The GBA SP was the most well designed handheld ever

The GBA SP was the most well designed handheld ever.

Attached: gbasp_sys_cobalt_blue_2.jpg (750x626, 137K)

that's quite a strange way to spell the Gizmondo, faggot.

>Headphones require an atachement
So close yet so far.

>Those Erkelnomics
Fucking get b*nked

AGS-101 only. The original was shit

There's not a single handheld that's ergnomically designed

SP and Micro were the best handhelds

>No backwards compatibility
>Expensive af
>Screen smaller than my dick

And >Separate link cables

if you mean Micro then yeah, but micro is comfy for waiting times

>There's not a single handheld that's ergnomically designed
GBA, DS, and 3DS all feel great. PSP, too.

The SP is designed for child hands though, the OG GBA was more comfortable for unhandlets. Otherwise flip design is always superior so I always use the DS lite whenever I play GBA.

Gameboy Micro and DSi XL are the best
and they compliment eachother well

>all feel great
Relative to what? Compared to actual ergnomic controllers, they're awful. All of them. They might be better or worse than other handhelds but that's fucking meaningless.

for adult hands not really. but thankfully its a kids toy so yeah when i was younger this shit was great

Certainly, I'd love to buy one myself. But calling it
>The best
Maybe in your opinion, but objectively not

>Don't have baby hands
>comfortable with SP
Hol up...

Great to Hold
Great to look at (the whole unit, not the screen)

Clamshell design to protect screen
101-backlit is great.

idk DS Lite was the best
well maybe not best but i could consider them comfy, thous SP is the best so far

No it's the Samsung Galaxy

And also durable as fuck, way more than the DS.

I miss when handhelds were handhelds, had handheld games and handheld prices. This is it, you know. We'll never have that again. Now we have portable home consoles that are heavy, clunky and don't fit in your pocket, but it's cool because they play home console games that are high quality, immersive, and the last thing you should want to play on a noisy bus

DS lites are arguably the best ones of all since its got GBA slot and the improved screens
Their D pad is the same they used on the wii and is nice and squishy

But the build quality of DSi XLs blows it the fuck out, and the large screen makes looking at gorgeous pixel art games from slightly further away is something I'd always taken for granted.

mobile has taken over the handheld market. It's quite a shame.

Switch fits in my pockets.

Nah they all (especially the GBA) are very comfy for long sessions. Sorry you have odd hands syndrome, user. Pic related: it's you

Attached: totallynormalhand.jpg (391x600, 32K)

Thats what you get when you want more and more graphics and processing with each generation
Take longer to make, cost more to make, cost more to have.

All of my favorite switch games over the last year have been sub 20 buck sub 1GB games


Weird feet, man

im more inclined to carrying small stuff, is really stubborn to have a big handheld in your pockets

You're just confusing workable for comfy. You could play with the original NES controller for hours too, it didn't mean it was comfortable. It got the job done.

I mean, it's the inevitable reality. Game design, console design, and even graphics design just end up stuck on one style to everyone's interest. They want more power instead of uniqueness.

I guess thats the great divider

I never save any pockets for a handheld, I always have a bag of some sort if I plan to be out long enough to be bored and play a handheld
In which case I'll take whatever has my attention at the time. And more likely whichever one I'd be less bummed about losing or damaging.

Does anyone know where to buy legit/good GBA Micro Faceplates? I'm down to my last one which is the only thing keeping me from carrying it around

It is not even the best GBA.
The wii U gamepad was great ergonomically, and I will never not be mad Nintendo abandoned the perfect design for the "dude you can also use it as two controllers" schtick.

Too small for the clamshell design. The Sega Nomad, Neo Geo Pocket Color and 3DS XL were peak handheld design.

