I had a hole in my second favorite drinking arm

I had a hole in my second favorite drinking arm...

Attached: Max Payne 3 stadium.jpg (630x354, 69K)

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How old were you when you realised that MP3 was the last good game that Rockstar made?

>third person shooter story game

It definitely has the best gunplay out of all their games.
RDR2 has gunplay somewhat close to MP3, I just can't stand controllers.
I am patiently awaiting a PC release.

>dude haha I'm so drunk LMAO
>get it yet? I'm so depressed

Dan Houser and his gang of hacks should stick to milking kids in GTA.
Worst Max Payne game in gameplay and writing.

Attached: Max Payne 3 in a nutshell.webm (800x450, 2.79M)

Attached: Max_Payne 3.jpg (575x591, 85K)

imagine going through the effort of making this

And with that, I was ready for bed

It wasn't pretty... but I guess none of what was about to happen was gonna be.


This guy gets it

1 is overrated. 2 and 3 are when the series gets more down to earth and real.

I wouldn't know right from wrong if one was helping the poor and the other was bangin' my sister.

Attached: Max Payne 3 ending.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

can i get a source?
enjoy my favorite one

One of the gmod idiot box episodes.

I have played both mp3 and rdr2 with a controller and they feel nothing alike

Max payne 3 is a bit rough to get into but the gunplay is stellar when you get used to it (albeit a bit flawed still, the physics based movement is shit no matter how hard they try) but rdr 2 has such a shit gunplay i simply gave up in chapter 6 and turned auto aim back on

rdr 2 has good gunplay, but it's hidden behind insane amounts of input lag and sluggishness.
Once the inevitable PC version comes, the higher framerates should alleviate some of that. I think it will be good. Not as snappy as MP, but better than GTA 5 for sure.

unironically best max payne

The gunplay is extremely similar despite the input lag like this guy said The guy in charge of Max Payne 3's gameplay was in charge of the combat of RDR2

>feel good getting into the gunplay
>get interrupted every 10-30 seconds

Attached: 1485500257969.png (221x325, 108K)

this, fuck this game, it's garbage

game is great, fuck yourself

>has to sit through unskippable cutscenes if he wants to play through the game again
yeah, great

100% correct

>boy it's dark in some places but it's sunny everywhere else

Most kino ending of vidya soo far

Attached: max payne 3 ending.jpg (1600x900, 210K)

Played it one year after it came out so 43.

isn't it skippable second time around? or during arcade?

For how long the games been out I think you should know by now there is a mod to skip the cutscenes if they really bother you that bad.

Kino game, kino ost

>unironically best max payne
it's literally the worst MP. still good though.

no that's 1

I do know that, but it was also only fucking last year for a 2012 game, i literally don't give a fuck about it now.

Very funny, Ha ha.
Yes that is a fake laugh, you jerk

I couldn't even finish max payne 3, I don't know what kind of braindead faggot can play that crap without getting mad at the game throwing impossible to skip cutscenes every 20 seconds.

1 is the best MP game, bud.

Besides the unskippable cutscenes, does any one have any complaints about the actual gameplay?

Max Payne 2 has the greatest. most emotionally satisfying ending to a video game of all time and the fact that 3 even exists is stupid.

Attached: the mona lives ending isn't canon, fuck off.jpg (413x601, 68K)

Nah it was great. FAL was so fucking sexy

>slow as fuck movement and recovery from floor
>weapon limit
>gabrage tube levels with nothing to explore
>last stand mechanic is literally autoaim

Oh yeah and alsomst forgot
>zero weapon variety
>over the shoulder instead of centered camera
>"realistc" animations in favor of fast and precise gameplay
>you don't shoot where the crosshair points and there is a delay when aiming

what makes 3 completely retarded is that they write out 2's ending with a one liner mid way through the game and it's basically an easter egg.
not only that, but it screws with a stellar formula and also doesn't capture the tone of 1 and 2.

>>"realistc" animations in favor of fast and precise gameplay
>>you don't shoot where the crosshair points and there is a delay when aiming

It sounds like you only played MP2, because your complaints here are exactly how the first game played.

Nope, 1 had slower projectiles in bullet time where you had to lead the shots, which is not the same at all.

Get laid

like fuck actually playing videogames amirite?

now what?