, but how is it gonna last another 20 years as they claimed in their interviews? Just give it another 5 years and the servers outside korea will be empty as hell. In fact they already are. Funny how the delusional hardcore fans think there is a future for this game.


as long as korea exists there will be sc1 pro players

I never understood the meaning of terran academy scream and trumpet sound.

Have sex

>Always... into the East.

>Whites are better nerds

the scream is probably meant to be a soldier going through drug infused experiments, it is the building where you research stim packs.
Stock sound effect is originally from this movie:

The trumpets to overshadow the horror of the scream as a symbol of fascism maybe.

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Pussy does that tbqh

This. Never forgive Valve for turning her into a nigger.

makes sense, ty user

At the terran academy, it’s always exam week

who /capeboi/ here

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who /zerg/ here?
i can't get any of my zoomer friends into starcraft. they ingest a steady diet of mobile games, fortnite, games that hand everything on a silver platter and twitch streamers chimping out. it is quite difficult to convince them to try and learn this game, they don't have the attention span or patience for it. even one of the smartest nineteen yearolds i've met, who usually has good taste in videogames, gave up on starcraft after maybe an hour because it was 'too much for him' at once. it's pretty sad

the scream might be a marine going through the resocialization process, at least that's what i always thought


>smartest nineteen yearolds i've met
This is about the most zoomer thing I've ever heard.

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25 year old boomer here. I grew playing on my uncle’s computer as a kid.

playing starcraft on a fuckload of adderall is top fun

that's the point i was trying to make, even the smartest zoomer i know doesn't have the brain faculties to play an actual rts

Absolute kino


broodwar and wc3 are so fucking amazing. probably my two favorite games of all time when you consider all the mods and spinoffs. only other contender would be half life.

And the point I was making is that only kids with limited life experience say shit like that.

so your response to my post is 'hurr durr you're younger than i am?' good one, even though i'm probably not

You mean why don't your friends want to play the most difficult competitive game from a dead genre and that has been around more years than you alive?


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zoomers have less atention span than gold fish

>Remember when Starcraft became a magic based universe
High Templars that can cast literal mind-lightning storms and fuse with each other into Archons.
It was magic from the start.

They should have sent a poet.


it's psionics I ain't gotta explain shit
>"what about dark templar warp"
s-shut up

Boomer here. I played SC, Brood War and a bit of SC2, but competitive Starcraft is one of those things I can never get into. Mind you in my day we had a lot of other competitive games like Counter Strike and stuff, but the APM and the meta of Starcraft is just so off-putting and counter intuitive. I mean good on the Koreans for being that good I guess but it kinda ruins it for everyone else.

I hate you! I HATE YOU!

... call me.

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It played first vs. Has beens who used to be pro but nowadays are semi decent pubbers. The AI got destroyed by a real pro team. And dont forget, with very strict limitations, so much so that it isnt even an accurate representation of dota with its 112 different heroes and the infinite different strategies it could entail. Trust me, ai is still nowhere where it can come close to humans.

>Trust me, ai is still nowhere where it can come close to humans.
More human than human

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i don't necessarily mean competitive sc or sc2, that's a bit out of the scope of what we call 'normal games', it's insanity, but even things like wings of liberty campaign, which i think is in itself a pretty nice tutorial for the game, is considered too hard by most of them

>you will never again spend the summer of 2011 with /vg/ watching GSL and MLGs

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> I mean good on the Koreans for being that good I guess but it kinda ruins it for everyone else
People who say this shit never actually played and bothered to get good at an rts. It takes literally 30 mins to to memorize and start using basic key bindings, even with a lazy pace you're already better than majority of fellow entry players.
It's really not that hard and only off-putting because you're unwilling to learn new controls.

Remember when Dennis Quaid was Gimli?

Forgot pic.

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Uhh, it's not good. It doesn't look good.


tfw no loyal soviet gf

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do people still play broodwar UMS? that ww2 map was fucking cash

>ancient evil awakens
>old prophecy and Chosen One
Not only was it an incredibly cheesy direction for the story, but they radically changed and retconned a bunch of cool things too.

pretty much. i'm a 98er and learned old sc from my older brother, we used to compete who'd complete missions faster back in '07 during summer. and now i play sc2. out of maybe 40 people in my circle of friends and acquaintances, i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who's played this game. it won't last long, even though 'muh esports' has had a bit of a revival in recent years

>Remembering how interactive content filled this Yea Forums was
>Remembering the hivemind spamming the exact same gom screencaps together
>We will never see a player like idra again
take me back

