Playing sequel

>Playing sequel
>"Achievement unlocked: Here we go again......"

Attached: 1552864521443.jpg (1024x862, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Achievement Unlocked!
>The bigger they are...

>>welcome to ___________

Attached: 1480676050226.gif (240x180, 1.33M)

>achievement unlocked!
>get a life

>Achievement unlocked
> something alluding to gold
>100% the game
>Achievement unlocked
>Something alluding to platinum
> actually 100% the game

Where's the chihuahua one?

i have a shirt that says similar year ago.

it says
achievement unlocked
go outside

i love this guys so much!

>Halloween level
>You have to sacrifice yourself to Satan

Attached: dog-costume-headless_large.jpg (315x479, 32K)

>"Ebin shooty bang ded baddies" -xxWINston_ChurchKillxx, 1488.

Attached: cod4.jpg (1600x1200, 336K)

Attached: 1543214307890.gif (297x312, 1.24M)


You just know the dev was beating his meat while writing that achievement

Playing sequel
>"Achievement unlocked: Back in the Saddle..

Attached: 1552766119393.jpg (1440x1440, 160K)

>Achievement Unlocked: "We all got to start somewhere...": Started the game: 200 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "Achievement milestone 1": Unlock your first Achievement: 50 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "Twofer": Unlock two achievements at the same time: 200 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "Achievement milestone 2": Unlock 3 Achievements: 50 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "Low achiever": Get 500 achievement points: 150 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "Achievement milestone 3": Unlock 5 Achievements: 50 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "Completionist": Unlock 75% of all Achievements: 300 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "High achiever": Get 1000 achievement points: 100 points
>Achievement Unlocked: "True completionist": Unlock all achievements: 1000 points

Attached: 42562474262.jpg (640x566, 48K)


>wake up aniki it's time to decorate the walls with the blood of our victims

Attached: 1539732816861.jpg (3024x4032, 2.83M)

>achievement unlocked: 100 kills in online mode
>achievement unlocked: 250 kills in online mode
>achievement unlocked: 500 kills in online mode
>achievement unlocked: 1000 kills in online mode
>achievement unlocked: 5000 kills in online mode
>achievement unlocked: 10,000 kills in online mode

>Achievement unlocked
>Killed a developer in multiplayer

Attached: 1552904437685.jpg (1598x2840, 1.34M)

ur pets are ugly af OP stop posting them on Yea Forums everyday

>Achievement Unlocked!
Fall 10000 meters




Is there a game that actually does this?


>Character:'Hello, this is X'
>Achievement unlocked:X

Attached: IMG_20190206_201811.jpg (266x544, 55K)






>ctrl+f 'the part where he kills you'

man oh man

Attached: ohgod.png (269x300, 113K)

Attached: 1539263558402.jpg (732x558, 215K)





>achievement unlocked!
>the smellier they are...

Attached: 0038_70245164_p00.jpg (1280x1811, 228K)



the heck is wrong with you guys?

Attached: 1549885864740.jpg (600x525, 78K)

Holy fuck literally dark souls 2, even though I beat multiple bosses on my first playthrough before dying. Shit game.

Epic Xd


How does that make you feel? That you kept that game in your mindshare for five real world years?

BoIR DLC 3 releases:

I heard the Last Airbender game is pretty freaking close.

OK this is a funny meme. But you need to add the racoon to be even funnier ahah

Thanks Lori

They liked his shirt

I mean I'm doing go outside and I only ever remember it as a passing though. Its gotta be getting pretty close now though, since I played Stanley parable in 2014.

I think I actually got that



Look up a few posts fag

Steam shows you the last time you played a game.
And even if you're not thinking about it every day, you're still thinking about it more than none at all. Think about all the games that you've played but DON'T give a single thought to afterwards.
Also, I'm not making fun of you, but I'm pretty sure the developers of Stanley are.

Attached: 1492444113192.jpg (608x878, 223K)

>game came out a few years ago
>online mode has no playerbase or disabled servers

what kind of disgusting human being do you have to be to have such a pic saved


>plot twist
>"How do you like THEM apples?"

