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Other urls found in this thread:

Why is narcissism so rampant amongst fags

>Look I put "im gay" as my moveset XD

loving yourself is good
self esteem is good
of course we'll never know

>Mortal Kombat

Who cares?

What happened to him being the DBFZ champ?

People have given them so much negative press that literally any critique of them is heard as white noise. It's not so much their fault as it is society's for blindly hating them for so long.

He got BTFO and it was too hard.

>im gay
Thank you based SonicFox I couldn't tell. Perhaps if he clarified again I'd know for sure?

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the gayest champion since alexander the great

Based Japs kicked his dumb ass out of the scene.

>make game so horrid to look at with animations done by a grade schooler that only a gay furry has the tolerance to put more than a days effort in it
must be mk

what's wrong with this fag?

>Sonicfox manages to constantly assblast Yea Forums just by existing

Shut the fuck up faggot.

He still defended america during evo. I think he fucked up by using a worse team at that last big tournament. He should have never dropped fused zamusa.

Isn't Perfect Legend the guy who won DOA the one time it was at EVO?

>just by existing

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Yes I'm sure this tweet is why Yea Forumsirgins are assblasted. It has nothing to do with how butthurt anons were making constant threads after the TGA's; we all know that Yea Forums is really passionate about the competitive fighting game scene.

Is that someone he doesn't like or is he messing around?

hes gay

Sonicfox was getting shit on long before the TGAs.


messing around

don't hate yourself user

Whatever you tell yourself, user.

As far as I can tell he revels in being a "Heel".

are you gay too

Why are faggots always gay?

Did you guys know that he's gay? Because he's gay.

Not really no one really mentioned before the tgas and evo 2018

Can u prove that

Astroturfing faggots or underage. Either way fuck off.

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>one post
Absolutely nothing compared to what happened after evo, which is nothing compared to what happened after the TGAs. You're so blatantly disingenuous I'm not sure who you think you're fooling.

I think he mentioned it once or twice, not sure

Wow one thread now compare the amount of the threads about him before evo 2018 to the threads after
it was a huge increase newfag

So this is the power of REAL fighting games...
He should play Smash, he would get fucking destroyed.

just give it some time, he will drop it once he gets bodied by people, i mean, unlike sonicfox not everyone has rich parents who pays for everything

Attached: sonicfox salty title.png (641x182, 20K)

he tried to get into smash ulti in the pools, he bite the dust there, this is why he never talks about it

>Moving the goalposts
You said no one shat on him before 2018 which is completely false and now you're saying people talked about him more after events which wasn't even the original point of contention.

Wait what?

he got rekt hard when he had to play jap tourney players.

Neither myself nor the other guy moved the goalposts, newfag. We're just not retarded enough to buy your narrative that WOAH GUYS Yea Forums ALWAYS HATED SONICFOX FOR YEARS AND YEARS XD, ONLY US OLDFAGS REMEMBER

Everyone with a brain recognizes how hard people spammed the board with twitter shit after evo/TGA. Fucking dipshit, who are you seriously trying to fool?

Dogura btfo him not even, and it wasn't even in the semi which is more humiliating

I never said no one shat on him before 2018
now stop getting angry over nothing

Can't wait for MK11 upsets and hard reads

Who's the Dogura of MK that'll assblast him?

>it's not gay's fault, it's YOURS
>gays are literally this incapable of self critique or any critical thought

That's quite the takeway

yeah, i wonder why people would find sonicfox quite annoying

Attached: sonic gay fox.jpg (581x805, 61K)

Here's a crazy thought - maybe he does that because he knows it triggers homophobes.

A wild idea, I know, but just give it a thought the next time you're going through his twitter taking screenshots.

>Neither myself nor the other guy moved the goalposts, newfag.
>I never said no one shat on him before 2018
How the fuck can you both be so dishonest? The post is literally right here No one is even debating the fact that more people talked about him more after Evo or TGA, all I said was that he was getting ridiculed long before those events because he's that unlikeable

>No one is even debating the fact that more people talked about him more after Evo or TGA
Except you, dude. How the fuck can you be so dishonest?

So someone went to his twitter, specifically searched for all the posts where he said he was gay, screenshotted it, then complained about it...?

>le triggers homophobes
even gays get tired when faggots are obnoxious, you'd be surprised how many homosexuals hate pride parades because of the same reason how a bad image they create for them.

Attached: gayfox.png (751x465, 71K)

It's really on both the individual and society since he couldn't justify it if society was nicer to him but he has the capacity to decide his own actions, and chooses to act that way

one thing is to find him annoying, another is to become completely obsessed to the point you save multiple tweets of his on your computer

>Not really no one really mentioned before the tgas and evo 2018
So basically no one said no one shat on him before Evo
thank you for showing me how retarded you are

>posting more twitter screencaps
Proving me right, user

I never said he wasn't getting more attention after Evo or the TGAs, I said he was getting made fun of before those events as well. Show me a post where I said otherwise or shut the fuck up you disingenuous cretin.

>maybe he does that because he knows it triggers homophobes.
Ah yes, the good old "prove the people who hate me right by doing exactly what they hate me for". Bold strategy.

It's ok to have a couple of pictures amongst the literal thousands you have on your hard drive

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

Homophobes have everything to do with being annoyed?

self-esteem means you lack any basic self-awareness, which means you're gay in the bad way

I'm hetero white and don't fuck animals basically everything a progressive hates, thank you.

The post literally says "not really" in response to Do you know how language works? That's a disagreement. Stop backpedalling.

>Ah yes, the good old "prove the people who hate me right by doing exactly what they hate me for".
Why would a homophobe like Sonicfox? I don't understand this logic.

Ah newfags, of course. Sonicfox has always been hated.