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The problem is without a steady flow of new players, all the bad players left or got gud. So if you are an absolute beginner, you have no one to play against.
This creates a massive barrier to entry because as you need to invest a lot of time and effort to start beating even the players who are still active. And since its a 1v1 game with near zero RNG, you cant hope to win occasionally just by getting carried or being lucky. And when you do lose, you cant use any coping mechanisms like blaming your teammates or bad RNG.
The saddest part is that i dont think there is a way to get that flow of new players from anywhere now. The game is old and is not topical, its not even fuckin f2p unlike SC2.
Thats why i try to play it now while the community is still alive. No other game forces me to focus as hard as BW, and gives that much satisfaction when i win

Diablo's lore was unironically great until they killed Blizzard North, brought in some limp-wristed faggot and colored it like proto-fortnite.

Have you not seen the news?

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probably, but the scene is probably not that big
>remember playing Europe Diplomacy
>almost always picked England
>covered the british isles with patrolling spitfires, everyone else had one air unit, but if you held london or somehting you had spitfires which were better
>one guy conquered everything else
>really snarky and said I should just give up
>after he failed 3 times he ragequitted making me the victor, both moral and actual
>we end up in the same europe diplomacy lobby again
>I pick england, he picks sweden or norway
>he wants to ally me and I say okay
>then he ships over an scv to build a bunker and floats over a barracks
>I ask him what he's doing
>"Insurance ;)"
>I kill his stuff he has on my isles
>he quits after, presumably because he knows I will get the victory(moral and actual) in the end anyway


I always get annoyed when non d&d uses the term drow for their dark elves. Really hacky. It's fine when it was just a map in wc3, but when it's a standalone thing they should know better.

I can remember when this guy didn't look like a chubby accountant.

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>feel lazy, maybe I should skip my workout today
>see tasteless
nope, pumping some iron

You want a piece of meat, boy?

""""""""""""""""""""""""Yea Forums""""""""""""""""""""""" thread

a capeshit thread died for this

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compare the quality level of discussion in this thread with a capeshit or box office thread

>lol dude Yea Forums is shit so let me just shit it up a bit more ahaha who cares

>kerrigan turns into a goddamn angel
>laser beams a saturday morning cartoon villain to death
>all three races live together in harmony, happily ever after
SC2 was a mistake

I liked Wings of Liberty but the Zerg expansion was just utter trash, I don't even want to play through the protoss campaign now.

i thought WoL looked extremely promising at first, and the twist of kerrigan being a necessary evil was an okay twist, i guess, but it pushed the story into a one-way street that's very naive and generic compared to 1 and brood war

das right

i thought the gameplay part of the zerg expansion was great. sending endless, ruthless waves of beasts at enemies is pretty fun and it's more of a zerg power fantasy than an exercise in strategy. it's actually my favorite of all 3 expansions gameplay-wise, but the direction of the story was extremely out of character with the rest of the franchise

Whites are better everything

The Protoss story is equally horrible.

They get rid of the Caste system because "muh individuality" and basically undo all of Protoss culture because Artanis won't shut up about his flowery idealism.

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>level starts
>human kerrigan says something menacing
>you're handed control over 5 trillion zerglings and banelings
>heavy zerg assault music banging in the background
>you have one minute to cause as much chaos as you possibly can before we all get nuked
the story was terrible but some missions were great
i really loved the alien reference mission because it also sets up more potential for future conflicts

>Kerrigan is turned into a Xel'naga
>instead of becoming a giant squid monster like every other Xel'naga, she becomes a big fiery angel
I'm not the only one who was confused by this, right?

Wings was garbage in terms of main story. Raynor wasn't recognizable, seemed like an bad AI had looked over recent pop culture and starcraft and wrote the damn thing. Last blizzard title I bought.
Even in terms of gameplay the campaign was barely enjoyable because of how easy it was, even on brutal without upgrades. The campaign structure with the decisions in side missions and ways to go about them, and the rpg elements in themselves were fine though, the rpg elements were not scaled correctly vs the difficulty though.


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Apparently it had a lot of trouble with various parts of the game which is why it's so limited. It doesn't understand cloaking, or what a burrowed units are, it would constantly lift off buildings as terran and I'm sure there were other problems.

can't and aint mixed

>early background material established that the first time the exiles began tapping into the void they were unleashing giant psi storms completely by accident
>all the protoss disconnecting from the khala all at once didn't atomize the entirety of aiur

>We will never see idra ragequit when he sees a hallucinated army again

Literally in top 20 threads of the year so far

>the Khala was the one thing that united all protoss and helped them become a peaceful, thriving civilization, and is one of the things that make them a unique species
>nah, it was actually the Big Bad's personal thingamajig all along and will instead brainwash all of them
Jesus christ...


