Any expectations?
Sekiro gameplay trailer dropping in about an hour
Other urls found in this thread:
bloodborne 2 announcement
Another one? I thought the launch trailer would be the last
Dont watch it, it has massive spoilers for mid-late game bosses
it shows a gigantic dragon boss
I'm not sure what the point of this trailer even is. We've seen how the game plays.
Boss spoilers just make me more hyped desu.
Thx you just spoiled me
Tbh what they released so far it's mildly confusing, still have to understand what's this game all about.
Trailers don't really show gameplay though, they're spliced content that's supposed to entice the viewer into looking up more info, and then he finds the gameplay footage. I guess they just want to garner up more interest or something.
They are doing a pretty shitty job then because the gameplay videos show this weird mix between tenchu and bloodborne that just makes you wonder what the hell are they trying to make.
All the footage I've seen... I'm not really sure what to expect from the game.
Honestly, this has me more excited the weirder it looks.
He literally marked the spoiler brainlet fren
I'm spoiled too, but i won't watch anything more, i regret i watched latest trailer and trophy list, this last boss could be neat surprise
I mean, that is that. You've got high impact fast combat with a lot of skills and a heavy focus on stealth and vertical traversal. It really hits the nail on the head as far as what I love in a game. looking forward to it quite a bit desu.
Literally a dragon with a sword
This literally the sword from tenchu
Kizuna Ai gameplay footage tomorrow:
The basic gameplay loop of Sekiro is this
> R1 = Attack button
> L1 = Defend button
> Attack the enemies to kill them
> when enemies attack you use L1 to defend, aiming to press button at exactly right time to repel the incoming attack
> not every Attack can be blocked/parried, some must be dodged, others jumped over, some attacks can be uniquely countered by dodging INTO the attack which gives special animation if done correctly (stepping on enemy weapon and pushing it to floor)
> enemies have two ways to die, no.1 is depleting thier health bar to 0, simple enough. No.2 is breaking thier posture and scoring a “death blow” (insta Kill visceral attack)
> posture is lost when damage is taken (i.e you hit an enemy), or otherwise is impacted, such as having thier Attack repelled (by you perfectly timing L1 defend), or when the enemy is blocking and you lay into them. If posture bar fills up, enemy loses composure for a bit and can be insta-killed regardless of how much health they have
> if an enemies posture hasn’t been impacted for a second or so, it returns to zero. The speed at which they recover posture is tied to health, a enemy with full health will recover extremely quickily, while a near death enemy will barely be able to recover thier posture.
> elite enemies can ONLY be killed by Death blows, and thus must be posture-broken, they may even have multiple health bars
> in addition to sword combat you have prosthetic arms, which do different things and allow more complicated combat, EG ranged attacks, or status effects, to help defeat enemies, break posture, or more utility uses like fire crackers to startle/disorientate enemies,
> also unlockable special moves for Katana, two shown so-far are a jumping double-spin slash and a heavy over-head slice
> also arms+Katana combo’s, such as attacking into flame jet sets sword on fire
> also you have a grappling hook
> and stealth
What type of sword from Tenchu exactly?
Bump, the trailer is almost upon us
Bump 1 minute
shota UNF
There is no reason to be excited over anything that isn't Bloodborne-related.
Enemy variety is off che chart wow.
reminder that bloodbornefags are the worst subhumans & have never even played a souls game
Will pirate it.
From can't into game optimization so they can't into my money
Kill yourself
Is that a shota or just a girl?
Dark souls 3 was a fine port.
No need to; Souls is just Bloodborne"s alpha after all.
Reminder that Central Yharnam assets were found in DS3's Archdragon Peak files
You can't deny Shit Souls 3 is just unused Bloodborne scraps at this point.
>see also: pic related from BB's files
It's a boy, they said so
its the little lord and he is CUTE!!
monsters are cool and all, but 1 on 1 humanoid duels are always the most kino boss fights
is that a dude?
Sometimes I forget that this is a Souls game. This is a good reminder.
Wish I wasn't such a pussy looks like I'm gonna be on edge through the whole game like bloodborne
The swordplay looks so good
I'm not really interested in the gameplay. Press R1 to cool stealth-kill moves? Pretty gay. I bet the dragon boss is one big QTE.
I just noticed in the trailer sekiro get his arm chopped off the owl is one with the boy on his shoulder so he betrayed sekiro
and demon's souls had a gun from gears of war, clearly an asset flip right?
I hope it sells well at least to fund the next Soulslike but to me it doesn't look that interesting.
B-but they said it's
Im pretty excited about this game. More excited at what the pc guys will do when it launches. Imagine infinite prosthetic consumes,Boss vs Bosses, Applying boss specific abilities to yourself
Bloodboure fags are anglo consolebabbies with shit taste
Well now I want to protect him.
He jump good.
Bloodborne Chads you mean? The only fanbase worth being around.
