Itt: games where you fight god

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So is this guy a schizo or what

Stamper talked about seeing shadow people on Sleepycabin

What the fuck is happening

why do i give shit about this guy?

As much as "lmao the final boss is God!" is memed hard, the only game I played that came close of that trope was Xenoblade, and even then the final boss wasn't God, just a Demiurge abusing divine powers at best. I'm genuinely curious if there's any game out there where you legitimately do fight God with a capital G, and not one of his creations, an importer, a projection or lesser form.

For example, the Arceus you can catch in Pokémon games is said to be a physical manifestation of an infinitesimal portion of the true Arceus' power, but you never do fight nor see the true Arceus

Stamper needs to go Stomper lol


What the fuck is going on?

ok what the fuck is going on?

The whole Breath of Fire series. In 2, this God even has a religion dedicated to him.


What the fuck are you autists mad about this time

SMT, nigger.

Dragon Quest 7 where God is an optional boss

So what the fuck is happening here?

Asura's Wrath in the true ending. You don't just defeat him, you actually kill him, which outright destroys the remnants of the pantheon and all holy power, setting that Earth on a course to become normal modern day Street Fighter Earth.

Myria and her spawn are just demons dude.

Stamper needs to either call the cops or hurry up and move out. He should move out of California back to Philly

He didn't call her a bitch, though.

>i'm so terrified. i'm going to die.
So is he just trolling his autistic fanbase or what? Everyone's ignoring his stupid non-sequitur jokes and just spamming every tweet with some overly concerned melodramatic garbage.

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YHVH is not the great will

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The Simpsons Game you have to beat God at DDR.

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Shin Megami Tensei 2 & 4A

No, but he is God.

Source? Can't find anything with reverse image search.

Are you into body hair and fat futas with elephant trunk cocks?

Just give me the artist name then

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All of the above

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Persona 5.

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you fight demiurge

Nice trips

Even IRL the Abrahamic God is the demiurge, so this makes things tricky.

Final Fantasy VI

The best RPG of all time

Thug Hero Party

based but maybe this would have been an acceptable opinion in 2009 pilled

I've been wondering what his twitter was after he was banned for the 20th time.

Based and cuckpilled

what mess is stamper getting into now?
what happened to the homeless man that would sing backstreet boys with him?

I’m just some random user on Yea Forums so you can choose to believe me or not, but I know Stamper personally and the guy has some pretty severe mental issues and alcoholism. I haven’t talked to him in like 7 or 8 years, though. I used to be a well known person on Newgrounds, I know Tom, his brother, Liljim, Dan Paladin, etc, pretty much everyone who is anyone affiliated with the website. I got close to Stamper and used to talk to him daily, him and his girlfriend at the time. He was a suicidal, depressed maniac. His girlfriend at the time would tell me how she would want to have sex but instead he would lock himself in the bathroom and chug bottles of liquor until he passed out. Tom practically saved his life by giving him a purpose and a comfortable living, but he never stopped the drinking. All those crazy ass animations and shit he does aren’t just funny, edgy humor, the guy is fucking mental. I haven’t been involved with NG in a long time so I have no idea what any of their personal lives are like anymore. I always felt bad for Stamper but dealing with his bipolar ass is exhausting. It was a very interesting time of my life, though, and sometimes I miss those days.

man... I could go for a powerfuck right now.

which gun does the most damage?


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I recognize that BLACKED actor!

jesus, isn't this the fucking narrator from battleblock theater?
what happened?

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There was some california law that was introduced at the time that outlawed hiring people without a high school diploma, and he didn't even have a GED
That said, I don't really understand why didn't just leave the state, CA is notoriously expensive to do business in

That's what I've been trying to figure out. I can't tell if he's having a legitimate mental breakdown or if he's just fucking with people. At this point I'd even believe if he could just tell me what's happening right now.

he's moving to Texas apparently

Is anyone going to explain what the fuck Stamper has gotten himself into? Looking through his account he's not really dropping any hints.

anybody else been keepin track of this weird ass saga hes gotten himself into? suddenly takin in a random middle aged woman sayin shes on the run from people out for her life or somethin. i think they fell in love?