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>blizzard made a shitty WoW movie instead of a Starcraft movie about a squadron of Vikings

God, the SC2 designs are so horrible. It's literally Soul vs Soulless when compared to SC/BW

It's really a mistake to bring in these bigger stars for video games and prop them up, they add very little if anything. Guys like Metzen really is enough.
Also the kerrigan voice actress did spoil the ending during that q&a iirc, she didn't flat out say it but her reaction to a question was telling.

>you havent failed, marius; you did exactly what you were supposed to do
>but I am not the archangel tyrael


>I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight

IIRC starcraft 2 came out around the time of Burning Crusade so blizzard still had a massive boner for draenei and couldn't help ruining the Protoss aesthetic.

i thought the zerg and terran designs were okay enough but the protoss are really souless now

the old remixes... what a time

What bothered me the most was the archon.
It was this psionic melding of two powerful psionic users, and it was burning out in that state. Ball of flame and a vague humanoid shape within it.
In sc2 its crisp and clear and even wearing armor within the flame.

Attached: archon.png (634x756, 478K)

Starcraft 2 came out in 2010, burning crusade 2007.
WoW design had an affect on sc2, and draenei on protoss though.
And really burning crusade draenei were really affected by protoss in the first place.

Meme from that time:
showing draenei and belves with protoss spaceships

I hope you are talking about Starcraft and BW. Starcraft 2 shat the bed with Super sayian Karrigan that didn't du nuffin.

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The Archon redesign was awful. Everything good was stripped away and it became painfully bland.

Sadly it wasn't only Archons that got a shitty redesign.

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i suppose in a way he did avenge fenix by killing 'the queen of blades' when deinfesting kerrigan, but when she reinfested herself he should've put a bullet in her brain, i was really disappointed that he did not.. the 'muh prophecy' crap really ruined it by forcing everyone to ignore her crimes

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burning crusade was 07, wrath of the lich king was 08, sc2 wings of liberty was 2010

looks like a self insert
how embarassing

Me and my ex still talk about how amazing attending Starcraft 2 MLGs was. Really top teir American Esports moments.
Nothing beats live events and American/European personalities, and honestly starcraft 1 or 2 is a lot more fun to watch than most Esports games. I guess the next best is fighting games...but it's missing the complexity of an RTS.

I'm gonna play through all the campaigns now.

I loved those, I was never a good player, but some stages were actually hard.

I hated playing Zerg in the campaigns, being against the good guys, but I did like it when it was Brood vs Brood zerg civil war stages.

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one thing i hate about starcraft is how disgusting it makes other team-based multiplayer games look

in starcraft competitive, there is nearly no RNG, there's no teammates to carry you or lose the game for you, balance is top notch, there's no blaming your loss on a conincidence or bad luck. this ruins other multiplayer games for me, i can't play other stuff because now it is much easier to spot a glaring lack of balance, poor performance from teammates, RNG or bad matchmaking. god damnit

also FUCK kerrigan and FUCK the s2 writing room, the story was underwhelming as fuck


>FUCK the s2 writing room
I will never forgive them for adding that dumb essence shit and primal zerg. What absolute bullshit.

for me, the primal zerg were probably the most underwhelming part of heart of the swarm, together with the 'lol raynor is dead time to go evil!' story for kerrigan

For me, it's Terran Theme 03.

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>instead of becoming a giant squid monster like every other Xel'naga,
How Lovecra...
>she becomes a big fiery angel
Sailor Zerg my freind.

writers weren't lovecraftian, lynchian, freudian and kafkaesque enough

for me, it's terran theme 2
i actually really like heart of the swarm's soundtrack as well

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>evil for the sake of being evil

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I didn't play hots, but I did look up stuff about it. The primal zerg and zerus was just way off from how it had been described earlier.

>Having absorbed a portion of the xel'naga's knowledge the zerg ascended to the stars to seek their destiny. Zerus was left a lifeless rock.
then in hots it was a lush jungle planet with "wild zerg"

Infesting terran by moonlight
Fighting protoss by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one queen of the blades

>"Now the last of the Protoss will fulfill their function... in DEATH!"

