Yeah the pacing is bad, the disney worlds are underwhelming...

>yeah the pacing is bad, the disney worlds are underwhelming, the combat is bad and it ends on another fucking cliffhanger, but it's a pretty good game!
Why can't KHfags just admit it's shit?

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there's a difference between average and shit.

This game is so "balck and white" mentality that a game is either God's gift to man (MGS3) or some of the worst trash ever produced (MGS5/FFXV/Duke Nukem Forever)

Funny that you'd say that and then pair underwhelming games with a game that's genuinely bad and unpolished (Duke Nukem Forever)


New KH should just try to do a completely new story, with only vague connections to the previous games. Like they did with Nier.

But I'm one of the biggest KH fanboys there is and that love of the series is what made 3 feel like shit to me.

It just isn't fun to play. I bought the final mix's of the games to play through before playing KH3 to refresh myself on the story.
KH1, BBS, and the remastered CoM are good, but KH2 is absolute crap. I can't even force myself to play it at times.

>MGSV is trash
Okay story wise I agree but that gameplay is some of the best action/tactical shooter gameplay I’ve ever played. Nothing will ever top it either most likely.

>BBS is good
>ReCoM is good
>but 2 isn't
Ares't thou stoned?

go to bed bazza

>hype up the 13 darknesses vs 7 lights battles for years
>they're shitty group battles with gutted movesets that all take place in the most bland environment in a square box
As soon as they panned in on Riku and Mickey fighting the groups I just went "oh" and my hype died immediately.

I’m a fan. After 3 only KH1 and KH2 are the only real games. KH3 is like Halo 4 to Studio 343. Hot hot garbage. I hate kh fanbois.

>pacing bad
Its paced just like all kingdom hearts games before
>underwhelming disney worlds
The worlds in 1 or 2 were better? Bullshit
>combat bad
Its not bad just exploitable
Kh1 and 2 are also easy as fuck and have tons of exploits even when you play them on critical i remember people back then calling kh2 press x to win we didnt even got critical till the ps3 version came out and people still loved the game
>ends on another cliffhanger
Like every other kingdom hearts game?

3 > 2 > 1

>i-it’s just as bad as PS2, PSP, and DS games
>the franchise was always bad
At least you can admit it.

Never said the games are bad i personaly love them iam just saying faggots complain about shit that are common for this series

Because its at least not FFXV which is universally considered terrible

They can't admit that until they admit that the only good KH game was the first one.

Kh1 fags should be purged

Normies like FFXV so that's something. I know normies don't have particularly good taste in vidya but it's no worse than blind KH fanboyism

I wonder if there are any ingredients around here...

>expecting what Yea Forums thinks to matter
>just because it's a good game doesn't mean it's a good game
lol stupid Yea Forumsirgins, it underperformed and failed to live up to 13 years worth of waiting but all that did was put it at a 6 or 7 instead of the 1 everyone here gives a game. you retards exist on a coin scale, its either good or bad and no in between, the most retarded of thinking ever. your brains are so smooth you cant accept a game can have faults and good qualities at the same time. its COMPLETELY embarassing.

The only "bad" worlds are Frozen and Tangled. PotC, Big Hero 6, Monsters Inc, and Toy Story more than make up for them. The combat isn't bad either, unless you didn't like the combat in any of the KH games.

>pacing is bad
the plot is relevant in each world, everyone who says otherwise is wrong
>disney worlds are underwhelming
blame disney for meddling with frozen
>combat is bad
the osaka team has improved but it still needs work
>ends on another cliffhanger
its the end of the xehanort saga, not kingdom hearts

so in short you are a retard, next retard to btfo please

>ur dumb im right

damn right

>Its paced just like all kingdom hearts games before
It is no such thing, even Coded has better story pacing.
>The worlds in 1 or 2 were better? Bullshit
The worlds in 1 were, the worlds in 3 are just 2's empty hallways but bigger.
>Like every other kingdom hearts game?
2 didn't, technically BBS and Days didn't as they were prequels.