You know for a fact it's gonna be DIAMOND god




>Visit all areas of the map
>Achievement Unlocked: "There and back again"



>using an item you will use many times
>get achievement for using item

Why do fucking games do this shit

Actual achievement for reaching max prestige in WaW

Fuck you

Formerly Chuck's

>both Lolipop Chainsaw and Nier Automata have achievements for looking up their skirts

Attached: ohnonono.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

>Achievement Unlocked
>"Wow haha that's the ending? Wow that ending was not fulfilling at all haha! Man, that ending was complete garbage; too bad there isn't a secret, good ending out there! Haha nope, no secret ending that only happens when you 100% the game/find all secret collectables on hard mode! Definitely none of that here, that's for sure!"

Attached: db28576efa2fe4e9289cbcbb33f450c5.jpg (364x470, 30K)

Why aren't you playing on hard mode in the first
place user. You aren't a filthy casual, are you?


>Achievement unlocked
>its a reference to some shitty 10-year old meme

I usually play Hard Mode after I play through the main game at least once or if I have a decent amount of time playing it. That way, if I actually whole-heartedly enjoyed it and get a handle on it (such as New Vegas or HM2), then I step up the stakes.

I don't know if that makes me a casual or not.

I just hate it when you play an game that you're only finishing because you're invested in the story, only to find out that the 'real' ending is only unlockable through tedious challenges/collect-a-thons and playing all the stuff you didn't like over again on harder difficulty. It just seems like a big "fuck you and your interest in the plot, asshat! " to the player.

achievements should ONLY be used for tracking how much % of people who bought a game completed how much of the game

achievement hunting retards should be sterilized

I actually haven't thought about it in years until recently. I kinda forgot I was going for it. But now that I almost have it and thanks to this thread I remember.

Then how do you track how many players are achievement hunters, retard

>unlock final achievement
>achievement get - ready for the sequel!
>game bombed on release and also came with a thank you from the devs stating "this is our last game, it's been a pleasure"


A new challenger appears

Attached: tiger-selfie.jpg (500x494, 59K)

>multiplayer is dead

Attached: 1525100374967.jpg (416x578, 62K)

>Achievement unlocked!
>"Out of the frying pan..."

Attached: 79F70E26-0F7C-4E23-B98F-855FF8DF72A5-10438-00001406328772BB.jpg (400x400, 28K)

>achievement for helping free weekend players
>game does not have free weekends/has since gone free-to-play

Attached: i still have nightmares about that cat.jpg (505x574, 155K)



Cheevos are fucking annoying, break your immersion and serve no purpose unless unlockables are hiding behind them.


>achievement unlocked!
>said the n-word



Attached: 1435920318116.jpg (600x625, 88K)

>>Playing sequel
>>"Achievement unlocked: Welcome back

Attached: nhf4f92yxoo11.png (354x286, 28K)

>Do something in-game that would be embarrasing if someone caught you
>Achievement unlocked: I did it for the achievement...

Attached: 0C4B7478-9CED-408E-93F2-7F6B6C536427.jpg (500x500, 30K)

What a fag



Doesn't work on 4channel for some reason

Dogs are fucking disgusting kill them all.

fucking gw2
>carry the creator
>channel the creator
>Dance Club
>Social Butterfly
>Connoisseur of Confection
>Chairs of the World
>Extra Life
>Still waters run deep

Attached: 198998534444.png (366x405, 24K)

>multiple easily missable achieves/trophies

Attached: gascii.gif (512x512, 541K)

>Been there, done that

>there's an achievement for starting the game
>91,2% of all players have this

>achievement for starting the game
>60% of all players

Attached: o.png (500x522, 116K)

>achievement for beating the main story
>game isn't hard
How the fuck 70% of skyrim owners never killed alduin is beyond me

Attached: 1525251113973.png (668x316, 200K)

>Get a friend to play game
>Do their job advertising for them for an achievement
nah fuck off