Is THEIR franchise and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it

oh yeah, despite the story, level design was great.
>that mission when you play as a single larva and gradually take over an entire protoss ship as you evolve

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daily reminder blizzard bought diablo devs and it's not their game. Diablo 3 is blizzard diablo after diablo 1&2 devs have all fucked off from that snakepit.

>amon ended up being utterly useless, had no motivations and was non-threatening in the end
what were they thinking

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Reminder that Diablo wasn't a great game before blizzard got involved.

Diablo 3 is garbage, but Blizzard did a good thing buying up Condor and renaming them Blizzard North during Diablo 1s development and getting involved with it.

So related question is artosis a jew?

>THEIR franchise
Bait aside, does this argument even count for anything in this case?

The vast majority of people who worked on SC2 probably aren't the people who made SC1. So the "their" that are being referred to have changed.

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Diablo 3 is playable, but not online. Do the console campaign

Waifuism melts your brain

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Its very difficult to make the AI handle cloak in a believable way. A human can kinda see a cloaked unit but only if they focus attention on it.
The AI either does or does not, and both are kinda unfair.
Other parts are just tricky to teach the AI, but not impossible. Protoss just seems to be the easiest to teach as it has the fewest of those weird mechanics, which is why they decided to start with it. Supposedly, the other races and matchups will be implemented at some future point.

I assumed he was, but looking it up I don't think he is.
Just of non-jewish polish descent.

Love this one too.

I know it was originally turn based and it may have been blizzard's idea to turn it real time but there's no way to know how it would've turned out without them, saying that an unreleased game wasn't great is just stupid

the sc2 terran stuff is great. some of the later protoss stuff is pretty cool too. cant say i remember the zerg soundtrack

freindly reminder to check out SC2 thread on /vg/, pure kino in thread form

They wanted to give them legs and stomp around but the backlash made them change it
i like this one

reminder that all /vg/ has is dying generals full of circlejerking tripfags making excuse posts because they're afraid of posting on Yea Forums anonymously and want their reputation but won't get replied to with their trip on like the faggots they are

Wait wait wait, i gave up on those ages ago when it devolved into kpop general. Has something changed?

It belongs to the part that is paying for its development

it's the worst semi-regular thread on this entire website and it's glorious
better than guild wars spambot

retard here, i can't find it

no fun allowed


gachanigger threads may have finally killed it for good

>"Despite being 13% of the population, African Americans account for 50% of the violent crime rate."
How did Blizzard get away with this?

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>thread was in Yea Forums for 230 posts
>thread actually seems okay
wait what i thought you guys were retarded what is this

Yea Forums is the most retarded board outside of /vg/

>terrans make up 0.0005% of the galactic population
>account for 50% of genocides and planetary destructions


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I discuss vidya on Yea Forums, politics on /int/ and films on Yea Forums

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>implying they didn't have it coming

Reminder that they brought back Fenix in LoTV
It was actually pretty okay too, with the way they handled him.

You fucking retard, of course you know how it would turn out if you specifically know which feature wouldn't be there without blizzards involvement.
There were other turn based dungeon crawl rpgs at the time, we know how they play and diablo would've played like them.
Diablo thanks to Blizzard invented a genre that is still popular to this day.

Also no multiplayer.

Yea Forums is retarded, but somehow the Yea Forums thread was spared the usual retardation
there was a great /an/ thread on Yea Forums a week or so ago too

I only come to Yea Forums for LOL threads and animal posting.
If I want to discuss anything serious, I just go to /pol/ so I don't have to worry about tranny jannys randomly deleting the thread.

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>mfw when looking at Yea Forums for the first time in 5 years

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I actually liked the SC2 Terran themes.

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>implying that isn't the protoss
They're initial approach to dealing with zerg was literally scorched earth tactics.
Or scorched planets, in this case.

tripfaggotry should be banned on /vg/, and there should be a dedicated inquisitor to ban off topic games, or move generals that only survive from 15 hours of empty bumping back to Yea Forums

Genocide doesn't count when it's against Terrans. They're lower lifeforms. Same with the zerg.

/pol/ is only good for discussing your cuckold porn fetish you dummy

go back to /conclave/

>Genocide Zerg
>Leave for a week
>Come back
>Zerg have returned and repopulated completely
Does it really count as genocide?

remember when /vg/ didn't exist?

so how many of you Yea Forumsfags have given up on vidya and just like reminiscing on what used to be?

/pol/ is the best board for discussing literally anything, because it's practically unmoderated, so you can actually have conversations without the tranny jannies randomly cutting off your conversation.