This I don't like gays but I don't care about them enough to go on their twitters and complain about what they say


Imagine following a dudes twitter to get triggered

>prove the people who hate me right by doing exactly what they hate me for
only thing he's proving is that people like you get absolutely triggered by some random gay nig furry's banter

I've never seen someone so passionately arguing about absolutely nothing.

i wouldn't call it search becaue that means it requires some effort which in this case, is so easy to find how plane his personality is
>is only ok to track old tweets if they aren't leftist
i wouldn't call it being retarded on purpose an argument or being ironically something to own the other side as a strategy, you want to be a fool to yourself, be that but don't cry when people make fun of you and then pretend it was all just an act.

no wonder you furfag spam furry porn on blue board because you all suck arguing.

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seething gay redditor mad that his ilk is getting exposed for what they really are

I'm confident that I'm the only person in this thread who was even in the FGC (and that was fucking years ago in 2008-2012). Its laughable to see some of you people acting like you're in with that crowd when all you do is hang out on twitter.

No I said no one really mentioned him
so basically I didn't say no one shat on him and I didn't say no one I said no one really

imagine throwing whatever accusation you make hoping it will stick. i saved those screenshots because they come in handy to people like you who don't have anything good to say in return

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I'm a gay furry software engineer, ama

>I'm not obsessed with SonicFox, I'll prove it by posting more twitter screencaps!

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you saved those screenshots because you're obesessed with homos

I thought SonicFox was just a meme here, but are all of you actually and unironically assblasted by him?

Are you german?

ranch or cool ranch?

wanna play reach coop with me user

or coolER ranch?

Alright guys, threads over, someone linked this thread to sonicfox discord so the defense force is here. GG guys.

But I look furward to a future with no borders and no welfare, just the free market

Cool ranch you dumb fucking bitch, God you're fucking stupid you stupid bitch

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>Hoping for a MK thread
>devolves in a SonicFox stalker thread because 8/pol/ppets need their virtue signaling and politics on Yea Forums

it started as a sonicfox stalker thread, you dumbo

in short, you're saying to know yourself is to hate yourself, am i correct?

Yea, wow, how did this thread turn into a SonicFox thread out of nowhere!?

>obsessed with the furry homo to the point he saves shit on his PC
>gets called out by normal people who simply don't give a shit
>"wow discord defense force"

And how would you know that hmmmm

Attached: 32.jpg (900x1131, 158K)

Twitter threads are really just cancer across the board

meant to reply to

>not a SonicFox thread
disingenuous fagposter

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>"He's black, gay, and a furry, and I don't like any of those things and I don't like him!"
>Makes threads that go to bump limit by purely complaining about him.


yes. any thinking, self-aware adult hates themselves and if they don't they're probably annoying cunts you don't want to be around.

This is what i call BASED.

>has litteraly never won any noteworthy event
lmao at this nigger

can't disagree with that.

welcome to the watering hole mother fucker, care to wet your whistle?

so any person who is wise enough to recognize their own faults cannot view themselves in a positive light for having said faults.

i wonder if people can accept that to be human is to be flawed

There is no good gay.

>putting a faggot in his place
Very nice

Why is it that whenever I hear of Discord it's always because its something incredibly dumb or annoying the people that use it are doing. Also I figured since now most of the posts itt sound like they're from gay twitch chatters

>changing the subject

>asking his Twitter followers about who the best DBFZ player is knowing full well 95% of them will suck his dick and say he's the best DBFZ player regardless of how many times he loses

How fucking insecure can he be?

>Also I figured since now most of the posts itt sound like they're from gay twitch chatters
You sound like you're pretty familiar with gay twitch chatters.

What I don't get is that Sonic Fox keeps acting as a heel but when he get destroyed, His dicksuckers just say people are obsessed when a heel is supposed to get trashtalked for failing. This is like saying we can't laugh at PL for getting assblasted in that 13-0.

That was an observation you retard, I was never conversing with you. And I'm right.

is this video games?

But you seem like an okay guy

>REEE /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/

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Is software development filled with as many mentally ill people as I think it is?

I mean he did win EVO, give him a fucking break.


"Best" is a title held on by consistent performance. "Once best" is fine.

Why is he gloating about this shit during a stress test?

Probably because I know gays are annoying and retarded :o

what's your favourite pokemon?

You just think it is because mentally ill people have to use the internet to network for attention

Theres a lot of dorky nerd autism types. The mentally ill you might be thinking of (trannies, furries, etc) are rare.

I'd rather lose 13 times in a row than be a giant faggot

>it's society's fault I'm a bad person

Attached: yeah sure.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Don't count him out until this years EVO. At least give him a chance to defend his biggest crown.

>there are people who have spent more time on a gay furry's twitter than they've had having sex

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SFDF assemble!

Attached: Butthurt.gif (255x144, 862K)

>sonicfox thread
pic very related

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If you mean furries,
Any engineering field is like that
MITfurs is a massive scene of mainly graduate students

Else I'd say,
Asperger's is more common than in other fields, I'd say, but it would make it slightly difficult to stay on track with promotions late career
Eating disorders are rare, as are a lot of other mental thingies

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Is it another blame /pol/ episode?

He's a hideous nigger who gives a fuck

speak for yourself lmao

He won't be able to defend it because he got lucky. Rest in peace.

I thought he lost a DBFZ tournament recently? Wasnt that the day he did a finger gun to the back of the kids head who beat him and everyone got mad but nothing happened to him because hes popular?


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Healthy self-esteem implies not having to prove to the world anything. "I feel good about myself, I know it and I don't need to brag about it" kind of thing.

He's a gay furry, that pretty much means he's immune to any sort of backlash

Nick or Judy?

Why are you asking when its clear you follow him closely enough to know these things?

I never got into anime as a kid and am still not interested really

Idk, my bf is also a software engineer and so are a lot of my furfriends
I'd say there's a massive gap between techfurs and poor unemployed furs

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I'm going to get mk11 and destroy sonic faggot, this man is not special he just plays a lot. I will surpass this faggot and then dab on his gay aids corpse.

>its clear you follow him closely
I dont, I dont even know when/where that was, I just remember he was being an ass

Except evo? What?


He BTFO out of Go1. He sucks now because he won't use good teams.

>I dont
Uh huh

Why have you chosen to be a part of a fanbase as fucking awful as furries?

the fgc is just abunch of autist shitflinging

Why are so many furries boring people with few interests besides furshit and entry level vidya?

