DMC Thread

I cant remember having this much fun with one game bros.
Whos your favorite, the boomer or the zoomer? Also what are the chances of we getting Vergil come with BP for free?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The doomer

Which difficulty is everyone on right now?

I’m only starting dmd after trying to s rank everything and giving up because s ranking some of the missions on sos is ducking broken and not fun at all

dante then griffon.

All I want is playable Vergil. That smooth fucking pimp is all I ever want.

Dante is fucking amazing with everything he has access too, but got to say I prefer Nero once he has his Devil Trigger. Hon fucking powerbombing everything in sight to fucking hell is super satisfying.

Just beat DMD. Im trying to S rank every mission while waiting for bloody palace

The way they changed Blue Rose's charged shot is so satisfying in this game.

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I literally cant wait for Vergil

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I can't force myself to play through V's mission again.

I actually can't seem to S rank V's first mission on Devil Hunter, though I could on SoS. The fuckers just die too quick to style on.

which one

All of them.

Summon nightmare, taunt and read more

Nicoletta Goldstein!

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I didn't get the game until a week after release and I spent hours replaying mission 13 and going to back to older missions to see what kind of crazy shit I can pull off with devil breakera so I'm still on devil hunter. I want to savor every moment since I'm kind of new to the series as a whole and this is the most fun I've had with a game in a while.

V gets a bit more fun if you actually bother to poke enemies with your cane

Makes me wish he was more "cane melee" based

Chances are very good

Have fun user

What said, also remember that Shadow has lots of different combos, don't spam just one
During the Nidhogg fight, don't forget to use Shadow's spinning air move so you can beat the tentacles and use Griffon's lv 3 charged lightning cascade to hit everything in the arena and score multiple executes on the tentacles while also keeping the boss in the actual fight

I'm done with the difficulties but now I'm going to expand my autism into learning combos in the void, the only thing I can do properly is jump cancel and I don't want to look like shit when online BP comes.

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So is Faust good or OP in a way?

Slowly making my way through SoS. Don't really care about S ranks until I get to DMD, and even then I don't think I'll bother S ranking EVERYTHING. Some of the missions just look way too frustrating to be worth it.

Ruins the game and makes getting S ranks on Hell and Hell mode a joke.

My feeble Boomer mind can't get the hang of weapon switching, but I can get multiple max ACT in a single combo. Why is the kid so much fun?

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Doesn't his cane deal next to no damage? And if you hit someone you're going to bounce of the enemy.

Pay 2 win hat.

Starting on DMD after a short break with Human, don't really care about S-Ranks.

somebody post the webm

also his "kill everything" cane move does damage.

I've told you this before user, but you're insane

I dont get it. Do i only hold for reload? Id the big glowing orange gun arm gone?

On DMD now. I'm a shitter but learning how to take out enemies and bossess efficiently is proving to be really fucking fun____.

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And yet you literally will

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you get charge shot back later in the game

I just finished the second mission on DMD, and it's been so much more fun than just grinding stupid ranks on SoS

holding makes charges the bullets to be rapid damaging bullets for the next 3 shots

Okay, but the ability bytton hold you get from the shop is just the reload right?

Just finished Devil Hunter. Not sure if I want to keep going with Son of Sparda or not. Never been huge into these games and I think I had my fun.

yeah, the description is just a bit weird

Can't beat Vergil as Nero. At least with Dante I can rg pretty much everything, but what to do as Nero I'm absolutely clueless.

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I just love playing Nero, Exceed, DBs and DT on SoS is just so satisfying.

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Kinda dreading s ranking everything. But I feel that the difficulty spike makes it THE best difficulty to play compared to DH. Only complaint is that proto angelo in dt just DOES. NOT. FUCKING. DIE. EVER.

I'm hoping Vergil gets his own mini-campaign like DmC's Virgin's downfall but I highly doubt that'll happen.

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Buster arm amigo. Chunks the shit out of his health.

>can't beat Vergil as Nero

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>haven't had a chance to use King Cerberus or Double KA beyond one mission and a boss fight
>haven't had a chance to use Nero's full move set at all
>haven't seen the real enemy encounters
>thinking you're done

Nigger, you just beat the tutorial. If you don't want to do DMD, that's whatever, but you have to do SoS.

i'm stuck on mission 20 DMD
i can get vergil down to half health then he just fucks my shit up

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Charge shot is so overpowered, you can literally just run away and shoot him to death. You'll get a shit rank, but if you just want to move on to DMD, run and shoot.

Eh, ok. On the backlog it goes.

>Just beat Human after having done SoS
Like I know it's supposed to be easy, but one buster on Vergil drained nearly half his health bar, I also find it hillarious that the 3 missions I didn't S-Rank was because I finished all the fights to quickly to build up style.

Ok thanks

This is fun but why does 4 feel more fun? Also i hate the purple vein guys who when you knock down get up with the strongest super armour in the game. It's not hard to deal with but i just hate that I am forced to dodge in that instance.

Some of you are bunga, don't unga to the Bloody Palace tomorrow

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>I also find it hillarious that the 3 missions I didn't S-Rank was because I finished all the fights to quickly to build up style.
orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...youre just bad

You're never going to appreciate these games like that. A single DH playthrough offers so little of the real meat that these games are about. The fun amps up once you feel like you're starting to master the whole moveset, and end up seeing that reflected in your style points and your capability of destroying enemies at higher difficulties that you wouldn't have stood a chance at before. And that doesn't really start happening until you're playing on SoS and DMD difficulty because that's when the game gets challenging enough that you're forced to improve in order to make it.

Charge shot followed by snatching followed by Red Queen attacks.

Reddit is that way buddy

Uh, ok.

Nero can just buster them, and they're not much of a problem with V. With Dante, they're kind of cunty, though. It's the Judeccas and Furies that get me. They're both just shit. Furies are Blitzes but somehow even less interesting, and Judeccas don't do anything but run away.

I changed my mind, uninstall and leave forever.

>missing out on a playthrough of buster nero fully maxing anyone
I mean I get how you feel but imo these games feel alright to replay once more on a higher difficulty before quitting


SoS=fun as fuck
DMD=fucking bullshit

Prove me wrong

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>tfw three Scissors and one Fury in the same room

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Wait, why?

Anybody has the monster collection with everyone holding a different drink? I used to hate this meme but DMC5 threads made me appreciate it.

Honestly, it wasn't as hard as 2 Furies in mission 12

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mission 11 on dmd
On sos I felt like having a good feeling for dante, pretty much every fight ended with an ss or sss
But now the camera fuckery and many animation that cant be canceled fuck everything up and I get hit constantly

this is the way it's been for every game though

Haha what a baby. Powerless

>Trickster around them
Literally an anime fight

How do I get good at DMC? Is it just a matter of muscle memory? Because no matter how good mine could be (and it's not that good) I can never react properly during actual fights, Void doesn't seem to be working.

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Buster absolutely wrecks his Doppelganger.