The KH3 copers are here

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It's because the game is prime shitpost bait OP.
>Game was rushed. Had to switch engines during development, and it was fucking announced at an E3 before development even began
>Disney screwed with the game. Not nearly as badly as they fucked over Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, but it's still noticeable both in Story elements and Gameplay, with part of the Ultimania Interviews saying that the game was dumbed down.
>Ban-evading faggot that constantly starts shitposts about KH, DMC, RE, etc.
There are contrarian retards that think it's actual 1/10 tier, and there are cocksucking retards that think it is 10/10.

the game itself is a 7/10 at best, and anyone expecting the game to be perfect and amazing on base release is a retard. Just about every fucking Kingdom Hearts game has the release cycle of having a base game, then a Final Mix patch about a year after that has balancing adjustments and additional content and turns the game from 6/10 into 9/10. It was true for KH1, true for KH2, and it will likely be true again for KH3. That's why I didn't even buy the fucking thing, and it's even been confirmed that it is getting patched later in the year.

No Final Mix could ever fix the fucked up pacing and rushed plot point resolutions.

Why is it so awkward when people talk in this game?

You think that's fanboyism, imagine liking a game that is agreed by most people to be shit and was never finished with its DLC being cancelled and its director fired from his job LOL

blame western voice acting practices and anti-spoilerfags
the original jap isn't as bad, but it's clearly worse in english since people were hauled off into a room and had to record all of their lines in an arbitrary order, instead of doing it scene by scene.
you can tell that the guy that was playing donald was getting fucking exhausted having to do the voice all day during a recording session.

i don't remember who, but one of the voice actors confirmed that this was what they did for KH3. it might've been axel's VA that said this. iirc the fucking voice actor for young xehanort was even told to read all of his lines alphabetically.

Game felt like Dream Drop Distance 2.0 with how few worlds there are, and how basically nothing of importance happens until the last world.

They said DLC would have you playing as different characters to explain what happened in the game, they could fix the pacing by adding this segments in the middle of the story for the inevitable re-release with all the extra content.

>Its paced just like all kingdom hearts games before
I don't even hate KH3 but this is 100% false.

So it's literally XV 2.0.

Yeah I started to notice that. Unfortunate

I'm not a fan of the mana system they implemented. I can use 3 spells that cost a fraction of Mana, but a single heal costs the whole bar + cool down.
The magic system in BBS was way more convient and made using magic feel good.
Now it's just triangle triangle triangle triangle, cool down time, X X X X X X X.

KH3 does not have Empty Hallway KH2 worlds.

It has one super empty main world, BH6, which is only empty because the format of that world is very scripted. I think it was probably intended to have more optional "training" missions and they ran out of time.

Every other world is infinitely better than every KH2 world. Even fucking Frozen.

Twilight Town being super shrunk down sucks, but the original Twilight Town was on par with BH6, so the main crime is that they didn't bother making it more interesting like Traverse Town.

KH2 has a pointless story, terrible linear maps, garbage low-level play, and great endgame play.

KH3 has a slightly less pointless story, worlds almost as good as KH1, fun low-level play, but no such thing as high-level play.

>but a single heal costs the whole bar + cool down.
That's to stop you from spamming it like a casual.
>The magic system in BBS was way more convient and made using magic feel good.
It was literally press triangle to awesome and has the exact same cooldown complaint you're chastising 2 for but for everything and not just Cure.
>Now it's just triangle triangle triangle triangle, cool down time, X X X X X X X.
What exactly do you mean by now? BBS was the game that started that.

Because they don't wanna admit that it's a disappointment since that means that they wasted 60 dollars on this.

It's okay, really. I played KH3 and even I admit that I got buyer's remorse afterwards. It was a true letdown for me.

BBS was literally all triangle due to how much melee attacks sucked in the game.