If you put in the hours he does you've already lost.

I got into the porn 12 years ago on Yea Forums when I was like 11
Found some chill Yea Forums ones, then others
Idk, I just really enjoy it

Most people are boring people with few interests besides a main hobby and entry level °blank°

Why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Is it true that engineering fields are sausage feats?


Hey ya'll, Yohosie here
& I'm going to be pretty brief
I'm broke, transgender, and haven't been on hormones in 2 years

I could use donations, and am very ashamed to admit that I need them. For this reason, I'm avoiding using those donation sites as they are 1.) staic, and I want this page to eventually disappear, and 2.) might somehow lead to publicity I don't want.

Not being on hormones for so long has been crippling. I've noticed my body and face start to masculinize more, and overall I just appear less feminine. I hate this, and need to get on hormones before more damage is done.

The amount of money I need is, admittadly, not very large.
-My therapist appointments to get approved for medication are 90$ each, and I need a total of 4 to get approved. This is the cheapest I could find in the area.
-I need to get blood tests (unsure of the cost on this) to track my testosterone levels. It varies, so let's say 100$ for safety
-Medication, I have no idea. I was on it illegally, buying on the gray market at highly inflated costs due to living with my parents.

Basically, any donations will help significantly. With my current workload and rent/utilities cost I end up in the red each month after paychecks and already have to sell/scrape stuff to get by, so whatever helps.

Also, donations will ONLY go towards hormones. This is not a "fund my life", it's medication costs only. Also - if you're struggling to get by yourself, please don't donate. If I happen to go over the amount I need (doubtful), it'll go towards surgery. At the moment, the only surgery I'm currently interested in is getting my Adam's Apple removed.

Oh, and uh, do me a favor -- try and keep this off Facebook. Cheers

Attached: The absolute state of the FGC.png (308x345, 202K)

knows they can do anything and no one will say shit,

He just gay now

gets deleted while the thread stays up
Mods? do your job, e-celebs are not videogames.



Cranking it to porn is a separate entity entirely to being a "Furry", furry is a community, identifying as a "Furry" is throwing your hat in with a community.

he even ragequit before the level 3

>Most people are boring people with few interests besides a main hobby and entry level °blank°
Makes sense, but I've just had more horrible conversations with furries since they had very little personality outside of being furry. They could barely keep up with a joke or play along with anything interesting, just kinda said very little despite being given plenty of opportunities to speak and be a part of things

We're all individuals
You don't have to agree with anyone else in your group

Is it any better being a sausage fest since your gay?

Would you say you agree with or identify with the majority of the furry community when it comes to community optics and interests?

Glad this skeleChad put the gay furry in his place today. AGAIN

Attached: giy525kztrxy.jpg (900x1200, 176K)

Seems like there's a lot of gay furry software engineers.

Is it a terrible idea to try to network into a software engineer internship through that?

me on the left

It's still primarily straight so I don't care lol

No, I'm an open borders libertarian

Guy has kind of an obnoxious personality, but the only thing that really bothers me about him is his parading around as a furry. I don't give a shit who you fuck, but keep your fetishes private.

The game isn't even out. Is her really flexing on someone because he beat them a bunch?

I ask again, why identify yourself with a community if just about the only connection you have is a pornographic preference?

>furfags still trying to push this embarrassing faggot

He got BTFO

What is it like to be a gay furry with gay furry sex friends?

They really need to do drug tests for adderall. I've used it once or twice and it's a day and night difference. You just become hyper focused and everything is in slow motion like bullet time in the Matrix.

I dunno who TOT | black man is but he is absolutely based

holy rekt

sonic fox is a retard and can only win at new games that haven't been figured out completely and the competition is weak

should test it on the japs first. some of the shit they do in anime games doesn't seem human

I'm still a furry
Have tons of furry friends, go to cons, get art

Imagine if 90% of the car community was communist
If you're a capitalist you can still say you're a car enthusiast

Don't let other more vocal people speak for you
Be a based individual

It's about being honest and open about what you like, not what others want you to like

Why doesn't he just win tournaments if he needs money???

i'd like to see him get his ass handed in a Street or a Tekken tournament

japs all have bullet time inately, they dont nees addie

>tfw fap to both normal and furry shit if it's good

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>Being so defensive of your fag overlord

We get it, you're also gay and furry and want your shit social group of failures to have some recognition, so
it can spice your otherwise dull life of pretending to like dog semen to feel special, even in the lowest of lows that is the FGC, hope you get a medal for it

He's a really shit heel, I dont root against him because his personality is non-existent.

Surprised he didn't say he was gay

match video link?

You think you're really cool and smart huh? You're not.

Narcissists actually have really low self esteem because even the slightest criticism out of the hivemind of praise surrounding them hurts their ego

I wouldn't call myself a "Carist" or whatever the name of said hypothetical community would be. There's a gap between "Guy who cranks it to knotty dicks" and "Furry", unlike "Car enthusiast? which is purely a descriptor.

look closer

How does one even find any? I just really fap to gayfur shit and I'm retarded when interacting with others.

if you have no redeeming qualities, sure

i can't hate myself since i'm so good at making deckboxes for magic the gathering

I'd say my involvement in it is far more than what you described there
You're missing the point of what I'm saying about how we shouldn't use group identities this way, the same reason Kanye wears the MAGA hat
Just ignore all of them and be an individual in your categories, car lover, furry, Republican, etc.
You don't need to subscribe to every idea to be a member of a group, but you should never let a group you're in determine what you think/do
You can be a /pol/ user and be a commie
You can be a furry and not be what the ones on Twitter are

Check for local groups or Yea Forums ones

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I like how Yea Forums thinks complaining about somebody whoring for attention is different to giving them attention directly.

I literally never would have heard about this dude if it weren't for people complaining about him, keep whining Yea Forums, make him more famous.

He annoys you more than he annoys me so knock yourselves out.

