Defend this

Defend this

Attached: okay this is epic.png (213x209, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't need to, American laws will

How long is the human centipede? Is he sourcing Yea Forums shitpost or clickbait article based on Yea Forums shitpost?

Even if the video makes it easier to consume news, I cant defend people giving that fat headed chink views.

Defend this.

Attached: yong.jpg (908x309, 56K)

Metal gear survive was the best metal gear ever made

Don't tell that to Kojimas drones.

it's fine, I have no loli porn game in my steam folder

what, do YOU have something to hide?

You literally can't come up with a more click bait title than this...
btw that "private steam" info is open for everyone

ecelebs go in >>>/trash

>"private steam" info is open for everyone

Yong Nah...fuck off shill

Supply and demand. He's supplying shitpost fuel for all the shitposters here because there's a demand for it.

Avoiding the point

what point, that you like pretending the fortnite launcher is relevant so you can have your little console war, now on PC? no, fuck off, and take that fat chink with you.

Except they didn't use the official provided way of accessing it as in the API, they went to the local file that while it was unencrypted they had no business touching it.

They bypassed everything meant to protect user privacy(minus the nonexistent encrypt, what the hell?). How is this defensible?

Winnie the Pooh Square Protests of 1989

> Except they didn't use the official provided way of accessing it as in the API
It doesnt really matter which method they used. Reading local files is more hacky, more simple and legitimate way to import info.
Their mistake is that they conduct preparations prematurely before user's command.

Tim even admitted it when he did damage control in the middle of the night and said they'll fix it.

API can't give the necessary info if user has set their profile private so there is a huge difference.

> API can't give the necessary info if user has set their profile private so there is a huge difference.
Yes. Like I said, its the simplest method, read data from local drive is way simpler than dealing with web apis.

And yet no one else does it.

>console war for pc

guys, I discovered something extremely horrible on youtube the other day. there are videos that are nothing more than just reddit posts. that's the video. screenshot after screenshot of reddit posts. there are hundreds, maybe thousands of videos like this. and. they. get. millions. of. views

What you said is not a valid argument.

Because they should not be doing that.

lol imagine being the kind of faggot loyal to an online store

If you have nothing to hide, share your social security number and your bank account information.

This. There's nothing stopping you from using other stores, but everyone can see that the Epic Store is shady as fuck and implements anti-consumer business model.

Why is it that porn is the only private thing you are supposedly "allowed" to have?

Yea, it slows down their epic store client.
Besides that I see no problems if they really dont send anything without my permission.

People hate to read anything, even things they actually like.

the inherent idea of a DRM store is anti-consumer
they exist to protect the publisher at your expense and nothing more

News relayers have been a thing since news was a thing, it's just easy for random joes to be the Town Crier nowadays.

> anti-consumer
Pirates are not consumers. DRMs are pro-consumer.

But the only thing DRM hurts is consumers.

How is it being an inconvenience to them our problem?
You don't see a problem someone coming to your house, copying your private papers but promising not to read them without your permission?

just like my Yea Forums's!

> DRM hurts
No. It only hurts pirates because they will receive new releases and especially new updates with bigger delays.
By drm I mean drm protectors like Denuvo or arxan. DRM itself (steam, epic) are useless for protecting anything.
> You don't see a problem someone coming to your house, copying your private papers but promising not to read them without your permission?
Inadequate analogy.
> our problem
Who said its our problem? Its not a problem at all. In fact I can have my steam account private but still be able to import it to epic store more conveniently with less movements.

>watching these samey youtube gamer outrage "consumer advocates" that just read articles outloud
>while talking against the very journalists and writers they steal content from

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What's sad is that I can't tell if is a troll or a serious person in modern world...

old news
all of those accusations have been debunked

By who?


>It only hurts pirates because they will receive new releases and especially new updates with bigger delays.
As if pirates care about waiting some week or month at most.
While the consumer, who regularly paid for the product, is getting fucked big time with intrusive DRMs

No. Its just a shame I will never get to play Satisfactory because even if I pirated it, I would still have to install that fucking botnet.


