Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
>Japs can't even make non jank names.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shakira: Shadows Dance Twice

>Shadows Die Twice is a part of the title in Japan as well
>they have to awkwardly switch from 隻狼 to シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス

It was called Sekiro: Wolf?


隻狼 translates to wolf and シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス translates to shadows die twice.

精液ロ:シャドマンダイズトゥワイス wwwwww

So Kizuna Ai is gonna stream this in 19 hours.
This game is gonna release the 20 or the japs can acces early? Or is just because shes a streamer?

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>隻狼 translates to wolf
First of all it doesn't. It does contain kanji for "wolf" yes, but it's not a real word, just something the devs came up with for their game.
Second, where'd you even get "Sekiro: Wolf" from?

More like translates to "Dead game" lol

隻狼 means “Lone/Solitary Wolf”, not simply “Wolf”

See me in Melty blood actress again code cadenza

it was originally just called Sekiro and Activision asked them to add in the subtitle

It's been the most pre ordered game of the last 3 months and has been top seller on every platform for the last week lol

What? No "she" won't. If "she" does, then it's going to be just the press demo.

thats the best part dude

wouldnt expect anything else from from software

Shadows die twice is from Tenchu.
OP you can go back to playing Apex.

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Its a girl user.

Are you talking about Wrath of Heaven with Onikage and Rikimaru's shadows like dying or whatever?



so is related to tenchu?

>they added an "e" at the end just to be extra edgy

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>“A lot of influence came from ‘Tenchu,'” Miyazaki said. “We even pondered upon making ‘Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice’ a part of the ‘Tenchu’ series at first. Of course, after that we researched and referenced many other games as well; however, I think the largest influence was from ‘Tenchu.'”

No brainlet. The virus was blood borne. Like cold virus is air borne.

So it is basically elevenchu?

Sekino (formerly ludo)

I glad is not another souls game, I'm tired of dark souls games.

The description says she got to play in advance, but it's hard to tell if it's the game or the demo.

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>words are translated from a foreign language
>this confuses the mutt

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>tfw you literally see Sekiro get fisted by a dirty old headless monster that is ripping out his anus soul and you see the shit fly out of you when it rips out his anus souls
What the fuck.

Seki = lone/one (also means he’s one handed), ro=wolf


He is also voiced by the japanese VA of Guts

But wolves hunt in packs.

That's why they have to mention that he's alone.

It was about tainted blood turning men into beasts, ESL idiot.

Old anime Guts was voiced by different actor, nu Guts is voiced by newfag seiyu and that’s not him

He sounds exactly like Iwanaga

no way!

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Nah man, that’s other guy. I just don’t know his name, but he’s pretty famous

He's a ninja (named/nick-named Sekiro) that hides in the shadows to protect his master.
He can also "die" twice before getting magically resurrected back gameplay wise.

I still haven't placed my pre order because I'm scared of wasting my money. My paychecks are shit this month but i really want a new souls like

If you're that poor just pirate the game, user. Vidya is a non-essential purchase.

New gameplay trailer in 90 minutes

Just pirate you retarded nigger.

Someone remind me, the game is coming to PC and not just Win10 trash, right?



>4 fucking days
This wait is fucking torture.

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lmao wtf is a Tenchu? You mean Tenchi you stupid retard, fuck off zoomie nobody likes your anime.

Well then, I guess there will be early copies, just not early "review" copies.
Although I'd rather it were /ourguy/ than this... thing.

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I've been having dreams and shit about it. I don't even know what I'm gonna do with my free time this week. Maybe just stare at a wall?

reviews will be up on the 21st retard

Steam says windows 7.


They made it seem like just a recap and overview of mechanics for those that missed the previews .


will I be able to get an australian VPN to play this early or is it a worldwide release?

what's your point? we already know that journos are playing it

i think shadows die twice is a pretty sick name desu

I wonder if they'll show anything we didn't already see in the hands-on gameplay videos.

maybe spend some time with family and friends loser?

No one knows. There's no info on Steam unlock times anywhere

Does anyone else find it odd with how From gets credited for Tenchu so much, when they had very little to do with the series? As far as I know, the only Tenchu games that From made were PSP ports of Wrath of Heaven and Fatal Shadows, not even Z was made by them, only published. It just sucks seeing Acquire and KC LL2's work mostly being credited to a more popular developer. In a sense, if Sekiro does end up having a lot in common with Tenchu, it'll be their first actual Tenchu game.

This. "Shadows die twice" was just supposed to be used for the first teaser trailer.

Sekiro: Bomb Drops Twice

I want a functioning shooting grappling hook!