>Finish game
>"There is no secret ending"
>Finish new game+
>"There's nothing here"
>Finish new game++
>"You really like this game, do ya?"
>Finish new game+++
>"What are you trying to do?"
>Finish new game++++
>"I told you, there's no secret ending"
>Finish new game+++++
>"Dude, really?"
>Finish new game++++++
>"Go on, I have time"
>Finish new game+++++++
>Finish new game++++++++
>Finish new game+++++++++
>Finish new game++++++++++
>Finish new game+++++++++++
>"Okay, I see, you do too"
>Finish new game++++++++++++
>"Don't you have anything better to do?"
>Finish new game+++++++++++++
>"Get a life"
>Finish new game++++++++++++++
>"Okay, fine, here, take this achievement. Now that's it. I don't have anything to offer."
>Finish new game+++++++++++++++

>achievement for killing the tutorial boss
>Only 80% of the players have it

Attached: 1551894278351.png (509x368, 145K)

Teach me how it works. I see you have it on your profile.

>Achievement unlocked:
>Blockbuster: Achieve 100,000 YouTubeâ„¢ views for your movie.
>functionality to get it hasn't even worked in years

Attached: Blockbuster.png (64x64, 7K)

>Achievement Unlocked: Chapter 1
>Achievement Unlocked: Chapter 2
>Achievement Unlocked: Chapter 3
>Achievement Unlocked: Chapter 4
>Achievement Unlocked: Chapter 4.5
>Achievement Unlocked: Chapter 5

I hate games which do this. Achievements should be rewarded for difficult tasks, be it a secret fight, a hard to reach place, a finished collection or something you actually have to work for.
>Oh wow you managed to play through the prologue here have all rewards this game has to offer
is a shitty meme for the kind of people who need a reward for every little literal shit they do

That's useful for knowing how many people even started playing the game. Achievements like
>upgrade every weapon in the game to the max
are achievement hunter bait

whatever do you mean?


Boring game

I have three copies of skyrim. One pirated for pc which is modded to death, one physical copy I got for a birthday and a switch copy because I thought that an unmoddable, uncheatable game would be a nice pace of change. I killed alduin in the pirated version once. I usually just fuck around in skyrim.
>Stand over here
>trot over there
>Eat some grass
>Walk back over here.
>Maybe I should go to law school
>Wait, that was a quest? Nice

considering it was touted as the rpg to end all rpgs up until 2016~ i'd say if nothing else the masses consider otherwise

Attached: dooki.png (621x284, 45K)


>>upgrade every weapon in the game to the max
>are achievement hunter bait
while you have a point there, in that this kind of achievements aren't that hard to get, unless the game has a ridiculous upgrade/crafting-system (and thus don't feel rewarding, at least for me), I think that progress achievements are the worst case of "congratulations, your attention span is longer than 3 minutes"
Achievements should be rewards. As such, they should feel rewarding, and be given out for things that are rewardable by nature (see the examples in my earlier posts)


>Make a big combo
>"Achievement unlocked: Bloodbath"

Attached: oTRWD3w.jpg (910x752, 357K)


>just got all achievements for Dark Souls 3 yesterday
feels good
time to uninstall

>Achievements for lower difficulties don’t unlock if you beat a higher one

combo breaker

>Achievement Unlocked : Achievement Unlocked

Attached: index.jpg (209x241, 9K)

Attached: 1549379236205.png (1000x1040, 260K)

>Achievement get

Attached: steve.jpg (800x450, 104K)

why did you bump your thread you brain fucked autist?

why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?

>OP 5:51
>First post also 5:51
You can't bump your own thread on Yea Forums unless ten minutes have passed, retard.

you can reset your IP you fucking retard or use proxy
there's no way someone would post the second the thread was created you fucking retard


Might as well add the front fracing wojak just to annoy more people

the 1st post was posted exactly 1 minute after OP you retard, so obviously OP

Attached: 1523911757707.jpg (720x717, 48K)

why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?

Has there ever been an achievement/trophy that does a pun actually well

>the second the thread was created
there's a one minute difference

The point of these selfies is being annoying and retarded looking

Your tiger looks fine

>game where you play a skeleton
>Achievement: Playing the TromBONE
>It was a fucking trumpet

Assassins Creed 3 does the
>How do you like them apples
pun retardedly well but i can't explain it without explaining lore

>finish tutorial
>achievement unlocked

Attached: 1552171796533.jpg (800x662, 85K)

why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?