How the fuck im i supposed to S rank mission 18? I cant manage to do it even on human. The fucking bird always hits me and fucks my rank up

Gerbera away from his judgement cuts, just wait until he doesn't do them, then just stinger combo his ass. Use gerbera to quickly dodge his other attacks too. Gerbera can also instantly destroy his summoned swords on him and on you.

When he becomes a jet use the Gerbera laser, the hitbox is big that Vergil even gets hit if he flies to the side of you.

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I'd prefer it if he is playable in the full campaign instead of just like 6 missions of his own campaign.

We post a picture and other guess the enemy. I will start with pic related

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Stop trying to do stylish shit and combos, and just focus on the basics. Pay attention and avoid damage. Use scrub tactics. Once you're able to avoid everything then you can start experimenting with JC and focus on getting that style rank up.

Well, scrub tactics don't seem to be working on DMD so it's kind of an issue. I guess I'll just keep on trying

Fury lol

S ranking dmd mode from mission 10 onwards is straight up unfun bullshit

currently playing hell and hell mode and that shit is tough dude

charge shots destroy him
make him whiff something and shoot his ass with lvl3

i love that the mega buster has heaps of different animations for nero

Does DMC5 show your playtime?

I like to open all the difficulties and S-rank at my leisure so I just rushed through SoS and I'm starting DMD

>tfw getting to Vergil on SoS and he aerial raves you for the first time
>All those changes to the fight just in general

Holy FUCK. I wasn't expecting him to get so many new tools. I was just fucking around with RG in the second phase and thought he was just gonna do the slow walk individual summon sword shots, and then he did the fucking sword rain. Please tell me he gets even more shit in DMD

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Why do you keep reposting this user? We get it, you didn't get the Deluxe edition for whatever reason. You're missing out on some sweet memes.

>Rapid Slash into Aerial Rave attack
The timing on that attack is BULLSHIT, I still can't get proper timing on it

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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Blacks have an obsession where they need to have people talking about their race 24/7. They're basically women.

Not really, he does sword rain more often and uses summoned swords more in general but he's essentially the same as SoS just with more health.

Okay so a method as Dante with Royalguard that worked for me was that you hold the style button to block his first rapid slash hit. Then you can Perfect Guard the second hit where he goes up into the air. Then you can catch him in the air with your own Aerial Rave. Hope this helps.

Yeah, it seems like the easiest part of attack is that second slash, thanks user

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>knock down a Judecca
>teleports away before I can even complete a single combo
>Trickster to it
>teleports immediately away again
They really should have just given it a long ass cd on its cooldown or make it so that its superarmor can be broken and it teleports to recharge it.

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The only thing I've even found that works is Balrog. If you spam punches, you can dizzy it and then just Real Impact it to death. Aside from that, it's just a Looney Tunes chase.

With the massive orb gain it provides you wont need to buy orbs.

Some of the moves are hilariously broken.

You can skip that fight, makes S ranking the mission a breeze.

>achievement for beating Human doesn't unlock if you beat a higher difficulty

i dont really give a fuck about achievements but this still rustles my jimmies

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charge shot my dude

a level 3 charge shot pretty much stuns him every time and then you can pull him in and combo him. if you haven't already, remap shoot to L1 or something so you can charge and attack at the same time

Already S ranked that mission
It's just one hell of a party which is terrifying and fun at the same time

Wouldn't it be better on L2 with exceed on L1?

>not beating human last using super costumes and just fucking destroying everything

Yes. It's better to have exceed on a button so you can be more precise.

not him but I prefer L2 for exceed. No reason why, maybe just habit

personal preference really

i was pretty used to having L2 be exceed since DMC4 so I've basically kept the same setup since then. I've put the arm break move on the dpad and then DT on square.

That shit is so satisfying. It's my favorite arm.

The darkest of night falls around my hair No!
And the receding hairline within loses control
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
This baldness inside has a hold of me
Clenching my long hair trying to break me
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Move fast baby, don't be slow
Step aside, hairline, its time to grow
I can't seem to control
All this sadness that's inside me
Hold it fast, they've been dancing on this
Branded by fire on the abyss
drinking pills, I just can't resist
All this receding hairline on top of me
All of this hair falling out of my head
My hairline receding is burning me red.
Frustration is getting bigger
Pull my rogaine trigger.
Embrace the Minoxidil that's within me!
No hiding, hair loss products anymore!
When premature baldness consumes me!
Nothing can save your hairline and theres no room for it to grow.

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Shut the fuck up etc

I like DMD though. And not getting hit pushes me to improve as a player whereas SoS and HaH just has me mauling these poor things.

I really like DMD in this game.

it's a good weapon to waste orbs when you have like 99999999 orbs but so fucking OP.

Faust is hilariously broken in a funny way. I'm surprised they let it exist at all.
It's the first time they've given us something this obscenely silly and fun. Hat trick works like a discount snatch under the correct circumstances.

Two attacks it has is comically busted though. Which makes me think they might set your mission red orbs to 0 at the start of BP.

>yfw the reason for bloody palace be a after launch update is because of COOP of course and cutscenes

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If I change that now I think it would fuck up my muscle memory, same thing for how I usually map the attack button Square and the style on Triangle

>Two attacks it has is comically busted though. Which makes me think they might set your mission red orbs to 0 at the start of BP.
That is very possible and would explain the red orb bonus in the BP footage we've seen, would be a first for the series.

Well that's how I'm gonna do it now. Thanks.

Never stop king

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We've never had things like Devil Breakers and Faust before so such a thing never needed to exist.

I'm expecting them to introduce a shit ton of red orb spenders though. And if not, I guess this is how people were supposed to easily farm up their ex taunts.

How would you rate the game's replayability now that a rumored Coop BP and a possibly 3 more playable characters are coming?

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I'm at Mission 16 on DMD, but I used a gold orb on Mission 11 because I had Angelo down to a sliver of health and I wanted to go to bed so I just caved in, but I feel bad about it so I'm going to go back to it and beat it without items before I progress further.

Do you think BP will have pit stops to purchase new breakers at certain milestones?

They said it was going to, so I have no reason to think it won't.

Imagine all that clusterfuck and ridiculus shit that's going to happen on your screen when the last enemy enters DT state and everyone's sabotaging each other just because they want to style on that enemy too

i'm gonna snatch everything fuck yall niggas

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It won't matter Dante and V can literally teleport to your position.

Favorite Dante mission to replay? 11 for me, I just love the feel of the environment and the encounters are varied.

>play as Nero or Dante
>do nothing but taunt the whole match and kill enemies during V's kill animation

13 13 13 13 13 and 13. I do like replaying 11 as well though since I can listen to my music since Dante only has like 2 stages that does that.

A coop BP with a lobby and invite system will extend this game's replayability for up to 20 years

18, hard to S rank but the setting is kino

You can't do shit to Nero if he's holding the last guy with Bringer
>Snatch everything
>Hold the last enemy with Bringer
>Friendly Fire: On

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>if he's holding the last guy with Bringer
Oh if he's holding that's different. You said snatch so I would have just tricked up there and finished murdering it.

Yes. It's very memorable.