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i still play sc2 zerg competitive sometimes but i'm too busy with work to actually be good at it and stay good
even if i did have the time, not many games in the last 5-6 years interest me
just here for the nostalgia

Protoss' themes were pretty fantastic to me.

And SC2's new music is a big downgrade.

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I'm a crossposter and had a Yea Forums thread up in another tab before the thread was moved
though I don't play a lot of vidya, just mp ck2 lately

I'll be honest, I've never finished the campaign in Brood War. One of the last Zerg missions just kicked my ass.

/pol/ was never good, but now it's unusable

I haven't given up in vidya entirely.

Only abandoned the franchises I used to love.

>t. polack

SVC is short for Service Vehicle Car.

>One of the last Zerg missions just kicked my ass.
Are you talking about Omega mission? don't feel bad, it isn't easy. All you can do is build defenses and take out one group at a time.

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American, actually. You may now proceed to worship the ground I walk on, while I snack on a bucket of firearms.


it hurts bros

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have sex

I will

>tfw the only fun I get out of SC2 anymore is Co-Op

I hated SC2 the moment I saw it. The first campaign was OK despite the retarded love story retcon.

However seeing Kerrigan go SSJ/GoldenSonic/KLK ultimate form just killed it for me.

Good. It's actually pretty healthy for you.

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It was so cancerous it actually gets deleted by the vg mod

Everyone should watch GrethSC's vidreps.


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>"How do you do, fellow protoss?"

this so much

Fuck you, Talandar was based.

I didn't play LotV. Please tell me you are joking.

>Retcon robot was cool
Hahaha get a load of this retard.

>Starcraft would make a good mini-series
Can't wait for netflix version. Mensk will be a white aryan while kerrigan is black and Raynor is a trans


Yeah no. Fuck you.

>Retcon robot
What retcon?

it's true other than the last part, everything is set for a new conflict but blizzard won't know how to continue it without raynor or kerrigan

Pretty much the entire timeline of SC1 Aldaris' whole thing in SC1 was that he was convinced until the very last moment that the Protoss would win conventionally, it's not until the very last mission that he admits he was wrong. Yet we are to believe that sometime during all this he also reactivated the purifiers, uploaded Fenix' memories, and then basically just let them sit there.

The very concept of the purifiers also goes against the original concept of the Khala, shits all over the lore behind the dark templar, and even exposition from Wings of Liberty by Stettman.

I enjoyed the idea of different Protoss cultures, but then it was absolutely moronic at the same time.
The Story was a whole fucking Redemption Arc for Kerrigan, which was so fucking bad

It's better to meet people while playing online than having one friend that refuses to learn anything and just "rushes" void rays every single game and has 4 by 15m because he spent his resources on 20 cannons and all the upgrades without units. No matter how many times you tell him what to do or send him build orders or videos, he never improves

There's a tense "Peace" at the end with Valerian ruling the Dominion, Artanis in charge of the (mostly) united Protoss, and Zagara in charge of the Zerg.
Valerian is rebuilding and trying to be a proper good guy.
Artanis retook Aiur and is in the process of rebuilding it too.
Zagara made the swarm retreat to Char and is pretty much biding her time.
Also the Tal'darim became "good" guys and have a truce with Artanis, though they're still doing their own thing.

>The very concept of the purifiers also goes against the original concept of the Khala, shits all over the lore behind the dark templar, and even exposition from Wings of Liberty by Stettman.
Isn't the whole thing with the Purifiers that they weren't considered 'real Protoss' like the DTs and locked away just like them?

zerg 1 is my favourite

the Purifiers would've been a Robo Slave race to the Conclave, but the Robots went chimpo mode and were shut down.
Meanwhile the BLACKED Templar rejected the Khalai and left regular Toss space

>that's a negatory



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>Pretty much the entire timeline of SC1 Aldaris' whole thing in SC1 was that he was convinced until the very last moment that the Protoss would win conventionally, it's not until the very last mission that he admits he was wrong. Yet we are to believe that sometime during all this he also reactivated the purifiers, uploaded Fenix' memories, and then basically just let them sit there.
He didn't reactivate the Purifiers, he had one made using Fenix's scan after he died at Antioch, and then kept it around just in case. After that BW happened and Aldaris died before Fenix, so Robo-Fenix never saw the light of day until Artanis found him.

>dark elves
shes gnot a gnelf

y tho? this sounds like devianart tier fanfiction.

thats pretty much all Blizzard Lore nowadays

The whole concept of the Khala was that all Protoss where connected to a shared consciousness. The Dark Templar went into exile because they refused this.