I'd rather have those progress achievements because I like to see statistics. If I ever make a game, my achievement system will be just for that.

I always got distracted by side quests and modding to finish that extremely boring main quest

>he didn't just do the exploit to get this when it was new

>achievement for killing the second boss
>50% have it
Why the fuck do people by a game, only to stop in the beginning? It is a waste of money and retarded

>Achievement Unlocked: We're going to need a bigger boat!

Attached: 1519519678147.jpg (306x306, 20K)


Best achievement gag for me is the one in Portal 2 when Wheatley tries to kill you.

> GlaDOS: Well, this is the part where he kills us
> Wheatley: Hello! This is the part where I kill you
> Chapter9: The part where he kills you
> Achievement Unlocked! The part where he kills you

Also the track that plays ont he soundtrack is also called, The Part Where He Kills you.

why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?



why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?
answer the question you brain damaged retard

>developer is dead

Attached: 1552917041839.jpg (480x542, 37K)

I got that one is red dead redemption 1

>he thinks videogames awards ceremonies aren't just the marketing branch of publishers and have ANYTHING to do with reality

normies user i was referring to normies

Fucking furfags

Attached: jones.png (434x71, 16K)

so am I user
they get told by advertising and by the limited amount of releases at stores that "THIS IS THE BEST GAME OF THE YEAR GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION" and if it isn't the worst thing ever they'll believe it

explain the joke, retard. we all know the lore



why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?
answer the question you brain damaged retard

what game?

Attached: 1552858484710.jpg (500x500, 84K)

Achievements and statistics should be seperated.
Maybe except for some stupid shit like
>die 500 times
>fell down a cliff 300 times

But achievements should be, as the name states, something you achieve
>something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed:

>oh, this game looks nice from the trailer and gameplay videos
>it's on sale, I think I'll buy it
>okay, the actual gameplay is shit. maybe it gets better with time
>it doesn't. what a waste

but I want to make it public accessible, and achievements already work like that

here's an example

I'm sure one can also access the Xbox and PSN achievements, but I can't be arsed to look for them.

>why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?
>answer the question you brain damaged retard

why do you keep bumping your thread you brain fucked autist?
answer the question you brain damaged retard

>what game?
Armello. It's great if you like screwing over other players or getting raped by bad luck

Attached: neeson.png (511x70, 16K)

Super Deepthroat

put me in the r/Yea Forums screencap LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Attached: 1536106741157.jpg (381x353, 66K)

>lose match
>negative 17 kd
>achievement unlocked
>played in an online multiplayer match

Attached: 5B294DB0-4703-4460-9252-13AC3A12E147.jpg (566x431, 40K)

what did he mean by this

okay, but where is
>learn all magicks
different from
>upgrade all weapons
expect for the obvious different setting?

the achievement system in dork souls doesn't seem that appealing to me.
Personally, I like
You need to think hard to get most of them, and even then some are not obvious.
Plus I like the humor, most of which got lost in translation

The reason you see so many pointless achievements for every little thing is because devs use those statistics to track how far players get, whether they're all getting stuck on one boss, etc. That, plus Americans needs constant positive feedback because they're dopamine-addicted children who have been told that they're special all of their lives.

t. silly bear who loves honey





>beat a boss
>"bros before hoes" trophy unlocked
>trophy name causes an uproar with the "journos"
>developers take it down in the next patch and apologize

Not nice



>finally do all the tedious bullshit for secret ending
>it's worse than the original




>finish hard mode
>not automatically rewarded achievements for lower difficulties

Attached: 5d4.png (841x849, 956K)


nice thread

Attached: 1482170748439.png (500x486, 166K)

Put me in the screen cap boys :)



>Murder the developer
>Don't get the achievement
What the fuck

What happened to this site, bros? Has everyone moved over to True Achievements at this point?