American norms and laws don't apply to the Chinese, just because you're obsessed with privacy and hiding behind online anonimity, doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to follow suit.

If you sell your product in America you sure as hell have to.

>doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to follow suit.
they would have had, if ICANN was still in the hands of the USA, and under it's constitution, but no, Obama had to "give it to the world" you know what, fuck the world a bunch of socialists that get hard on censorship is what they are

Imagine approving of DRM stores that only allow you to rent your games instead of demanding the right to own them.

>b-but steam does it too
GOG master race.

Who owns it is irrelevant. If it operates from America they follow American laws and if they sell to outside world they must abide to their laws.

Hey Epic shills, answer me this:

If steam needs to be broken up because it has a monopoly over the industry, then why does Epic not work on any other OS than windows? Is windows not a monopoly on the PC front?

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You see no problem with software reading files outside of its own scope without user input or knowledge ?

He does. He's just trolling. Don't feed.

>Is windows not a monopoly on the PC front?
Its not Windows fault that the only competition they have is FUCKING LINUX. What a fucking disaster that shit is.

Is that why steam, the evil monopoly holder, is trying to increase linux viability, while Epic will literally shut down and ban you from online games if it detects linux running?

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>Epic will literally shut down and ban you from online games if it detects linux running?
You can't be serious.
I need some source on that.


It's part of their anti-cheat. It's why you can't even run their store in wine.

>use Chink shekels to buy exclusivity rights
>developers proceed to fuck over their consumers in exchange for Chink development yuan
>snoop in Steam credentials without user knowledge and sell it to the Chinks

Not even EA or Ubisoft pulled this kind of shit

nothing to hide? show us your profile?

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Ok at this point is just getting ridiculous.
Nobody should defend that piece of shit software.

This is why I also refuse to install discord, and i barely even use the browser version. Not to sound racist, but every time I've come across a chinese product, it usually had major problems.

Wait, does this mean Valve allows publishers unrestricted access to your steam account private data without screening ?
I mean Valve can disapprove all they want but why in hell were they given access to begin with.

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At this point it's about the hypocrisy. All these claims of helping to promote competition, and yet they actively spit on any alternatives to windows. Meanwhile, even though valve hasn't been too good on the games front, their work with linux compatibility has been very stellar.

according to newest chink narrative, its an american spyware. make up your mind shills

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They didn't. It's just that it's stored in PLAIN TEXT in one file no one should be poking around.

Not defending Valves lack of insight and incompetence in the matter, though.

it couldnt be done any other way. if they put that info in some other format, epic would decode it like nothing. if you want encryption then you would need to store the key on valves servers, but then you would need the login info that was stored in said file. third option would be to ask for password every single time. epic fucked up, they should not touch it

>privacy laws
>we're actually allowed to log the everloving fuck out of your system and what you do
>of course it's all to provide you a better user experience
>and it's okay as long as we don't transmit and store that data without your consent
>which you already gave when agreeing to the EULA, oooops
>but don't worry those info are in fact encrypted supersafely in our databases
>though forgive us if sometimes we might end up "forgetting" and transmitting all your data in plain text, but it will get encrypted right after don't worry
>and no we have no backdoor or special access to said databases allowing to override said encryption
>Google accounts you say ? How can they store everything about your programs and still share it between different devices with just a user name and a password without privileged access ?

>and. they. get. millions. of. views
stop that, fag
typing like a retard doesn't make what you're saying any more important

This whole keeping shit in plain text oversight seems to happen awfully often.
I mean you can't bootleg someone's IP unless you have a team of dedicated autistic hackers breaking into whatever high profile DRM they've put on it, but somehow everyone just loses half the IQ once it comes to protect your personal data.
But I'm sure it's nothing.

There's also another option. Epic could have used Steam APIs

The only people who are defending it is discord trannies and now they have no where else to go, can't go back to Steam, can't go back to GOG (because nazis)

They could have. But you can't access private info if the user has set their profile to private. Not without user knowledge.

>can't go back to GOG (because nazis)
What did I miss about GOG?

Not real nazis, "people who disagree with me" nazis.