>April 2nd
>Queue up Bloody Palace as Vergil
>Get teamed with a V and a Nero
>And, oh God no, it's a Dante
>Every room, Nero is rawhiding the shit out of one enemy at a time, V is just reading until he has 3 runes, and summoning Nightmare for, like, 5 seconds at a time
>Do my best to carry, judgement-cutting on as many combos as I can manage -- Haven't practiced Vergil much in the last 24 hours
>Insane Dante buffoon just keep using Gunslinger to slap hats on everything
>Not even doing Hat Trick to deal damage and stunlock shit
>Contributes nothing
>Get to the first boss
>Everyone is getting amped up to go nuts on Goliath
>Finally, everyone gets to just focus on one target, so Twinkie and Unga can feel like they aren't total fuckwits
>Dante dumps all of his orbs in a single go
>Fucking one-shots the boss as soon as we spawn in
>Rainstorms into the portal
>Proceeds to spam Hats for the next 15 floors

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How the fuck do I get more style points with Dante? I don't have much trouble getting S-SSS in fights, but my style points don't even reach 4k.

Meanwhile with Nero I can just shit out 5k+ each fight.

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Your final score is a mean average of all your fights. Just don't engage unless a fight is mandatory, because weak trash mobs you can't combo on will actually lower your score.

>mfw I just discovered a DMC thread on /cm/

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who would've though DMC Coop would be so fun and necessary

I'm not that guy, user
See you in Bloody Palace, Hellish Cowboy


You gotta keep the S rank for a while since it averages it out. Only do the fights you have to.

i feel too stupid to do crazy and just do whatever works out for my rank

Swap styles and weapons constantly learn to jc


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4K user is way more cuhrayzee than that guy

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Finished Devil Hunter last week and started on SOS. I found DH pretty easy; only bosses I died more than 5 times to were Malphas (could not figure out the charge attack) and Vergil 1.
Now I’m on SOS and haven’t died yet, while getting A’s or S’s on each mission. The combination of experience and upgrades make a lot of difference. I’m still having a total blast, regardless of the easiness.
Really hoping DMD is where the difficulty catches up to a player having a maxed out character, or nearly so.

>unironically drinking monster energy and wearing shades while playing DMD
Come at me zoomers

You can still party with it.

see THIS is why Coop BP is a MUST. endless shitposting possibilites

>unironically drinking monster energy
You're not actually supposed to do that user, that shit's terrible.

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>zoomer taste
Us real gamers love the taste of carbonated cough syrup, we've been drinking it since we were 12

I'm playing DMD but feel like shit because mission 12 forced me to use like 3 gold orbs

What mission are you on? I got all S ranks and no trouble at all on SoS until Mission 10. The whole second half of the game gets way harder on SoS, and DMD is no joke.

>Join a bloody palace as Nero with 8 ragtimes
>3 people going ham with permanent quicksilver
nothin personnel

>tfw ending was super hype, but then ends anti-climaticlly

Fucking really, it ends just like "oh vergil and i are gonna seal the portal or something bye"

Real boomers drink a real boomer drink

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Someone please post it, I thought I saved it

I just beat Nidhogg, so I think I'm only 5 missions in. I'm taking it easy and playing one mission a day or so.

Hard mode in the first DMC is fucking raping me
If I suck this much at it, Im fucking terrified of DMD

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I beat 1, 3, and 4 on Normal only (used a save file to see what Vergil 3 was like on DMD and got nowhere near beating him, and also cheesed 4's LDK Vergil campaign all the way up to Dante's boss fight), and finished 5 the day it came out. I beat the second playthrough on SoS without any trouble and was even kind of disappointed that Vergil wasn't that much harder outside of Judgment Cut End being an actual threat now. Should I go for DMD immediately? I heard it's stupid hard and don't know if I'm ready for it.

I'd agree with the other user that the difficulty starts picking up. Mission 8 is where SoS should start flexing its muscles, DMD is pretty fun with a fully built character.

RE2 costumes when

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>there is a falling action after the climax
Yes, that's how story structure works.

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Here's your DMC 6 summoner, bro

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DMD is really cool in DMC1. Enemies actually get LESS health than in Normal and Hard, however all enemies are on a DT timer. When they DT their damage goes through the roof, but their health stays the same EXCEPT for Marionettes and Fetishes. Their health gets multiplied many times over and they become unflinchable unless you DT. So DMD will teach you (out of necessity) how to efficiently use Devil Trigger to clear puppets as fast as possible. As for everything else, they'll just two-shot you if they're DTed. Also, all bosses get a lot more health, so you can't just facetank them with DT and have to learn to fight them properly. This is great except for Griffon 2 who is the doublest of niggers.

>she uses Shadow and Griffon just like V
Patty/Griffon would have top bants.

Coatless costumes when?
DMC4 costumes when?
Any costumes at all when?

Coatless costumes are coming
DMC 4 colors too

Nobody's ready for it. Just do it. Try not to freak out when the Empusa Queen in the prologue takes you three minutes to kill.

Fixed image

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Err what were you expecting, exactly? That's how it typically goes. Your alternative is to literally just end it early at the height of climax which is even worse.

What's wrong with her tits

>Nuro as Leon instead of Dante


Just try it, it's a step up from SoS but the first missions aren't too bad.

Underrated and kek.

>DMC 4 colors too
lame, give me the actual costumes.


>some hotshot streamer fighting Vergil
>he uses 3 gold orbs during the fight
>some people are shitting on him in chat while others are defending him and calling the others gatekeepers

I wish dmd difficulty was unlocked from the start, or at the very least, after beating the game once. I'm doing SoS right now and not seeing too much of a difference except for enemy rearrangement.
The game is VERY fun, but I do't know if I'm willing to play throught it 3 times in a row.

>Coatless costumes when?
Didn't some user found out that Vergil coatless version was possible by removing the coat?
Although Dante version wasn't, apparently.

apparently you can unlock DMD by beating prologue Urizen on SoS

Beat SoS prolouge or second Urizen encounter as Nero

I mean, if they were playing on DH and suck at the game that's literally what the orbs are for - finishing the game when you blow.

The game itself tries to make you feel bad for doing it anyway

Yeah, I read about that. Maybe I'll try.


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user sort your shit out, use this guide from now on.

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Wait until later. I was kicking the shit out of SoS until the mid game. It gets a lot harder as it goes on.

>the game makes you feel bad
Not very

They look accurate for if shes wearing a push up bra

>what is surgery

DMD is unlocked from the start, you just have to beat Urizen in the prologue twice. If you aren't good enough to do that you aren't good enough for DMD.

>Leon not as Dante
>Nero anything but Jake
Person who drew this doesn't know a shit about RExDMC, don't they?

>Which difficulty is everyone on right now?
The broken controller difficulty. I spent like 15 minutes wondering what the fuck was up with my execution because I kept randomly getting standing attacks instead of directional attacks. It wasn't until the end of those 15 minutes that my shoulder button just stopped responding at all and then it hit me that the shoulder button was malfunctioning intermittently all along.

Those were some infuriating 15 minutes. And now I need a new controller.

His ass

What should I learn to do first as Nero? Elaborate combos on the ground or basic combos while trying to stay in the air as much as possible?

