Hey guys, Sseth here
Hey guys, Sseth here
>honestly i wouldn't recommend overlord
supreme faggot
Welcome to the Game Dungeon!
>when you make 2 reviews of the same game
>but it's ok, because you upload with different accounts
Why did he make two videos about Space Station 13
Double the views double the money.
Why do people compare the two at all? They're nothing alike aside from the type of game that they review, and even then there are major departures in terms of what they cover.
why is he in super prison again?
he recommended the expansion though
>Can't even get Hey Hey right
Even as a 19 year old little kid I knew it was shit
The game is dead as fuck once you get the last minion hive and you know it
>You need to master your slaves
>In the beginning you only get 5 browns
Oof, the merchant's guild won't be happy about this
They are the same person
How did this meme even start? It's spreading like wildfire.
Youtube knows, shut it down
Star Citizen followup never ever
Who has the Pathologic image?
>Today, we will be looking at an older game
The absolute madman
You mean the Gothic one?
Overlord 2 is way better anyway
His uncle is like 200 bin ladens so they binned him for petty theft.
Is this a meme, or is there something to this?
oh yeah that's right, thanks Uncle Frank
hey hey people
footage-stealing lying nigger here
Overlord just needed some extra polish to the gameplay and details of the world. Go full ham with the parody fantasy setting and go very creative with the use of different minions under your control.
The one that had the best writing was the game on the Wii.
I'm glad that their (his) releases are staggered so close to each other to make a weekend good
ecelebs go in
>tfw literally do not give a fuck if he steals his stories as long as the videos are entertaining
>make 2 patreons to sucker people who like both
I wonder how often they touch base with each other. They never cover the same game close in date to each other, but at the same time release their videos suspiciously close to each other.
Is there an ideal way to collab?
It's true, do we have to spoonfeed everything for you? Find the answers yourself
Just because they have the same audience doesn't make them the same.
Mandalore's quality is far and above Sseth's. That's not to say Sseth's bad, though personally I can take-or-leave his weird humour (it strikes me as trying to pander to Yea Forums/reddit). That said his recent Kenshi and SS13 reviews were top notch.
It's an ARG. They both leave clues in their video be it subtle references or using the exact same lines the other used in a video about the same game.
It's fun.
b8ing this hard
Sseth is very, very edgy.
I'm glad he's toned it down in the last few vids. Constantly cutting to cropped porn and dropping references to racial stereotypes at random isn't funny.
Hey hey people
Nope, their style doesn't match enough. Though Mandalore collabbed with 8bitbrody pretty well and does podcasts with Shammy so who knows.
>3/4 of his fanbase still doesn't know the truth
the very definition of triggered
"Her" voice is fucking awful. How do people watch that shit?
So Sseth is Mandalore, who has beef with Anderson.. Does the rabit hole goes further?
Is Mandalore really Sseth? I thought maybe they were just friends or something.
>steal entirety of game footage from other channels
>claim it's your own shit
>get called out on it by said channels and your own subs, complete with links to the evidence
>attempt to cover your tracks by deleting all comments mentioning this and attributing only the 3 biggest channels you stole from after the fact without ever admitting fault while at least 10+ other small-time no-name channels go unnoticed
>repeat for every upload
>convince retards like (You) to donate thousands a month just to hear a man read stories that other people created and interspersed with the latest flavor of the week /pol/ meme EVERY SINGLE TIME
>What is fair use
Mandalore is confirmed being able to change his voice live, as he imitated a Fallout 76 audio log in Joseph's video. He also has ties to the Russian mafia, as he was able to get a pre-alpha build of Metro 2033 to Raycevick that proved it used stolen Stalker assets. As Sseth he is currently beginning to spark interest in a Patreon alternative, and he will use his more wholesome Mandalore persona to endorse it and make it the successor to Patreon among the vidya ecelebs. All of the transaction cuts will go to to him, along with a small fee paid to the Merchant's Guild and the mafia, and he'll retire to gay furry island to fuck in peace forever.
It runs far too deep to understand anymore.
Your post is highly antisemitic
Playing us like a damn fiddle.