Attached: smug krool drawn by japanese artist.png (1432x957, 783K)

brainlet: hating sonicfox because he is a furry fag
woke: hating sonicfox because he supports communities with rampant pedophilia which there is no doubt he was a part of in his younger years
galaxy brain: hating sonic fox because he acts like a little bitch and hides behind his labels

Isn't sonicfox the proof that niggers play videogames a lot because they live on gibs? Thanks to whites he got enough free time to become a pro

But he won when he was underaged and still in Highschool

my point still stands because i hate blacks

>False point is supported by hate
Wew nice NPC /pol/ppet programming

you disagree? this must mean you are also black. i have won this debate.

Is gay furry nig the king of the oppression Olympics? Is that why he can get away with threatening to shoot his fellow competitors in a place where another sperg killed shot some guy in another competitive event just a month before?

>i won an an argument on Yea Forums

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no that'd require him to also be a tranny. though it may happen considering the amount of pro tranny shit he retweets

Just to clarify, sonic fox is gay right?

Okay, that was epic.

Attached: 1449348234920.gif (96x96, 100K)

Yes, he's openly a homosexual and he's said that he has Asperger's syndrome.

>threatening to shoot

Attached: Injustice Gods Among Us.jpg (500x500, 108K)

Post more k rool

I'm not so sure myself... Hopefully, he makes a public statement to confirm this.

>self esteem is good
>good self-esteem

we were all in the glorious thread earlier today user. I don't have anything that wasn't posted there.

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>Say nigger faggot
>lol it's just bantz boys will be boys

>actual bantz, but coming from a gay furfag
>this is not acceptable

Ok fag

im straight

This fag is the best in the country. What do you want him to say? "No I am not the best. I am humble"? Fuck outta here. No one from here can touch him. He's free to talk shit

Attached: Aquaman_Mera_Arthur_DC_Comics_Amber_Heard.jpg (628x380, 144K)

>Fuck outta here
Of course the nigger doesn't know what being "humble" is.

wow trash talking in the fgc who would've thought?

>the best DBFZ player on the planet and gay
>now he's just gay

That's a straight dude's privilege you're barking up there.

He rekt every japanese player except GO1. He lost once to Dogura but how many tourneys did SF beat Dogura? 10?

If he kept it clean and humble while shitting on everyone in the competitive scene he would be universally respected and might actually become a decent icon for the gay/furry community
Sadly he's just acting like a bitch for attention

He's a gay aspie from the hood who got e-famous when he was like 17. Would you expect him to have any social graces?

Are you pro or anti skub?

hungrybox doesn't seem to have this problem

Why are you defending a grown ass, attention seeking, label attaching gay man so hard? Fuck off Sonic Fox, you gay faggot.

idk he seems p cool 2 me

Attached: based sf.jpg (620x860, 129K)

help how do i become smart like you and make programs and shit? I asked /g/ and they told me to read "Structure and implementation of Computer Programs" and i still couldnt understand any of it or how to program

Who wants to make a death squad with me? We'll wear full suits of tactical armor and storm the next furry convention with mustard gas, and rig explosives at the exits.

Fursuits are never gonna make any goddamn sense to me. There's making porn of animal people, there's pretending to be animal people online, and then there's making sport mascot costumes to tell everyone you've got a fetish.
Looking at the prices for these things makes them seem even worse.

Attached: 1542707622024.png (813x607, 995K)

Even better, we'll go in with fursuits and take them off in the middle of the convention during some sort of presentation, fully armored underneath.


>literally posts this over and over because it triggers snowflakes
>proving his point by being pathetic enough to save a collection of his tweets

>sonicfox making yet more asinine comments while smelling like decades old shit and generally being a filthy cheating ass gay furry who uses said role to generally be the most insufferable shitmonger
>there are stupid fucks who defend this thing when it only wins till someone stops giving a shit, then gets exposed for thescrub he is and literally ragequits the game forever.
Fucking FGC, this is why nobody respects any of you.

Dogura happened

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Why is basic hygiene such an issue for videogame people? Like 90% of the competitive Smash scene or that Guilty Gear with the open sores all over his exposed leg.

Dont call Marn a GG player

Marn doesn't play GG. He single-handedly ruined the GG tourney scene for hosing and just flaking out with the cream.

Based and massive furfaggot don't go in the same sentence.

if alexander the great wasn't alexander the great, then he would be sonicfox the gay

He is a GG player and another great example of the fact the FGC is unhygienic as almighty fuck, living out drama because they are stupid as shit.

I visited this tweet just to see how hard he got his proverbial Edick sucked but surprisingly a lot of people called him out on that particular tweet and he backpedaled pretty fucking hard

i only hear about smash players smelling bad i next to never hear anything about anyone else outside of a one off person

It is an absolute guarantee that you would have to be one of those things as well to make a post like this

Why are there only japs and murrican players in a "World Tour"?

>before and after I was being gay
I thought gayness is genetic?

A gay nigger is better at fighting games than you :)


This guy's got it all!

>try and keep this off Facebook
So, where *was* this posted?

No one else plays other than Koreans or South Americans for certain games.

And you

So sit

Everyone else drowning in pools

i don't understand why you all freak out about sonicfox. he does the exact same shit literally everybody does here but from a slightly different perspective.

Just think about what you wrote for a moment

Real talk how do you stop someone from becoming a furry? All I know is every furry watched anime and anthropomorphic animal cartoons

you don't

Literally who?

everybody here complains about everybody else has thin skin over certain comments of varying degrees of awfulness and sonicfox saying incredibly innocuous shit (and it is innocuous to normal people) makes people shit their pants in rage. its incredible more than anything else

you can't stop a fetish, they aren't supposed to make sense.
the only thing you can realistically do is realize its a fetish and act in a manner that doesn't make your fetish your defining trait

who fucking cares

With a bullet.

Nope, I'm gay too and it's simply obnoxious, irritating behaviour. He's not somebody I would want to be around.

A16 and bardock 50/50 nerf fucked him

basically everyone who grew up in western civilization has watched a cartoon user.

>watched anime

I didn't, still don't like anime shit sux.

