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I wonder what happened to the voice actor, his twitter is gone and he hasn’t posted on youtube for 3 years

is Pit People any good?

This game makes me nauseous and idk why

Stamper posts on Twitter every hour what the fuck are you talking about

he has multiple twitters because he keeps getting banned if you got to his website its twitter link goes to one thats banned same for a lot of other twitter links

he’s a psychopath
been a fan of this guy forever but after his schizoposting I really started to worry about him

oh then he’s pretty hard to keep track of, what did he even do

I don't know the guys a mad lad he probably said something to get banned

keeps saying shit twitter don't like
Stampy being Stampy as always

His current twitter:

Stamper constantly gets banned. He's also pretty much Charls Carroll level schizo so there's that too.

shit like this

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He's been tweeting every 4 minutes. He let some psycho homeless chick into his house and it turned into some shit storm, he uploaded a video of him and her screaming at each other. Said last night that one of her friends came over and took some of his things with a shotgun pointed at his face, and keeps claiming he's going to leave but it obviously just losing his fucking mind and is on drugs. It's a damn shame, If the sleepycabin didn't end and if he didn't get fired from the behemoth then stamper would be ok. Now he's probably going to be dead within a year.

He got fired from The Behemoth? What the fuck? Why?

no one has an answer but it was a while ago. Probably due to being on drugs or becoming a psycho

Fucking cringe, jesus christ

That's super weird. I hope he's ok. Oney and them don't really seem to talk to him that much anymore and Oney is working with Tom Fulp on Nightmare Cops so shit.

finally someone is brave enough to speak the truth
chipotle is shit and always will be

Cafe Rio shits all over Shitpotle

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I miss stamper so much

>nigga you crazy I can't afford an Xbox

>The turtles

Too based and redpilled for twitter

I just invented peanut butter and jelly

Stamper didn't have a High School diploma. Behemoth didn't eant to fire him but because of california law (their studio is in San Diego) they had to.

I wish I had a friend to play this game with...
I love it despite I completed all levels with A++ (even on crazy mode) alone

That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Someone should just bomb city hall at that point.

listen to Sleepycast