The point is - it's just a review aggregator. Their word is worth as much as online retailers' placeholder dates for games with no official release date yet.
Unless there are game journo outlets that explicitly say their reviews are going up a day before release, it's not a legit source of information.

the way she plays definitely leads me to believe it is a woman behind the controls. She's pretty awful.

turbo brainlets

>activision belligerently wanted to keep the teaser name
>it is the worst name for a game

Sounds like something made by a Sonic fan.

kek, you do realize that metacritic is in permanent contact with gaming sites and even publishers, right? + we know that journos have access to the game atm. it's a simple 1+1 equation.
also, there's no source for the "NO REVIEW COPIES", it was literally uttered by a literal who

i preordered the game on ps4 and after installing it, theres a countdown for 12 o clock on the dot, 22nd of march, which makes me believe its local rather than wordlwide

Have you seen gameplay footage? It's nothing like Tenchu in terms of game design, but it's obvious Tenchu was a source of inspiration with respect to the grappling hook.

There's not really much to do with friends where I live apart from drink

For PS4 yes, notice I wrote Steam

physical or digital?

what the hell do you think, retard

pirated digital copy it is

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I always read Shakira Hips dont Lie

>by a literal who
That's what the Activision people themselves told everyone they've invited to the latest preview event. So unless there's been some serious case of miscommunication there (or "early" has different meanings for journos and regular people), I'd trust the word of the actual publisher of the game over a literal who review aggregator twitter.

Has there ever been a single player physical game (on consoles) that had a countdown clock before it could be played? Not even day 1 patches are mandatory for playing most physical PS4 games.

Is there any word of a preload on Steam for this?

nintendo wont like this post

Well, it's not available yet, is all I can say. Just mail Steam and/or Activision and ask them. You'll get infinitely more reliable info by doing that than asking here.


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No they didn't. They ALLEGEDLY said there wouldn't be UK early copies. They never ALLEGEDLY said anything about review copies.

Your brain is dead

>I glad is not another souls game
it's literally a bloodborne clone with whacky scripted grappling instead of ladders

i also didnt say it was definitely for sure local. Thats just my best guess, but I can't see why steam would be a different situation.
Well i pre installed it so digital

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Because steam usually update its store 5pm. That usually means you don't get to play a new game until that time on the release day instead of midnight.

Japs aren't Europeans

Now you're just talking nonsense. Nobody explicitly said anything about UK. And there's nothing "alleged" about the fact what Activision told the game journos about the early review copies.
Only according to a metacritic tweet there will ALLEGEDLY reviews up on 21st already.

sounds like a Bond movie

They didn't tell any journos, they told one streamer and it came from the UK CM at the UK Activisino offices when they were all invited there. That's where the rumour came from.

What's "Shadows Die Twice" supposed to mean anyway?

It refers to the revive mechanic.

The dude's a Shadow of himself so when he gets killed his shadow rises again to fight another die.
Hence shadows die twice.
It's not fucking rocket science you brainlet.

How long have you been alive? The japs have been doing this since before the fucking internet. English is cool sounding, so it making sense is secondary. I'm sure the names of fantasy shit is the same for you.

way of them telling us its a casual game

shadows disappear (die) twice a day

What percentage of Yea Forums will be on suicide watch when this inevitably fails?

"Shadows" supposedly "die" approximately "twice"

>inevitably fails
Probably isn't going to happen though. It'll sell maybe less than their souls games, but more than bloodborne.

why twice?

Do I need to copypasta the list of reasons its not? Or can I just link to Miyazaki saying its not?

Because you can die and then revive once on the spot. Hence you will die, revive, and then die again.


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>Global best seller before it even comes out

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yeah you right it's not
it just happen to be a gameplay where you do a quick attack, you step backward and start all over again.
well I mean there's one element, the enemies can block, which is new and never seen in any soul game

>All this ironic shitposting
>Yea Forums dies on release day when 90% of it goes to play the game
>Only people left are the unironic shitposters who couldn't afford it
Happens like clockwork with every big release, never gets old. Taking a break for food, sipping my boomer juice and reading the salt.

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>on the spot
that cleared things up thanks

Here is you dragon boss bro

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>how do i punish shitters for dying?
>no, losing all your unspent exp and money is not enough
>how about a moral punishment by making NPCs sick when you die too much?

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Why do Souls fags hate this game?

Where did he get a cactus

there'll be a crack in like 5 minutes there's no denuvo brainlet

might even come out on torrent sites before official release

>not playing well will ruin the story
Storyfags on suicide watch.

