What made BFA such a disaster?
What made BFA such a disaster?
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It was boring.
It's not. Only FFXIV cucks and trannies are shilling that statement.
What hasn't been a disaster in BFA?
Absolutely nothing to do at endgame other than one raid, nothing comparable to Suramar or anything
Classes more gutted than they've ever been in the game's history, even less base class content than Legion and then that's without all the artifact weapon stuff too
Azerite gear was a total disaster and has no appeal or sense of progression
Literal four button rotations
The entire WoW community is shilling it
Go read the comments on literally any official WoW tweet from the past five months
bad class design and mop 2.0 story
They are anti-blizzard shills. Blizzard has always kept WoW great
WoW is boring
Blizzard switched to the live service model in WoD and hasn't looked back.
Cucks keep forgiving them in the x.3 patches since because "it is fun now"