Remove the picture and it's not.
Geniune retards who can't hear a man voice.
Who the fuck wants to listen to a tranny?
The Ssethdalore synthesis today spawned is fucking bizarre
Accusing a jewish man of committing any crime is antisemitic
>EYE on the shoulder
>fire warrior rifle
>dead space plasma cutter
This is dense
Will Sseth ever review Grim Dawn?
I'm gonna stay skeptical and say they're not the same person. There really has to be concrete proof because the stuff out there really isn't compelling enough.
Sseth does barely any public appearances or guest on anything compared to Mandalore. That allows the charade to hold up.
>"Jewish people never commit crimes! You hate them if you think otherwise!"
That is the definition of anti-semitisn. Just ask ADL
is this the Yea Forums approved e-celeb thread?
I'm pretty sure Sseth is NZ or Australian putting on a fake accent. He pronounces words like vitamins very unAmerican like and sounds like dubs guy in American Psycho
to fill the community with faggots who watch his garbage and kill the game
Nah, it's not. Not even rounding up and killing all the Jews in the world is anti-semitic. It's just prudence.
you know semetic people are more than just jews right? no you probably didnt because youre an idiot.
>another eceleb thread
I thought he was scandinavian or something.
Regardless, they've both shown their homes in videos, they're nothing alike.
>Sseth and Mandalore being the same person
>not thinking they are 2 people
>not getting their plan to exploit reddit cucks and 4chins edgelords
He's Danish, apparently. In one clip he showed his dirty ass desk, and it had danish products.
oh brother...
I find their association really endearing for reasons I don’t understand
>Mandalore reviews SS13, bombs servers with new players, gets banned
>Sseth reviews SS13, tells them NOT to play the game, outright mentions metagaming anyways
When did he steal footage?
Yes, kikes and Arabs are semites, as were the rightfully exterminated Carthaginians. God willing every semite will suffer the same fate soon.
>both videos show off /vg/station
his df video
You deserve it
Blame mrpain being an autist for the first ban. Duny and other admins including Pomf liked him and the video and blew pain the fuck out.
Fuck no, 2 is somehow inferior to one in plot and game mechanics. Fuck manually mind controlling every single person in a fucking city and then repeating that for every fucking city you take.
The hell is wrong with this photograph of a pie?
>used to play SS13 many years ago
>kinda want to get back to it after getting reminded
>everyone will now think I'm there just because of a D-rank e-celeb
My mom's pie are better.
That's not a pie, that's a cake.
It's not memey enough for him, it's just a bog standard arpg.
Would an A-Rank e-celeb make it better?
thats a painting
>MWO review
>Says Living Legends is better
>Doesn't then go on to do a fucking review on the better game
really makes you BATCHALL
it would make it worse, I think
But why would you do that in a cooking book? Can't you just make a pie and make a photo of it?
Mandalore is Sseth when he decided to actually be entertaining and not boring as fuck.
What's the deal with the perspective, it's correct.
He lives in Denmark check his stalker review
SS13 is full of hugbox faggots nowadays anyway, you guys brought this on yourself
>playing ss13 in the current year
Based, fuck SS13 fags
If only MrPain was still headmin and not veers, a literal homo who was raped by his boyfriend and forced to fuck a wolf pussy onahole. Maybe then the bunker would've been turned on, maybe then Sseth would be banned.
So Sseth was born in Russia it seems. His Lion King video has many references to a 90 slav's childhood
This is exactly how I felt when he made a vid about Kenshi.
I know it's a single player game but the vg thread has been bombarded with retards who don't understand how to play a game that doesn't hold your hand and autistic roleplayers ever since his video went up.
Mandalore and sseth should release review of the same game on one weekend without mentioning each other
He is danish
>the vg thread has been bombarded with retards who don't understand how to play a game
So the average /vg/ thread
I swear it wasn't as bad before.
who fucking cares, does the guy who it belonged to, or do you?
