Nioh boss

How do u beat this boss? Spear?

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I used the dual swords and the axe, did every side mission and steam rolled most of the game. It's not hard.

Drain her ki. Be aggressive with top stance attacks, use the motherfucking salt.

I used dual swords, low stance and dodged a lot. Go wild when you break her ki.

Low stance to dodge, when she screams then dodge that stupid ball shit, bait her into attacks then punish her

This is the get good boss. Games way of telling you if you cant beat this you aren't cut out for the game. If you're coming for "help" this early you'd might as well give up.

Why is this boss such a shitter filter? You can literally move back and to the left and hit her when she whiffs a combo if you want to chip away at her the scrub way

Spear, high stance, light armor, gg.

You need patience in this game at times and people don't have that. That or just nuke the bitch with your LW.

I would say Shiggy is actually the shitter filter but he is entirely optional. I think Bozu also caused a lot of people to quit the game. Same for Ice queen.

first of all, scavenge around the entrance for Paralysis Omamori Charm
keep close-medium distance
dodge Para bullets, block twirl attack and punish, block parasol and punish, block punches then kick and punish
when in air, block needles, dodge Para bullet and dodge dive then punish
her grab is short range but remain your distance to avoid it then punish

Unironically get good.

Or if you're a shitter use the sloth talisman.

>almost every boss is a shitter filter

No greed allowed is the gist of it. "eh, one more hit" just leads to you getting a parasol shoved up your ass.

I just used a plain ol katana with a bow for shooting her down.
Fighting her with the chain sythe thing was a bad time though.

I mean basically. Every playthrough prior to WOTN is a shitter filter.

Throw shit at her. Also don't get EPIC BAITED by her instant grab once she gets back up.

Just get good shes not even that hard. Btw i you have trouble beating her then you should just quit as the rest of the game will kick your ass.

Lightning Spell + Lightning Blade + Sloth Talisman
Evade her attacks were she sweeps in and when she hugs you to suck your blood

Believe it or not some people just have difficulty with certain bosses. People function differently. Some people can't handle slow bosses or ones with area attacks but can handle rushdown bosses really easily.

You can parry her lunge attack

desu even if you play that boss like in souls you can still easily beat her.

If you are having trouble sloth talisman is the most helpful tool in the game

Just have the paralysis needles on the d-pad. That solves most problems.

Block her spin attack. Dodge everything else.

Clobber in the face till it's dead. Got it on like second try.
Uninstallled on first DLC boss, I was probably undergreared for the centipedeman. I do chip damage to him, he shreds me in 2 hits. Grinding equipment in a souls-like, or dancing around for half hour waiting for an opening in his windmill spam, fuck that game design.

Wise choice. If Pede got you down Date would ravage your asshole raw.

I don't think it's physicallly possible to lose to Pede if you got that far. I actually meant Date Shigezane, that's where I uninstallled.

How long are the DLCs?

be the saltiest nigga alive, no really carry fucking salt with you. that shit drains ki like a motherfucker and you can throw it in after they attack but you gotta be close. salt is hella broke. that and she randomly extends her melee combo from 1-3 hits so you have to watch out for that and wait a bit. this game gives you all the tools you need to win fights it all depends on how open you are to using them.

Just use living weapon and sloth. Hino Enmas wide aoes, rapid combos and most importantly her paralysis is what makes her the most dangerous boss in the base game. The rest are so hilariously easy its not even funny.

i used to say git gou i mean i platinued every soul game but this game made me rage 50 times more than any soul died 60 times to umi bozu like a million to okatsu and a quintillion to the ninja dojo mission with the tag team hanzo okatsu so watched youtube for ways to improve and learned the magic wordS "SLOTH TALISMAN" and the game changed from impossible to easiest , but im going to accept that without that talisman i cant git gutd like the souls , hardest game i ever played this game made me realize that my skills are garbage and the souls game are not even remotedly hard as i used to think

>Using sloth

I beat this game without it. Let me dab on you all.


It's just cheap artificial difficulty, Nioh went full retard on inventory system and how many cheap attacks enemies have. Caw caw muthafucka.

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I'm pretty shit at the game and even I got Spider-Woman down after a couple tries, but the rematch against THIS fucker is goddamn maddening. Am I just supposed to come back later? Everything is a 1-shot, I have A AGI but a single wrong move and he'll corner you. Add to that the fact he can clear the arena in seconds and there's no pillars to hide behind...

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>use the motherfucking salt
i'm on WOTN and i have no fucking idea what salt does
what does salt do?

speaking of WOTN is this shit playable like AT ALL? I've been farming for the fabled ethereal gear. i did a painful speedrun through the previous difficulty to unlock the final mode and i've done the ginchiyo escort mission in the first region like 6 times and boy it was a fucking pain and i've literally got not a single ethereal item.

>caw caw motherfucker
literally dodge inwards and backwards and repeat
holy shit imagine having trouble to an enemy that you can force to repeat use the same two attacks forever.