>They didn't tell any journos, they told one streamer
Absolutely wrong. There's a bunch of different gaming outlets that were told so, like metro, vg24/7, pushsquare, etc. Although now that I've investigated the matter more closely, it does seem those are all european based media. So what you're saying might have a grain of truth.

more like a cucktus


Asians are half aliens.

There's 4 endings, you just get a different one by the looks of it.

>Chinese style dragons
Fuck yeah we don't see enough of those in vidya.

>all the shitters will get the bad ending.
The journo salt will flow in 4 days.

Here is your dick sucking fish boss bro

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>wipe on boss multiple times to learn his moveset
>all my friends are fucking dead
Fuck you

For your sake I hope there is, poorlet.

people saying its not going to turn into a horror wtf are these images then

Are these things in the lower part fungi? Some enemies seem to be infested with them too, maybe the dragon is the cause of dragonrot?

it's been confirmed dragonrot isn't what determines the ending, brainlets
it's all related to items

>human teef

yeah there will be

Ever considered that you're not meant to get the best ending on your first playthrough? Ever considered that you don't deserve everything handed too you?

>a standard chinese dragon is now horror
are you literally retarded?
is midir horror too now?

look at the fish it looks grim as fuck

>forced replayability

Man, it's been a long time since we've seen a Eastern dragon in vidya. Hope they do the boss justice.

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The four divine beasts of fromsoftware unoriginality

There is also the demon of hatred

Btw, the defeat all bosses trophy shows the demon, the dragon, the owl, isshin ashina and genichiro so those saying there was going to be a lot more bosses than the trophies show are a bit delusional, big bosses at least

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it's probably gonna be a gimmicky fight just like the snake, not even a true fight. DS3 ancient dragon style

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oh no no no

I hope the fuck not. Ancient Wyvern was an insult.

it means lone wolf

>the defeat all bosses trophy
I don't remember that kind of trophy in the leak, only individual boss trophies.

fucking mongoloid

He is holding a sword it's definitely a true boss, however he may not be gigantic

>be anglo
>be eternally butthurt at having subhuman culture in comparison to Japan

Keku desu

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New trailer premiering in 15mins.

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theres more bosses than shown on that image the trophy list says so dumb fuck

The things is, Anglo culture is so uninteresting, that From even had to incorporate elements from other western cultures in Souls games (Greek, Norse, etc). No way a game about Anglo history and myths (it's usually just Tolkien inspired shit anyway) could carry an entire game like Sekiro does.

Yeah but those are the main ones, people were putting it like there would be more bosses without trophy even late game bosses, that image litterally shows ghe most important ones (none of them fights have been shown as you fight genichiro twice)

It only shows five on the icon for "all" bosses, while there are 11 bosses with cheevos. So it's not unlikely there are more in the game.
Hell, even if there aren't, some "mini" bosses are more worthy being called bosses than some of the previous games' "proper bosses". Looking at you maneater boar.

this trophy is actually for defeating all the bosses at the same time

and that trophy doesn't disapprove that idiot why would they have trophy for every boss then have a kill all bosses this means that there are bosses without trophys

>New gameplay trailer in 10 mins
get the fuck in here

>why would they have trophy for every boss then have a kill all bosses this means that there are bosses without trophys

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Why does it look soulless and bland compares to BB? Is this the power of the b team?

Is Sekiro replay friendly

Can I make new builds

Bloodborne says hi, you dumb weebniggers.

Bloodborne isn’t that good get over it snoyboy

Can't possibly be any more soulless than BB.

>a game made by japs that takes place in a fantasy setting is the height of Anglo culture

You mean the game that halfway turns into something inspired by the works of an American author? Good job proving my point. Anglo culture is dry, boring shit.

>3 minutes

Because it's not an exclusive
Only we, the glorious sonybros, should be able to play From's masterpieces, they just feel wrong on other platforms

>New England

Yes it’s a state in America.

Lovecraft is not anglo culture, it's fiction


It is. No matter how much Lovecraft larped about being "British" changed the fact that he was your typical Amerimutt pretending that he was something else.

why are you instigating consolewars, you triple nigger?

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Nobody fucking cares.

reminds me of this

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I thought of a funny reference to make with your post lmao.

Have you played conan exiles? It's on sale for $20 right now and I bought it after the free weekend time has been flying. Should line up nicely with Sekiro release.

>Only 4 bosses in the game

do people on Yea Forums not know what Victorian Era is?

Blue flamethrower or was that a cannon upgrade?


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A time period Lovecraft didn't write during?

It doesn't really matter, only half of Bloodborne is Victorian inspired. Even From knew that the Victorian setting wasn't interesting enough to carry the entire game.

