You WILL buy my remake right?

Attached: Marin_Bell_(Hyrule_Warriors).png (1195x1195, 721K)

I want her to ding my dong.

sure, everybody loves to play old games AGAIN with NEW GRAPHICS!!

I'll play your old game again.

>You WILL buy my remake right?

I will. Day one.
The sad thing about this is I'm fully aware of how bad it is to buy fucking HD remakes, but Link's Awakening just means that much to me.

No because Marin doesn't look like that
She looks like one of these

Attached: littlepeople.jpg (550x250, 35K)

Yeah, never played the original before

Yeah who would think those are sexy haha. I bet only sickos haha.

Probably not, why would I want to buy an aesthetically worse version of a game I can play any time I want?

I will definitely pirate it day one. The original on GB is still one of my favorite games to this day. Surely a huge amount of nostalgiafagging is involved though. I hope they will remake the Oracle games next.