The rest of the “””””fanbase”””” are worthless autists
I am exited by it, would be happier if From did another Armoured Core or just continue Demon/Dark Souls or Bloodborne, they just need to add some extra spice. I am a little worried about it. The lenght of the game, replayability and how fun the combat is, if they are adding new and cool things to the gameplay to keep it fresh. Just gonna have to wait and se. I really fucking hate that they pushed back reviews of the game until one day before it comes out, i do not trust reviewers but it is some thing that tells us what to expect.
bloodborne is a masterpiece and if Sekiro is even remotely as good it will be an easy GOTY
That might happen in the game but its not shown in the trailer.
Well, thats just one part of it, stealth is does have a part of it but the main thing is the combat.
The combat looks a thousand times better than the simple and shallow combat of the Souls games
Reminder that demon souls assets were found in dark soul's files. You can't deny Shit Souls isn't just unused Demon souls scraps at this point.
The more cancerous fanbase the better game, remember this tasteless fag
This game scares me. I can’t level up or summon help or use a great sword. Please root for me my tomodachis. My STR build days are over.
>actually valuing the opinions of "game journalists"
Go away normalfag. Anyone with taste knows Bloodborne is objectively superior to The Witcher 3.
>Anyone with shit taste knows Bloodborne is objectively superior to The Witcher 3.
Fixed that for you, pal.
>10 hours long
hard pass
They're not even comparable.
TW3 is a finished game tho
Kek, moooods! normalfags infested my board!
DaS was like 3GB
just sneak bro
Can't wait for Yea Forums to turn around instantly after Sekiro releases and start shitting on it like it happens with every game.
Fucking schizos.
Finished and still worse, how the fuck from software can be so based even their """inciomplete""" games are better than other developers' finished products?
>swordfight in a bamboo forest
Peak kino
What do you mean? Shitposters are already at it
True. One is a video game, the other is a glorified Telltale "game".
Last game that got shat on as much as Sekiro before release was RE2 remake, and it seems like Yea Forums unanimously loves that game. Sekiro will be fine.
They are already doing it.
I can see that, lmao
people will be so disappointed in this game
Also true. What's your point?
I want to play the jap dub but really don't want to read subtitles when stealth listening the enemies
>normies voted for normie games
wow, who could have guessed?
>Yea Forums is contrarian meme
Yea Forums simply has taste. Good games are always liked here. The consensus on Bloodborne and Dark Souls still hasn't changed.
That samurai that cuts off his arm sounds really really familiar but I can't recall a name.
You can stop making these shitty 2 second webms any day now.
>Yea Forums has taste
>literal 12 year olds spouting about apex legends and undertale
Just learn Japanese, 4 days is more than enough to learn the basics
You can stop being a faggot too, that doesn't mean you wil stop.
Are they copying Nero from DMC? The left amputated mechanical arm.
>newfag wasnt on Yea Forums before 2006
Im tired of you niggers.
Alright he sounds like kaiba.
Three days to be exact
Is there actual stealth though? Can you sneak through levels or do you have to fight everything like in dark souls?
Thought he sounded like Illidan or another Warcraft character
>didnt spend half his life on a trash website filled with literal mental patients
You can, but you wont get all the upgrades and exp then
>Thinks Yea Forums is contrarian is a meme
>Bitching and moaning about newfags
Seething, go learn how to webm or go back to tumblr.
Good job being self-aware, welcome to Yea Forums(nel)
Japan has a fetish for amputated arms
Ghosts of tsushima is the only new samurai game that isn't just a fucking souls clone
Enjoy that banham of a clusterfuck
Yes. Nero was the first and only Japanese character to have a prosthetic arm
You're the one who's having a problem with a guy posting harmless webms lol.
Absolute schizo.
Stop lusting after our lord faggot!
someone post the webm
Jokes aside but this is actually true, look at all those 3x3 threads, Yea Forums has obiectively better taste than normies
Isn't it soulsfags that are shitting up Sekiro for you?
That's the reason it gonna suck
Is he also a ninja? Please tell me this is the much needed sequel to Tenchu Z.
the fanart for this game is going to be so good
he's a samurai that learns ninja arts because he gotta go solo now
But don't expect a full stealth run or anything, you still have to fight enemies head on most of time
I don't kniw but i can speak for myself
Initially i was mad this is samurai shit. Then the trailer dropped and i thought maybe i'll play it, then they showed demo footages and now i'm 100% sekirofag, i'm hyped as fuck
But that isn't the cycle you nimrod. /v shits on something relentlessly until release because this place is infested with losers looking for any kind of social interaction. Once the game comes out and people are actually playing it is when the shitposting usually dissipates because it becomes obvious who has and has not played the game.
Crack when?
It has no denuvo. Take a wild guess.
citation needed
There hasn't been any mention of denuvo. I'm personally gonna buy the game.
Why the fuck people dance, this is retarded and gigacringe activity
This is going to be a sleeper hit, guarantee it will end up being the next "God Hand" on here
yeah it is.
girls dancing still make my pp hard
I'll do it for her
Based Harakiri poster.
Blind Virgin vs Jubei Chad
can't wait, we are serving a kid from Oda clan fighting Ashikaga.
