Consoles you were really happy receiving as a kid?

Consoles you were really happy receiving as a kid?

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That kid isn't a Teen. She shouldn't be playing that.


That's why they're so happy, the game's too good to be kept away from youths, they don't want baby games like a certain shit(Ch) console.

I remember getting games in particular more than consoles. Getting Yoshi's Island on SNES was one of my best Christmases.

why did you photoshop this?


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I lost my shit when I got a PS1

That basketball hoop is way too small. the ball doesn't even fit

what's the original




he phoneshoped it

a kid with a switch

Don't be a fag, user. In the original pic, kid was holding Switch.

My parents didn't support my hobby, they thought playing games was a waste of time - well, it is - but luckily I had friends who borrowed me their consoles. The first console I bought with my hard earned money was PS1; I think I was 14. Now, as a 35yo supposedly grown up man I still feel some kind of joy when I buy consoles/games, so I guess I still am a kid.

Does anyone have the really badly edited version where the smile has been flipped and the text doesn't fit in the bubble? It was on so many levels of irony that I loved it.

Kids DONT WANT shwitches. They're for autistic manchildren ONLY. ps4 is for everoyne.

it was a reddit post where the kid bought a switch with the allowance he was saving, some user posted it on here a couple days ago(the OP upvoted it too so he got a lot of shit for it)

When I was 12 I randomly got awarded a PS1 with spyro 1-3 back in 2001 for having good grades. Ahh, Spyro. Is Spyro a big part of anyone elses gaming history here?

Spyro works at subway now

>so autistic they cant even notice mspaint photoshop

checks out

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Mspaint photoshop csp gimp

is spyro the one that puts ALL the toppings on my sub when i order the italian or is it the funny loud brown people

Gamecube with Spider-Man(movie game) for Christmas. Only reason why I wanted a Gamecube was to impress this girl that I liked. I kept telling her I had one when in fact I was lying for months

You do realize that you're talking about a kid holding a Switch, right?

who would want a shitch

People who prefer fun games over censored movies, obviously.

Manbabies you mean?
seething nincel