It’s not a bad game per se as far as gameplay
But it’s easily weak as fuck compared to 1 and 2 as an overall experience, even without nostalgia goggles on

A reminder that KH3's ending is legitimately one of the worst vidya endings I've ever seen.


shutcho bitch ass up

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>oh fuck we waited until the 11th hour to put the game together
>that’s ok we’ll just add dlc chapters that should have been an original part of the initial content and charge the gaijins more to have the complete game

If this is how squeenix is going to be then they deserve bankruptcy because this is a disturbing trend to have with your flagship titles of your major ips

You must not have played any other KH games.

What good came from KH3? It could’ve introduced a lot of people to the series, but instead it turned them and fans away from it. The next game won’t sell half as much.

Well it's the best KH game since KH1.

It's not going to get any better than this. Square Enix is not a good/competent developer.

Remember when fans went after normie ecelebs who reviewed KHIII without playing any of the previous games and whined that said ecelebs wouldn't understand the plot and that they need to spend a thousand hours of catch up in order to give it a "proper" review?

That never happened

This looks like a good thread to find some ingredients

I was a huge fan back when KH2 came out, being one of the few that had played CoM and understood what was going on. Then I couldn't keep up as I didn't own all the consoles. I just watched the 36-minute video on youtube in order to get ready for KH3 with a view of buying The Story So Far when it comes out. Yes, the game feels rushed and probably is, as the last worlds are just big sandboxes and the ending feels unearned. Like "yay, you finished the disney worlds, here's the ending". Despite that, as a fan, I have to say that I had too much fun on the gauntlet at the end and I find the battles fun. I don't like the mini-games though. Overall, it is a disappointment, but I had fun with it and it made me want to buy the remakes on the PS4.

Why is Riku so flat while XehaRepliku so full of energy

You don't know shit about vidya. KH3 is one of the best games to come out since Persona 5, and all of those are wrong.

They only need to spend a few hundreds of hours.

Character development removes personality.

Oh boy here we go again


Well, if it's common for kh, then maybe it's a bad series.

is it bad that I now want to kill remmie.

This is where you are damn wrong about the Disney Worlds. They are absolute shit in KH3 compared to KH2.

Sure, KH2 has hallways. But they're so much more full of character than any world in KH3 that are fucking EMPTYYYY. The worlds don't contain any familiar faces. Compare Toy Story and Monsters Inc. to let's say, Beast's Castle and Mulan. You actually get to see all the characters as you go through the world. Everyone from the dummies at the training camp to the stupid fucking Wardrobe. This applies to all the other worlds, too, like all the randos at Nightmare Before Christmas, and everyone in The Lion King, etc.

Randall literally only fucking exists in cutscenes. No other Monsters Inc. characters show up besides the hazmat dudes for like one cutscene. And they didn't include all the Toy Story characters for some stupid plot reason. This goes for pretty much every world except you see everyone important from Big Hero 6. Frozen is just a fucking wasteland of ice, and Tangled is just forest until you get to the city which is literally whatever.

And there's only like three Disney bosses. Davy Jones, the Titans, and I guess the fucking ice golem from Frozen. Fucking Olympus in KH2 had three Disney bosses by itself (Hades, Cerberus, Hydra)

KH3 just has really fucking shallow worlds. It's just fucking filler until you get to the end because nothing happens in-between Worlds, unlike in KH2. I hate being so negative, but every time I think about KH3, I get more frustrated with it.

I'm over my disappointment. Just give me more superbosses already.

>lame superbosses trying hard to emulate KH2
KH3’s combat isn’t designed for superbosses.

I love that summons canonically remember Sora and co.

Yeah, but at least magic was an ability you could build upon. It was fun to meld commands and build them up.
Now the majority of it is just X mashing with an occasional triangle in there.
I'd agree to disagree. I'd have multiple curas if needed and I could go through a rotation with minimal cool down times.
And ok fair enough. Still felt better because the player could get those charge up/finisher bars going and customize their loadout to direct it. A finisher in KH2 was just solely based on pressing X at the right time in the air or something

It's not designed for human sized superbosses, giant ones on the other hand.

>told to read all of his lines alphabetically.


