Dragons dogma

Whats the best class and why is it Magick Archer?

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>Locking all volley arrows into one target.
>Charging to hack up monster as arrows are falling from the sky.
Top 10 anime feels

>play 100 hours on ps3
>get it on steam
>can't get back into it

Maybe I'll get the ps5 or ps6 port, since a sequel is never ever. Anyway, the best class is mystic knight, but I do believe that people have different opinions on this because the way you level up directly affects how each class "feels" to play.

Sword and board Assassin is objectively factually literally the best vocation and playstyle in DD.
Daggers are for fags.

Yeah but shortbows are also for fags, and I want a decent ranged option.

I always found Magic Knight to be my favorite class but I happen to just love Paladins and Maces. Making so many many cannon and hitting them enough to make the FPS drop down to single digits was always amusing though.

>weapon buffs:the class
baka desu senpai

>shoot ricochet arrows into the BBI sewers
>hear the screams of my enemies in the distance
Best feel.

Stop perpetuating the MK meme. Too many anons fell for it and suffered.

Every single spell they have looks so fucking cool.
It’s a shame because they tend to actually suck

I really hope DD2 tightens up the numbers a bit. In DD, I always feel like I'm either over-leveled, or under-leveled, and it's my only real complaint with the game.. There's never any middle ground where I feel like I'm having a decent challenge, but not having to hammer at the enemy for 10 years.

I heard that warrior sucks? Is that true? I wanted to roleplay muh big swordsman like guts and shit

It just falls behind in the endgame, it's fine for the main story playthrouh.

MK is objectively the best class in the game.
Also, Stone Jungle is criminally underrated.

Sorcerer playthrough was the most fun I had with the game I'm restarting now to do a magic archer run

but if you want to feel TRUE POWER I recommend you go sorcerer

In DD, the best class was Assassin with Gouge and those two augments that boosted your damage when you were without pawns, and also at night

Got nerfed in DA, but DA added weapons that literally let you win no matter what class you are using, so who cares

Magick Archer is superior because its functionally the best class for Bitterblack Isle, except for Death and Daimon cheesing (Ranger + Tenfold + Blast Arrows) in that case
>Has solar flare to "triple jump" into hard to reach places which are rife through Bitterblack
>Has Riccochet arrow, for annihilating Garms and other niggers in the close, cramped hallways there
>Has that multi arrow ice attack, for destroying the many monsters weak to ice (minotaurs, gorecyclopse etc)
>Can do magic and physical attacks for dealing with animated armour and shit like that
>Has seeker bolts for holy damage against cursed dragons
>Has double jump and dodge capabilities
>Has Great Sacrifice for easy farming of monsters in the arena area where there's literally a riftstone inside for rapid ammo replenishment when needed
etc etc, the only other utility that comes close is the Mystic Knight but never liked those, pretty much their entire playthrough revolves around deploying great magic cannon and then casting shit on it so it becomes a minigun

You don't get it until BBI and then it's only good for staggering Daimon out of the vortex cast. Unupgraded it's meh.

You'll just end up spamming two skills whereas every other class has a million of great stuff to do.

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Trick Arrows are so fucking OP, I wish MA could use them. I prefer the regular bow to the piddly magic bow in general, DESU, but the special abilities of the MA, are so much fun, it does make up for it.

dragon fugma :-DDD

The only reason I searched for the Stone Jungle ring is that it's good unupgraded.
It knocks flying faggots out of the air, it's a great attack to hit stunned targets, it looks amazing, it adds another element to your repertoire. It's fucking incredible.

Fuck u mk is fun as fuck, only issue is bb is made for magic archer

MK nukes BBI though.

I mean I liked the game quite a lot for my one playthrough, but I can't see myself playing it again any time soon.

warrior is literally jump attack the game, its main "fuck you" move, arc of obliteration, either requires perfect fucking time, the monster to be stricken by torpor so it is slowed, or a non important monster that you could kill without it anyway, otherwise you don't have enough time to get it off, ever

the most interesting thing about the warrior is the fact it can mine deposits by smacking them, but even that is shitty because the ores just fly out all over the place making them hard to collect

*blocks your path*

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Not as well as ma

It's not that bad if you level up as assassin so that you actually do decent damage.