Fuck im so tired of seeing this faggot posted on here.
Why is he so popular with Yea Forums?

A furry is, at base, just somebody who likes the animals-that-look-human thing. There's no "you have to participate in THIS many community events" gate to being a furry. I'm a total shut-in who interacts with no people at all on any form of social media, and I have never attended any sort of public gathering. Still, in the confines of my bedroom, far from the sun, I spend my life drawing animal people and dreaming of a day where I can scrounge up enough wageslave money to take whatever classes I need to learn how to fucking code so I can make a turn based rpg starring cute furry characters. I have no other ambitions or goals for life.

Attached: Thehardtruth.jpg (402x328, 45K)

fuck off, loser.

Only on the condition that the tactical armor is overlayed with Jin-Roh Kerberos Panzer unit cosplay.

based, keep triggering those incels just like sonicfox

because its funny to laugh at him

why even bother?

Did he make undertale? Why he's playing games instead of finishing deltarune

Why do gays use faggots as mascots/representatives for their community? From what I know most gays are normal human beings who hate eccentric degenerated faggots who make their movement look bad, but they still allow mentally ill faggots to act on behalf of them

dude, but like, what if he's not really gay and just memeing?

>they still allow mentally ill faggots to act on behalf of them
It's like we have a leash on them or something, right?

I don't mid him as a player, but it's fucking annoying how he has to push his shit on everyone "LOOK AT ME IM A GAY FURRY ISNT THAT WEIRD LOL FUCK YOU IF YOU THINK ITS WEIRD" it just gets so annoying every fucking time. just play the fucking game

Look at where we are and you'll understand


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>he behaved like an imbecile in these specific events and the shitposting about him increased!!1!!
What a fucking shocking revelation

He's got a huge inferiority complex

Whatever game SonicFox is playing at EVO, I'm not watching out of pure spite. This is how much I hate furries, I hated his guts even before he became a homo.

That is my rule since always, you people that started hating him after the TGA are only newfags.

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Dude I can't wait for someone out there to beat this furry fuck. He plays like such a fuckin cunt.

Picks zoners and spams the ever living shit out of projectiles and then screams he's good at that character.

>screaming that you are nigger / gay / transgender / feminist / sjw is the only ongoing trait that makes you "relevant" and "popular" among the similar brain dead retards

Yeah, I sure love American society.

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Yes, he pretty much only plays like that. I wasn't surprised to see he picked nu-Skarlet in MK11 as well.

I used to be somewhat impressed with him untill I saw how he constantly spammed shit. Now I just want someone out there to beat him down so he never plays a fighting game again.

>5th in DB
>5th in DoA
>Didn't enter Injustice

Can we go one thread without talking about his sex life?

There are too many autistic humans to teach them what being happy truly is

he lives in your head rent free

I'm gay. This is the blue fursuit guy, right?

Nah, he's a faggot furry, as he so wanted the world to know.

Can he?

Is there a more accurate representation of Sonicfox out there aside from this?

Attached: B2E2D1CF-0B62-4106-BDD2-FE0531BB1020.jpg (640x360, 39K)

Electroshock therapy.

it's too perfect

>spam “IM GAY” over and over again to “troll” the cons and make people mad
>get indignant when people find you annoying so they must hate gay people
This will never not be funny

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Who would’ve thought that people would use a social media site that he posts stupid and inane shit on every day to prove that he is stupid and inane? I can just imagine how red your cheeks must be right now. Or you’re just baiting.

>3d background

I feel like I see this pasta every time a furry hate thread is posted




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Isn't screaming that you're white something thaf makes you based on 4channel?

Going 0-13 against a better player is perfectly normal. It was only hilarious because PL managed to go 0-13 in an FT10.


You don't need to scream about it on Yea Forums. Whites are the majority here.

Well that and the constant bragging and shittalking.

homosexuality is a personality trait, it's a bad choice to make.

not a big fan of sonicfag either, but actively wasting your time to get angry at someone cmopletely unimportant to your life is pretty fucking stupid

The way it went down in general was hilarious.
>*gets completely curbstomped 0-10*
>”y-yeah, well, you didn’t use the character I thought you were gonna u-use!”
>*lose 0-3 vs that character too*
It’s just such a beautiful trainwreck.

I think it's cringy as fuck though, like the dude has 0 self awareness.

>noone can touch him
noone wants to touch his blue faggot ass because of fear of getting AIDS

I didn't really care about him at all before the seat switch stunt.
Just seems like a petty dude.

>Massively successful and well liked while considered to be one of the best fighting game players by good players who actually win in tournaments.
Yeah he should really change and appeal to literal nobodies on twitter and anime basket weaving message boards.

The most savage twit in twitter history.

>im gay

I don't keep up with the FGC at all but from what I've heard this guy seems like one of those obnoxious fuckwits that thinks their sexuality is their personality or something. If your personality is just "i'm gay" or "i'm black" or "i'm furry" you're a pretty sad human being honestly.

After getting blown the fuck out with his DBFZ debacle, how does he not feel embarrassed talking shit like this?


>no one can touch him
Didn't he lose in that last big dbfz tourney fairly early on and then lost in the losers bracket?

Of all the things about him to dislike, you chose something that wasn’t even his fault.

I remember him talking mad shit about smash ultimate but never saw him play once.
Also, don't think he has won any SC touries has he?
Looks like that best fighting gamer player ever thing didn't hold up to long.

No his personality is "I'm better at games than you" and he is because you suck

WTF is this guy gay or something?

Ok twitterfag

>looking at the prices
Don't slip to far down that rabbit hole
Furry's basically have a chemical addiction to being furry
They will spend every cent they make to chase that high

>If your personality is just "i'm gay" or "i'm black" or "i'm furry" you're a pretty sad human being honestly.
You retards are falling into his entire trolling schtick when you get mad at him when he says he's gay. The dude's known for trolling. He says he's gay all of the time because he knows it pisses people off, and also knows that there's nothing anyone can do about it because he's a fucking prodigy at most games he plays. His personality isn't that he's gay, it's that he's the archetype of arrogant champion.