>tfw cursed with babby hands so all handhelds feel ergonomic.
Feels good.

oh, i'll add this tidbit to no ones request, but;
When switch came out and amazon sent me an extra screen protector by accident I wore my thick jacket with inner pockets and carried the switch in one and joycons in the other for about a week to see how awkward it'd feel to carry around and use.
The switch is fine since its the same size as a DSi XL, but the joycons clink about a bunch, and of course the screen scratches. Carrying it around with joycons attached without a HARD case is a bad idea

>The wii U gamepad was great ergonomically
It also wasn't a handheld though

The need for portability wasn't there. Even though the Switch doesn't really fit in your pocket, it still occupies probably half the volumetric space that the gamepad did

But it genuinely is. You're confusing comfortable with form-fitting. My 360 controller fits my hands better but nevertheless it causes my hands to cramp faster than my 3DS XL does.

sad but true
I had a worn out port and I always had to jiggle charging cables and adapters, so I couldnt use headphones period

Ordered a custom pikachu GBA SP a week or 2 ago. Going to use it to play some kino GB games on the bus.
I could have always use my DS but the buttons on SP's are just too perfect and satisfy my autism immensely.

Pockets are uniform between sizes.

>custom pikachu gba sp
>low quality chinese reproduction shell
>of Pikachu
>to play on the bus

>My 360 controller [...] causes my hands to cramp
See a doctor

Comparing them now. They are almost identical in width, both the controller itself and the screen. The Wii U is just taller with some bulges in the back for ergonomics. I use joycon skins that add the extra thickness back so I am fine with that compromise. So all you really would lose is how spaced out/large the face buttons are, a bit of extra plastic on your palm, and the shelf for the triggers.

Only fat people wear cargo shorts
Plus that sounds like a fact that only a fat person would know

this is some quality bait. have a (You)

Switch fits in my size 32 jeans. Don't fight it, try it yourself and see.

its a square

Nice try but the company I ordered from only works with real shells that have been donated to them.
Go get assmad about some other shit while I'm comfy playing astro boy: omega factor

>I miss when handhelds were handhelds
I don't. Who the hell carries it in their pocket anyway? SP would never fit in my jeans pockets. And my GBC certainly wouldn't either. My switch fits just as well in my bag.
> and the last thing you should want to play on a noisy bus
I haven't been on a bus since I was like 17 and got my full license. But I imagine if I did, I wouldn't want to play a game like that no, but that also includes most of the 3DS, vita or even GBA library that still is worth playing on GBA. I would probably just play minesweeper or something that runs fine on my phone.

Why would they make different size pockets? Are you wearing 2006 skinny emo jeans?

You have to have some super deep pockets for it to not be sticking out. Taking the joycons off is also cheating

Your society and social rules don't apply in the short bus, dude.

and it has a great dpad and great button feel in general
It also cut down the volume you would have to fit in your pocket by a huge amount, honestly my favorite handheld to this day.

Take a picture. I've never seen pockets that would fit a Switch besides the ones on cargo pants

And what company is that? Better hope they use real buttons too. Have some decency.

>people putting handhelds in their pockets.
The only handhelds I own that I could actually comfortably fit in my jean pockets, are my PSP GO and my Gameboy micro. But I would never risk damaging the latter like this. And you guys act like you don't have your phone, keys and wallet already in your pockets.

>my size 32 jeans
>MY jeans
take a pic or atleast give the brand name you bullshitter. I can't fit the switch in any of my pants, it requires a case and a backpack.
honestly why is the 3ds out of comission? I only play switch at home on a tv and I can't really take it anywhere for too long.
The entire gimmick is just playing it in bed.

>ergonomics designed for the hands of a five year old
>if your hands are bigger than that of a preschool child's good luck trying to find a comfy grip for playing longer than a few minutes
GBA SP doesn't even comes close in terms of hand feel to the original GBA, and the original GBA still isn't the best designed handheld of all time (although it's a pretty damn good handheld). And yes, I know the screen on the original GBA is awful, I own both the original and an SP and I vastly prefer playing on the original- SP really just because I wanted it as part of my collection. I ended up modifying my original GBA with an AGS101 screen from an SP, so that I could get the best of both worlds.