>wgile I'm beating my dick to hentai Orogin/Steam and Epic Launcher have a Holy Grail War behind the scenes on my computer
What the fuck is wrong the vidya industry?

What the fuck is wrong with you? What hentai?

>everyone who disagree with me is a nazi
Jesus, I can't keep up with all the garbage SJWs are spouting those days.

I don't know but tim sweeney looks and sounds like a retard that rapes children

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I'm playing Peace Walker and there's no way it's any worse than that. This game is fucking rubbish

Koko wa Bitch by Aoyama Akira

>login and pass in plain file
>everything else encrypted
>login/pass used to download decryption key
now, what would happen if this was the case? would epic use login info and pretend its a steam client to get the info they wanted? that would be the shitstorm

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yeah because chinks arent human. human laws and ethics dont apply to them.

>pony thread simulator


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>accused of
>when anyone was able to confirm this just by looking at files on their PC
>they made people accept a new EULA the next day
Accused my ass.

>Is he sourcing Yea Forums shitpost or clickbait article based on Yea Forums shitpost?

actually he's sourcing it from ledit posts. But it doesn't matter because the head dev of Epic came out and admit it while saying they would patch it in a upcoming update. So they basically admitted to it.

He's literally just reading articles to people in between begging for money

The non-human factor is what makes them the most sane in the clown world.

kick that bloodsucking cunt to the curb

Don't be racist gwailo.

This shitty launcher has become worse than Uplay.

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how's it fare on the scale of stubbing your toe on the fridge to games for windows live?


Imagine installing a ChiCom funded botnet on your computer.

Valve does it too.

What files outside steam do they touch?

Pretty sure they don't, they do -ask- me if I want to send them info on what sort of hardware I have though, I click the decline option.

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why do you allow the public full access to your computer user?

>Valve disapproves

Oh my god the outrage!

>that jawline
>those glasses
>that receding hairline
He got everything in check to have childrens imprisoned in his basement

By CDPR standard, ID and psw cannot be in plain sight, meaning that in Valve in the first place would had paid a fuckton of money for the fines

I mean, at least Uplay has some resemblance of controllers support. And Cloud saving.

valve uses .vdf format. its not literal txt. your password is not visible in notepad

Holy fucking this. I don't want some feds reading my personal journals and reflections that look like the ramblings of a madman. These revelations of what I'm doing wrong or should be doing are fleeting.

So fucking what? A week, month, hell even hours are nothing compared to the loyal buyfag who will wait until next year for a decent sale.

you would be outraged if valve was violating privacy

Sounds like a problem with china rather than the rest of the world.

If you're all for this honesty and transparency, why isn't epic/tencent releasing a full discolsure of all their future products, acquisitions, financial plans and management intentions. Why aren't they even honest about what their launcher contains before you have to make a refund? Sounds terribly one-sided to me.

T. Not american

Gog is mega SJW, avoid them

But is one of the few places that provide DRM free, give me a good reason at least as to why they are SJW.

>gog makes fun of sjw
>sjw try to rape them
>gog starts pandering to them
sjw af


I said a good reason, half-hassed words aren't gonna do the trick.
In what way GOG is now pandering to SJWs?

Yyyyyooooooong here

either you are against sjw or you are with them. there is no middle ground

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>abandoning established us-based platform for a new Chinese one

that's fucked

I'm sure GOG started pandering to SJW in fear that them will make them close their market. Making fun of the SJWs in the open like that was a mistake



there is no defense for reading reddit posts then begging for patreon subs

>Asked whether Beijing told Chinese companies to spy, Li said, “Let me tell you explicitly that this is not consistent with Chinese law. This is not how China behaves. We did not do that and will not do that in the future.”
l e l

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How's Jumbo Jimmy going to spin this to be Steam's fault?

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Technically, he might be correct, maybe Chinese gov never asked directly for information, but, does not mean they never asked for a backdoor to access said information, or a very shit security system following Chinese "standards".

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You are already running Windows and Chrome anyway.

>either you are against sjw or you are with them. there is no middle ground

Not that user but this exact post, this fucking post, is the entire reason politics is absolutely cancerous in this board.