>inb4 we are actually serving Oichi
enemy variety reminds me of Muramasa. I hope there's lot of youkai.
>*takes your shota*
oh yes
>did no damage to his armor
where's the power of the katana folded 1000 times ????
this is literally just a DS mod
>tfw no hyper violent mature Samurai Jack game
Did Nero copy Venom Snake? Swappable prosthetic arms are just a really cool way to incorporate different playstyles, and I'm glad it's become a "thing" in many games.
are you knew to japan retard?
This trailer definitely made the game look cool. I only wish the environments were not so bland.
>tfw no Samurai Jack game with limitless budget
A Trojan bait, sweet.
Did Venom Snake copy Megaman?
Why is no one commenting on this one!?
How spoilery is it? Is there any good limited footage somewhere to watch that only shows the first area or something?
what should they comment you idiot
its just a recap of the trailers and early footage, nothing new
Berserk started the whole "prosthetic arm" thing. That, and insinuated the "silent, strong type that wields a massive sword" trope.
Lord Mei-Oh's sword.
>tfw no character creator so you can't make edgy ninjas or samurai
>Tfw MC outfit is orange and you hate orange
FUCK WHY DID HAVE TO BE ORANGE. Other than game looks cool
>gameplay trailer
>no gameplay
Can't wait to get my hands on the artbook.
You can probably find even older stuff with those tropes. But From is a massive berserk fan so that's more likely where they got it. Also kinda has a blade of the immortals vibe too.
I don't know wether to be amazed or disturbed.
Why don't the characters in this game look like cute and handsome-but-not-really-just-cute guys? Doesn't fromsoft know their audience?
and dark souls prepare to die has central yarnham map files so blunderborne is unused artorias of the abyss scraps ;^)))))))))))))
I'm going to make a texture mod and make my coat red
Suck my dick you brainless bitternigger.
it was probably originally red and just faded over time
Hoping for the ost to be great.
I played through the whole thing got the ending where you renounce inmortality, lose your prosthetic arm and take the place of the sculptor .
There is like 7 or 8 non humanoid, big bosses, the rest are just "samurai" fights though they feel very different, final boss included, 5 optional bosses that i know of. There is like 12 areas or so, they are much bigger than in previous soulsborne games but you can breeze through some of them without fighting almost no one in the area. Took 42 hours to finish it but i think it can be done in like 25 if you dont explore much and skip optional areas
when from cuckware does I will ;^)))))))))))
>orange man bad
>can't make ridiculous looking OCs
These Carthus warrior skellies just felt exactly like something out of BB. Guess my doubts were proven.
you're dumb
You gotta try harder next time.
only the 2018 remaster has those files
try again dumb Soulsnigger
same composer as all the other soulsborne games
And I fought the Primordial Serpents in DS3.
There's a reason DS3's catacombs and demon ruins feel like chalice dungeons - they probably were at one point.
I just want to get rid of the orange suit
Yea I think red would be cooler. If I had a choice I'd probably go black or blue
probably won't be, considering it's the same gal who's been composing the shit music since DkS2 and didnt even do Bloodborne's best stuff.
So you'll stop falsely falsely claiming Berserk invented prosthetic limbs like an uncultured swine when Fromsoft stops what exactly?
He's obviously lying but that ending spoiler is real, he probably just saw the trophy spoilers
He was trolling
They were definitely going for a fantasy setting in the very beginning. Thank god they shifted focus on glorious gothic aesthetics.
>attacking into flame jet sets sword on fire
Thats my fetish
>And I fought the Primordial Serpents in DS3.
Fuck off, I saw your post on the last thread.
He's falseflagging as me . Ingnore that retard.
That's what I meant. If you larp as a "leaker" you have to at least come up with something that can't be guessed from the already known info. Something that can be proved or disproved later, not something obvious and safe to call.
We were Sekiro all along.
fromsoft also confirmed they sent out 0 review/early copies to anyone too
>ywn steal lady Maria's hat and watch her pop a vein as she chases you
I'll bite. Was there a Bloodborne style twist? Or is it all feudal Japan?
reviews will be out on the 21st
>"Sekiro"「積狼」is not the protagonist's actual name, but one derived from pairing 「積」 "seki" (derived from sekiwan「隻腕」, meaning "one-armed") and 「狼」"ro" (meaning wolf).
welcome to 1 year ago
He's full of shit but we already know a lot of shit from the trophies the later half probably revolves around an inmortality curse probably related to the royal bloodline, there are tons of crazy monster bosses from the trophies
What anime is that?
>derived from sekiwan
seki meaning rice wine
wan meaning one
some info on the real Ashina clan if anyone wants to try using it to guess shit
Ninja Scroll Film. Watch it user.
> there are tons of crazy monster bosses from the trophies
not really. 90% of them are humanoids. there's 4 non-humanoids, and out of those only the gorilla yeti is "weird", rest are just animals.
Dragons? I thought this was set in japan
All I saw was a bunch of shitty "epic execution" animations.