Attached: Screenshot_20190318-114553_Chrome.jpg (752x290, 57K)

Attached: noice[1].jpg (600x515, 40K)


Attached: achievement_unlocked_go_outside_t_shirt-r4794934f6a694be7af14e36c0940f4fc_k2gm8_630.jpg (630x630, 46K)



cute and funny :3

I lost interest just before I fought him, dragons are hella gay

>get random trophy/achievement
>check to see what it was you got
>right above the trophy that spoils the end of the game

Attached: 1499748956409.png (434x434, 205K)


Double Nice.

Fuck me that hurts


I dont get it?

that's cute

Skyrim disables achievements for using mods. Leave it to Bethesda to make dumb fucking choices like that.

die bich

Attached: 1548468397487.gif (785x757, 824K)

So they can post a photo of them holding the game on Facebook


I actually can't fucking breathe. I'm not sure why this is so funny to me. The image is apt too.

> Not using a mod to remedy that

Attached: 1421235130417.gif (320x260, 962K)

lamo woulnd't it be fucking hileraus if we give thisp ost a pile of repiles xD




I don't like where this is going


We'll bang, ok?

>Achievement: Reach #1 in the global leaderboards
Thanks, Uno.


Attached: Nice.gif (636x389, 1.62M)

Xenoblade Chronicles pretty much does that


fucking tw101 REEEE


Hey, parents got me one of those years ago too. I made sure to only ever wear it inside.




>Game about gay cowboys
>Achievement unlocked:back in the saddle



guys can you stop saying nice



>Sewer level
>Achievement unlocked: Urine trouble

Attached: quit pissing around, parker.jpg (1280x720, 87K)


This one hurts

smooth out the tummy, remove the pubes and fix the face and this might be okay



>Use tactics menu
>Achievement unlocked: master strategist



>see NPC/party member from previous game
>"A familiar face"

most of these just require you to kill someone with that achievement though


Attached: 1550793637024.jpg (900x900, 107K)



Attached: 1552568485269.jpg (640x682, 46K)


wtf is going on here

One doped up stoner said "nice" and someone else goofed on him by also saying "nice" so now everyone is hopping on the bandwagon.


Best artist right now prove me wrong


This is the part where he kills you


This is Insurgency.
> Achievement kill 100,000 players
> Achievement kill 100,000 in coop mode
> 100,000
I got like 100 hours and I'm at 10k or something

your friend never brought a game over to your house that you played with them for a night, and then never again because you weren't that into it?

It's like this for a lot of games. Lots of people probably install, play a few hours and quit

>finish game
>achievement unlocked
>completed tutorial

Attached: Stand up.jpg (175x241, 9K)

Why is everyone posting nice?



>achievement for beating game on difficulties
>playing on a difficulty above another doesn't unlock the achievements for the difficulties below it

Attached: 1543624490038.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

Isn't that a Halo chapter?

>achievement unlocked: complete game on very easy
>achievement unlocked: complete game on easy
>achievement unlocked: complete game on normal
>achievement unlocked: complete game on hard
>achievement unlocked: complete game on very hard
>don't unlock hard until completing normal
>don't unlock very hard until completing hard
why do games make you do this bullshit, why not just let me play it on the hardest setting the first time through and unlock all 5 fucking achievements instead of having to replay it 3 times to 100% it?

Name one game.


>speedrunning achievements

Attached: 1548011744653.png (500x500, 51K)

pretty much every single yoko taro game

hi r/Yea Forums
put me in the screencap


Attached: 9AA2A1F3-665D-46AA-BC9D-A2D7828A25A5.gif (600x338, 3.04M)

>achievement unlocked: some dumb reddit meme from the early 2010s
>achievement icon is a trollface

Because they know you'll do it


>achievement to S rank every mission in DMC5
>not just every mission on the highest difficulty, but EVERY mission on EVERY difficulty

Attached: 1529456341560.jpg (334x419, 18K)

wrong. If I have the option of playing through a game once on the hardest difficulty I'll do so, but if the game makes me play through it multiple times to unlock further difficulties I'm just gonna play through it once one the highest one unlocked and bin it, because good games don't pull that kind of bullshit.

achievement unlocked: tongue nigger anus

Attached: 1551394605558.gif (600x800, 241K)


Fucking remake