I want both /pol/ and ResetEra to fucking leave this place. No one likes your shitflinging bullshit.


Why does this chink put the title of his video in the thumbnail?

I can hear the diabeetus

its the ultimate truth. if you dont like it, just cover your ears and pretend it doesnt exists

Actually, it is. Microsoft has paid millions in fines for monopolistic practices absolutely destroying anyone who tried to compete.

Imagine watching YongChunChang.
Imagine using Epic Store.

finally, karma for reddit after having a sub dedicated to stealing content from here

>Epic Store Accused of Accessing Private Steam...
So you can actually read the whole title because Youtube is retarded and cuts that shit off on every video

it's to emphasize the horror you absolute fucking retard

Sad truth

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>Pirated Windows with all updates disabled, telemetry removed
>Don't use Chrome

>btw that "private steam" info is open for everyone
well, maybe your PC is open for everyone, not mine

ligma shit

How will _my sensitive information_ ever recover

Epic Store Bad. Steam Good.

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they paid fines for web browser, not windows

If Epic can't spy and sell your data how could it afford to pay bigger premiums for the devs? Checkmate pcbros.

I hate to see this cocksucker virginn on my recommend feed. He just reads reddit posts and articles and says that it’s his opinion. What a fuckin clown. Yong would be good ad for weight loss before picture

Third post best post

Ill never understand why are you people so mad about Epic Store. I just made a deal with Epic that will be announced next tuesday, and thanks to them i'm not risking any review bombs or financial issues in the future. EGS is great for developers, if you dont like you can fuck off.

It really does make me think. Does Fortnite on consoles steal data too? Is that even possible?

guess who else can fuck off

If anything this is legal only in America and China.

Dont blame me man i just get paid to defend the chink bastards.

Epic Store is great though

1 social credit score has been added to your account.

How did you get the job? I want to get paid to shitpost too.

>if you dont like you can fuck off.
Okay, Mr. Marketer previously employed by EA :^)

Epic Store offers best cut for the developer's and ensure their financial stability. Steam doesn't offer anything, and Valve takes a bigger cut. Epic Store is also more friendly, and already listens to customers with their planned roadmap (Wishlists, Shopping Cart, and Gifting are coming soon!). Valve did not improve Steam in like a decade, and they are only sitting on their giant money cash stack.

It looses all appeal when you get paid for it

>Epic Store is also more friendly, and already listens to customers

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Unabomber was right. He was right all along.
China is coming to every country. Black mirror episode is not a joke.

I just wanted to get paid. Having sending report for daily shitposts sounds pain the ass though.
He was sperging about china?

Good sales figures?

> He was sperging about china?
No, but china did what he was sperging about

I do understand that people are sperging about EpicStore when they wanted more icons to their steam libraries.
But reading about how the game itself will be a pile of shit because of that makes me cringe.

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epic is great, you can pirate the games on their store and they pay the devs for you

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of course he was, he was a polak

Epic Games is good. Period.

China is the future.
Goodboy Points are how society will be saved.

China will grow larger

He gave himself away when he said "garbage and bigoted games are ruining steam" in his 18min autistic rant.
>They sell things I don't approve of, bawwwwww

Yong is based faggot

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Epic Games is period. Good.

it was actually an opposite situation. monopoly back then was netscape. ms tried to enter the market with free browser. that would destroy netscape and make ms a monopoly. thats why they got fined and to this day they have to ship os without browser.
the same situation happened few years ago with google fiber. comcast/whatever is a dominant isp. google tried to enter market with their own, free isp solution. they got banned.
both ms and google got stopped because they tried dirty tricks to become a monopoly. and now, its 2019, epic tries every dirty trick they can to become a monopoly. i hope they get fined/banned at some point

Period is good. Epic Games.

I can't take this post seriously even if my life depended on it. It screams "shilling".

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Epic period games.