The idea then, to upload Protoss minds into robotic shells that could never be connected to the Khala, is directly at odds with the entire core philosophy of the templar.

The entire story is that.

ah now you understand

Which is retarded because why the fuck would Aldaris do this? And no, he'd have to have unsealed the purifiers to use the technology to scan Fenix' mind in the first place, which would be utterly ridiculous.

Even if the story went completely retard mode, SC2 campaigns are a blast to do on brutal, especially when you try out different units and strats.

>one my friends STILL tries to rush colossi regardless of the enemy build

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True, the missions are fun to play. It's just a crying shame the story itself is so shoddy.

friendly reminder, Wraiths can cloak

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Bitch please, every map is the same concept and it kept getting worse with every expansion
>Timed objectives while enemies send out attack waves spawned form off-map
>P-please don't attack the enemy bases user-kun, you might notice this is actually barely an RTS campaign and it's really just wave-assaults.

Everything short of the Tal'darim (Ironically, the DeviantArt-tier edgy Protoss) became that way in the Epilogue.
LotV was okay for the most part story wise, but it had some really bad moments, and the Epilogue was pure garbage.
Weren't the Purifiers made under the idea that they wouldn't actually be sentient or have higher-thinking, and just follow tactics from the scans? Also weren't the ancient Protoss less fanatical and a bit more loose about things, before they rebounded into being Uber-Khala?

She will always turn her back on her friends
She was never there to defend
All life she attempted to end
She is one named Queen of

What is this about? Some dude forgot to upgrade cloak?

Deepminds AI already beat pro SC2 players with the limitations.

Also it's a dumb argument, the reason we use AI is because they can do these incredible feats like individually controlling every unit and almost no reaction time. The AI doesn't break any of the rules, it just uses the tools at max efficiency.

>sc2 didn't end with raynor being affected by all the war, violence and meaningless deaths resulting in him blowing his brains out
really ruined my immersion

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The deepmind AIs, both dota2 and SC2, only had about of a week of training. If they ran that shit for like 2 months they wouldn't have those exploitative behaviors.

>He doesn't realize that Raynor's scene at the end with 'Kerrigan' showing up was actually him dying from his rampant alcoholism.

i thought this too, actually, wasn't it supposed to a euphemism for him just walking out into the desert and dying?

That's the only explanation that enables that scene to make any goddamn sense.

If I remember right the actual Epilogue quote was that he "Was never seen again".

>move generals that only survive from 15 hours of empty bumping back to Yea Forums
Everyone is fully for that. The issue is that faggot posters and faggot mods make that very hard. Poster's who think that they need multiple 24/7 threads for something because they're idiots or mods with a chip on their shoulder. Like, SCP: Secret Lab had one single thread up maybe 12 hours a day and an asshat mod thought that meant it belongs on /vg/ when the threads naturally died.

if i remember correctly, raynor being an absolute alcoholic was supposed to be a big part of wings of liberty but it was cancelled because the moneymen in blizzard thought the audience wouldn't like it

it would have actually been great

There's still some callbacks to that at the very beginning and towards the end of the Zeratul missions, at least.

Wtf are you talking about? If you actually destroy enemy bases you would realize that most attacks are not in fact spawned off map. Leave it to Yea Forums to be casual enough to not clear the whole map of enemies whenever possible. Also timed objectives are a good thing in an RTS campaign because it stops the player from just turtling until he maxes out and a-clicking to victory.

>all the different audio effects distorting it
>especially the zerg and protoss ones which make it sound more like they do
So fucking good.

Oh yea the story is pants on head retarded. I mean it started straight up from WoL when Jim turned from "I'm going to kill Keriggan" into "Gotta save Sarah I guess" and Zeratul because protoss Jesus with prophecies.

Fuck off normie

>21 yo
>got into SC1 aged about 16
I've never actually gotten good. I've never even played a multiplayer game, just all the campaigns over and over again. But the game is fun like that.

let me guess, you played it on casual and just defended?

if you build right and micro well enough, you can air unit + siege tank enemy bases in that laser drill mission and remove enemy attack waves completely more missions work similarly

Yeah, and SC1 ended with Tassadar combining "Light and Dark energies" to make a magic tornado that destroyed the Overmind.
SC has never been remotely hard sci-fi. SC2's failings lie elsewhere.