His rampant alcoholism and his untreated mental issues are tearing him apart.

Did you watch the video in OP?
I have been following him on twitter and this lady is just some rando lady he met some time ago.

Can't go on any gaming based anything without persona fans
I Just don't fucking get the hype. I love anime games and i give 0 fucks about persona

The edgy animator crew of NG live some pretty depressing lives.

He drops hints, but he routinely deletes old tweets and has been banned God knows how many times. He lost his job, acquired a serious drug problem, and is currently allow some homeless drug-dealing woman to squat in and store stolen goods in his apartment. He brags about stealing shit himself and buying unknown drugs from people he doesn't know.
Also, he did this dumb shit immediately after the NZ shooting.

The only comment we have from anybody he knows comes from Ricepirate, and he claims that Stamper has basically cut contact with all of his friends.


He's a demiurge. Humanity's ideas of God.

Do people actually believe this shit or is it like those args where everyone's kind of pretending to believe a bullshit story because their lives are empty and dull ?

I think he's only the demiurge officially in Nocturne and onwards. I consider him an aspect of God in the same way the trinity shows manifestations of God which are not equal, but all God

>Humanity's ideas of God
So he's God.

The demiurge isn't a human construct, it's a literal physical manifestation of divine power, the creator of the physical world.

>acquired a serious drug problem, and is currently allow some homeless drug-dealing woman to squat in and store stolen goods in his apartment.
I was about to say, the videos on his twitter remind me more of my friends that ended up getting too into hard drugs and ODing more than an alcoholic. The man isn't drunk he's wacked out of his mind, those are the arguments people have after doing way too many opiates and meth

Nothing can "be" god because the idea of god is immaterial and disincarnate. It is purely spiritual, and YHVH is not purely spiritual, he has form and matter.
The supreme will is the will of the divine that rules over all, and as such, YHVH is subject to the supreme will, and thus cannot be absolute by definition. Nothing material can be.

He's very clearly on the dirty kind of hard drugs, the lady in his house is clearly a crack whore.
t.Someone that grew up with shitty drug addict friends

That's likely, but all his bullshit larping about russian hitmen has people going crazy on twitter

Sounds about right.

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Well, you're dead on. He's posted photos of his oxys and talked more than once about the taste of meth. I think that's what got his last Twitter handle banned.

fighting god, huh...

So he's god.

So is Stamper gonna OD or an hero?

>but all his bullshit larping about russian hitmen has people going crazy on twitter
Thats not larping, its paranoid delusions caused by drug abuse. He's literally going insane and will most likely actually end up dead either from hanging out with literal scumbag criminals that stab people on the street to steal their shit, or getting too high and deciding it would be a good idea to do another 3 lines just to see what happens.

His downward spiral is, unfortunately, getting close to its end. If he doesn't shape up, get the fuck away from these people, go to rehab and get off the dirt drugs, he's going to die soon.

No, because he's functionally evil, as all matter ultimately is
You're clearly a brainlet so let me put it into simple terms : YHVH (the demiurge) is a powerful being that doesn't have a fraction of the power of the supreme god, as they are separate entities with different properties and abilities

So he's god.

Stamper seems so fake and tryhardy. I had a friend in high school that would always act dramatic and tell lies to make himself look cool, and Stamper reminds me of him so much.

>fight God
>God is omnipotent, thus can instantly erase you from existence
This is the problem with having God as a boss and why not many games do it. It doesn't make sense given his powers. In other words, if you win it's only because God lets you win.

Not this

Have you ever had friends that got too deep into hard drugs?

Silent Hill 3

Do you understand that there are other types of gods than the christian absolute god ?

>"But steel is heavier than feathers."

Yes, but I wasn't talking about those.