DRM prevents old games from being played if the DRM is defunct. Just look at GFWL

too bad so sad

>dude in the video cites a reddit post that has been debunked as the poster simply not knowing how to use process monitor/not reading the windows api
>also accuses them of having chinese spyware without any proof what so ever
Seriously if people want to prove that EGS is really spyware they should get a disassembler (there's plenty of them that are free), do a disassembly of the program and show exactly where it is behaving maliciously.

No, it just screams ironic shitposting. It's "in" to ironically defend Epic and shitpost about steam for (You)s now.

Epic Games Store is definetly the best solution for all developers and costumers in my humble opinion. If you are a developer, you get a bigger cut, and bigger spotlight on the store and potentially massive financial benefit upfront if you accept their exclusivity deal. If you are a customer you have a fantastic lightweight platform for games which have crossplay, and some of them cant be find anywhere else (exclusivity deals). There's also a fantastic roadmap by Epic Games that promises wishlists, gifting, mod support, automatic refunds, shopping cart and more by the end of the year. It's a win-win situation for both customers and developers alike, and it's finally the right way to attack Steam's monopoly.


Exactly. Epic Games is doing nothing wrong.
In fact this is Valve's fault. If they weren't meanies, Epic could've gone to them directly instead of being forced to do this.

this. its all valves fault. epic dindu nuffin

>ronic shitposting

user I know people who legitimately think Epic Games and Fortnite are the future of video games
and pitch a goddamn tantrum if the implication is otherwise

there are motherfuckers out there who seriously defend Epic without thinking.

fucking kek user im sueing you for arson

epic reads steam files. thats literally proved. what exactly got debunked?

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I don't understand how my post Is supposed to be ''Ironic''. Just because you are offended by the fact that a different company is a threat to steams monopoly doesn't mean it cant be good, especially with the roadmap epic games gave us.

No but Epic did nothing wrong
Steam is fuicking Hitler

Say whaaat? Seriously? I was thinking of going Linux when Win 7 got WinXP obsolete. That's a bummer, but yet again there aren't any game on Epic games launcher anyways...

I dont understand why some of the people here think Epic Games is bad, when Steam is far fucking worse.

Steam has an API for exactly this reason Epic was more than welcome to use. They declined to do so because it was a security risk, according to Tim Sweeney. Presumably there was absolutely zero intended irony in his statement.

Then again, he still thinks Steam only carries Valve-made games, so who knows what the fuck he's talking about half the time.

Attached: NowThisIsEpic.png (538x303, 68K)

>spying on you without your consent
>nothing wrong
maybe in china

>Install spyware
>Why am I being spied on??????

it's a falseflagfag

It actually wasn't intended to be falseflagging, some of you people just have a really bad coping mechanism when it comes to different opinions.

hes a lying piece of shit. he knows exactly how valve makes money

nigger just stop larping already

shhhh, someone will actually take disassembler and find many more spywares. i dont think you really want it

this faglord really has some nerve
>Tim Sweeney has returned to social media to justify store exclusives and defend the Epic Games Store from accusations it is bribing its way to the top with anti-competitive practices.
>Founder of Epic Games, says the Epic Store's exclusivity deals are "pro-competitive"

haha what a dunce
bringing consolewars to pc
after leaving pc for consoles in the first place in the 2000s


>Makes a copy of a local file from the steam directory.
>Contains friends, time played, wishlist etc.
>Claims it's to import friends, file is never acessed during import process
>Bypasses official API for doing exactly that
>"We totally don't do anything with this file but since everyone knows about it now we'll patch it out. Please don't come for our asses Steam/EU xD"

Epic are good boys, they didn du notin

At least post the superior news anchor.

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>Muh developer cut
Every timeé Have fun having Tencent bot net installed on your computer, user.

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does he not know beard maintenance

like no stop the thread, his facial hair needs some proper grooming

Have you tried opening those in notepad?

the shitposting style is totally different than usual. i think there is not a single chink ITT. you guys need to work on your falseflagging more. what time is it in china anyway?

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in what steam file is the password stored? ill open it right away

>Heeeeyyy, come on guyssss. Lemme in, it's fiiiineee
>It's nooothinng, seee? Hee heee

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>1 point added to your chinese social score

Epic Store *DABS*
Steam *SHITS*

People are mad about Epic Games deal and they're refunding their money because they never wanted to play the game, they just wanted attention whoring on Steam.
Prove me wrong, inb4 china.