Okay so, y'know how human enemies have a ki meter like you do? Yokai enemies also have a ki meter but it doesn't drain when they attack. It usually empties if you hit them in their weak spot like the horns of a yoki but hitting them with salt will also decrease their ki. It also instantly purifies miasma if you can't be bothered to do a pulse.

desu same, I've spent a long time on the game but ignored most of the usable items.

rush him when he is applying lightning to his weapon, you can block his running quickdraw and quickdraw combo (maybe not all of it) but his standing quickdraw is unblockable
he will summon his dog if you are too late and too far from him after applying thunder or he will hit you twice if you are too late but too close
you can parry him on his regular attacks

on the lower difficulties he is easy to tire out with heavy weapons or Ki destroying attacks like kick
he blocks constantly so if you time your kicks, you can grapple him

The DLC assumes you played at least halfway through the next difficulty, since there was a month 1/2 wait for the DLC to release.

You dodge the heavily telegraphed attacks and then hit her while she's open, like every Yokai boss in this game.

Tonfas. Just repeatedly bonk her and back off before she retaliates

Knock her down and mating press her into submission.

The uninstall wizard. Souls like games are a meme

>into submission
>he doesn't want to get dommed by a succubus
literal plebian

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who said I had trouble with tengus, I said nioh has artificial difficulty with cheap attacks so when you do get hit with it, it feels really bad.
holy shit imagine having no reading comprehension

If I can finish this game with a broken controller then you have no excuse.

weapon dosent matter, just stop sucking so much ass

Daily reminder that DSP beat this game. You've NO excuse.

I play all games without LT and d-pad down because they are broken. So didn't use ranged weapons in nioh, didn't parry once in all dark souls games.

Did he do the DLC

I remember he played, I can't remember if he finished it.

I think he gave up on Masamune
something like 100 deaths just on centipede man

I was surprised he beat two kings in so few tries.


To be fair, the DLC in Nioh is pretty bullshit.

My left stick is fucked, I jitter when I walk and when I try to dash it would come out or not sometimes.

I'd spear her alright.

What would the sex with her be like

>seething over "artificial difficulty"
>n-no i got gud th-this game is freaking ezpz git gud nerd....
End your life.

What would a blowjob be like with that weird fucking mouth?

aren't like all of her attacks telegraphed? if you're going to bait at least post a real bullshit boss like Umi-Bozu and it's death beam

>Getting killed by the meme-beam

o i m laffin

take the other anton's advice but this will also help, almost every variation of Iai including his can be dodged through. roll towards his back just before he fires it off and you'll be safe most of the time. he's supposed to teach you to attack the back on bosses.

I beat you spammed guardian spirit talisman faggot

fucking phoneposter

use the ornstein smough cheese. pillars block all his attacks.

That's what I did for the first fight, I'm talking about the rematch
I'll try it when I pick it up again, it was pretty late by the time I got to this fight

>Having ways to cheese through bad enemy design makes it okay
This is your brain on fanboyism

Just run left and right until he uses it then hit him, easy.

*Dabs on you*

The first two bosses in this game are rage inducers for newbies.

I haven't beat the game yet (Im in the four zone ) and started from the beginning like 4 times but a few days ago I started once again Nioh because "gonna finish this bitch for once "and the first boss literally killed me 7 times in a row because some shitty hitbox when throwing those big ball of steal.

>Get behind and dodge
>The steel ball goes forward and still hit me
>Shit deal 700 damage.
> Faggot ass demon spams it 3 times in a row

fucking garbage also

>Never got hit by Bozu beam in the past
>Got hit and notice that deals 2400-3000 damage

you cant dodge those balls. when he starts that attack run backwards so you are out of range.

I've been telling everyone about the ball hitboxes so they wouldn't be immediately discouraged

Okay so since this thread is moving, how do you deal with elemental slash projectile attacks? Blocking them I just get chipped, and I have trouble reliably dodging them. I'm just in way of the strong

the shorter ones can be ran from at a distance but the wide ones can only be dodged
most of the time, if you're close, pressing dodge as soon as the projectile is shot out works

I remember being so bad that I thought the metal balls were janky. You can dodge them perfectly every time if you have any amount of skill.

when i played i was trying to iframe through them. didnt end well ofc.

Do you dodge them towards the enemy? I always end up giving the enemy space because I often can't see the startup if I'm right on top of them, but I tend to get hit by a follow up slash after dodging the first successfully

Right at the start, walk a little to the left to evade her charge attack and punish her. After punishing her gain a bit of distance between her and try to bait her paralysis shout so you can dash right through it and punish her, or is she starts chasing you, you start running away from her and she will eventually do her spinning attack and you punish her again. If she flies up, try to get below her to bait her diving attack so you can dodge and have time to attack her. If she's laying on the ground without KI or not, you have enough time to do a full combo and she will 100% of the time get up and do the grab biting attack.
I found her to be a really harsh 2nd boss, but after fighting her a lot she became much easier to deal with.

I actually meant "walk a little to the right" but I think it works either way.

dodge attack
hit her back

I do it to the side in low stance
is this for Mitsunari?

everytime i think im shit at action games i come on Yea Forums and see people getting shat on even harder than me and it makes my day

>losing to centipede

Exhausting and to die for. She'd drain you completely.

I dont remember all the jap names, but it's specifically in the first DLC second mission, where first mission was the centipede guy boss and the second is the mission with a mid boss and a final boss with two spirits with dual swords. But any enemy that does a series of elemental slashes will hit me with some of them

oh, that's probably Masamune
because of his constant Water pools and projectile slashes, it might be better to get Water resistant omamori charms with the Water resistance magic to minimize chip damage when blocking
there's resistance when blocking skills you can also roll on some armor pieces but that might take you longer to find or reforge

>How do u beat this boss?
Shoot it until it dies.