>want to try different games together with friends
>they all play 10 hours of fortnut every day
i should move to another city

there's that one cutscene where he wakes in the cantina and his first officer berates him for being a drinker, while raynor just ignores him and pours another one

WoL should have been about raynor being a broken man struggling to choose between avenging fenix and deinfesting kerrigan, instead of instantly rejecting any notion of revenge because he wants to fuck her human form

They just had no clue where they were going and kept improvising. Remember force ghost Tassadar in WoL that's not actually dead? Yea bliz didn't remember it. The worst part is the few things they did remember were completely botched. Best example of this is Duran being a baller in SC1 and become a comic book villain with his name spelled backwards in SC2.

>shilling your discount stonetoss art

>false equivalence

Stonetoss is based, though.

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The missions that focused on terrans were fine. But you could see the warning signs with shit like Zeratul ancient prophecies and ghost Tassadar.

>stonetoss actually being funny
Never though I'd see the day

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>two seperate games are like one sandpit
You fucked up your own metaphor

It's actually the opposite. Diablo with its act structure would make a good miniseries while Starcraft could be either a regular series or a movie.

When did you realize that he was right?

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Kerrigan was mulatto.

>Green eyes redhead

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It's like one of 3 things they didn't completely butcher in the story.

Rip nubian goddess, they turned you into a tranny


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Wait how did this thread move from TV to v

>that short story from a marine's perspective as he gets infested

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Not for nothing, don't use the retcon games to try and support a point.

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Ah, you're a man of the most-upvoted-bloopers-on-reddit-culture as well.

Remastered changed it as well.

Unironically correct

Unironically cringed

At least Alarak existed.

I think Alphastar demonstrated that the AI ace in the hole is still, as usual, unmatchable speed & precision (ignoring the omni-awareness it had).
Pro players are generally pretty spammy with their inputs so as to keep themselves in the groove, whereas for an AI you can be sure that its effective APM and de facto APM are identical. The games where it wrecked ass with blink stalker micro on multiple fronts really threw this into sharp relief.
The fact that it pulls all these complex behaviour together without, I assume, explicitly being programmed to do so is impressive though.


Fair point. Alarak was the one saving grace of the entire campaign.

Growing up, he looked like a pirate.

Wtf are you on, Alarak was literally cold steel tier cringe.

killing kerrigan might have led to the end of the world but he did nothing wrong, if he refused to kill her his suit would just kill him

ur a fagot

He was a nice counter-balance to Artanis' incessant idealism.

And I can't lie, he did sometimes make me laugh.

The entire time?

Edgelords can be entertaining.

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yes but that was the whole point of his character, he was a good foil to the naive optimism of main characters

>You think us fools
>Yes but that is irrlevant

Alarak was rad as fuck, what are you on?

but protoss were magick always

his voice pack for multiplayer is fucking hilarious
>your engineers are too inept to land there
>your thor is ready to fail you once more (when a thor is rebuilt)
>there's no more vespene there, your refinery is now useless (while a smirk can be heard in his voice)
>your ALLIES have entered combat WITHOUT YOU (audible frustration)

I swear I hate how they made Protoss in SCII. In the vanilla series they all had various skin and eye colors. Comes SCII and all Protoss factions seem homogenized in different ways. None except those Tal'Darim sport crimson red eyes. Zeratul used to sport a more muted orange color for his eyes while Aldaris had glowy golden eyes. Not to mention High Templars with their extreme glowing red eyes. And don't get me started with the voice acting.

SCII fucked it up big time. Talk about lack of diversity in terms of pigmentation and eye color. Vanilla Protoss were top-tier.

As is his Hots announcer park, shame you can't outright buy it so I just listened to it on Youtube.

Those aren't even the best lines
>Your pitiful terrans are in need of more supplies
>I would warp in more pylons, if I were you
>Your SCVs die so easily (slightly amused)
>Your Zerg have mutated some *minor* improvements

>LotV campaign
>Artanis is a cool dude who fights monsters and doesn't afraid of anything
>Karax is cool techy bro who's a great wingman
>Fenix/Talandar goes through a major character arc and deals with it in a healthy and professional way, while still being a cool RoBro despite how awkward he makes everyone else feel
>Alarak is a gigantic chad who tells everyone about their shit and isn't afraid to smack a bitch
>DT bitch is Artanis' cocksleeve and can't even protect the ship or her people properly, weak willed leader whose only point is to give you some purple units
>Rohanna or w/e her name was is a massive bitch who refuses to cut her EXTREMELY DANGEROUS ties to the Khala and Amon, despite constantly being possessed and posing a threat to everyone around her
>Selendis spends 95% of the campaign as Amon's cocksleeve before Artanis saves her.
What did they mean by this?