I also forgot to expand on how there's just way more Disney bosses, obviously not just in Olympus. But instead, Disney bosses in KH3 are scrapped for the Heartless and the OC characters, but ONLY at the end. What fucking sense does that make. You fight Xaldin at Beast's Castle, Demyx at Hollow Bastion, etc. They literally did not need to be saved until the end. This again just makes the pacing super shit.

Fucking Xaldin and Lexaeus don't even SPEAK in KH3. Also random side complaint about how Fire, Water, Blizzard, and Aero were basically the same fucking projectile in KH3, whereas KH2 didn't have Water or Aero, instead having Magnet and Reflect. And Fire and Blizzard were functionally very different moves.

Fuck I hate this game.

>I hate being so negative, but every time I think about KH3, I get more frustrated with it.
Why did it have to be like this

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>he doesn't know about how fucked voice acting is in general
the same exact thing was done for some NPCs in a fallout or elder scrolls iirc

Aren’t they given ANY context for which scene each line appears in? Sounds like a horrible way to direct.

Cause the combat isn't bad, it's really fun, Pixar worlds are great, and I expected a cliffhanger from the start, the story does a serviceable enough job closing what I needed closed, and it's fun. My only complaint is it's way too fucking easy on Proud

I honestly don't know. I feel like it's really a problem. I keep trying to let go that the game just ended up being a disappointment for me, but then something else gets brought up that makes me criticize it even more. It honestly hurts that they ruined something I really loved and cared for, and rushed out this incomplete product because they know a lot of people will just eat it up.

Because I waited 13 years for it, played all the bad spin-off games that are relevant to the plot, and I paid 60€ for it.
It can't be bad after all that.

The Pixar worlds are so hollow, though. There are no familiar locales, besides Andy's room which you leave almost immediately. Imagine visiting Pizza Planet or Sid's house. You don't even see most of the characters at all. Literally erased for the sake of convenience. Not even a Zurg boss for the world. I don't understand

Same with Monsters Inc. No monsters inhabited the world. It was absolutely empty. Randall, the one character you see besides Mike, Sully, and Boo, doesn't even make an appearance outside of cutscenes. No boss fight. Nothing. Empty.

No Disney bosses really turned me off :(

Yeah. I also always forget to mention that Winnie the Pooh was fucking shafted. Like how could you do this to Pooh.

The combat actually gets pretty decent towards the end when you've unlocked most of the mobility options. A NG+ playthrough on Critical mode would be pretty cool but you can't even do that.

>not a fan of the KH2/3 magic system
I agree
>BBS's was better
Fuck no, the command deck is inherently flawed.
KH1's magic system is still the best, they just needed to balance it better instead of stripping it entirely.

There was one (1) Disney boss, but yeah it was really underwhelming.

We should cure autism instead, which is what everyone who liked post-kh1 games suffer from

Dark Baymax? I don't really count it honestly, but yeah I GUESS?

Aero wasn't, it created a little AoE tornado you can flowmotion off of.

Oh, shows how little I used Aero.

Davy Jones. The fight's so boring though since he gets stunlocked the entire time.

He's absolutely right, KH2 is a mess of bad action game design. KH3 is largely the exact same game except without iframes on attack and not only is it still bad but even KH2 fanboys complain about Sora's hilariously laggy moveset while drawing a total mental blank on how useless KH2 Sora is for 20-40 frames after he does literally anything

>don't include the best disney villain in the past decade, let alone one of the best disney villains made

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Oh, I did mention Davy Jones.

Game sucks.

I dont get why they even bothered putting the pooh world in if THATS all they were going to do with it

I feel like it was some obligation that they felt they had to. And then tossed it aside. Merlin did nothing after showing you the book. It was so dumb. Still mad about no Final Fantasy characters. No Sephiroth boss. Just a shitty secret boss.

Because all new KH3 worlds were CGI shit only.

Hmmm, it's almost like the game was rushed or something?

If you are a Manchild sure it is good.


>Development ranging from 13-6 years