Absolutely the most based fighting game player out there.

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>open borders libertarian

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Reminder that Sonicfox fans are actually in this thread defending him vehemently

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For as much shit that he gets on Yea Forums for obvious fucking reasons, why are there so many people defending SonicFox?

The "I'm more annoyed by the people annoyed by him" argument doesn't make sense, because you can just hide the thread instead of coming in and just replying to complaints telling them that they're just mad/obsessed. Really aren't fooling anyone with that.

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Does anyone have any evidence of him -not- acting this way?
A man can't possibly be "trolling" and "pissing people off" every waking moment
And yet that sure seems to be the case here

What's that statistic based on?

>implying it's not sonicfox himself

My feelings.

>btw I go the doctor every other day to get sewn up, did you know?

you sound like the dumbasses always talking about 4D chess
maybe, just maybe, sonicfox is just an asshole. end of story.

>well liked

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Because SonicFoxCox is almost tailormade to Yea Forums's increasingly prevalent, NPCish devotion to "LE EPIC SALT BTFO XD" culture.

You probably think that because the only time you've ever seen him is from twitter post threads on Yea Forums, and him in the spotlight. You could take 1 (one) minute to look him up in podcasts, interviews, or the other 95% of his twitter posts to see that he's a normal gay dude.

>falling into his entire trolling schtick

Acting like a retard is something that the thousands of Smash players never get away with when exposed. But because SonicFox is a great fighting game player, that just makes it trolling? There's a point where it's respectable how little he cares about insults or complaints from people who don't like his style, but to take it even further to make sure those people are annoyed is something that is both immature and annoying to even more people than needed.

no, literally any sane person has insecurities and thus doesn't impress themselves on others. A nigger fury faggot is most certainly a flawed creature and yet he doesn't seem to believe that because of a society that is enabling this shit to the detriment of civilization. Burgerlandia is probably 40-50 years away from ceasing to exist

Oh, that's right. If it makes someone (/anyone) upset, then it's fucking epic.

I forgot.

A lot of casual homophobia on this forum....

>normal gay dude.
Very much no.

Do not insult gays like that.

>but to take it even further to make sure those people are annoyed is something that is both immature and annoying
Just because it's a type of trolling you don't like doesn't mean it's not trolling.


Get therapy user

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The replies only show how insecure this board is. Behold the trumpet of triggering.

I'm not saying he's not an asshole. He'd obviously have to be an asshole to troll people like that.

i wish i had this dudes raw talent and confidence


That doesn't make it okay, is what I mean. It's why I compare it to acting like a retard, which is something that nobody like unless you already like this person by default.

could it just be sonic fox watches a lot of pro wrestling and his attitude is all kayfabe?

I don't know if I'd compare it to acting like a retard, because he's not going out of his way to spread misinformation or hurt anyone. He's just exaggerating his personality like he's constantly cutting a WWE promo. I understand how that type of thing could be annoying to someone though.

I yearn for the day I can trigger Yea Forums by talking shit and not being humble.

He doesn't have the mean streak in him it takes to be a good heel. Look at Fchamp, someone who was actually able to get some good hate. His shit talking was nonstop and brutal, and he played a character designed to piss people off in Dhalsim.

We live in a society

I thought Sonicfox would be number 1 in smash ultimate?

>Caring so much about what other people think about you
>Making people mad on purpose
How uncivilized
t.third world unironical faggot

Why do these people always want to make it known to everyone that they're gay, trans or whatever else there is?

You thought wrong.

I fap to everything not matter what?
It's a hairy woman?
It's a monster 6ft penis mutilating a Loli ass?
It's a baphoment with double d's getting fucked by a futa pony?
I don't even know if i'm too far gone or just ascended into sexual chim
Pic related was my first fap ever

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>im gay

Attached: 1492514374305.png (300x592, 191K)

>Pick up new game
>Autistically grind the cheese strats
>cheese your way through wins
>1 year later - people know how to play around your bullshit
>Stop playing the game
Every year with him. He's the definition of phony.

No seriously. When you go through your whole life getting shit from everyone you start to ignore what they say. It’s the same type of scenerio as if you met one person who did nothing but insult you from the day you met him, you’d tune him out eventually. This murr-suit mother fucker is just doing that on a larger scale.

fuck off sonicfox you stupid degenerate retard

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cant wait for the next faggot nightclub shooting

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He gave up after he got absolutely bodied by the alpha asians.
The fallout was beautiful. Lots of "Bruh I just didn't practice Bruh I did good for no practice stop lyin'. Bruh im still better than you lmao. Bruh"

>99% gay
Bi-scum should be removed

Why are you so easily triggered?

Acting like a fag still makes you a fag. Doesn't excuse possibly doing it lel ironically, faggot.

But those hands are white.

Winning EVO and some gay award and going I'M GAY LOL on twitter doesn't make normal people want to obsess over a guy for months. Also threads about the guy are twitter screencaps 99% of the time.

they think anything abnormal is good. you wait 10 years, youll see furry pedos being allowed in gaming tournaments and being put on a pedestal for not being a sane person. then boasting about diddling a kid on twitter and people hearting it because theyre different.

For all we know you could be a straight dude masquerading as a homo to get a point across.

There are no straight dudes on Yea Forums, this is gay town.



having good self esteem =/= being an obnoxious retard

Toei killed the game
and then Dogura killed him in-game.


How much of your income do you spend on porn commisions

Post the set. You know which one

Perfect13gend may be a lot of things, but I'll give him some respect for his determination.

He has a good self esteem and uses it to trigger easy prey like you.

The two seem to go together very consistently; all the gay people I know are obsessed with themselves.
This is just my armchair psychology, but considering that they find sexual attraction in those more like them, rather than their complimentary opposites, it seems pretty obvious.
I’m not sure which is more causal, but my guess is that their narcissism prevents them from seeing the beauty in something unlike themselves.

you are fucking damaged and a bigger faggot than sonicfox. "it's natural to hate yourself", yeah - if you're fucking 14 or some shit. christ almighty, it's called having depth and nuance, and understanding the self enough to know what you are capable of. self-hate is for those who are too cowardly to stretch themselves in any direction other than that of the self-consumed. kill yourself unironically.

