Video game red pills.
Dark Souls II is the weakest but at least the formula wasn't stale yet unlike DasIII and BB
Video game red pills.
Dark Souls II is the weakest but at least the formula wasn't stale yet unlike DasIII and BB
Resident Evil 7 is a bad game and should have been a spinoff.
I look back on 2 more fondly than 3.
Fire Types simply weren't good until Diamond and Pearl.
Gachage can be enjoyable even without treating it like a job, even F2P.
Nintendo bias is real & is stronger then any other company or franchise bias except Rockstar's. All of their games get a free pass & more exposure that most other games never get despite being vastly superior. For example if Eternal Darkness was developed by Capcom, nobody would care about it & it would have been forgotten. But if Beyond Good & Evil was a Nintendo game everyone would be sucking it's dick as the 2nd coming of christ, despite the fact that everyone seems to forget it exists. It's score would increase by 13 points simply due to everyone's collective favoritism towards Nintendo
>Gen 1 fire types I like: Vulpix, Ninetales, Flareon, Magmar
>Gen 2 fire types I like: Magby, Entei, Ho-oh
>Gen 3 fire types I like: Numel, Camerupt, Torkoal
>Gen 4 fire types I like: Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Heatran, Magmortar
>Gen 5 fire types I like: Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Heatmor, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Larvesta, Volcarona
>Gen 6 fire types I like: Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox
>Gen 7 fire types I like: Litten, Incineroar, Oricorio, Turtonator, Blacephalon
Fire type peaked at Gen 5, but 4 started a generally upward trend.
Capcom hasn't make a grand comeback, people have just lowered their standards because the baby got his bottle
>stale formula
>fast paced gameplay
>infinitely more interesting weapons, not just enchanted longsword #346
>unique story, not just some recycled fantasy garbage
>blends gothic horror into lovecraftian horror seamlessly, well executed
>today is sunday
Ah okay. Makes sense why OP is posting.
100% unquestionably false
The real redpill is that all soulsborne games are god tier and you’re a faggot if you hate any of them.
>It's faster and the gaphics are different
DaS with a new hat.
If you finished playing DeS, DaS, and DaS2 and then fired up Bloodborne and thought it was just more of the same, then you're missing some crucial part of your brain that makes your opinions worthwhile. Get some eyes, idiot.
More like Dark Souls but actually made with quality. That's the real red pill.
I've rarely seen a game fall apart on a technical and design level after a certain point as hard as Dark Souls does.
Dark Souls got 6 months of dev time cut off to rush the game out before Skyrim. The timeline where Dark Souls got its full dev cycle is probably a better place.
Doc's inside the pill.
>if Eternal Darkness was developed by Capcom, nobody would care about it & it would have been forgotten
What did I miss? When did people start caring about Eternal Darkness? I haven't heard that name for years and years and even then it was just bargin bin fodder in stores.
>But if Beyond Good & Evil was a Nintendo game everyone would be sucking it's dick as the 2nd coming of christ
I've heard more about this than Eternal Darkness, especially around the time the sequel was announced.
Initially it felt different but by Paul Gascoigne I'd adapted to the faster pace and was feeling like a Souls game again.
ED makes a ton of peoples Best Of lists for the gamecube because, frankly, it was the only thing on the platform that had any balls.
Well I'm glad the majority of DaS was good enough for a company to give the studio the time it deserved.
Bruh its just slightly different dark souls
You can freeze the bubbles in Hollow Bastion.
Super Smash Bros. Melee is inferior to Brawl, 4, and Ultimate in almost every way.
The reason there are so many OOT vs MM arguments & it's impossible to get a consensus on which is better, is because they are the two greatest games ever made
lost me at "bb" part
Wrong. This isn't a redpill, but a lie you're feeding yourself to justify your shitty slot machine addiction.
No smash is inferior to brawl
What the fuck. Are you serious?
64's gameplay is shoddy compared to all of its' sequels and it has not a lot of content. It was good for it's time but it's annoying and clunky to play now.
Melee's core gameplay is better than Brawl's but Brawl has infinitely more content, a bigger soundtrack, more characters, more stages, a longer Adventure Mode, and more collectibles. Melee is only better than Brawl when being played competitively. As a party game and a celebration of Nintendo history, Brawl wins out.
Lets not
Nintendo is responsible everything wrong with gaming
> Buying SquareSoft
> Buying Rare
> Switching to Disc Drives
Everything bad that's happened in the gaming industry has been caused by Nintendo refusing to do any of these things. While they were masters of making games, they are fucking idiots at actual business decisions