It's the souls engine, but this is not a souls game
Japan has dragons in its national mythos , dumbass
Nigga is you serious?
>souls engine
It'll have pacing probs then.
I'm not seething at all. I have the fucking collector's edition preordered and everything.
The trailer still almost only showed le epic instant takedowns.
The fish and the dragon are pretty fucking weird too, the dragon has a sword. And the demon of hatred is manus-like
>chinese dragon's were never a concept and japan totally didn't adopt this into their mythology
He's not wrong.
>In 1589 the clan suffered a severe loss against Date Masamune at the Battle of Suriagehara, leading to the demise of the clan.
>The Ashina play a prominent role in Futaroh Yamada's novel Yagyu Ninpocho where, following their defeat by Masamune, they went into hiding only to emerge years later as ninja in service to the daimyō of Aizu.
Not to mention the game from two weeks ago that has an amputated arm.
Doesn't the entire gameplay basically come down to try and error until you know and can block every attack for posture break kills?
When did they say he is a samurai. I thought he was always a shinobi.
no because you cant block every attack
It looks like it might be. Fuckin' asshole PR team won't show us basic combat where the player is hacking and slashing. They ONLY show the epic "SHINOBI DEATHBLOWS(™)"
Game looks fun as fuck.
all ninja were just samurais trained in spying and such
Kind of. You can't block every attack though, but the game tells you which attacks you can't block. You can counter unblockables, though. The latest trailer shows this.
>being a 60yo granny with astigmatism
Shut the fuck up, retard.
thanks for this
That's false though. It was confirmed yesterday that reviews actually will drop on the 21st the day before release.
>all ninja were just samurais trained in spying and such
Completely wrong. Many Ninja were literally just Farmers or other Peasants. Samurai were like Knights: Wealthy and privileged compared to average dirty peasantry. Ninja aren't like that.
Are you retarded?
lies, its all just fat guys with a mellee weapon
>4 more days of these garbage threads until it's all "wow bros you were right it is kino"
Wait a sec, it is real that you can't change armour or outfit?
You can be both.
Thus far.
you play has a set character and there are no other equipment to change into aside from different arm weapons
Maybe there will be. but they might be sold as DLC or give you extra ones if you finish it.
I expect more "oh no no no" to be honest.
after playing every from game since DeS I'm not hyped in the slightest for this
prob gonna pick it up when its on sale
>implying it's not gonna be Soulsbabs complaining they can't mash R1 and roll and win
The salt is gonna be tasty.
That sucks to be honest. At least gameplay looks, fine
>implying it won't be:
It's the seven-branched sword, you pleb.
Don't forget the mindfuck ending, there will be tons of OHNONONONOs all over the place
this one only has 5
can I use a vpn to get this a day earlier on steam?
Don´t worry. Just wait for Nioh 2.
So is the word open like Dark Souls or level based?
I wish I could put myself on a morphine drip till then.
they keep saying it's supposed to be connect like ds1
Where have you been for the last 3 months
Still think it's fucking lame Activision decided to push for the subtitle "Shadows Die Twice." Sekiro by itself sounds a lot better.
Isn't every fucking action irl revolves around learning it to become better?
This is objectively the best game mechanic where you are leveling up as a player along with your avatar
>you play has a set character
And? They could still have put set outfits in secret places. Different costumes were a staple in action games 20 years ago.
Why is the dub so much worse than dark souls? I just don't fucking get it. The deliveries and voice inflections are so goddamn horrible.
>they keep saying it's supposed to be connect like ds1
Doesn't matter when you can teleport from the start between check points
>you are leveling up as a player along with your avatar
This. I might have said you were full of shit but I saw this for myself after beating Midir. No other boss can even touch me now.
American VAs.
Devs said they took inspiration from DaS for the world design so most likely its open world and possibly interconnected in some way. I gotta pretty good feeling that it'll be way better than DS3's world.
Except it's fine and you're just being a crybaby weeaboo bastard?
I expect it to be better connected than DaS and BB put together.
Not the same user, but do you know a good language learning site/app? The japanese voices sound far more authentic than the english.
Yeah, but what i mean is when you've seen all attacks from a boss and aren't a complete retard, all you need to do is press 1 button until the enemies posture is full, so you can insta kill.
And the unparryable attacks not only are announced with a giant red kanji, the newest trailer shows even those can be countered.
Other action games are based around reflexes and dodging attacks while positioning yourself and look for openings in your opponents attack/defense.
In Sekiro you literally can wait for the boss to attack you and then parry his ass until it's time for the qte kill.
There will be 100% videos of players beating bosses with 1 hand and those webm will get spammed here hourly with OHNONONO cancer. Screencap this, these videos will be made to shit all over this game
I'm not dude, listen to this shit.
The inflection is so absurdly cartoony, it doesn't match the grimdarkness of the tone. Compare that to this.
I' m really into this samurai japan stuff.
>muh webs
So the fuck what, what is your damage?
Because it's not like Dark Souls.