She's 18, she shouldn't need to have support at that age.

There's one at /y/ as well if you're interested.

Stuck on Heaven or Hell and Hell and Hell because DMD 13 is too fun


Faust 4 shouldnt be in the game prove me wrong

I'd agree for almost any other game but using gold orbs on Dante VS Vergil actively makes the ending segment way worse. You're supposed to get good at fighting Vergil in Mission 19 or at least be able to keep up with him a little bit. But these guys just gorb their way through the entire fight while getting hit by every single judgement cut, summoned sword, and vergiljet, then go into the Nero fight having no fucking idea what to do and end up dying in the exact same manner over and over again when Mission 20 is supposed to be a cathartic victory lap and not an actual final boss.

I think its more to do with RE2R and DMC5 releasing within the same timeframe.

Exceed. Learn exceed rhythms.

Is there any video guide for Faust? I want to join the fun but idk wtf am i doing

>can't combo
>beats alll missions on all difficulties with an s
user, I think you're way better than you give yourself credit for.

Practise ex-act/max-act timing and how they affect your moves. As far as ground/aerial moves, your choice. It doesn't really matter but ground moves are a lot more limited in terms of what you can do, so you will typically gravitate more towards aerial stuff as you get better.

Practise enemy step and understand that it acts as a reset on all your moves - for example you can use calibur again after using enemy step. If you want to practise simple aerial loops, start with calibur > enemy step > repeat until you get the hang of it. Staying in the air as Nero is pretty easy, if you fuck up you can just use Snatch/Wire-Snatch to get back up.

Faust 4 is F U N

If they're so bad at the game that they die on mission 20 on DH then no amount of time would fix it and action games aren't for them anyway - they'll play once, make fun of how the story is "like, so anime" and then never think about it again.

You need to git gud at multitasking or else you'll get shitty ranks and damage outputs. Buy at least 3 combos for start and don't forget to to charge your exceed meter; doesn't seem to do much at first but it's actually very useful against tanky enemies

Staying in the air is really easy as Nero, getting exceed timings down are your fundamentals.

Which RE character would V be?

Have you been doing your reading, user?
I own very few books, and imagine my surprise when this comes in and I accide tally set it next to the Divine Comedy I bought after 3

Attached: A1VQOuxez7L.jpg (1661x2560, 1.08M)

>put hat on things
>hit them
>get lots of orbs
>use orbs to one-shot bosses

Attached: 1552286004885.png (313x270, 207K)

What did he mean by that?

Attached: dan.png (480x709, 543K)

Gonna start SoS tonight, only missing like 5 Blorb fragments and a couple Porbs so I'll find those as I go this time

With Nero there arent so much comboes as you just exceed and keep going into any next move, everything comes into everything

Literally just play mission 13 as Dante and farm for enough orbs to unlock everything. press and hold the shoot or style button when the hat trick buzzsaw gets to be in front of you, or when the red streak disapears back into you , you can also use the sound cue and dante's right arm shooting out as a cue.

Practice it til you unlock everything, and you'll understand how to faust.

Attached: DT3016.jpg (1772x1183, 374K)

Look, the videos Brea and Dong and all those guys put out showing the absolute upper limits of breaking the game are cool but they're not at all practical or necessary for high style.

People get too obsessed with autistic shit like DMC4 guard flying, it's unnecessary.

DMD, about to start mission 4
It's painful and I don't like it, but I want to play around with the super costumes

>ywn be this stylish

Why even play bros

Attached: 1549960101254.png (300x300, 86K)

Wesker clone that died in 5

Motivation time

>special announcements soon



Alright I'll learn how to properly max act first, seeing as I can't reliably enemy step on a stationary enemy

>it's real

Attached: 1552845784873.png (679x521, 420K)

Brea's still making videos?

Maybe Valve should sell Half life to capcom so it can be made on RE ENGINE

>M13 HaH V
what the fuck

>it's real
Still, it's probably nothing. Some congratulatory stuff or the like. I'll be more than happy to eat my words though.

Attached: SSS.jpg (1278x933, 346K)

>Pattyfags like bolt-ons

I think I'm giving up on trying to S rank all the mission on SoS it stress me out, but I'm having so much fun. See you in Bloody Palace, anons.

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Fan meetup probably. Not getting my hopes up yet. What an absolute unit Dan is btw, even using Vergil as an avatar.

>Why even play bros
Because you enjoy the game despite your failings. I only just completed DMD in DMC3:SE 5 months ago despite playing it since it first released but my lack of streamer level skill never stopped me. I enjoy the fuck out of the games and that's enough.

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>It's real facebook com/OfficialDanSouthworth/

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>Vergil DLC
I wanted Trish/Lady.

Attached: 601150_20190309214010_1.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

Exceed first and foremost. Then Jump Cancelling to evolve your air game. Last comes Bringer Knuckle.


Attached: EVERYBODY_S GETTING MOTIVATED.png (917x688, 310K)

>Missions 12, and 17-20 on DMD
Forgive me, lord, for I have USED GOLD ORBS

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Trish and Lady and Lucia and Credo are for the Special Edition.

>rehashing the same DMC3 arc with vergil wanting more power.

We already did this.

Got the source gif for that user?


Minority gets no right to object here.

Attached: gib_dlc_now.jpg (654x543, 85K)

Vergil will be unlocked by beating BP, Lady and Trish will be DLC.


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Don't worry, we'll get our DLC too.
Also holy fucking shit Trish is one ugly motherfucker, HOW?

Attached: lady 5.webm (900x506, 154K)

>thinking they would be DLC before Vergil
Vergil literally steals spots in other commercials and sells games on the promise of his name alone, they don't.

Attached: DMC4SE.webm (634x356, 508K)

You can skip the really bad fights in 12.

what's the point of bringer snatch
you can't use it at the same time as regular snatch to pull 2 dudes so it's just cosmetic?

Reminder that you don't need to be autistic with max-act. As long as you can ex-act every attack, you're good to go, you work around the max-acts when they happen while you're doing that.

>a little

Attached: 1543534450160.png (335x94, 5K)

Does Vergil even ever say "motivated" in this game? I've only gotten up to SoS and can't seem to get him to respond to my taunts


Good times ahead bros

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It's a character study for Vergil in the only way possible, by literally separating the rest of his personality from the power lust.

The first time you got to V's "boss rush" mission:
Which order did you fight the bosses?
Which order did you retrieve your pets?

I expect most people did Behemoth first, while almost everyone got Shadow > Griffon > Nightmare.
Tried Nightmare-only and it is stupidly tedious but "possible" as expected.

sadly nope

Attached: vergil hair.gif (280x145, 1.83M)

>I don't want to look like shit when online BP comes
Dude trust me. You're already in the top 1% of DMC players.


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Is Vergil a good father?

No, because he's not motivated and Nero is, that's why he loses.

I never forget that line because I was SO sure he never said "a little."

Cavaliere is actually really easy to parry with just Shadow

The best

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dicklet skilllet spotted

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...and like that, i just came

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>special announcements

Could it be...!?

