How important should the story be in vidya, more important than visuals or gameplay?

How important should the story be in vidya, more important than visuals or gameplay?

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Story = Characters > Gameplay > Soundtrack
Classic Final Fantasy & MGS5 proves that Story & characters are the most important aspect & carry every game. Silent Hill for example has horrible gameplay, but nobody cares because everything else is perfect

>music as least important
fuck off back to the shithole you came from, retard.

Depends on the game
Lots of games don't need intricate stories and lots of games do need them
Most of the time it's superfluous though, the gameplay should be in front

who's girl on right

but MGS5 has terrible gameplay AND a terrible story

If your game isn't fun to play I'm not going to bother sticking around for the story, it is a game after all.

Jesus fucking christ make a movie. Developers usually follow concept then figure to see how gameplay can be implemented. You'd be working ass backwards

Gonna need the chick on the left lad

i think setting/atmosphere are more important than story

it is a game. Gameplay is the most important.

I used to read a lot of novels and comics so I will take story over graphics, any day. If a game has a top notch story, and beautiful graphics, I can put up with shitty gameplay. Hell, this is most JRPGs.

also, if the point of the costume is boobs, you should have some boobs.

ok r*ddit

Cope Thiefcuck, MGS1-3 all had amazing story & characters

ok but I said MGS5

MGS5 objectively had amazing gameplay & controls, my point was that it was a prime example of how shit a game is without a good story, regardless of how good the gameplay is

it had great mechanics, sure, but dogshit awful level design that did precisely fuck all with those mechanics. Thus, it had bad gameplay.

Build a fun game first, add story after. If your game is a vehicle for a story you want to tell, then you could save yourself a lot of effort and write a book instead.

The absolute most important parts of game design are controls, and clarity. Do not even bother with anything else until you've figured out how to have the player interact with the game and how to effectively communicate what the player should be doing with the game design. Once you've figured that out you build the skeleton of the game, the actual gameplay. Once you've done that then you add the rest.

Some whore

Grab a book faggot.

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Depends on my mood, if I don't want a difficult game I will prefer story-based game, if I want difficult game I will go for gameplay.

Depending on the type of game either Gameplay or Story will be the most important aspect, however in both cases Music is the second most important aspect.

Through this we can conclude that overall Music is the most important part of a games design.

That's like asking what's more important in a movie, being funny, or having a message.
It depends. worrying about it is the most useless and autistic thing you can do

Flat af

Depends on game.
For what I'm making, it goes story=puzzles > visuals.
I suppose puzzles are gameplay, since it's just a 2button point and click.

>dude did you play that game? the story and gameplay was a complete mess but it had a good soundtrack haha :^)
You're one of those people arent you
fucking retard

Gameplay > Atmosphere (Setting and Music) > Story > Graphics


Jesus, go to fucking Yea Forums you insufferable cunt.
>Gameplay > soundtrack > story
We're talking vidya.

Morrowind had shit gameplay, so i'm a bit torn. I generally think story can go fuck itself


What is with these retarded types of questions?
Different types of games need different types of focus.

If you're making a point and click game, obviously you want to put your focus in the writing and art, because that's what people are coming to your game for.
If you're making a fighting game, the visuals and gameplay are incredibly important, because no one really cares about the story or acting.

Every game is different, not just in its goals, but in its resources. If you have a small budget you need to focus on one or two elements, maybe go with simple graphics so you can spend more time on the gameplay or story. If you have a giant, GTA budget, you can blow as much money as you want into every facet of the game and try to be everything at once.

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story told through mechanics and design
uncontextualized gameplay
[power gap]
story told through cutscenes and movies