Enemies gang rape you so stealth is necessary for most of the game. Bosses are unfair and restoring humanity/clearing "Dragon Rot" is linked to items with finite uses/availability.
It's just different enough that it's going to piss off Souls poop sockers and the normies who bother to try it.
Excalibur face.jpg
Just play in japanese so you never have to hear the shitty burger dub.
Sickdark is the correct term
Thank you. Even if the english voices didn't sound as uneven as they do now it would still be preferable to hear it in it's original japanese for the same reason that Dark Souls sounds natural in english. It's native to the region in which the game takes place. Anything else, no matter how well directed the dub, feels inauthentic and distracting.
>Japanese dub
>English subs
There you go retards I fixed it all for you. Enjoy your playthroughs.
But parrying won't be as easy as you think
You probably can beat some enemies or maybe even the boss by one hand but you still must parry in time not randomly spamming one button. It's all about finding enemy rhythm.
But you won't do all those crazy shit during first or maybe even second run
There are no different subs
I hope you mean the narrators because character voices are fine.
>not doing a run in English and one in Japanese
>playing with the audio on
A real gamer wouldn't.
>some minibosses must be killed for a fogwall to disappear
They are serviceable. Certainly aren't horrible/unlistenable by the average dub standards, but I will definitely prefer the original voices in this instance.
So a rehash of the dark sign shit yet again.
How original.
Very nice spoiler
does your uncle work at nintendo, by chance?
Honestly as soon as this shit is in my hands I'm dropping out of Yea Forums for like a week until I beat it. The shitposting is going to be unbearable.
This did bother me since the game is supposed to be all about freedom of movement and is the fault of bad players. Avoiding minibosses will just gimp them in the long run anyway since they won't get upgrade items, but a skilled player that can do without them is now forced to fight them cause scrubs couldn't stop skipping.
is there any confirm if the fogwall happens only when you agro the mini boss or can they be sneaked by with no fogwall
The one specifically show blocks your path no matter what.
What now, Seki(((bros)))?
I agree with you but it won't bother me because I always compulsively kill every single enemy in my path. Even when they respawn after I die. Still, it's a shame to punish real players because of brainlets.
This is FROM we're talking about. Chained Ogre and Shinobi hunter already have fog walls in their areas. Yet there wasn't one for the ashina commander, so I guess you'll have to fight some minis but not all.
>From makes fogwalls so players have to git gud or stop playing the game and can't skip everything
Sounds pretty based to me.
could be those area fogwalls that separate areas one time and then are gone for good as soon as you walk through
Can you spell, retard?
>Yet there wasn't one for the ashina commander,
On which build? The gamestar review or whatever site had a newer build which is basically 99% the release build and they stated that they encountered these fogwalls in places were previous builds didn't have those.
FromSoftware artbooks are a treasure.
No, they said you have to kill the miniboss to keep progressing. So good bye stealth runs
>you can't skip past bosses
instead it's a batman/asscreed clone
>doesn't even speak japanese
>Oh wow that was the best trailer i have ever seen!
Fromfags everyone.
I agree, at least duo dance kind of makes sense. The worse is shuffle or whatever it's called, retard-tier.
The MC shares voice actors with Guts from the new anime. If anything he's further evidence that Miyazaki is a huge Berserk fanboy.
What are the yellow bars on top and bottom of the screen?
We'll know spoon enough.
You are delusional if you think it will be easier than souls. Games never become more difficult than their predecessors.
orange is elder god-tier color, I bet you like blue you literal NPC
And once you get good and they're just a chore, what then? Should have the option to just walk on by cause they're not worth your time anymore.
they aren't, shillfaggot. They are just bigger enemies, that need 2 qte kills instead of 1.
that game preaches multiple approaches to take on a level, but forced you to aggro certain enemies (minibosses rarely come without mobs).
This is absolute garbage level/game design, since the game basically hand holds you, because you get health upgrades for defeating those bosses.
I hate it's loot system
Orange is shit tier color. Blue and green are the best
Stay mad soulsbaby
Maybe they'll let you skip in NG+, but whatever, I trust FROM to make ths game good.
They have always said this was an action game. You just want something from the game which was never on the table. You are going to fight things.
I actually like the subtitle and I doubt Activision had anything to do with it
Seeing these gameplay moments it gives me hope of another character action game so soon, but I know it's another Dark Souls tryhard
see, just like I said. Blue, green and maybe red? Fucking NPC... Retards like you are the reason why modern architecture and art are garbage, because you're a dime a dozen and have garbage tastes.
Even if they aren't, it was never promised that you will skip everything. The ogre in particular does have multiple approaches in that you can stealth attack him or fight him head on. Also, he is weak to fire so you can skip him and go get a tool from a different part of the game, then come back. Basically you can kill him early if you are good or go get things to make it so you can.
I wouldn't even mind them in NG+ because i should already be known their attacks and be comfortable with the parry system. You should be able to take them down in a few seconds.
But it's the first playthrough were that shit will be annoying as fuck.
