shit game
Shit game
t. navy
but navy is the best class
you mean the most boring
what game ? I'm guessing avp 1 but I aint sure
shit you
System Shock 2
I dont know how the fuck avp 1 came to mind but whatever thanks user
The most fun playthrough I had was on full Psionic on hardest difficulty. The only problem was sitting on your modules until half way to Engineering so that you could buy Psionic Hacking as your first skill. Wrenching the Protocol Drones is a bitch.
ss2 > prey > bioshock 2 > bioshock 1 > ss1 > shit > bioshock infinite
why 2 above 1?
That's why it flopped so badly.
system shock? im too much of a zoomer the 1st is just too clunky for me
bioshock? because 2 has better combat and better level design
it's definitely the most correct thing in that order
Play 1 with the mouselook mod.
Agreed SS2 does not deserve the reverence it gets
It is front-loaded with atmosphere and complex-looking mechanics which gives a good first impression but it fails to deliver on any of it
Any bioshock above shit is wrong
this user spreads the truth
>It is front-loaded with atmosphere and complex-looking mechanics which gives a good first impression but it fails to deliver on any of it
This was Irrational's whole MO, use a pretty artstyle to trick people into thinking their game is smarter than it actually is. See also: SWAT 4 vs SWAT 3.
In my humble opinion:
SS1 > SS2 > Prey >>>>>>>>>>> the rest.
Don't worry, the remake will make SS1 actually playable.
Isn't the remake on hiatus
You are Casual garbage
>playing psi
Infinite should't even be there.
It resumed development a long time ago. It looks good now.
The roguelite dlc for prey? THAT is better than SS2?
Moon crash is garbage and SS2 is considerably better than SS1
shit taste
It's better at being an immersive sim in my opinion.
Not shit but just ok
yes it is
This and half life 1 were probabaly the only two games I’ve actually enjoyed playing every second of from start to finish.
And I’m an 18 year old who played them both in the last two years.
powerslave > bioshock 2 > bioshock 1 > system shock 1 > system shock 2 > prey > dishonored > deus ex > dishonored 2 > deus ex 3
>waited until he was 16/17 years old to play Half-Life
do you just not like videogames?
based zoomer
you need better taste, that's some entry level shit there.
I had an amazing experience with system shock 2 but half life was really boring
Deus Ex is like SS2, but with better everything.
SS2 is much more enjoyable than vanilla Deus Ex as its not a complete cakewalk to play.
Looks neat so far. Hope music is going to be good
SS2 has better level designs, AI, and gameplay. SS1 is a hitscan fest.
>See also: SWAT 4 vs SWAT 3
This. I loved SWAT3 but SWAT4 did nothing for me and felt janky af