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very cool user
woah Blizzard really has fallen to ashes
This cant be real what the fuck
What's the new mechanic that's so bad it won't be used and make the entire expansion useless?
These are randomly given from other cards in the new set.
Just watched the trailer, it was atrocious
I thought it was well known 1 drops like these are broken as fuck. What the hell is this shit.
Flashback and spellstones that just tick up from being in your hand for extended periods.
>most of them are women
Yikes, blizzard
They are generated off other cards, but unobtainable on their own.
they're given by a lego's battlecry
Ugh, so the lackey generator is an early game card. Fucking fantastic.
>we are going to tell a STORY in Hearthstone
>in 3 parts over a year
What if Part 1 is bad? What then? We are going to witness the game rot for a whole year telling a story people disliked from episode 1?
That looks like a good card for zoo.
Any fun ideas for building a Druid deck?
Except it's a rogue card
No power creep here
just some usual balance
Wait, people still play Hearthstone?
Thats a Kobold. With tits. Think about it.
Never played card games before. Recently Pewdiepie got me into MTG Arena and I've been enjoying it so far. How does Hearthstone compare?
Woops. Sorry. Saw it as purple at first glance.
What about kobolds with tits, tard?
For what reason?
wasn't he giving you 10 mana ultra spells like +10/+10 and class neutral?
Oh boy, here we go
>Their gonna add more Lackeys to its pool
Jesus Christ
so Warlock and Rougue are just gonna be the Meta this season
Attack Power Druid with Gonk, also the only deck Druid is going to have left once the rotation hits
May as well dump all that's been shown so far.
fun crazy wacky decks
less skill, more boring
play the kobolds and catacombs dungeon, its free and it plays better than multi
then shoot up a mosque like your leader would have you
they broke the game again. this is why the game peaked year ago
Man WoW art is that shit now?
fucking zoo is going to be op as fuck. Honestly I stopped playing because fun decks you cannot win with because of this shit.
Hearthstone is literally Pay to win most the time
Casual is fucking Boring
Ranked even on low teir is filled with Tryhard decks that require no skill to use since it’s all Based on Basic math/RNG
Wild is probably the only fun you’ll get
Solo As well but that depends if they don’t Keep it behind a pay(which hasn’t happen in a long ass time thankfully)
Scheme cards gains strength the longer you hold them.
>Endless scaling
Oh boy
honestly it is balanced in the game since you either have to waste a card in your hand for multiple turns or you use it on turn 4 with coin for a board wipe.
warlocks cant use rogue cards
And some snazzy art. Because Horley.
Dunno what card this'll be used for, more than likely a "Rafaam's Schemes" maybe.
it's been a while I seem to forgot what colors go to what class. It's still op as fuck.
>There are 3 Dr.Booms.
Been revealed. Togwaggle's Scheme. Scheme Card, Rogue Spell, 1 Mana. "Choose a Minion. Shuffle 1 copy of it into your deck." Upgrades each turn! So "infinite" shuffle.
>1/5 for 3 mana
>play to play a card to get combo effect
>generates two 1/1 for 1 mana
>good battlecry effects (for 1 cost minions) and they can activate other combos
this really only fits into some kind of value rogue but that has never really worked in the past because rogues are either tempoing you to death or trying to draw their entire deck
its a strong effect but its balanced because its a rogue card. people will just play more aggressive 3 drops in tempo, and theyre not spells so miracle probably wont play it either
Play gwent
rafaams scheme
3 mana
summon *1* 1/1 imp
upgrades each turn
>A better and more reliant Elise Starseeker
This is just most likely a splash image for the adventure/PVE stuff. All I've got and what most likely everyone else who bother to look.
No, only to 5 damage max, the scaling has a limit.
TW3 Gwent >>>>>>>>>>>> tiny asian dick >>>>>> Stand alone Gwent
Hi /hsg/
I used to play Star Trek adversaries I miss it a lot.
Then I moved to Elder Scrolls Legends because it's at least civilized and generous compared to the gacha hell that is shadowverse.
When are they bringing warleader back to his former glory?
That's a sexy goblin.
Any cool foil animations like the Radovid one?
Murloc Warleader?
Never, partially because people got sick of murloc rush decks + Murloc Paladin decks. But more importantly it's because Blizzard hates me and doesn't want me to have a means of interacting with murlocs which is why I can't summon/play as them in WoW either. With Un'Goro leaving any of my ambition seems dead at this point.
Some might have called my deck cancer and brain dead, but it was just fun to have a board that synergized with itself.
Murlocs where so fun...
i remember when the grand tournament came out , and murloc knigth would be such a fun thing , at the time i didnt had all the murlocs , in fact i had almost none , but the murlocs knigth would make sure to summon them , and in my darkest hours he would summon the legendary one that had windfury and charge
Truly the gold age of murlocs
Elise can afford to be powercrept honestly. The golden money might as well have only changed your hand to legendaries considering you're going to have like 1-3 cards left in your deck by the time you draw it. They already made a paladin card that turned all 1 cost cards into legendaries and it was fucking trash
Is every class in the game gonna have a lackey generator? Maybe some neutral ones I guess.
people have been comboing that with Hakkar, because it clears the bloods out of your deck.
It's almost good, but that's mostly because Control Paladin is in a forever state of almost good.
>Used to have hearthstone installed just to play the dungeon run mode
>New dungeon run requires gold to be unlocked
Thanks blizzard
It's also a warlock card, the class most likely to have less card than its opponent in the deck.
>anything blizzard
Can't say I've ever seen hakkar paladin, but I'd imagine it would have trouble getting the deathrattle to go off consistently. Either way people can just use geist to counter hakkar decks until rotation. And it also hits a lot of priest decks so it's fairly popular from my experience.
They really dropped the ball this time. Should have done a regular adventure with free cards if they were going to pull this shit again. Why the fuck would I want to pay 2800 gold for 20 potentially garbage packs? Should have had some real cards that were exclusive rewards for each wing instead of fizzlebang 2.0 as the only prize
Why does blizzard want to kill wild even more than they already have? Why doesn't the new deck auto complete work at all for wild? This is such horseshit.
Even if mill rogue continues to be shit, they are still by far the most obnoxious and unfun deck to play against
It's the only thing WoW's got left. Sex appeal.
No one likes wild.
Hearthstone is only somewhat replayable and fun with arena. No one wants to go play ranked after the first 3 weeks of a new expansion and Wild is just a cesspool of somehow even greater degenerates then the meta sheep of ranked.