Because that means regardless of how big the level is and how much you can explore, in the end every area forces you through a specific path filled with mob fights.
>Blue and green
Every Souls game has assets from all the previous Souls games in their files you mongoloid. Theres fucking bits and pieces of Demons Souls in DS3.
my nigga
Some random YouTube gameplay video I watched (forgot which one) said that mini-boss fogwalls were bypassable if you found an alternative route through the level.
Basically if you want to use *that* path, you have to kill associated mini-boss, but it’s not nessisarily the only way to progress. Remember in room after Chained Ogre, there’s a “does not open from this side” door, that’s probably another way into second portion of level without killing Ogre.
>forces you on a path
There's the rub, I want to sequence break like a mother.
the finite humanity thing was in DS2 already
When you say like that I'm less mad.
Why is Yea Forums so determined to shit on this game because it's not a Soulsgame?
It'd be getting torn apart if it was a Souls game too. This is just how Yea Forums does things.
Discord tranny invasion. Upset they can't play dressup.
So you have to search around for a miniboss to kill if you successfully sneak by stuff? That sounds not the best.
Why must you violate my eyes so?
>sleeper hit
it's one of the most pre-ordered games on steam.
This, and not exactly in a good way. I do really hope this game is good but they've been vague about so much that I don't want to get it until I see more of how the game plays, particularly in areas outside of that freaking snowy samurai castle because that's been like 90% of the focus.
>sleeper hit
it's literally been sitting at #1-2 on Steam's Global Top Sellers for 3 weeks now.
haha dumb summon fags btfo
There is no dragon shown, I was lied to
>This game will unlock in approximately 3 days
That's every single AAA game nowadays and most releases in general. You get some dedicated shitposters and they don't stop. Same thing happened with RE2, KH3, DMC5 and shitloads of other stuff.
>Why is the dub so much worse than dark souls? I just don't fucking get it
Souls is voiced by professional theatrical actors from the UK. Sekiro was voiced by regular old voice actors like any other game might use.
Just play with JP VO and ENG Subs. It's a game set in Japan anyways. They should be speaking Japanese.
Yea Forums shits on every big/popular release.
This here is the right mindset, when DMC5 dropped I had a blast with the game and didn't care about Yea Forums at all, Sekiro will have the same treatment, I will only stop by here when I'm done with the game.
oh nononnonono
>3 days
Where the hell are you?
Happened even with AC7 bro, better get used to it, shitty times ahead for this place.
it's actually 3 days and 23 hours however you can't see hours on steam
This game is going to be so good
It's probably the same autist as the one shitting on RE2. This year has been great for gaming so far. DMC5, RE2, Sekiro, and we all got to see Anthem crash and burn on release.
I want to believe the industry will right itself and good games will become the norm once more, but I know no amount of heavy losses will ever effect EA/Activision/Ubisoft because they all have shit filthy casuals eat up due to sports games/CoD/AC and shit.
Pose. You have to max that bar to even damage some enemies. You raise the bar by hitting/dodging/parrying correctly. If your pose is broken you get insta-fucked.
you can bet the industry will learn the wrong lessons from EA games failing.
Wait how do you get the art book?
They don't even care if it fails. EA could have every single game they put out be an absolute failure, and as long as they bend over and shart out a greasy turd with the words "Madden" or "FIFA" on it once a year, they make all of their money back.
What for?
Preorder at gamestop
there probably won't ever be anything like a "golden age" for games with many consecutive solid releases over multiple years. It'll just be good years and bad years.
And perpetuate their crippled, miserable existence? I think not
That is a pretty frame for sure but what the hell is the right guy's stance.
maybe he's taunting?
I think that EA/ubi/Acti will be shunned into a corner. Even if they never go away, people will know that they are the nest for shitty releases and practices.
Only retards will fall into their traps, we will still get good games.
You asked.
>Only retards will fall into their traps
problem is retards are the majority when it comes to vidya, and the suits from other companies will want to make the same numbers that the retards' games make and so they will make their games for retards
>environments look uninteresting
you will be ashamed of your words and deeds, just wait
What are some good samurai movies bros?
See, indeed, retards are the majority, but a metacritic score of 60 hurts a lot, no company wants to have this shit under their names.
Capcom is taking huge pride sharing their metacritic numbers(I know that people here don't care about these, but salary want to have a nice image), Time is coming with quality over quantity, because, in due time quality prevails.
From soft built their names on quality games, where the fuck Demon's souls came from ? No one knew about this shit, unitl people saw it's quality and fun, nowadays everyone knows that they put out quality and stick with them.
Meant "salaryman"
then they'll just buy the journalists, or insert some tranny or something.
>just want the next souls game
>fromshit just makes some garbage NioH clone
for fuck sake bros it's not fair
Only thing that I can already tell I won’t like is the kill animations for every single enemy.
After watching just a few minutes of gameplay it’s already old. I’ll probably be sick of it by the time the game is over, especially since there are only around 3 variations.
I'd probably be more interested in it if it was a Nioh clone.