Attached: ags101_2.png (2016x1512, 3.66M)

>honestly why is the 3ds out of comission?
Because it also requires a case and a backpack?
>The entire gimmick is just playing it in bed.
I find it incredibly handy for travel to be honest.

u first cute boi

>trying to pry the details from me so you can order one yourself
If you want to buy one just ask; don't act so tsundere next time.

It just says a lot about how unwieldly it is. Switch is enormous compared to most other handhelds, the joycons alone nearly being the size of some others. I feel uncomfortable holding it with 1 hand, when this has literally never happened before. 3DS, PSP, GBA, etc, all fit in your palm and you could hold them like that if you were changing trains or whatever, Switch? No. I feel like I'm holding a fucking skateboard. It's a fucking behemoth

Aha so you're lying. There is no such a company since all shells are pretty much scratched to hell at this point and it's much cheaper to get a horrible reproduction, and no actual person with more than 3 braincells would tell Yea Forums they're playing their portable device in public.

Attached: 5bc.png (625x626, 35K)

$100.00 dollas a pop

>It just says a lot about how unwieldly it is
how? my point was the "fits in your pocket" was a silly artificial limitation the put on handhelds that they didn't even fit anyway. Like I could ever fit my fucking orignal gameboy or gamegear in my pocket. Even my SP would a stretch. And why would I want to?
>I feel uncomfortable holding it with 1 han
Then stop jerking off while you play Gal Gun.
>all fit in your palm and you could hold them like that if you were changing trains or whatever, Switch? No.
What just hold it from the centre if you really want to do that.

>too afraid to tell an anonymous video game image board that you play games in public
You really are a personification of the worst aspects of posters here. Enjoy your rage while I enjoy my games.

Smartphones are the most well designed handheld

Attached: IMG_0183.jpg (2512x2568, 1.82M)

I remember liking it a lot as a kid but picking it up now it's just too small. Not as bad as the 3DS thanks to its simpler layout, though.
In that sense, they managed to do what they were supposed to, I guess.

That's a huge fucking pocket

Now take a video of you walking

Can you prove that's 32 waist and not 32 long

Fucking idiots. The joycons detach for a reason. Think really really hard special anons, why would they? What purpose would breaking down serve for a portable device? Can you tell me?

There was something nice about that era. I love my Switch, but it really doesn't do the same job that my GBA or DS did in terms of offering experiences for portable play. I guess some part of me really did enjoy 'console-like' experiences on the go more than 'console' experiences on the go.

To lose them

I feel like the whole appeal of switch is it offers both though. It has full blown games, but it also has handheld stuff, MHU, a new mainline pokemon, Fire Emblem, FF World, a shit tonne of ports from previous gens,(something famous since GBA, or even gamegear really) Mario Tennis, 2d zelda, 2d mario etc.

>Most well designed handheld ever
Clearly someone hasn't played a psp

A regular GBA with an SP screen installed is LITERALLY the best shit ever. Does not get ANY fucking better than that.

>tfw I have an AGS-101
>tfw no one knows the difference between the 1st and 2nd generations

front lit, vs backlit right? mine is frontlit.
You mean the Go right?

On paper it is but in practice it's really not quite the same thing. Wargroove is amazing, but it's not filling the same gap as pulling out my SP and Advance Wars on a bus or something. There's also the amount of commitment behind the console. It's portable, but it's more bag portable than pocket portable. A DS or GBA fits pretty well in a pocket. You're committing to less when you whip it out for a few minutes.

I have both. Psp 3000.

>You're committing to less when you whip it out for a few minutes.
I guess, but I feel like this niche has been filled by phones. Im not really a mobile gamer. But if I had to play for just a few minutes, minesweeper or just checking the interwebs would suffice. I wouldn't really want to play a proper game, like even a portable game from any generation. I feel like what I loved about my 3ds and Vita is filled with the Switch more or less. I also, can not comfortably fit any of my handhelds in my pocket. My Go and Micro, but it would ruin them, and the go is pretty borderline with my phone keys and wallet.