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there are people that make repost videos of /r/askreddit and rake in thousands of dollars in ad revenue


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>spends 15 minutes reading reddit posts out loud

What is the point of him again? Are there any decent people who do these "video game drama news" things that's actually interesting or fun to watch? And you know, dosn't spend the entire fucking thing just reading reddit commends from random nobodies to pad out the video to try and justify it being longer than 1 fucking minute.

holy fuck this user shat himself!

>literally introducing predatory price dumping in form of unsustainable pricecut distribution financed by additional payments fees for the customers and fortnite revenue
>literally buying out monopolized distribution of third party products and dictating the terms to the customer

What deal? What game?

>they never wanted to play the game
wild claim, good sir



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>Implying the Chinese credit system is bad
it works well actually, no matter where you are, you know that around you are good people instead of rapists like in america

>Don't honor part of the services promised for payment
>People refund for breach of trust
>"Look at these attention whores"

You just blow in from stupid town?

i think the most entertaining part about these threads is how much china is totally clowned

Maybe don't make titles that are ten paragraphs long?

cringe and gay

You would lose social credit points for just posting on Yea Forums

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>Don't honor part of the services promised for payment
You'll get steam/gog key after the year of exclusivity.
So they didn't break anything here.

Damn, we Cyberpunk now.

I ain't falling your for commie propaganda Tim Sweeney.

i think most people donate to a kickstarter for a video game wanting to get it as soon as it launches

Rip people with ADD/ADHD

>Hey, I know you had an appointment to get your car serviced, but we're now fast tracking every Chevy to the front of the line, your appointment is now pushed back a month.
>Wow why are you canceling? You must hate competition, you attention whore.

Epic shills, please go

My thoughts exactly.
Refunding only because it won't go to a particular store but still be the same product that you wanted in the eginning sounds retarded.

FUCK all of the idiots calling Epic games store BAD or MEH

STEAM sucks american ASS

while TIM SWEENEY gives people DICK

I hope they dont get upset with me. Pirating games is a simpler method for me than buying them from their store

Tell me what Whinnie the Pooh's pencil dick taste like.

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Unlike you I'm not a huge faggot so I don't really want dick.

Another HILARIOUS winnie the pooh joke


TRUMP looks like fat orange watermelon

see how good thats


Well it's not exactly when people had expectations of the features they were going to get. Not even talking about steam, gog users have way more on gog galaxy and while they said phoenix point would be DRM free, gog users lose the option to not have to use ANY launcher. Oh, and no more linux version on steam proton.

>not the fact that epic is 40% chinese owned which means all your payment info is stored on some obscure server until the end of time
Mr YOOOOOOONGout really needs to reconsider his priorities

Did they have to name their Big Brother surveillance system like it was a secret project run by Shadaloo?

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holy shit, a real gook!

How much is Sweeney disconnected from reality? If PC players don't like something they simply pirate.

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I can't. No one can defend a youtuber so shitty.

Your comparison would only work if America banned oranges because Trump-kun's feelings were hurt.

If they never promised it would be day 1 on other stores, sure. But they did.

did you seriously just take up for that dumb fuck?

Didn't Valve quite specifically call the info that Epic was accessing "private user information" though?

Oh bother.

This is a good thread


they serve the society as glue

Out of the loop here, why do people not like yongyea? Memeing or a legit reason?

he just admitted hes gay on his twitter so people dont like him

Mad they don't make easy money from reading others posts/articles.

All of his videos are just rage bait. He just browses reddit and makes videos about whatever they are pissed off about today.

True, but my point is defferent.
When I first have seen PP I wanted to play it because the game looked interesting with all that free aim and shit, I didn't care on which platform it will come out.

Yooka-Laylee and Mn9 didn't receive such backlash and refunds despite being shit. PP on the other hand is actually a good game (judging from backer build 3 that I pirated on torrents) but people get mad as hell and refunding.