You seemed to imply that every single piece of fiction about fighting a tyrannical creator god did in fact subscribe to exactly that definition of god, which is fucking stupid
Thank god you're not stupid huh ?

Are you blind or retarded? See who I was replying to. That's why I was specific.

whoa... so this is the power... of succdems

So he IS God. Got it user.

Not sure how that's relevant, do you know that guy personally and have observed him in depth ?

Who is?

What’s the best Sleepycabin episode?

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Watch two or three of the videos on his twitter, those are the ramblings of a late stage drug addict


Retarded Frenchman.

I listened to them and I know people irl that go on these kind of rants after a couple blunts or beers, quit being dramatic
There are mythomaniacal retards everywhere, and he's clearly one, but even he's smart enough to get the full attention of impressionable idiots on twitter

ITT: people that don't understand irony.

Sorry if proper question mark placement triggers you, illiterate roast beef, but our crowning works of literature aren't pulp bullshit like Shakespeare and Harry Potter, so we'll keep being right about grammar and you keep doing what you're good at, whatever that is


>Stamper's cut off all contact with his friends
I can't imagine how Oney and the gang feel right now about watching their friend fucking ruin his life.

those featuring zach

frog eater

Too bad he's long overstayed his welcome on OneyPlays.

hes almost never there

And when he is there literally all he talks about is Trump.

look at you
you're fat and stupid
get him outta here
kill him


You mean you don't like zach and the coldest hot takes ever?

literally who, and why the fuck does everyone here act like they know what this is about? what the fuck is going here? explain yourselves or I will get your thread deleted by mods

Dude that used to be part of the Newgrounds elite is broadcasting his drug fueled downward spiral on twitter and everyone is confused by his schizo posting when he's tweaking

legitimately bizarre posts

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He literally only has a single joke, and his shtick is fucking old at this point. He always has to drag politics into shit. At least Julian and DingDong actually talked about fucking video games.

>t. Lyle

fat smelly bitch alma smego posts on Yea Forums

How is stamper somewhat famous again? He was just a voice actor I thought.

he was le quirky, which normies loved until they realized that the quirkiness was an actual personality disorder and now they want to forget about him

Does anyone here have that video of him just randomly smashing something?
It was kind of a creepy 10 second video that he randomly posted on twitter at some point.


Marsqautch. If we aren't including lost episodes then One Dillion Clones.

the Idea though is that humanity mistakenly transferred that power to YHVH and its pissing the great will off as it has the objectivity to see that YHVH is just a big pisser.So the great will nudges a "messiah" out of humanity to set it right. YHVH is just a usurper

aw yea

>Perfect face
>tolerable body
>giant fucking futa dick
Why is this life so unfair

It's good

oh god yes

>Xenoblade, and even then the final boss wasn't God, just a Demiurge abusing divine powers at best.
Not to mention God himself literally sends you a cool robot. I love what a cool guy God tends to be in the Xeno games.

I miss when the gang did live action videos.

Looks like it:

OP try the Shin Megami Tensei series. You can fight God in those if you want

man stamper's really gone off the deep end huh? he's not making any sense

>cool robot
nani? are you talking about Alvis?

>nothing but some bumps and bruises, don't worry about me none.
did Stamper just get beat up? what kind of a hell hole does he live in, oh.. he lives in Los Angeles

>just watched the best pals video oney did a while back
I know see how far stamper has fallen

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Epic Battle Fantasy 4

>I don't like it
>therefore, everyone else needs to stop talking about it

Dies Irae

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>That feel when I know who you are and your real name but for the love of god cant remember it right now.

Stamper has been enjoying some drugs since moving to San Fran, dudes a ticking time bomb.

I think people have just been concerned since the vomit vase

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vomit vase?

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Ye it's what it sounds like. He was doing one of his cooking videos and walked over to his couch and made an off hand mentioned of the vase lying there full of vomit and a few cigarettes

Dragon's Dogma