Six-String Samurai
>only around 3 animations
you’re as bad as the people complaining all the environments look the same, how could you possibly know this to be true?
They can buy whatever, people will still stick with quality.
EA games are selling less and less each passing year. Activion is getting more rekt each passing year, Ubi is stil surviving tho.
you don't need to use finishing strike against anyone aside from minibosses and bosses
>that slow walking
Okay, now this is sickdark.
>that insane pop in on the shadows
I've noticed egregious pop in in building geometry as well. I hope it was a legit case of "i-it's a beta" but fuck me knowing consoles I'm pretty sure it's a final build issue.
>can parry kill dogs
Oh this just got so much better
Them doggies look kinda weighty like they have some heft to them. Also the environment looks incredible imo. Been hearing people say that there's plenty of variety in that department as well.
Don’t you mean sickdark
So it's unlocking in the middle of the day to evening on the 22nd? I just don't believe it. Where did you get that information?
Where is the Steam preload? Where is the unlock date and time on Steam? Why is there so little information? AAAAaaaaahhhhhhhh
>there probably won't ever be anything like a "golden age" for games with many consecutive solid releases over multiple years
That time was from the NES until the release of the original XBox. XBox saw the decline of gaming by introducing and normalizing the most predatory practices in gaming, DLC (and it's insidious child known as lootboxes) and pay 2 win/pay 2 play.
>trailer has massive spoilers
And no one's surprised.
actually it doesnt spoil anything new. if anything, its less spoiler-y than the release trailer was. it mostly just talks about combat mechanics and the beginning of the story.
Fuck off the internet then bitch faggot
Finally, this trailer sold this game for me
>shieldcucks btfo
>summoncucks btfo
>overlevelcucks btfo
>magicucks btfo
>powerarmorcucks btfo
How could miyazaki pull such a based move like this?
Le Samourai
Die homo pedo
Hurr old game gud new game bad
>he can't into STR/DEX
13 Assassins
7 Samurai
Sword of Doom
Throne of Blood
Lone Wolf and Cub movies
The 47 Ronin (not the Keanu Reeves film, the old one)
Why is it when there is a gameplay video they never show what the game will be lie when you play it. There's no hud and it just looks like a cutscene. I don't give a shit how it looks I want to see how it would look like if I played it.
You have to have some kind of mental impairment or just autism if you can't grasp what a learning curve is
Shit I bet half the board is retarded because they can't even do a DP in fighting games
a bad tenchu clone
>trying to finish dark souls 3 DLCs while waiting for this
This is fucking unbearable, this game is absolutely terrible to play. What a massive chore.
the bosses can be difficult but other than that its a breeze, what are you struggling with?
The shit game design. Dark Souls 3 is just terrible.
its the best of the trilogy kek
fucking retard
So who is the new barefoot waifu? Every Miyazaki game has one
It's just bloodborne leftovers with shit design from start to finish. Sorry that you have shit taste.
oh nvm you're just bad and sad then
More like the years before that had a higher ratio of good to shit. Quit being a retarded sheep spouting meme garbage and compare the current industry to then.
SNES and Genesis-era had a lot of uninspired games with shit gameplay, same on PSX and PS2 games, quantity over quality that came with 3d and cd technology.
Is it just me or do the animations look awful? The combat doesn't seem to flow at all.
Playing as badass shinobu protecting my cute shota master was always my dream.
>SNES and Genesis-era had a lot of uninspired games with shit gameplay, same on PSX and PS2 games, quantity over quality that came with 3d and cd technology.
I've been there and played a lot of good games, and bad games too.
you mad that kid is more of a chad than you and absolutely tearing up the dance floor?
probably fucked 5 bitches that night
>no continuous semi-open world
>no multiple paths right out the gate allowing you to skip entire areas
>have to sit through two loading screens to level up
>shitty one dimensional characters without any specific theme tying them together
>build variety very limited
yikes, freunde
do you have any idea how badly people are looking for it?
If it's the shouta prince I am gonna fucking send miyazaki a bottle of poo.
Oh shit, a Kirin great sword, we're fucked
There's a character named Emma but I don't think she's barefoot unfortunately
I'm a ginger but I still don't like orange on clothes or cars, looks ugly on them
Green is the most over rated colour
bloodborne has all the same issues but Yea Forums will fellate it all day long
Subhuman footfags here forgetting Japan used to mangle the feet of it's women with footbinding. I sure hope you like gangrene.
Japan never did that shit.
China did.
The Owl, your mentor.
There's already tons of gameplay like that for Sekiro though.
shut the fuck up you mutt, what does that have to do anything with the 21st century
Most of all, pvpfaggots btfo.
> Attack the enemies to kill them
I don't know why but this made me giggle far more than it should have.
>tfw literally driving an orange car
I have some orange t-shirts too, all my screens have an orange background or variation.
>what does that have to do with current year
Nothing, but you forget the game takes place long ago, retard.
nigga that was china. you are big dumb.