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I do

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Trash counts as minority now?

>Which order did you fight the bosses?
Didn't even realize the bosses were above the doors so I went Big Guy, The Litter Mermaid, and Biker Angelo
>Which order did you retrieve your pets?
Birdo, Fatto, and the blob.

Attached: faget V.jpg (600x600, 123K)

So I can map Buster/Snatch back to where it used to be and play the way I used to. Functionally it's the same, worse without rawhide.

I mentioned this in another thread, but ideally going forward they can drop Wire Snatch and add lock on + directional inputs to breakers to give them more moves. Unfortunately this obviously couldn't be done during the first playthrough for story reasons and you still needed some form of Snatch to keep Nero functional.

Vergilfags, Dantefags and even fujofags already got everything they want. We haven't got jack shit yet!

Attached: REEEEEEEEEE.png (1200x907, 643K)

I did Cavaliere (Grif,) Artemis (Mare,) and then Goliath with Shadow last. Now I do it in the exact opposite order.

Cavaliere because Shadow parry
Then I made the mistake of choosing Artemis
And finally I curbstomped Goliath but got to see the rad Nightmare finisher

Enemies dies way too fast on DH so I can't SSS most of the time with Nero. SoS gonna be much better right?

Cav > Goliath > Artemis
Got Shadow first, the Nightmare, then Griffon

Remapping his controls really made his levels a lot more fun for me. Shadow still likes to attack thin air sometimes though...

At least we have a Lady mod, right?

Attached: lady vs vergil 2.webm (1600x900, 2.89M)

He gave Nero a book that was so important to him he saved it while the house was burning and full of demons then came back from hell and made Nero suffer with awkward father-son time. He's the best.

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Jesus Trish, why the long face?

Attached: 1536434113276.png (534x520, 343K)

Depends. Do you consider Wesker a good father?

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I hate "soon" because that could be days to weeks but at the same time I fucking LOVE THIS FUCKING NEWS FUCK YEAH

Why id the Zoomer/Boomer dichotomy so perfect? Its literally how the world works.

Goliath > Cavalier > Artemis
Shadow > Griffon > Nightmare
I hate that damn mission. V is boring at the best of times after a few playthroughs, let alone without most of his demons.

Yes. Style point requirements go up for S ranks to compensate:
H - 4000
DH - 5000
SoS - 5500
DMD - 6000

Wait what? He responds to taunts?

Trish and Lady DLC will take place at the same time of Dante and Vergil getting out off hell. Ending of the ladies DLC will be the Sparda bros arriving at the shop.

Attached: 1552669013723.jpg (3840x2160, 3.29M)

>see the results of hundreds of hours of play and practice
>"I could never be that good"
Unless you're an invalid or on your death bed you almost certainly could, at just about anything.

Exceed using Nero’s mid-air taunt is fucking amazing. This game is SO GOOD AHHHH I’M HAPPY AHHHHHHH

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Bully Cavaliere with Shadow, pick off Artemis with Griffon, bully Goliath with the whole crew

Attached: 1552687237091.webm (1280x720, 904K)

Fatto Catto for Fatto Demon
Birb for glorified ladybirb
Big unga for SPARDA

You can now enjoy the original El Donte in its full spanish glory.

Using TexMod, simply load Moustache Dante.tpf by in the Package Mode window.

Change the ingame language to Spanish like so:
-Go in Binaries\Win32 in your DmC folder
-Open steam_rld.ini using Notepad
-Replace “english” by “spanish” at the bottom

The long lost mod is from this video:

The features in this mods are:
-Dante, Vergil and Kat have a mustache.
-The HUD features Dante wearing a sombrero.
-Dante grows two mustaches when he’s using Devil Trigger.
-Dante has a Sugar-Skull lady on his shirt and a Mariachi guitar on his back.
-The ending result screen’s SSS score is replaced with “Señor Sombrero Salsero”.
-And many more silly stuff.

To fully enjoy this mod, I suggest you to listen to the Gypsy Kings while playing.

Attached: 1447757577650.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

If Trish and Lady are coming, they are coming first, don't doubt it. Something of Vergil's caliber is going to be withheld until the end, to end on a bang.

>SoS - 5500
Damn, mission 10, 15, and 18 gonna be a fucking chore

Griffon is far and away the strongest summon so he's always first - I like fighting Artemis because switching between shots, double jumps, and griffon's stinger makes short work of her.

After that Nightmare/Griffon can absolutely demolish Goliath and with all three available cavaliere angelo is a joke

He does

I'm literally still on Devil Hunter, not even halfway through the game. A combination of savoring it and having a busy weekend. But goddammit I love it so much. Feels like something I will be coming back to for years. I will definitely S-rank all missions before moving on to a higher difficulty though.

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Because Gen-X is marginalized.

>3's story is smooth from start to finish
>4's story is smooth from start to finish
>5's is all over the place
Why Itsuno?

You think I don't want Lady DLC? I'd be hype as fuck providing they just made her play like Dante with guns instead of whatever the fuck they were doing in 4:SE but Vergil is top of the list always.

>Ending of the ladies DLC will be the Sparda bros arriving at the shop.
9/10 great ending, have it so Trish and Lady arrive back thinking the place is their's only to see Dante and Vergil chilling inside.

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I wish they had a boss option in the void so I could bully Cavaliere and Vergil

I like Nero even looks like Jake. kek


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>The legendary mod Donte is back

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>tfw just mashing L1 for max act on Nero
Doesn't even matter if I don't get it everytime

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>4's story is smooth from start to finish
I wouldn't go that far. It's functional, but the whole middle bit with Dante is an obvious patchwork.

>4's story is smooth from start to finish
It didn't even have a proper villain. Credo was the only good character in that game.

oh no no look at the top of his head

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Finish DMD today. Urizen standing up is the most bullshit boss in this game.

Attached: Lady.gif (367x337, 2.34M)

Post game Nero is 100% my favorite. V is fun but I hate all of the autobattle he has.
I think I'd like Dante if I liked the Gauntlets, but I just don't. Something about having stance change within Dante's already changimg stances doesn't do it for me.

Me too, I also want to practice Nidhogg parrying for ultimate humiliation

apparently most of the features work on the final battle with vergil though (like the sombrero shirt and stuff), BUT the moustache and tire shirt work on all levels. haven't had the time to check out if the moustache grows on DT in all levels yet.

Wesker is so coming back to Resident Evil isn’t he? Would they dare pull a W like they pulled a V for Vergil?

>Dante = Leon
>Vergil = Wesker (Bowie)
>Nero = Jake
>Nero's mother = some random thot Wesker shagged
Pottery indeed.

>4's story is smooth from start to finish
Even 2 had a smoother story than 4

>Dante = Leon
>not Chris

5's story is okay. Almost goes to shit at the end, emphasis on "almost". I think that with a couple more missions it could've been great.