Flame Vent upgrade by the looks of it.

Shhh. You’re talking to the same type of people who wear Science! T-shirts and proclaim to be redpilled.

>not a weeb
>fucking loathe the english trailers regardless

Just subtitle the japanese trailer and have that be it. I don't want Activision's garbage.

I can't imagine still being excited for a FROM game in 2019, to be honest.

Well now that they’re making new non Dark Souls like games I am.

That's because you have no imagination.

isn't it called that because of some gay asset flip of a Tenchu game they reconditioned but kept the name because gay?

inb4 this game is the current generations Halo:Combat Evolved and will set the bar for a series of gay copycat clones for the next ten years

>have no imagination
You'd have to have an overactive imagination to construct a reality where From produces a high quality, finished product that functions well on launch.

Do you fags not understand that the game establishes a setting that uses 1800s Victorian and gothic aesthetics, and architecture? It has Anglo influence all over it.

Ignore them. Dumb weebs don't know what the victorian era is

>I can't imagine still being excited for a game in 2019, to be honest.

Muh victorian era! Le trenchcoats and flintlocks! Muh tentacles and oddly angled buildings that look like Big Ben! Muh Lovecraft!

You are just a jaded faggot.

You seem a little angry about Lovecraft, fella.

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This is really shitty bait

Nah, I just don't support companies that produce half finished, janky piles of shit. They'll always have human sludge like you to support them, though!

you do realise norse mythology and anglosaxon mythology were almost identical, yes? the only difference is norse had the foresight to record more of it and anglosaxons actively tried to erase once converted to christendom

I’m not. I’m making fun of your shallowness and amateur eye for art.

america is part of the anglosphere

>I watched le series on utube called Grant McDonald's cut content and now I know everythang

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so witcher 3?

Yeah and it’s still got no culture congrats on that one

I don't watch mumbling retards overexplain video games, so no, I based my factually informed opinion off of the fact that they've literally never put out a single optimized, functioning product since Demon's Souls. Make sure you buy the collector's edition and *maybe* they'll finish all the areas this time!

>muh muh
not an argument

Lmao, America hasn't been culturally or genetically Anglo in over a hundred years. White Americans are more German than Anglo these days. Calling America an Anglo country, is like calling Mexico a Spanish one.

Get a better PC then, retard.

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>bloodborne was inspire bed anglo culture
>lol no it wasn't
>what about the victorian setting then?
>lol doesn't count because it goes full lovecraft
>lovecraft was from america and therefore anglo
>lol america has no culture anyway
amazing conversation, truly

>thinking you are conversing with the same person
Calm down schitzo

You have 4 endings and 3 skill trees with different playstyles

Dark Messiah of Nippon and Samurai confirmed

>get a better PC
Classic soft skull From fan that thinks optimization is limited to graphics. They've never produced a game with solid, stable online architecture, graphics that balance fidelity and performance (mostly because they're hacks and 90% of what they make is greasy Western architecture and rocks) and a roster of completed, high quality areas. Develop better taste.

>America hasn't been culturally Anglo in over a hundred years
so the time of lovecraft then?
>America hasn't been genetically Anglo in over a hundred years
good thing lovecraft was

So you havent bought a game since 2008?


You just had to go full retard, didn't you.

>since Demon's Souls

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Since Demon's Souls meaning that's when they stopped producing games with those qualities. From what I remember that piece of shit ran even worse than Dark Souls.

why come to the thread man? Why not be in a thread for something you enjoy? Sometimes shit gets cut in games it's really not a big deal and they probably have a good reason. They don't spend 3 years to make the shittiest game possibly

Imagine spending time crying about games you don’t like in threads about those games. Nigga you pathetic, go get laid

>good thing lovecraft was
Wasn't Lovecraft a mutt? I swear I read somewhere that he wrote the Shadow over Innsmouth after finding out he wasn't completely Anglo, and getting butthurt about it.

>Most definitions include the five main countries, namelyAustralia,Canada,New Zealand, theUnited Kingdom, and theUnited States

Nobody fucking cares.

>Why not be in a thread for something you enjoy?
I saw the thread while scrolling and got a laugh out of throwing some comments in here. Not to mention you retards should be in a general since that's all this is.
Imagine getting legitimately upset that somebody pointed out that your taste is shit.


>Gook shit
Fuck off weeb English trailer.

>solid, stable online architecture, graphics that balance fidelity and performance

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that's kinda sad user

Imagine thinking that other people actually get upset over your retarded replies lmao.
Dare I say, autism?

