imagine still owning an xbox lmao
Imagine still owning an xbox lmao
It is not bad if you live in america and can get one for less than $200.
Game pass gives so many games that you won't need to buy games for a long time.
And they sell that pass at throwaway prices, every few months they sell it for $2.
imagine owning a ps4 either, just for 2 onions movie games full of input lag.
Sorry, I only buy games from quality stores like epic
>2 onions movie games
God of war is obviously the first but what’s the second one?
Uncharted 4
Everything except Bloodborne is pretty much "I am" in spanish.
The Misadventures of Conner and Hank - The Animated Series
The only above average games on the PS4 are Gravity Rush 2 and Bloodborne.
I too love dataminers.
no GoG no buy
Xbone unironically has no exclusives now. Its really fucking sad.
I don't know why you faggots are getting so excited for games you've already played before. You're being taken for a fucking ride.
They're being excited for a change to relive the multiplayer they loved at children, not understanding that it will be a shell of its former self and dead a week after launch, pushing them back into the bleak adulthood they're trying to escape.
And because El Dorito is kinda crap.
>playing a game multiple times is bad
>having the good Halos (minus 4) in one convenient collection is bad
>Halo 3, ODST, and Reach finally with m+kb is bad
>revitalized multiplayer is bad
>up to 4k with UWD and unlocked framerate is bad
>mods are bad
>a massive community now reborn with pc owners that never played Halo can enjoy
Nah, you're dumb
Buying the same game multiple times is bad and you should be ashamed of yourself for perpetuating double dipping.
why are you assuming that everyone already owned and played all the Halo games?
People who are getting excited did. Those are the people I'm criticizing.
Stop being poor lmao
>double dipping good games is bad
No it's not, especially when the port is the superior version and has the active multiplayer.
i havent played since 3 on my old 360 that i sold. FUCK YOU
Pathetic rationalizations.
>made fun of all the fucking time
>unironically the xbox brand was the most strongest under him
what...did...they...mean by this??
you know how people wish they can forget they played videogames so they can enjoy it again?
well it turns out you don't have to wish to forget stuff
Wow, you got me, I totally want to play Halo again and not have to jump through hoops to play the PC versions.
Good thing we don't play any of the games we have already played, right bother? That's what I always say, if you played it once, you don't have to play it again, you're RETARDED if you do, heh.
It's not about playing them multiple times. It's about buying them multiple times. You fucking sucker.
I still unironically play Gears of War
the dude wasn't joking when he said "developers"
It's because I've played them before I can know I like them
Shut the fuck up cuck.
So why don't you play it without buying it again?
Yeah buddy. You keep buying the same games multiple times and I'm the cuck.
isn't gears of war still exclusive?
Phil Spencer is saving PC gaming! BASED!
I know it's not Windows store exclusive but are they still making it Windows 10 exclusive?
Microsoft > Sony
Steam is also data mining you,I hope you know this.
Now give me Rare Replay too and we are all set.
I don't use steam, nigger.
I see your point but it's comfier having them on my PC, also money isn't really a problem in my case
Wow one (1) whole game! Microsoft won baby!
If only the plants had some resemblence of shadows
absolutely SEETHING
zoomer detected
Why are Sonyfags seething over this again?
Microsoft doesn't have anything for people to play that they haven't played 100 times in the last 3 decades. Microsoft's worst problem is they never evolved past the game types that made them popular. You have to have variety and push known games past what everyone knows and do something different.
Sony and nintendo get this.
>Sony gets this
>Mostly movie games with the exception of 2 games
Nobody how many times you post this won't make it true.
What the fuck are you talking about, Microsoft evolves their games as well while keeping the gameplay fans are fond of, Sony only turned their games into third person trash and Nintendo just does the same thing as Microsoft, just look how many games Nintendo rehashes.