DMC1 Dante is literally prototype RE4 Leon though

I followed the same pattern for every one of Dante's weapons in this game besides DSD

"I hate it" to "Oh wait, this move is super useful against this enemy" to "WOOHOO! THIS PARTY'S GETTIN' CRAZY"

Balrog's real impact is probably the best move in the game and the kick style has killer bee and breakdance going for it


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He's already back. In the Umbrella Corps game there's a secretive character who gives orders that talks like Wesker and even has the same voice actor. Watch as RE explains that Wesker made clones of himself to test out different viruses and uses the best ones for himself or something.

Dante is totally Leon dude. DMC1 was literally a prototype for RE4.

some BP lines, I can't wait

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I'm more interested in how will Wesker look if they bring him back. Bowie is dead and RE engine needs living people to scan.
Would they give him same face model like Vergil (to keep tradition alive)?

>-Dante grows two mustaches when he’s using Devil Trigger.
Even if, due to being a spaniard, I wanted to be offended at this mash-up of cliches, I wouldn't be able to. This shit is too good.

Donte's apperance slightly changes by the end of the game, original modder was too lazy to work on this unironically

>How dare YOU! Strike MEEEEEE?
>you will regret being born USELESS, AND, HUMAN
>I will give you, despair, and, death!

Attached: 1552098422490.jpg (1920x1080, 483K)

At DMD now, V mission have a big D rank

Sparda bless you user! I hope that other El Donte user comes back and adds the mod into DMC5. The ideas him and the anons came up with is everything I wanted in a game.

Dante was prototype Leon, son. There is reason why he looked like him in 1 and why he even looks like him in 4.

i'd appreciate it so much if someone made a new webm of that donte vs vorgin fight to confirm that everything indeed works

DMD but only at Goliath.

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I still don't enjoy playing as Nero.

Attached: 9cf.png (680x618, 956K)

yeah that post made me want to hunt the mod files down. took me 3 hours, hope it was worth it. please share this everywhere

Balrog is my favourite weapon in this game. Blow mode spam + dodging feels fantastic. Swapping modes didn't take me any time to get used to but I was already used to swapping styles which probably helped.

I'd say use the weapon on its own for a bit with your other weapons unequipped to get a better feel for it. That's how I usually practise with any given weapon, but Balrog especially should let you get the ins and outs of it.

prototype RE4 (DMC1) didn't have Leon as the protagonist

Here's fixed variant

I'm fine with the controls. I clear the levels fast, but it's not fun at all. Controlling Shadow is a horror, Griffon is just different flavors of AoE and Nightmare is completely uninteractive. Might be me, but I feel like controlling him actually makes him slower and only makes it harder to control your other summons.

Depends on who would voice him.
RE engine combines face of model and mocap actor together. Which is why they go for models who have close face features to mocap actors.
One thing is certain about nu-Wesker though; he can kiss his old David Bowie face goodbye, just like Vergil.

is it me or is dmd in this game a lot harder than in 4? i could breeze through the whole game without taking damage if i wanted to, but some of the enemies are just legitimately hard to beat. fury is insane compared to blitz, for example.

>doing mission 7 on DMD
>get live co-op with some guy with a twitch name
>pull out all the stops thinking it'll be cool to watch from the other perspective
>consistent SSS on every fight, never get hit
>the guy wasn't streaming
oh well. at least it's another S ranked mission done

Literally waste 6 hours for him alone. His barrier is a boss itself.

Trying to get good on DMD but these death cutscenes suck almost all enjoyment out of the experience.

Are there any doujins of Vergil getting raped by that chick in Fortuna? I want to see him getting all flustered and making weak protests while he gets his pants taken off forcibly, and eventually he abandons all control and just meekly says "I-if my father did it, I should be able to too!" and lets it happen.

Please spoonfeed me what Devil Breakers I should use, I hate Nero only because of that system, don't know what the fuck should I use.

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DMD was always the fuck you mode user, what were you expecting?

>J-Just crossing the street Urizen!

>Project Resident Evil 3 enters development starring Tony Redgrave
>It's not enough like Resident Evil 2, so it becomes Devil May Cry starring Dante
>Resident Evil 3 comes out
>Devil May Cry comes out
>Resident Evil 4 created from pieces of Devil May Cry, Tony Redgrave becomes Leon
>This isn't confusing at all

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Make it with a (You)

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It bothers me that dodging with either Shadow or Griffon completely interrupts any attack they're in the middle of. Makes sense why of course, but my own dodging interrupts my attack strings more than anything else.

Oh you best believe I’ll share it with everyone. Major props on restoring this.

they really dun goofed with all the slow menus and loading screens, it's probably the game's only fault

godly edit

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Man, Urizen's design before eating the fruit was kino as fuck. Then he gets fucking noses on his shoulders. I love Itsuno, but Goddamn, what was he thinking with that?

>equip nothing but punchline
>constant attack when you launch it
>surf it when you want to get crazy
>uppercut bosses when you want to be stylish
It's the perfect arm.


just get whatever Nico recommends for each mission, that way you'll naturally find out what you like

Gerhera's charged beam is overpowered. Use that if you want if there are too many enemies and you want to rise your rank easily.

Equip whatever and just blow them freely, as intended.

Otherwise Gerbera is probably the most practical if you really want to be a bitch.

>Functionally it's the same

Attached: 1522174731595.jpg (588x823, 109K)

Anything you like and enjoy the most. I usually bought a set of Overture for combos, Gerbera for air dodge, and Punch Line to stall most enemies.

Then use either jump or nightmare summon instead

doesn't count if you were playing V

Punchline, Gerbera are the best ones
Tomboy and Rawhide is good if you know how to use it
Buster arm is kinda useless after end game but it deals more damage than Devil Bringer

>what was he thinking with that?
"We haven't embarrassed Vergil enough in this game"

Attached: 1552271851178.png (458x937, 398K)

You cant go wrong with Gebera and Punchline.

With how clones work in that series, combined with now mind swapping, yeah it will be easy as fuck to explain this. People would accept it too

>play mission 10 on DMD
>it's as hard as everyone says it is
>the game punishes me severely for not knowing the Fury match-up as Dante, because the mission has two encounters with them, one of which is a gank together with a fucking Hellbat
>die several times to some of the encounters, such as the Angelo squad (who brought their Baphomet friend with them) and the aforementioned Fury-Hellbat duo
>never use red orb revivals or gold orb revivals
>just restart checkpoint every time I die
>still get 0.9X deduction for dying over three times

Why? Restarting checkpoints shouldn't count as deaths. I knew I was not going to get an S-rank to begin with, but it shouldn't have punished me for using the checkpoint system. I could have just used some gold orbs and finished the mission much more quickly with the exact same ranking of C at the end.

Seriously though, how the fuck do you deal with Furies as Dante that does not involve one-shotting them with a blackhole explosion in SDT? No, I suck at Royal Guard. Please give me easy strats against them.

>4's story is smooth from start to finish

>About to finally attempt Hell and Hell run.
This is gonna be painful

Attached: Lady is judging you.jpg (907x907, 36K)

>Then he gets fucking noses on his shoulders
Japs love this shit

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Snatch and Wire Snatch? What differences are there other than how Rawhide affects it?