>that voiceover
fucking cringe

he was part english, and part welsh. he wrote innsmouth after finding out the welsh part.

that doesn't make him a mutt, as all inhabitants of the british are mixed with one another. you're spending too much time on here.

Zappy multipeople connection no feel good, boring Western rocks look like greasy hotplates, undead clubs barely work, big mean men pathetically easy to topple.

The fact that you get physical reactions like laughing by posting in video game threads is kind of pathetic. Go outside and breath some fresh air

>he thinks "got a laugh" means literal physical laughter
No wonder you like FromSoft games, you're literally autistic. I'm loving the "if you're making fun of me clearly you're the sad one" logic, I bet that made you feel better from the inside of your locker.

>shota's voice
>"you will pledge your life in my service"

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You aren’t making fun of anyone here but yourself, grow up and get some self awareness little friend

>You aren't making fun of anyone here but yourself
I'm clearly mocking you with hilarious results. Why are you so sensitive? If you were above it all you would have just ignored the posts, cope-kun.

Hilarious results as in everyone cringing at your replies? Agreed you are pretty hilarious

based as fuck
fromcucks seething itt

You mean people desperately trying to deflect because they're getting butt flustered? Yeah, it's very funny. You're still feeding me (You)'s even after being caught out on your evident butthurt, kinda pathetic. Be honest, how many whispering Souls YouTubers do you watch? I guarantee you'll spend time arguing about the shitty lore and try to share music from the games with your online ""friends"" with a tepid response.

*fart sounds*

im going to fuck him at the end

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*quiet sobbing because the post hit too close to home*

*rubs your thigh* murrr...

>it thinks I even read that autistic sperging

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Begone Niohfag


>it's a girl


Can you just stop being wrong?

do you literally have any proof that it's a girl? or do you think the female blood elves and draenei in WoW are all girls too?
fucking retard

>tfw watching dororo got me super hyped for Sekiro

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If I pre order from the US store will I be able to play in the UK at midnight? 60 bongs is too rich for my blood.

not him but very very cringe my friend

It's 50 bongs though. Which is still far too expensive, I'm waiting til it's 35 or less. Fuck activision

this is a really retarded meme desu

>tfw 70€ in Europe
these prices are insane my dudes

its activision. last trailer had a dubstep song or somethin too.

>tfw 0 in pirate land
Oh yarr me harr the sufferring

It’s 46 bong dollars on gamecollection

I can pirate tho. But I'd like to buy the game instead.

what are you on about
it's €59 here

Do you have any proof she isn't a girl? No? Maybe shut the fuck up then?

it's 60€ on steam, what are you smoking?

Which includes the steelbook btw

gonna download it for free on day1.
thanks fromsoftare.

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no multi no buy. no reason to. thanks for the no denuvo game.

it's 59€ here
where do you live?

that's PSN not Steam. Prices are always higher on PSN.

Here in nippon it's 82 sushi rolls on both psn and steam.

Can't I just give money to the developer directly? If Activision is as bad as everyone says they are, I'm pretty sure most of the price goes to their pocket, and not to FROM.

Why can't devs just make their own site for me to buy a copy from them directly?

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Just go to your local electronics store, not gamestop or whatever. You get the game a day earlier if you pick it up on the evening before and all non fifa releases are cheaper than the online listing in my experience

buy the japanese release
activision is only publishing the game in the west
from is publishing it in japan and some chinese company is doing the asian release

You could also buy the Japanese version and pirate the English version.

>Epic exclusive

隻狼 is the game's Japanese title. It's read "Sekiro". シャドウズ ダイ トゥワイス is the subtitle, which is literally "Shadows Die Twice" written in katakana.

So why does the japanese trailer feature Activision's logo?

i always thought japs preferred 2ch. Or are you a gaijin?

I am an authentic cute Japanese girl who loves video games.

Would be wasted manpower to create a second trailer to remove a stupid logo no one cares about?

same reason Witcher 3's trailers featured Bandai NAMCO's logo in the USA despite them not publishing there.

It’s a good thing he wasn’t making value judgments then, but pointing out obvious inspiration, retard.

Lmao what a faggot

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You’re retarded. There’s mad Anglos in every NE city.

Ookami is wolf dude, theres literally a game called that

Why are you so stupid? Activision gives FROM all the money in the world to make a game and FROM in the end doesnt need to worry if the game flops because they already got paid from Activision. This is how publishing works.

Why are you so arrogant?
That is one type of publishing deal - most common when the publisher holds the rights to the IP, which is not the case here, you fucking dipshit.
And even in those cases, developers usually still get royalties for their work post release depending on how the game does.