That just means people value a platform way more than the game itself. This is how I understand it.

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I don't know about THAT. But it's the first good one since the PSP released. I don't know who the fuck told Kojima all the Portable Ops/Peace Walker shit was fun. All that base management shit is the least enjoyable thing I've ever played.

90% of his videos is just reading random reddit comments that has no actual importance to the FOTW news he's talking about.

>inadequate analogy
Holy fuck, I weep for the species if this fuck can't understand how stupid what he just said is.

doesn't that just mean removing sjw's content value less than platform?

Psycho Pass is an anime where the government detects potential criminals by their brainwaves, blood pressure, body language etc.

>sjw's content

Yooka-Laylee and Mn9's biggest sins was just doing sjw things and being bad games.

PP offered backers specific platforms as their initial terms and went back on it like its a free loan and free beta testers.

He talks shit about their favorite game devs.

People wanted their keys on release, now they won't get them for a year. No shit people are refunding, and this sort of shit why crowdfunding gets a bad reputation.

>People wanted their keys on release
And they will get them on release but for EpicStore, afetr a year they will get free Steam or GOG key with all the dlcs

They didn't want Epic store keys, they wanted Steam/gog keys on release, and they were promised Steam/gog keys on release, which they are no longer getting on release. That and the head developer of the project bragging that even if everyone refunds Epic will still pay them enough to make up for it didn't really help calm people down at all, or when he claimed he was confident that they wouldn't have to refund even 6% of what they got crowdfunded.

Those sons of bitches are trying to look at what games you play and then pay to make them Epic Store exclusive.

There's no defense for clickbait OPs and e-celeb dickriding.

Probably not but maybe you should focus on the content, no?


At you gay?

No fuck you stop making this website worse by the day.

that would be chinks and their constant spam. if we dont do anything, they will take over. you dont want that

So what will you do?

*reads an article verbatim to reach the video limit of 10 minutes for ad revenue without any sort of editing for the viewers*


be silent is the last thing id do


counter spam them

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>I don't know who the fuck told Kojima all the Portable Ops/Peace Walker shit was fun.
I liked it. At least in Portable Ops. It felt kind of like Pokemon with each soldier having different stats and then being able to take them into multiplayer matches to fight against other peoples soldiers.

>that "private steam" info is open for everyone
Except it isn’t, my profile is private.

What the fuck are you talking about? Unless a game has Denuvo it's going to be cracked day one. At that point it's only paying customers who have to put up with the DRM

Making the whole site worse as a result. GOOD PLAN!

>Unless a game has Denuvo it's going to be cracked day one

it wont be better if we dont do it. it will be just one sided spam

If 99% of games were released only on Windows and there was no way for people to play them on any other OS then yeah Windows would have a "monopoly" in the same way Steam had a "monopoly". In the sense that anything that would open the doors to more OS's being viable would be a good thing

>Unless a game has Denuvo it's going to be cracked day one.

In Portable Ops it was a neat little feature to an otherwise fairly standard MGS experience(PSP's shit controls and hardware aside). PW just felt and played more like Monster Hunter and all the grinding was in service of nothing, just more grinding. Same with TPP. It's a shame PO never got a HD re-release, because man it needs it. Unlike PW which is only really ever enjoyable as a portable "I'll grind some shit while waiting for the buss" game.

Oh yeah I'm dumb and missed that part of the post
But now that I've read it properly that post is even more dumb. They literally admit that DRM does nothing to protect anything, so it only harms consumers. Why would you even defend that at that point?

lmao who lets these retards post

So Ebin is really selling data to the chinks since they need to iterate that only Sweeney has the stolen data.

tick tock Epicfags

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yeah, we need to stor epic before it becomes a monopoly. we can still save the world

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I mean, it would be pretty odd for them to abandon their own store in favor of exclusivity for another one.

I think it points more to the fact that he made a 9:31 long video about a single tweet.

Wait, the GOG owners themselves making their AAA title a ES exclusive?

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Wait really? Kek. He really has no shame that man.

Are you retarded? Read the text...

A jewish asian.