>fury is insane compared to blitz, for example
That's because Blitz is built around cheese strats while Fury is a genuine enemy that you actually fight

I'm on dmd and i'm switching between gerbera, helter skelter and sweet surrender.

Attached: 1552774249981.jpg (720x506, 34K)

>got to that part without knowing you could DT the summons
somehow i missed that in the tutorial and just never used it. trying to beat cavaliere with only non-DT griffon was hellish

>a literal shitpost from yesterday brought a lost mod back

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>That man's body was reaching its limit.
Has a more Japanese phrase ever been uttered? You've just gotta work "cannot be helped" in there somewhere.

>Ending of the ladies DLC will be the Sparda bros arriving at the shop.

Actually kino

Attached: 1552606978354.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

Tomboy is the only correct choice

Attached: tomboys.jpg (520x1024, 102K)

That and the demon anus -environment design in the last half of the game.

So how exactly do I ride the punchline? I did it twice, but now I can't remember how. If I'm not mistaken, I have to launch it once (normally, not charged) and hold the button again, right? And what can I once I'm riding it?

The whole "out of order" storytelling just makes it seem sloppy and lacks cohesion

Stop talking about it I don't want my expectations to be too high.

Attached: lady 7.webm (1862x644, 2.98M)

I finally bought it today, lads

Attached: Capture.jpg (849x526, 53K)

>One thing is certain about nu-Wesker though; he can kiss his old David Bowie face goodbye, just like Vergil.
Suddenly, I don't want of them to bring Wesker back anymore.

Attached: nononono.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

This is honestly a good question. They would most likely get a young model for Wesker given how they are going that route.
True. We can also determine that DC won’t be back given the shit show he’s been putting himself in. Richard actually is interested in working with Capcom again though.

hold circle after you send it

Ice Age. It's boring and shitty, but it works. Furies are trash enemies, so just spam Ice Age, High Time, and then Real Impact.

FUCK Furies
FUCK Judeccas
and FUCK Urizen

how about the fucking fact that the bringer can snatch 2 at once and can be used while charging break age

Attached: 1524519115960.gif (400x266, 470K)

cerberus works really well against them since pretty much all you need to do is clash with them. charged revolver or ice age are good, then you can follow up with rising dragon + real impact against them. theyre still fucking bitches for how short their recovery windows are.

Man, if only there was some kind of skill list in-game you could read. Yes, that's how you ride the punch line, press buttons to do tricks, and read your skill list from the pause menu you hack.

Have fun m8

>Mission 13
Should I play as boomer or zoomer?

After credits scene hints at Dante x Lady

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Parry him with that iceball move with Cerberus, uppercut with Balrog, send him down, real impact. Rinse and repeat, goodluck user.

Have fun user

The faggot.

Put it on your SSD if you have one. You're gonna need to in order to cut down on loading times, because you'll be going through a lot of loading in this game from doing resets if you want those S-ranks.

It slows down other players too.

they're not all too different mechanically, blitz is a lot more vulnerable when he isn't attacking though, he's more lenient with you i guess. fury just forces you to stay alert all the time.

It tells you all of this in Nero's skill list.

The only problem I have with that is the excessive ammount of times you reach Urizen. 3 times if I'm not mistaken. Other than that, it didn't bother me.

>Dante's free ride still missing
>Nero still cannot ride enemies using Red Queen like in one of cutscenes
>V can't ride enemies like in his run animation

Have fun user, and be stylish.

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You "fight" Blitzes a hell of a lot more than you "fight" Furies. Blitzes were just shitty Shadows that sucked because they spent half the fight teleporting around invincible and had that bullshit fast swipe attack. Fury is just Blitz but without the Shadow gimmick, which makes it even less interesting.

restarting from checkpoints in previous games hurt your time score
if you have enough DT you don't need to perfect guard, royal revenge gives you DT back for the damage done and you can do air taunts for 1 free bar in between
balrog blow mode jabs are easy parries
if you do use balrog use blow mode since it KOs enemies after a set amount of hits/damage and then you can direct impact

why the fuck would i voluntarily play V? i actually rather like him but he's a fucking chore on DMD

Thanks. Do you actually have to do any damage against Urizen in mission 10? Or does it end automatically after a couple of seconds?
Yeah, Ice Age sounds good. I found that using Kalina Ann's mega laser when they spawn in shaves off a good 15-20 percent of their health at the very least.

I went stupid and started w/ goliath and nightmare, basically spent the whole fight reading and occasionally summoning blob, idk why I thought it was a good idea but when I eventually got it I did angelo and griff before finishing w/ Artemis and shadow.

which one

Boomer + maxed out Faust = 6 gorillion red orbs

>not playing as Dante

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Well that most likely means they will use another body for Wesker that doesn’t look like him. But will explain that it’s Steve.

Couldn't find it there, might check again. You don't need to be an asshole though


>want to use DSD because its 100% superior to rebellion/sparda and does big dick damage
>dont want to be viewed as a casual shitter on Yea Forums

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>You don't need to be an asshole though
??? What?

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You can do that with Nero too

Sparda deals more damage

>DSD is a pretty advanced weapon
>if you just want damage, then Dance Macabre on Swordmaster on Rebellion/Sparda is enough to make up for the lack of moves compared to DSD
>landing that final golf swing does a chunk of damage in DT mode on DMD

>his profile pic is literally Vergil
I love how into it this series' voice actors are.

Who the fuck cares what a bunch of anonymous people think you should play a fucking single player game

Might look shit but had fun because why not

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>Could have revived Mundus and set up future games
>Nah its vergil again LMAO oh wait nvm they best friends now :^)

just use whatever you want


DSD does more damage than Rebellion/Sparda?

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Revolver aka spin2win. Same goes for angelos. Anything else you can murder with 2kalina

They're very different. Fury is all about parrying while Blitz is "supposed" to be about ranged combat but in reality everyone just cheeses them with instakill strats

Fair point, forgot about snatch in DT. My bad.

I swear every Urizen fight always has that one bullshit as fuck attack.

Grow up you faggot.

>Queen asshole has the biggest nose
What did they mean by this

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new El Donte webms please anons

Whoops. Didn't mean to greentext anything.

>The game itself tries to make you feel bad for doing it anyway
>retrying the fight from the checkpoint is the "give up" option

Using a good weapon doesn't make you a casual. Rebellion is literally just a meme for fags that can't get over DMC3/4. Sparda at least has better reach than DSD, but it has a more limited moveset and less damage output in Swordmaster.

Summoned Sword form + Sword Master easily does double damage with all weapons

It's a fucking single player game, I don't give a fuck if you're chasing every single boss or using cheats

Only in so far as you can Summon Swords while attacking. They all do the same damage aside from that. Check yourself in the void to confirm.

Don't worry, user.
Wesker might lose face of sex-God himself, but he still won't get JUST'D, since you can't JUST the guy who wears sunglasses almost 24/7.

>Sparda deals more damage
Really? Like per swing?

>Rebellion is literally just a meme for fags that can't get over DMC3/4
DSD is cool and all but I really like Rebellion's design.