first time you enter that city place and its just empty, seems like a nice place

second time you enter that place what the fuck was its problem, fucking upgraded wyrm, drake and wyvern, a fucking legion of minotaurs, and several of those fucking animated armour things all ready to rush you at a moments notice

jesus christ capcom why

>fight this asshole for the first time as a warrior
>wreck his armored form with super charge smash
>mfw magic form

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too bad MA has the worst stat growth

>min/maxing or caring about the meta in a single player game

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>daggers are for fags
While i dont disagree, you should use these only to setting yourself on fire anyway

I just wish sword assassin got double jump

minmaxing was only important in DD, when levels only went up to level 31 or whatever but you could reach level 200

less of a problem in DA, where weapons go up to level 51 but provide so much damage they make the minmaxing thing entirely pointless, but its a nice thing to do to your pawn if you want to be nice to other people who hire them

i.e ensuring they're not a fucking nexus guardian with no defence or HP because you've kept them on mage from level 1 to 200 etc

2012 was 7 years ago.

why the fuck can't I get into this game
I want to love it, it's got all the things I love
but whenever I start playing something instantly repels me

I think it has something to do with the pawn system, I hate the idea of relying on some internet feature to make the game whole
and when I made my personal pawn, I later found out that their skillset is severely gimped

I always made my pawn a melee or ranged class, you could always find a loli healslut easily

Pawns are for giving utility skills you don’t want to waste slots on

Honestly I think people should fucking try to play the game as whatever they want, DD:DA is one of the few games where you do have the freedom to fuck your character up completely and still not get too punished for it. Like nigga if you want to be a magic archer fucking be a magic archer, there ain't that much a difference if you start as something else.

Soo... sequel?


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I just wanted my pawn to be an asskicking little girl paladin to go on adventures with

Dragon's Dogma Switch
Dragon's Dogma VR
Dragon's Dogma Dark Remastered Arisen
Dragon's Dogma PS5 Pro
Dragon's Dogma Game Pass Demo Ver.
Dragon's Dogma Super Enhanced Wolf Packs Ed.

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the best pawns i've ever used were always fighters, they definitely have the best AI and also has great situational awareness

fondest memory is in bitterblack, was climbing to the top of one of those helix rooms, right at the top I got clipped by a strigoi and it sent me falling to my death, three pawns busy fighting the gorecyclopse, yet the fucking fighter pawn jumped up and caught me out of midair and put me down, stopping me from dying

shit you not, he noticed i was falling and would have died, and leaped into the air like a chad and picked me up midair, which mitigated the fall entirely somehow

i always try bringing a fighter pawn along with me now, although if you want pawns that reliably do anything, strider scather challengers are the best choice i guess

I played on PC, so it wasn't that long ago for me.

>I played on PC


Warrior suffers because it only ever gets access to 3 skills. Everyone else gets 6, in the case of shit like fighter and archer classes half are for your melee weapons and the other half for ranged.

>capcom literally trying to out-skyrim skyrim
why? the doesn't even have that much content past BBI?

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I'm going to start a game on hard after rushing BBL for the vocation rings. I can't decide on my build. I've beaten the game many times so I want to min-max for fun. Only one wyrmking ring and I want my pawn to be sorc. Should I run assassin? Is that a good class? I'd rather be a hybrid vocation since only the main character can be one.

I'm about level 67 going through bitterblack isle, just made it past a bishop lich and a dragon it would reanimate, how much further is there? Should I keep going, some enemies go down easily and the rest feel like damage sponges. And what vocation should I be using, have a fully leveled assassin, Ranger and Warrior, currently using magick archer, haven't used any mage classes before.

I think they're trying to gauge hype and expectations for a sequel by giving the game to every platform.

> Mystic Knight Niggas

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>not having double vault
>not having cutting wind
>dealing shit mounted damage
>not murdering cyclops and harpies with are you gay?

I got this ring that makes unarmed attacks do double damage, how busted can I make this thing? Can I stack the effect if I get another?

yeah lasers are pretty cool. mk and sin are probably the best classes though they all get a bit boring over time

Assassin can be fun, especially if you use torpor weapons so you can actually climb things later in the game (they shake you off and do major stamina damage otherwise) you just can't beat climbing up to a fucking giant gorecyclopses eye and dire gouging it to fucking obliteration

It's not the best class though, Strider probably is if you want to do climbing and dagger wreckage otherwise Ranger / Magick Archer