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Defend what? 76 should not be compared to MGSurvive, because Survive's fun gameplay loop is not marred by shallow quests, nor a souless story.

Show me proof. No, those process monitor logs are not proof it reads those files
Good, if someone has the autism to disassemble it and catch epic red handed then fuck epic.

>>Show me proof. No, those process monitor logs are not proof it reads those files
yes this is a proof. not like it matters, ceo admitted himself that they are doing it

They admitted it read a single file, for non-malicious purposes. Everything else it does is merely verifying the existence of files on a machine

>There are people on this board that UNIRONICALLY dislike Epic Store
Imagine being one of these idiots...oh how i pity them...

they read it without consent, thats what spyware it. you dont need anything more

and who gave them permission to read those files?

Everything you do sitting before your computer is being cached, saved and backed up millions times locally and somewhere in internet. It's how it was designed to make things easier.

They probably got permission from the user when they accepted the EULA/privacy policy


where exactly?

Keep looking at the clouds. I'm sure everything will be the same if you do that.

That they made AFTER the thing came public
>"(2) Information Collected Automatically When You Use Our Websites, Games, and Applications"

>"Last updated on December 19, 2018"

> where exactly?

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>When You Use Our Websites, Games, and Applications"
thanks for proving that its a pyware

Survive is terrible but it's not terrible for the reasons that most commonly get given.

The story was fucking awful though.

I miss TB.
Pre-cancer TB, specifically.

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absolutely based

That's what you get for trusting chinks.

>reading comprehension
That means they are describing all information collected when you use their stuff, that doesn't limit the collected information to that from epic games software.
Not to mention section 3 also would fit the description of collecting data from steam.

It would only fit if steam was purposefully providing the data.

it doesnt? so they can read all my browser history? all my emails? copy paste my entire hdd? WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE? 100% spyware. you are so fucking retarded

>they are describing all information collected when you use their stuff
steam is not their stuff


>that doesn't limit the collected information to that from epic games software
when you use word OUR it means it does limit it to their softaware. fucking retarded shill

dont they break valve's agreement? i think you need to ask valve before you start using their software. every user needs to agree to their license before they can use steam

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hey chink shill, why dont you reply? if you wont ill post this in next thread.
do you have anything to say about that statement?

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Commies in this thread are in tears

This is basic competition - Epic want to beat Valve so they're taking data to provide the best service. If you want the government to protect muh data aka ruin competition then go ahead and get a time machine and get back to the soviet union.

maybe instead of making spyware they should make good store? oh no, that would be anti dev, everyone knows that devs > consumers. yeah good luck with that

If my steam profile is set to private should epic store be allowed access to it?
Did they use the epic launcher to probe my profile?

You aren't a journalist. no matter what you think, you are not a journalist.


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this shitstorm would not exists if they ask for permission to use steam data, but no, we need spyware MOAR SPYWARE

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reddit has thread simulators now?

This fucko is always so late to the party with his videos.
"Hey guys, Chingbong here with a video stretched out past 10 minutes explaining shit you already know."
Fuck this guy.

and the best thing about is that they never said they will remove the spyware LMAO you cant that trust that company

Epic games did nothing wrong, now, where are my social credits?

I wish I had a good speaking voice to become a youtube journalist. Look at that beanie guy, Tim Pool, who gets to go on Joe Rogan and Dave Rubin and all those cool shows and all he fucking does is read news articles on how Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is stupid and SJW cringe stuff. Or The Quartering, who has people give him welfare for telling them what to be mad at.

Valve Shill Cheatsheet:
>epic is run by chinks
(except sweeny is majority shareholder)
>epic store is spyware
(except they have no proof other than they look at public steam profile data and copy steam friends when prompted)
>steam deserves a 30% cut because its "industry standard"
only consoles and mobile where there is no other option is this true, big pc games either have their own launcher or get a better deal from steam
>gabe's dick is super tasty and they can't get it out of their mouths

No mod support
No Linux support
No refunds
None of about 10 other features that the steam store offers
keeps Bitcoin miners on your computer even after being uninstalled
No reason to use chick botnet

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