>Bringer can snatch 2 at a time

Wait wat. I beat the game 5 times and i still keep discovering new shit everyday holy fuck

>Blitzes were just shitty Shadows
They're nothing alike. Blitz uses his gayass shield, forcing you to fire at him until he dies (or use cheese strats like Omen or Gligamesh Guards) while Shadow is all about getting that crithit
>Fury is just Blitz but without the Shadow gimmick
Fury is all about parrying

I love how you made Vergil all serious like he’s all done with this shit. Good stuff man

Based. All it needs is Monster cans and you're golden.

> "There is no DLC fater BP"fags get BTFO

Ohnono bros, we can't keep winning.

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Anybody have 5's artbook? The one released with the limited edition toy RV?

I really want to read on enemy concept art.

>yfw its another V has a boner episode

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You're now JUSTING Wesker by saying he can't get JUST'D. Every time someone said "RE engine can't make [x] character look worse", they ended up being proven wrong. So, don't call for it when it comes to Wesker as well, or he too will get beyond JUST'D.

are there sales figures yet? i thought they were supposed to be up after the first week?

I feel like I'm getting nowhere with this exceed training, also the timing on High Roller and Streak are weird as fuck

They DID set up for future games, you dumbshit.

The Qliphod's entire thing is to establish that literally anyone can be a 'Demon King', not just Mundus. Dante and Vergil sort-of reconciling brings closure to their story, while Nero has fully established himself as the new lead for the series going forward.

DMC5 has set things up in a way that allows for Nero, Dante and Vergil to be on the same team against some new big bad for an infinite amount of games.

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>implying he wont be hinted in the DLC as setup for DMC6

Royalguarding the damage from hitting into Blitz was kino as fuck though.

I need a Webm of El Donte and Bob Barbas

Oh shit guys, Mundus is fucking back!

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Try getting a crit on two secret missions that have you fighting three Shadows at once. The critical hit is cool, but it's only really useful when you're fighting one at a time. Shadows are better because they actually move around and fight you on screen and have an interesting varied movelist. Blitzes just warp around invincible and try to land cheap shots. Furies do the same. They're trash for the same reason.

On SoS I started by picking Shadow against Artemis for the sidestep. Killed her with JC'd cane smacks and the AoE when I needed iframes in the air, then Griffon for Goliath and lastly Nightmare.

Nope. You can't JUST a guy that wears all black, has slicked back hair and wears shades all the time. Even if his nu-face isn't as great as Bowie's was, his imperfections would get hidden thanks to sunglasses he wears all the time.
Which is why I said that you can't truly JUST Wesker.

High Roller/Streak will have different timing depending on how many gauges of exceed they use up, but in all cases it will be at the end of the attack when the swing actually happens. If you use High Roller without following into the air, the timing is on the last attack if you swing twice/thrice with 2/3 gauges of exceed. Just takes practise, user.

why did you kill my child

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>using Hedgehog against Artemis
>not skewer

You're missing out on damage, friend.

REMINDER that DSD is objectively the best

DSD has more options and offers more tools for both more damage and stylish combos than either of the two previous weapons.

+Keeps all the Swordmaster moves
+Adds Drive
+Adds essentially a new style with summoned swords that add ALOT OF potential (you can juggle enemies while charging a Drive)
+Does significantly more damage using the same combo of trick aerial rave (because aerial rave gets extra hits via summoned swords)
+Looks cool as fuck
+enhanced devil arms with summoned swords
+Trades Round Trip for a superior version that lets you swing your sword still.
The only reason people choose Rebellion/Sparda is because they're DMC4lets or a mentality ill Finnish tranny avatarfag

I think its likely, they've been waiting a long time to release this game and they're going full fanservice

>DMC 5 will be the end of Twin Brothers Saga
They didn't lie, the history of their sore rivalry has ended

>Keeps all the Swordmaster moves
How do you do Dance Macabre with DSD?

Yeah, it's gonna take me forever seeing as I still can't find a way to reliably get at least 1 gauge on basic ground combos



all they have to do is explain how a BIG bad can exist
>SDT dante beats Urizen after eating the fruit and gaining DEMON *WUB* KING *WUB* levels of power
>King Cerb supposedly strong enough to keep anything that is not a king of the underworld out of the qliphoth fruit room
vergil and dante are literally as strong as 2 kings of the underworld

Blitz is trash because of his faggot shield.
Also Fury has clear telegraphs for his attacks and predictable patterns

The people too braindead to learn new muscle memory and summon sword combo options are the only casuals here.

I wish you could use the Mega Busters "floor slide roll" as your default dodge roll. It looks way cooler.

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lock-on + back to forward + style action

bless you magnificent bastard

Dance Macabre changes from back to forward to HOLD back to forward because of the back + O move on DSD.

Thank you user. I’ll play this tonight and post webms and screenshots
The thread turned from a bait thread to something magical. All those ideas were top notch. The Ole chants when you dodge or use royal guard sealed it for me.

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Still, don't challenge the RE engine. Because again, every time someone said "RE engine can't make [x] character look bad", it did JUST precisely these characters the most. Therefore, don't push the luck.

Does DT affect Royal Release damage??

Thanks! the idea with the Monster cans is a great one. will add them when I redo those three with arms. and maybe V too (Any Suggestions which Monster flavor they should drink? I know that Dante drinks the Ultra one)

Shadow has the same shield, and it's the best enemy the series ever had. The Blitz is shit because of the way it moves and attacks. Fury is the same. God damn.

DT effects the damage of everything, including breakers

How come Mundus didn't know about Vorgil, who had his memories erased by demons just like Donte? And why didn't Mundus just have Donte killed while he had him at his demon orphanage? And why did Vorgil even need Donte, when he didn't know Mundus didn't know about him, and was just as capable as Donte?


ResetEra is going after Morrison VA because he's white and said nigga in the script. Also saying being white and playing a black role is black face

Should I buy it if I've only ever used controllers for 2D Platformers?

huh I thought RR damage was set regardless. good to know

Hedgehog has no iframes for V. He meant V's cane AoE, while using Shadow exclusively for dodging, not attacking.

how many times do you want to get embarrassed? be honest, the only reason you brainlets are frothing at the mouth over DSD is because you can finally just mash triangle in the air

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It's back forward B or some shit, check the list

When did he say nigga?

I don't remember him saying nigga.

He makes a pretty convincing black guy

You can attack Shadow with melee. It's just that you'll be fucked over by the cat's own attacks.
Blitz on the other hand has an autodamaging shield.
And Fury has very clear telegraphs for his attacks. You just need to practice against him

The mere fact that he literally could not give a good answer or rebuttal to Mundus is still hilarious to me. He’s like that one shitposter who gets blown out with cold hard facts, and then when all is lost, he just posts porn to get himself banned

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That's easy.
>During his time living in the human world, Sparda acted as humanity's protector against countless Demon Lords who sought his downfall.
>Now one of them has been resurrected, stronger than ever.


>An ancient evil has awakened in the darkest reaches of the Underworld, one whose return was feared by even the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda.

There's two possibilities. Anyone who actually knows shit about writing could probably come up with more.