Serious question, does gaming affect health a lot...

Serious question, does gaming affect health a lot? I feel like my eyes got worse since I started playing a lot of video games and I got more headaches and generally more sickness

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>hours staring at a screen

what do you think

looks like silicone injections

i thought screens dont have permanent downsides?

nah. I've been playing games for over 25 years and my eyes are still great.

Last I heard, the only thing you can do is strain your eyes temporarily, and you can give yourself headaches after staring at a screen too long, sure. But sickness? Unless you're putting filthy diseases on the screen or neglecting yourself, I don't know why you would.

this is a meme

gaming is terrible for your posture, which you'll spend years correcting in the gym when you hit 30 and everything starts hurting

quit playing video games at 24 or submit to a life of utter mediocrity. you think you're the exception but you're not.

Nah, you're just a pussy. I've been playing games all my life and i still have perfect vision

fuck off gymjew

If you're a fat fuck with low metabolism, yes.
If you're not a fat fuck, but you have high metabolism you'll get away with playing a lot and drinking energy drinks every day.

i wonder if it will be a huge study in 50 years since gaming ahsnt been around long enough to see the huge side effects

Or end like me, a skeleton with insulin problems because I ate too much carbs and sugar all my life, with diabetes symptoms without the traces so your life is a pain but the doctors won't help you that much while your skin creates carbuncles to get the food out. Low carb is great.

Is it gay to want to be spitroasted by these Oni's.

>since I started playing a lot of video games and I got more headaches
That's either because you're not used to it.
You games run sub 50fps, I don't know why but whenever that happens I'm guaranteed to get a headache in the following hour.

there are already rehab centers and multiple studies, they just get dismissed because people are largely dismissive of anything criticizing something they like doing

this shit ruins the lives of people with addictive personalities who are prone to sedentary lifestyles, and you don't even have to leave this site to see it, you just have to open your eyes.

games aren't gonna grab you by the hand and force you to become something, but they're certainly not going to help you out of any of the numerous death spirals average people get themselves into on an annual basis and are pulled out of only because their hobbies are more productive than the vidya and eventually result in traction, redirection, and positive motion

but theres nothing wrong with it

>games aren't gonna grab you by the hand and force you to become something, but they're certainly not going to help you out of any of the numerous death spirals average people get themselves into on an annual basis and are pulled out of only because their hobbies are more productive than the vidya and eventually result in traction, redirection, and positive motion

yea i dont get how gaming isnt classified as a drug/addiction already


i played on a tiny tv, right in front of it for an entire summer because all my guys left for the summer. we usually would just play basketball and football all summer, but all i could do was go online and play games against other players for 2 and a half months.

following that summer i needed to get glasses, i literally fucked my vision in just two and a half months. i couldn't see shit at a distance. failed a eye test at the dmv etc etc

i did research on myopia. found out that you literally make your eyes oblong either horizontally or vertically...depending on if you're looking at something near or close. i was looking exclusively at a near object (my little tv) to the point i was struggling to see things further from me.

How low carb do you go? I'm 155lb and type 2 diabetic. Shit sucks.

This would imply that you can fix your vision by staring things at a distance

You spend hours staring at surfaces reflecting radioactive light from the sun, why would screens by bad


I hate how fucking right you are about the posture stuff. I'm 32, everything hurts and I've just signed up for a gym. You've nailed me to the wall.

That is the second hairiest pair of tits I have ever seen.

Sunlight is way more dangerous than filtered light coming from a low power light source.

I disagree.

link studies, faggot

dont play in the dark even if its past midnight