What difference does that make? My wallet and keys are considerably thicker than the Switch.
No, except 32 long is like a midget or something.

The most important deal lost from the old portables for is startup time. Just insert cart and flip the power on, just turn it off when done.

Switch isn't like that?

in fairness, most handhelds have pretty good sleep modes for this. You can't even turn the switch off when docked, so I think it is safe to assume the expected a lot of time with it on sleep.

Angry user mentioned it up there but the Switch can actually fit in your regular, non-hambeast pockets if you take the joycons off and put those in another one. It's chunky and a clumsy solution, but it does technically work.

Attached: ktSzPAA[1].jpg (692x757, 70K)

Problem is, I generally have other things in those pockets. The switch is pocket-friendly if you don't have anything else you need on your person, like a phone or keys or wallet. I have carried it taken down in jacket pockets before though.

>Tiny shoulder buttons that are prone to malfunctioning
>Shitty clicky d-pad and buttons only suitable for menu navigation in RPGs
>Original model had a shitty front-lit screen
>Form factor is tiny and square, making it uncomfortable for hands bigger than a child/midget
>No headphone jack
>Proprietary rechargeable battery
>Can't properly support the e-Reader
Original GBA with an AGS-101 screen modded in is the best GBA.

Okay, let's say that Nintendo decides to release a Switch mini down the line. It's smaller, thinner, and it doesn't have the detaching joycon feature but you don't have any friends anyway so that's not a negative for you. Let's assume it has about the same battery life and specs, just smaller. Would you buy this? If not, what would you want from a downsized Switch? Would you want a clamshell design or something like this dumb mockup somebody made years ago?

Attached: Nintendo_Switch_Mini_design.jpg.optimal_1200x675[1].jpg (1200x675, 52K)

>Would you buy this?
No because it would patch Fusee Gelee
>what would you want from a downsized Switch?
Fusee Gelee

Yeah I'd buy it

if they are gonna do the pic on the right. They might as well fix the fucking stick position.

I dont think they can actually downside it all that much without people losing their fucking mind that they can't use these joycons or dock because it doesn't fit their specific model.

I brought up earlier It does work out okay, but having 2 pockets occupied by a games console isn't ideal. And yes, you HAVE to be prepared to fuckup whatever screen protector you got on it if you want to do this.

I wish more games used just one joycon so I could hold the switch like im watching something on my phone, and my hand beside my comfortably controlling whatever. Only pokemon baby boo boo pikachu does this and I'm not having a bar of that shit.

4-5 years ago while my mom was cleaning my shelves accidentally knocked my GBA SP off of it and the screen broke :(

>regular, non-hambeast pockets
my fucking ass they will
who the fuck can get a 3DS XL into a non-cargo pocket? shit barely fits into my sweatpants pockets and it's like tying a small book to my leg

I mean I can take a photo if you want, I have fairly skinny legs and regular jeans.

I never liked the clamshell design of GBA SP and even the DS. I know it's handy, it gives us the option to have 2 screens, and all that but my issue here is that its neck will be broken or damaged eventually. I have seen many GBA SPs and DSs here and there with a malfunctioning neck (unless it's barely used).

Attached: 1472777654805.png (427x443, 197K)

The hinge is an added point of failure, true, but it adds built-in screen protection for the device. I think it's a worthy trade-off. You can also buy replacement hinges if required.

>literally an underpowered PSP that will have shitty performance
>non-ergonomic and shitty stick positions


If there was a gameboy that was the size of a DS then that'd be the most perfect console. Just a wide gripped AGS with a screen on a hinge rather than on the base and with a backlight of course.

>Underpowered PSP
The Switch is significantly more powerful than a PSP, user.