I have no issue with blacks, no issue with gays...
But for real, fuck this furry faggot. He's so annoying

Listen here buster thats really unfair. Ive never had sex so even spending a second on his twitter lumps me in with those autismos

>oh man you guys ending a blockstring with a counter is so kewl
11 looks like the worst NRS game to date

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Sonicfox is at his core a MKX player, which means his entire playstyle is focused around setplay and ambiguous 50/50's

Those got removed from Bardock and 16, his two main fighters, so now he has to actually play the game and he doesn't know how.

>defending uppity fags
i bet youre the type of person to act happy if your kid comes to you and says hes infected with HIV from black dicks

That poor gay nig.

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And he gets even more triggered, yikes.

You newchanners are so easily triggered.

I think there's a higher chance of a school getting shot up again.

don't let children or teenagers get into any of this sick shit

promote other, healthier and more productive/interesting/worthy things during childhood into adolescence

hope for the best

>Literally defending "I'm just pretending" shitposts
Please die.

About $200/year, so not a lot
Rent is the biggest expense, I'd say

rent free

>Whites are the majority here.
>he actually believes this

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Did you know he gay?

ResetEra is 2 blocks down, snowflake

Look how mad the weeb incels became because of this post.
If you don't like yourself, what are things you can do to like yourself? Do those things. If you won't even love yourself, how do you expect to be loved?

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So, sonic fox is a piece of shit that deserves all the bs that happens daily on his twitter, what's new?

Literally who?

Thank god I'm anonymous here and this is a shit thread so nobody will know I secretly envy people who can let go of their inhibitions and enjoy a fun time with friends behind their custom masquerade characters even if they're total weirdo erotomaniacs.

My theory is that he's gay

How badly has SonicFox been performing after Dogura shitted on him and exposed like the trash he is after World Tour?

>Whites are the majority here
Honestly we probably have more beaners than anything

>any reply is considered triggered
youre downs syndrome level of retarded

why would colored people want to come here?

That's cool and all, but he is an asshole. The FGC has enough drama queens already. He need to shut it and just play the damn games

It's fun

I hate nu-nu-Yea Forums

>hey guys
>im gay and i like dick
>watch me spam a thousand times till you get annoyed by it
>oh now annoyed by it? well thats because you hate gay people

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Team crisis. He doesn't play any of the tippity top characters but Bardock, and a lot of his post-HKD 50/50s were taken out so he has to play a lot more slowed down neutral. Sonic has crazy decision making and is an absolute lab monster, so Season 2 of DBFZ is the complete opposite of what he needed.

You really cant. And trying to stop them will probably just make them into it even more. A sort of forbidden fruit. But as bad as furries are, it can really be worse. Take adult baby fetishism for example. I would know because im into that and I regret my depravity every day i live

You shouldn't hate yourself, you also shouldn't be a cocky bastard

>Yea Forums eternally seething because they'll never be as good as sonicfox and don't have any way to actually insult him other than "h-he's annoying"

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How do so many furries have enough income to buy their fursuits and commission metric ass-tons of porn?

>Ah yes, the good old "prove the people who hate me right by doing exactly what they hate me for". Bold strategy.
Couldn't agree more, Tom. They're really going to give the incels a run for their money in the playoffs.

i watched anthropomorphized shit growing up and i was one of the people that threw large rocks at furries from a moving car at conventions. its probably some retardation youd be born with that causes furry degeneracy after watching cartoon animals do shit

fuck off rodney.

How fucking obnoxious

>seething over a bad player who got rekt multiple times by nips and forced him to drop games
Nice delusion retard.

youre still a furfag, go ahead and suffocate yourself anyways

I think faggots spout that they’re gay as a form of peacocking to other gays and especially to attract closeted fags

if you watch some videos from gay men at least they’ll tell you how hard dating actually is and how hard finding a faithful partner in the gay community actually is because of promiscuity.

In this day and age you don’t even have to go out in public and do that shit. They have niche websites dedicated to it.

People have been losing interest in what they call “cis” gays and lesbians for awhile, after they got the right to marry it seemed like everyone stopped giving a fuck.

And now it’s trannies who are even attacking regular gay men and women for not wanting to fuck them. You even have certain groups of feminists who don’t accept trannies.

hey did i tell you i'm gay?

Attached: more like furreal.png (599x629, 413K)

>you need more than 1 reason to call an annoying faggot an annoying faggot.
5/10 bait

>a bad player
he's not a bad player though, he's just not as good as other players
not only that, but that's deflecting away from the fact that Yea Forumsirgins for all their talk would still never be able to play on his level
they couldn't even beat a tranny who is literally crumbling apart by the day at smash

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If this guy loves 50/50s, why did he quit SFV when it is all guessing?

>why did he quit SFV

Wow you sure triggered the fuck out of low self esteem virgins with this post

Hm, makes sense with how many people are so angry about Trump.

They existence is that of an inferior male, of course they have to constantly prattle on about how great they are.

>why did he quit SFV
is that a real question?

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>SFV literally worse than meth

Just like how /pol/ prattles on about their white heritage?

That’s not bantz that’s just jerking ur self off all self celebratory

Essentially. Progressives and Neonazis are just two sides of the same coin. Both need to be purged New Zealand style.

Many of us are software engineers, my bf and I included
Several fur lawyers, too, lol

It's just about having a higher average IQ and being on the internet for a while, I got into it 12 years ago on Yea Forums and am now 23

>Just like how /pol/ prattles on about their white heritage?
>/pol/ meetup
>none of them are white

more importantly, how seriously is he taking unist?
last i heard he was going to enter it in evo as well.

Sonicfox is a furry faggot

>have you considered I'm purposefully making you think I'm an asshole?
>truly this shows great fault in your character

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i always laugh when people here get suprised about /pol/s people. i once went to that shailabuff HWNDU and some of those people are not even white. shit was fun


He was beaten by Dogura again at Final Round. He rage quit during Cooler's lv3.