He's from Russian descent/migrated to denmark. I think he said it on a pot in his patreon a part from references in his videos.
the new look for bananas and cream
hahahahha get fucked autists,dont worry tho people wont take their time to learn how to play so they will leave ,you have to be autistic enough to play games like this
>who fucking cares
*dabs on you*
It's "Hey hey people"
>He's from Russian descent
If we're on the topic of Mandalore, I'm excited for later this year. I put up a review request for Rain World, and he responded.
so did he actually play this game?
or is he just watching other people play it and pretend that he does?
answer the question
I don't think it was his footage this time around either.
Not sure about sseth, but it's not important cause we are all there for his stories even if those are not his. Mandalore goes deeper into game mechanics, so he definitely plays the games he reviews
Sseth literally was banned from /vg/ in 2016 for multikeying, so there's proof he did actually play ss13, even though most of his footage from his video is clearly faked/done on private servers with his friends.
>we are all
I'll fucking castrate you if you speak for me again you spineless cockroach
cancer posts go on Yea Forums
turns out it's actually just oney on another autism induced briefing rampage
I am literally replying to this post..
Hey people, Pewdiepie here
>Sseth literally was banned from /vg/ in 2016 for multikeying
>there are motherfuckers dumb enough to pay someone to steal other people's original content so he can regurgitate them back into their mouths with epic Yea Forums humor and ADHD editing
because they're both 4channer game reviewers and the have a bit of overlap on the games they review.
>There are people who actually give a shit about any of that
>paying for any kind of youtube content
Thanks, goy
this guy is way superior to Sseth, who is an unfunny lardass who suffers from having an american brain
Matthewmatosis cheated on his devil daggers score. I shit you not, look up the replay if you have the game.
>there are autists on Yea Forums who complain about literally everything
You can sense Sseth is a pepemaga simpleton who panders to trumptards, he has no clue about gaming whatsoever
What do you expect? He's the new critical or whatever that faggot is calling himself these days
You just hate him because he's not a leftist bitch like you
kid played league of legends most of his life
he's a fucking scam
The irony is that sseth is a yuro and mandy is a burger
>Hurr he spouts ebin maymays I know so he's based
t. trumptard
Three immediate replies nice yeah I'm thinking that's it
Seth is literally an nazi and all of the trumptards watching hsi videos has BLOOD on their hands
>You can sense Sseth is a pepemaga simpleton who panders to trumptards
Wut? You literally have no proof of this.
>he has no clue about gaming whatsoever
The fact that he actually played the game he made videos on makes it otherwise you bitch zoomer.
the absolute state of this site in one post
Oh dear, considering the scarce nature of digital footage, this is a serious offense that should not be taken lightly.
*flubs line*
Your life is hell.
>I got called out, better call them shills or discord trannies
>hey trump boys, Sseth here, today we'll be btfoing libtards epic style
Lmao so much this. Seth is just a nazi pandering to alt-right nazi trump supporters
while people getting triggered by e-celebs is funnier is actual e-celeb threads, I'll still bump for you
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sseth. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of /pol/ memes most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sseth's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Adolf Hitler literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sseth truly ARE idiots. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sseth's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Sseth tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.
he's not a nazi
he's just mentally challenged
fuck white people
Fuck off back to r/T_D, nazi. At least until it finally gets banned
No U
>you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sseth
> without a solid grasp of /pol/ memes most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head
LMAO /pol/tards actually think they are smart how fucking laughable
>thinking twitter tactics will work on Yea Forums
>implying anyone needs to call you faggots out
>He doesn't even recognize the Rick&Morty copypasta
Holy shit kys yourself
all this cancer
it is an eceleb thread
user i...
he was jsut pretending to be retarded you freaking NIMROD haha dumb idiot guy!!!!!!!!!!@2314rtgdznbdv
Sseth is funnier
Man is more structured and better reviews
Both are actual quality youtubers who review interesting games and are not absolute fucking garbage like 99% of game reviewers.
>Rick&Morty copypasta
no you kys, redditor
No, you kys, Trumpanzee retard
>not knowing this normie-tier pasta
Pls tell me you're baiting
How did you tards escape your wranglers?
ehh you blew it faggots
you even lost the fucking hook