A generic minmax build for your average "yellow" class is
>Fighter level 1 to 10
>Warrior to level 50
>Assassin to level 100
>Abuse the Noble Quarter Trick to get all vocations to 9 for augments
>Ranger to level 200
but takes a lot of stomaching grinding I.E the death trick, elder ogre trick, then post daimon the cursed dragon in the garden + daimon himself with blast arrows etc

If you do plan on being a non heavy bow user, make sure you get the augments to crawl faster, play a heavy character so you don't get instantly thrown off and also grab those crystal gloves for super speedy climbing speed etc

>Not being a Chad paladin arisen with a loli sorcerer

Do you have dragonforged 2tier bbi weapon? If not, get one. 3 tier is for second run.
MA is easymodo, same for ranger if you have enough blast arrows.

>switch gets a port too
>b-buy it guys so we can get DD2!!!
7 years...7 years with this bullshit

Make sure to watch the anime as well, it's the only way Capcom will be able to know we want a sequel

So far I've found Ranger blasts through most shit, but that's because I'm only at about lvl 4 or 5 for my magick archer. No dragonforged lvl 2 weapons, been switching my classes around often so just three star weapons for the most part.

>"Devil May Cry 5 dev says it could have been Dragons Dogma 2 but fuck you lol"

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking your pawn grigori fuck off ok

Post them.
I thought he said how DMCfags were waiting longer so that's why they got it first. 5 seems to be doing well so maybe that will give him enough good boy points to get DD2 as well.

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Based, loli pawns and shota arisen are the best

I have ascended taste so I do chad paladin arisen x amazon pawn

is there a way to use a bow without shooting three arrow spreads?
I think it's way too goofy and kinda pulls me out of it, but it seems every single attack involves that

Yes, play a ranger and shoot six arrow spreads


Seriously though ranger has some single shot moves that are pretty fucking good, especially great gamble

Brings fond memories of my 1st playthrough, played a loli Sorc that got ragdolled by cyclopses but kept getting saved by my 8 foot tall viking Fighter pawn catching me.

Can I create a melee focused pawn that can also heal, or are pawns always locked to one disposition?

Only mage can heal

can I give a mage pawn heavy armor at least so I can pretend?

I made a twin set

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Itsuno is already 48 years old. Do you think he still has the energy to direct DD2?

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>literal shit
>masterworks all
You may not like it but this is the true ranking of dd waifus

There are some cosmetic sets that look like armor you can use, but most mage equipment is robes and slut wear

fuck of nigger

>finally cave and buy Dragon's Dogma
>so many options that I'm overwhelmed
>ask Yea Forums what class I should aim for to have the most fun
>"assassin and mystic knight are the most fun but assassin is broken and makes the game too easy so do mystic knight"
>30 hours in now and I'm bored to tears of having to set up spells for 30 seconds before and during every big fight just to mash a disco ball cannon
did u guys trick me again

So sell me on this game like the fate of DD2 rested in your hands. I may get it on the switch.

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Just parry bro

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>masterworks all not being top
Kys nigger.

I also chose MK at first but I thought it was so boring I had to quit halfway through.
Anyway I picked up assassin and played him like a jack of all trades and it was very fun.
Ahem, fuck mystic knight niggers.

>playing mystic knigget
enjoy casting buffs, bro

>he enjoys being raped by a manlet

it's k

switch to a vocation you enjoy playing, you're not married with your class decisions in this game
mage and sorc also have huge windup times in their spells so you might want to avoid those, but alteast the payoffs are worth it

Bitterblack Island is calling me bois

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> you will never feel the dread and frustration of crawling through Bitterblack Island
Getting good at that game made the game boring

I've always kept trying to get into this game. I want to do an archer build but feel like I'll miss on the grabbing onto monsters and stabbing the shit out of them the game has.

Play Assassin then. You get archery AND melee

More like Ass Ass In, ha

Or a really bad assassin: the ASS ASSASSIN
Or the really bad but sassy one: the SASSY ASS ASSASSIN

Strider, assassin, and magik archer are all great at climbing monsters, and have unique attacks that let them shred anything you are climbing better than a red class can. Rangers can just great gamble weak points for insane damage

anyone got a link to a class guide?

Did you know that if you replace the last letter in "Assassin's Creed" with "n", you'll get "ASS ASS IN SCREEN"?

Alright, loli magik archer with amazon warrior pawn I guess is what I'm going for then.

Warrior pawn is great in the main game but struggles in bb because everything there does retarded amounts of damage