It's just a battle shout isn't it? Like they do combat exercises and shit in the academy.

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>>Rohanna or w/e her name was is a massive bitch who refuses to cut her EXTREMELY DANGEROUS ties to the Khala and Amon, despite constantly being possessed and posing a threat to everyone around her

To be fair she was right, her holding onto it is how they were aware of Amon's trap on Aiur. As for Selendis, she was meant to have a big part of the story but it got cut.

Yet it made me so uneasy as a kind I literally clicked the accademy once I had enough to queue both upgrades and then never click it again

The trap on Aiur would have made a lot more sense if Artanis didn't show up with three massive fleets as well as two huge planet-nuking superweapons. Seriously, how did Amon even pose a threat on Aiur? How did the Golden Armada manage to even touch the Spear of Adun through the Purifiers and the Tal'darim? Just felt weird.

>not linking it

my favorites are
>your spineless workers have stopped construction
>metamorphosis complete, huh, hideous practice
>mule deployed. a fitting name for a terran tool
>you require more overlords, disgusting creatures
>nuclear payload ready, do try not to kill yourself
so good

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I honestly liked her more when she constantly opposed Artanis. She seemed plenty more sensible than Artanis' "I'm right because what I think is the right thing to do"-attitude.

But then she went and got convinced about his POV because... reasons?

The Aiur faction was larger then all the other factions combined prior to Lotv is how. Amon stole nearly all of them and so even with Artanis combining the remainder, having the Spear of Adun, and with all their shit upgraded with lost tech like Karax taking the Reconstruction beam and making Carrier repair drones out of them, they were still smaller in number then Amon's forces. They wouldn't have even had a chance if Kerrigan didn't spend the years between Hots and Lotv burning all of Duran's Hybrid production facilities.

>Golden Armada is larger than the Purifier Fleet, the combined Tal'darim Death Fleet, and the combined Remnant Templar and Dark Templar fleet
How the fuck does anyone get in the way of the Protoss, the only other faction that could touch numbers like that is MAYBE the UED.

Prior to the Zerg, no one did. In one of the lab experiment stages in WoL, Stettman wonders why the Protoss haven't taken over the entire universe and says his best guess is that they simply don't want to.

Totally agree, she finally got to the end of her journey with the cord intact, just to sever it moments before Amon's demise.
The whole nerve-cutting thing was a terrible idea from the beginning, the most distinguishing feature for Toss, gone because space Chtulu is made of mind control magic, simply terrible writing

Fucking hell, my sides.

>Aww, did you think you could warp there?
>Your zerg have evolved... for whatever good that will do them.
>Your SCVs die so easily!

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>his best guess is that they simply don't want to.
Based Protoss.

him sounding genuinely distressed at the idea of not being invited to a confrontation is hilarious

Where did this stupid masculinity go in todays games? I just love this shit.

>heart of the swarm didn't end with raynor and kerrigan violently torturing mengsk for hours
quite unrealistic

Artanis even admits it's been beneficial for them to have her maintain the link since it allowed her to see Amon and what he's been thinking/planning whenever he took control of her.

But then instead of being free from Amon, severing the nerves becomes an act for stepping into a new, better age. What the fuck? HOW?

>simply terrible writing
That's an understatement.

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>his best guess is that they simply don't want to
I remember reading something about that in the old SC1 manual. The Protoss did indeed not want to dominate anything, instead they became protective of other "lesser" species.
It's why they started hunting down the Zerg and torched the planets they had established a foothold on, in order to protect everyone else from being consumed by them.

classic being shackled by old values and caste thinking bogaloo

HOTS is probably the best moba out there

>implying you wouldn't tap pic related
Fenix was a bro, but come on man!

forgot my pic

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I'd rather tap the original.

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still waiting for a skin like this in HotS

god right around the 5 minute mark i can literally hear the sound of zerg eggs popping out drones

I miss Titty Sambo.

You're not wrong but that still says a lot.

reminder we will probably get in the next 2 weeks massive KSL qualifier tourney streams on the weekends, at least it was that way the last time with Tastosis casting nearly fucking 48 hours one weekend.
also KSL starts 18th April

i'd put revenge for fenix on hold if i met her

What do her tits feel like?

salty minerals and warm vespene

imagine not cheesing your way to diamond every game by playing 19 supply roach all in and sending 7 roaches, 1 ravager and flooding zerglings into the enemy base at 4 minutes while there's absolutely nothing they can do

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good thread anons i like you all

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