Reminds me of that tranny speedrunner.

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>tranny speedrunner

deeply mentally ill, even for trannies.

its more that he's obsesssed with his sexual identities (being a furry is almost always solely a sexual thing)

I see this alot with gay people, though never to this extent with no subtlety , they seemingly devolve into obsession with it, their sexuality becomes their entire life, and it has nothing to do with "homophobes".

where do you think you are?

>hiding behind a fursona is loving yourself
I say he's ashamed of himself and hiding behind over acheiving, furfaggotry and social justice victimhood.

Acting like a retard to OWN the righTARDS

It's the opposite. They get lavished in praise because muh oppression

>all these replies
>not a single right answer
Jesus Christ, how fucking out of touch are you virgins? Toei doesn't allow Fighterz major tournaments to happen without their approval. And for whatever reason they haven't approved shit since the World Tour ended. People were genuinely concerned it wasn't gonna make EVO this year since they didn't allow EVO Japan of all places to host it.

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God damnit 3d backgrounds ruin everything

Just looking at this thread proves you wrong

He's not bad. If he was he wouldn't have won championships. You can call him a lot of things, but bad player isn't possible.

he's not a tranny and crippled.

Trannies triple the oppression points compared to being black or gay, and being black and gay together doesn't add any real modifiers.

You have even better and less likely to end up giving you AIDS because of all the blood everywhere or end in jail for a long time: dozens of bottles of piss, water in which carcasses macerated and so on to throw on them. Their fucking suits will soak that up extremely fast.

>I'm an Animal! that acts and dresses like a human in every way!

furries are a massive ball of contradictions.

>Yea Forums reflects society at large
imagine being this fucking stupid
you're one of those retarded SJWs who genuinely think that /pol/ mememagic and gamergate got trump elected, aren't you?

What's with AGDQ and trannies?

They lavish each other in praise because there was a point in time where literally everyone who wasn't them threatened their very existence and they could only depend on each other for safety. When you craft a community like that you end up with people who reject the status-quo and anyone who resides in it. And yes, it is impressive for them to stand strong despite their oppression when I doubt you would even stand for a single thing in public that you say online you incel.

>Yea Forums reflects society at large
Kinda does, yeah. You think Yea Forums's virulent homophobia isn't reflected anywhere else in society? You think gay people are blissfully unaware that a large portion of society hates them for who they are? You think the same people who go on Yea Forums don't also go on twitter, or reddit, or in multiplayer games, or any other place a gay gamer might encounter them even if he were to avoid Yea Forums entirely? Do you actually think that even if they make an effort to surround themselves with positivity that they wouldn't know just from the effort that that takes that there's a world beyond their bubble?

a echo chamber for furrys faggots. wow amazing

The best thing about this literal gaynigger is that he keeps triggering white boy losers. I literally couldn't care about what he does, only that he is based in triggering them.

lol when? 20 fucking years ago?

in today's age, people are simply apathetic to gays and trannies.

no one gives a shit.

You do realize 20 years is not a long time yes? And most people now are in a passive aggressive stage where they don't like gays but they won't say it while also actively trying to avoid them simply on the baseline of being gay, which is still discriminatory and damaging.

Ok retard


>faggot nigger furry
makes me miss socialism


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I always thought this person was a woman due to only knowing them from their twitter profile picture and horrible opinions. I guess trans people have horrible opinions too.

oh i get it, you're a shut in internet addict who's only human interactions are on social cancer media
it's funny how you talk about a "bubble" but you're actually the one living in one
western society is very welcoming and tolerant
you remind me of that user I talked to who genuinely believed Nazis were basically everywhere and just moments away from taking power
it's pretty sad how deluded and paranoid people have become because they constantly consume the internet hate and fear propaganda
you should go outside and talk to normal people

>autist can't fathom the concept of discrimination

>they find sexual attraction in those more like them, rather than their complimentary opposites
Hey that's actually kind of an interesting thought

>oh i get it, you're a shut in internet addict who's only human interactions are on social cancer media
user, I think you must not speak many people at all, online or offline, if you think the internet is still a niche gathering place for nerds. Pretty much everyone is on it. Those normal people you speak of are on it. There are a lot of people who are not welcoming and tolerant at all. And not everyone is lucky enough to be able to avoid them. If only they were quarantined to niche corners of the internet.

next target for shooting: where this faggot plays
he needs to be the next HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME
*bang* brain popped off

>the majority of society enjoy anime, video games and perfer 2d vs 3d

Wow a faggot who the devs let play months before release beat a guy the devs only let play a couple of times before release. Who would have thought. This unfair advantage alone should be point enough to not have mk11 at evo this year.

it should not be allowed to have such a name
ban the subhuman mentally ill faggotshit

Isn't he the one who kept saying "just masturbate" when they were interviewing him about what was he going to do before the tournament?

SonicFox is GAY and a FURRY
ofcourse people have been hating on him for a long time, I mean he's a GAY FURRY
I just cant wrap my head around this thread, who would believe he only started receiving hate after the tga's

This thread was up before I went to bed
It’s still up

why the fuck do furries have so much disposable income?

literally 90% of them are in engineering

To be fair marn had a leg disease so it's a different matter.
Melee players are really fricking disgusting though

imagine hating someone for being a gay furry. what is it to you?
you're retarded and live in a bubble if you think people hated sonicfox before he became a topic on this mentally ill board.
nobody actually cares. at worst he's an embarrassment and a freak.

>I guess trans people have horrible opinions exclusively

Lets actually talk about games

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So are you saying homophobia is somehow related to those things and exclusive to people who like them? Or do you think maybe it comes from somewhere else, like, say, society at large?

No not at all but Yea Forums does not reflect society at large. This place even has /lgbt/ which is full of whiny trannies

>hehe look at all this triggered breeders I love triggering them!

>No one can touch him

In games nobody really cares about aside from people that only play braindead fighting games.

I guess that was their furneral