Play Mercy

>play Mercy
>get 3 endorsements every game despite doing bad

>play Zenyatta
>never get endorsements despite getting 15 killstreak and keeping everyone alive

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Other urls found in this thread:

At least you're having fun. That's what matters the most.

>get angry because of teammates
>tell people what they are doing wrong repeatedly
>get "shot caller"


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>shot caller for telling teammates who to shoot
I mean that's correct.

either of the two you will still be playing a shit game


No, thank you.
Wouldn't play this garbage even for free.

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The only reason people still play Overwatch is because either they got a shit competitive rank when the game was in its prime and still had decent players and people feel like they need to "prove" themselves or that they're braindamaged enough to enjoy how the game is.

Either way, its not healthy. Move on.

>play Mercy
>get solicited for erp by half my team
>erp with them all mid game

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How on earth do you even get to Endorsement level 5 let alone maintain it?

I play ana and tell jokes over comms and in chat. guaranteed 4-5 endorsements


>its not healthy. Move on.

Whats your problem lol

It's kinda amazing how unfun support is in Overwatch despite it being so important to the game but this is what happens when you balance your team shooter around the MMO holy trinity

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Thanks! I wish that was my butt.

>It's kinda amazing how unfun support is in Overwatch
That right there is your opinion, it feels so good shitting on discorded targets as zen to me no to mention just telling naruto to go fuck himself when he feels like anime slicing my team apart with my ult.

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What a magnificent post, showing how truly autistic the people that still play Overwatch are. Shame its going to get deleted.

>play Brigitte
>get POTG every game
>get all teammates and enemies endorsements
It takes skill to be that good, huh, but good luck.

>keeping everyone alive
Only during Q fests
You're providing damage buffs, keeping the main heal alive, and throwing out the occasional heal to someone the main heal can't currently get to.

I enjoy the game, what's wrong with you?

It's only gay when they make me type in game chat that we're losing because I'm a garbage support player who only plays the game to erp

i need a damn SUCKLE

I actually booted up Overwatch today my account is decayed to silver/diamond. A gold portrait "furrielover" called me a nigger. Glad to see its fan base is evolving from quirky normalfags to autists.

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>decayed to silver/diamond

come again nigga?

Shit like this only works on retards who don't play the game

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They added account decay to the game. There were silvers and diamonds in my game.

i mean yeah, but you don't decay past 3000. silvers in your game means you're either playing at a bad time and there's nobody on, or you just got shit unlucky. it's just weird to say silver/diamond since there's two ranks in between. silver/diamond isn't an mmr

Because mercy players are cute


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user we are talking about overwatch here.

It really happened they took first point and he got aggressive said he wasn't a furry but a hypnotized wolf. People also leave games if they start loosing more often now it seems. Even ran into one aimbotter but he was trash was kind of funny.

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I want Mercy to jerk me off!

Me irl

>play D.Va
>have so much fun that nothing else matters

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I wanna be a slutty devil mercy

Talking about the decay, but this is also nice proof that say word get banned isn't real since his account is still real huh?

how easy is it to get banned ? I've been using an Audrey Belrose soundboard.

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some of the soundbytes I've been using

I got 10 endorsements as Zenyatta for having most damage. Get fucked.

How do you play dva, i can’t do anything with her. I’m getting demek in 2s.

Sounds pretty interesting, what's the usual response?

how do I throw DVa's mech at people? Every time I ult it just explodes where I'm standing.

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Have good healers and go as hard as fucking possible at all times. they can't kill you if they're dead

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people either laugh or think I'm being legit toxic.

Boost, then ult.


In my experience people don't tend to notice heal orbs in the heat of the battle. They think they survived on their own with a sliver of health.

Every time one of these threads pop up i'm reminded overwatch exists and i play few games and have fun
Thanks op you're okay.

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I used to be able to give good advice but I play less, and more casually and they've changed a fair bit about her since then so honestly couldn't tell you.

Avoid spamming Matrix too much on just anything. The better understanding you have of ultimate economy or other big projectiles (Firestrike) the more useful Matrix will be in practice.

Also how long you live in a fight is directly tied to how much healing you can expect (unlike the likes of Rein or Winston who are typically more autonomous with how long they can be present thanks to their barriers). Play accordingly based on what your team is running and what healers can easily access you.

Sorry, can't really give much more advice than that.

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Is playing as Mercy the fastest way to get erp requests?

make a soundboard

This, how many time i heal someone for 5min straight, they get killed and they get angry at me

I hope so, I really want to get back in and ONLY play Mercy and only play QP


This never fucking happens to me on PS4.

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IMing is harder on console user, just get on PC for it!

>Somebody checks my profile.
>Tells the rest of the team I'm a Mercy main.
>They all laugh, one guy asks if I'm a good cock sucker, a girl says I mist be.
>They tell the enemy team I'm a heal slut, they laugh too.
If medic from TF2 was a girl do you think they would call them names too.

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That's hot, I wanna be outed as a Mercy main too~!

Ironically this. It's not my main game, but I still play for a few hours every week or so, and I probably will today.

That's when you whip out the pistol and start dusting their squishies with some headshots.

Brigitte is tons of fun

discord tranny?

>Tfw genji players never expect it and just fucking fold

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Nope. Just a fag who likes pretending to be a girl

Oh, I thought you meant over the mic. I wanted to find someone to erp over the mic in a crowded lobby in GTA Online.

That sounds hot too. Voice just wouldn't work as well since I sound like a dude.
I want my GTAO character treated like a slut in public.

That's weird because I look like an obvious dude but sound like a bitch on mics.

Funny, I've had people see me as a girl (only from behind sadly) but I talk like a dude no question. Unfortunate.

>fun factor is dependent on approval of others
Fuck off. Besides the endorsement system is bare boned gimmick that only rewards you with few extra boxes. Not to mention that no one ever cares about your endorsement level.

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>playing overwatch after 2016

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Story time
>playing comp
>raging fag lord on team
>typical "I have gold kills" whining
>change to Mecry
>don't heal anyone
>only shoot 1 shot at the other team when they're about to die
>shared kills start to count up due to overwatches retarded shared kill system
>faglord rages more about lack of heals
>game ends, we lose
>gold kills as mercy
>other team starts trash talking raging faglord
>calls me useless
>"but I had gold kills"
>tfw he start smashing shit in his room

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