>mfw the owl boss fight
The Owl sounds pretty good. wolf sounds okay, the kid and the other guy who took the kid didn't seem to fit very well
jeez, i didn't know there were demons and 1000ft long snakes back then you fucking nigger. you do realize video games are fake right?
>dark souls "hey guys, member dark souls 1 and bloodborne unused assets that we scrapped together to fulfill namco's contract?" 3
>best of the trilogy
Dear fucking god. Just how fucking braindead are you?
>GOTY in 4 days
we're coming home bros
Jews have existed for thousands of years
I just realized something. The villians and mobs aren't some sort of anomoly that grants them some sort super human height.
Wolf, simply put, like most asian males, is a turbo-manlet. I'm not playing as some manlet with a fake arm.
>I'm not playing as some manlet with a fake arm.
The fake arm too much of a stretch to stop you from it pretending its yourself?
hi /pol/, still seething over the masterrace?
>I want to play as the chosen one and kill god
Plenty of other weeb games to fill your autism
>master race
I guess it depends on the orange
like my hair is almost orange-brown, it's pretty dark, probably darker way darker than what you think when you hear ginger.
I wouldn't wear a shirt that's like crunchyroll orange
You're retarded, but you offer a good point, and its that the scale of the enemies are exaggerated as they would be in old stories of war heroes. Shit like being able to cleave through multiple people, or being as tall as giants.
It's why I fucking love this game before its out
I hope no one would wear a crunchyroll shirt at all.
I’m gong to play the game and form my own opinion
Also some of the enemies are literally ogres or ogre mutts
no me too, I was just using that as an example of the kind of orange I was talking about
How spoilery was the trailer? Does it show bosses we hadn't seen yet?
those are captured dutch gaijins
What's essential Samurai / Shinobi games that I should play until Friday?
Absolutely annihilated
If you've kept up with it so far I don't think it shows anything really new.
So, when will I be able to play on PC? Midnight? What timezone?
It's hard to tell wether they were bosses, mini-bosses or regular big dudes.
play Nioh
Answer the question, does it show new bosses we hadn't seen yet? If yes, then I won't watch it, the launch trailer already showed too many.
will sekiro have character creation?
What about the big grey monkey boss?
yes, bloodborne is the best game in the franchise, what's your point?
Nope it does not
is this bait or are you just blind?
literally the monkey king, same as in chinese mythology.
Why do From artists still draw people like they're undead?
I normally avoid any info about games before their release. I'm guessing no I just wanted to make sure.
>"Does it show bosses we hadn't seen yet?"
>"there's nothing new if you've kept up"
>"answer the question"
Holy fucking shit you write so fucking obnoxiously.
lmao did they rip off dragon ball?
okay fair enough then
no there won't be character creation
watch me dumbo
That guy doesn't look undead, looks like a normal hobo
Yep no customization
He didn't say that, he said "I don't think" which is vague. Would not have asked again if he was not vague.
Don't be retarded.
yeah pretty much, they liked goku with his tail and great ape form so they done the monkey thing with it
Is this guy a full on boss, or just a mini boss?
It seems like this game is going to have a lot of mini bosses.
According to Yea Forums you're only a boss if you have a trophy attached to your name. Quality zoomer logic.
Doesn't make your writing less obnoxious.
All the mini bosses are full-on bosses by the standards of all their previous games. They're just categorized as minibosses in Sekiro because they are not inside fog walled boss rooms.
The giant grey monkey is not Wukong, you retards.
You getting so emotional over it is really the most obnoxious thing here. This is the internet, get a thicker skin.
Shinobi (PS2),
yeah i haven watch last 2 trailers thy show way too much
The LoL champion??
>I haven't watched them
>They show too much
How do you know if you haven't watched them?
Eu comecei a dar a bunda desde início de 2012, tendo dado de 1 a 3 vezes por semana até então. Incrível pensar no quanto eu já levei rola. Love it.
Fuck off spic.
To some people anything about a new game in later trailers could possibly show more that’s been seen in earlier trailers
Thanks guys I'm here all night.
>"you getting emotional boah"
>is actually the one getting worked up over his writing being called obnoxious
Absolute kek.
That was China, dumbshit.
>inb4 merely
Nobody has any idea? I only preorder games once in a blue moon and have no clue as to how this works. All I know is I have Friday off work and want to play as soon as it is available
when the FUCK is it releasing? Midnight? When can I fucking PLAY
Nobody knows if you're wondering about PC
youre right
This game is basically dororo
>there's bamboo
>there's water so possibly there will be rain, please let there be rain
>there's fog
>there's a forest
>we know spooky is on the menu
Now let there be dark and maybe snow and my erection shall never end
If you mean the anime, I guess, I haven't seen it. If you mean the game, nah.
t. preoder
There's falling snow, watch this video and go to the 14:50 mark
It looks like an action game but with way more really hard and dangerous enemies that you can take out fast if you use stealth or if are really good with parries but who will seriously fuck you up if you get outnumbered or aren't good enough to face them 1v1
There's skills that let you restablish stealth, and from what I've seen in the trailers there have ro be prosthetics good for facing multiples.