99% of players gone

>99% of players gone
>team fired

remember when Yea Forums thought this would kill Hearthstone? l o l

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Other urls found in this thread:


nobody wanted this shit game i wish it killed valve and made them bankrupt and gave me a cute titty goth gf with FEET!

Why did this game fail so hard? I never played it so I don't understand. Wasn't Richard Garfield working on it?

>when Yea Forums thought

Buy to play
Rng cards out the ass
People who play Dota only play dota

>remember when Yea Forums thought this would kill Hearthstone? l o l
Only paid shills or trolls would say so.
Most of Yea Forums saw how awful it is from the very beginning.

this. even if it were the best online card game ever it was still 5 years too late similar to hots with league. the only people that posted about it were paid to do so or pretending to be paid to do so

Buy to play and pay to play.
That's right.
You need to buy the game and then spend more money if you want to play.

Absolutely retarded monetization system. Valve deserves to lose every single player for thinking this shit would actually work.

>remembering all those posts saying this game would have a stable playerbase and that you would actually make money off of it by selling cards
Were they shills? Naive? Just plain stupid? I guess we'll never know.

Fuck you talking about? Everyone hated this game from the word go.


wow, the user score was worse than BFAs

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but Hearthstone kill Hearthstone?

>"Hey lets check how many people are streami...oh god"

how could a company like valve fuck up so hard? I hope they actually learn from their mistakes and im glad they had to learn it the hard way.

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As someone who actually did make money off it, stay mad for missing out. 200 valvebux for free (got free beta code from giveaway, didnt even pay entry cost)

> every single card in the game can be bought for $60 bucks.

Cmon valve, have some self-respect and memory-hole the fuck out out of this game.

If you need help in doing so, just ask your glow in the dark friends who you give our info to :).

game companies these days are like crazy ex wives trying to leech the money out of you using your good memories together as leverage

I'm so happy it died. This monetization system is Valve's most harmful attempt yet.

>60 bucks
>every single card game

You have to invest 30 dollars to see if you like the game enough to invest far more than 30 dollars.

RNG up the ass
>RNG on what initial hero card placement
>RNG where creeps spawn
>RNG where your units attack
>RNG what items you can buy inthe secret shop
>RNG in some spells

Game is designed to make you spend money
>Rank system tries to make you play against people tour same level (50% chance of winning)
> You need to win at least 3/5 games you play in order to get your money back from a ranked draft (60%)

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that's pcbros for you. they think everything their god gabe releases is good.

only retards though it was going to kill HS. Though it is surprising that it failed so hard.

It was dead the second they announced it
It could've been the second coming of Christ and it would've had middling success at best, all because of the apparent Half-life 3 bait and switch

They tried getting the Dota playerbase to play a different game.

I wonder if they're going to be stupid enough to try and charge money for the mobile version or if they're gonna take it to free to play

what I don't get it is that artifact is better than hearth stone in terms of depth. I feel like my hand plays itself in hearth stone. In hearth stone, it doesn't feel like I am doing any real thinking. Like just by looking at the hand, you can tell what plays you need to make or can make. I wish artifact survived because I think at its base, its the best card game out in terms of gameplay.

It also brought to the attention that people don't like complexity. One of my friends remarked that average artifact games could last a half hour vs hearth stones 5-10 minute games. maybe even less with "face decks".

>win a contest to get all Valve games for free for life
>already bought all of the ones out so far
>"eh, I'm sure this'll pay off someday. HL3 eventually, right?"
>mfw this is the only game I've gotten for free so far

>remember when Yea Forums thought this would kill Hearthstone? l o l
nice revisionist memory you have there. this game was derided the day it was announced as money grubbing trash

you know it

>tfw $30 mobile game

>getting third world dota players to pay for a game
>getting third world card game players to pay for a game

Maybe they should try making actual, real videogames, instead of shitty card games.
Card games are trash that belongs in phones.

No, what they should do is stop making videogames.
They don't need it, just stop wasting money and let Steam bring in the money.
Fire everyone who isn't working on mantaining Steam, too.

>Card games are trash that belongs in phones.

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Yes, they are a shovelware genre that belongs in the shovelware platform: phones.

>team fired
wait, what the fuck happened? since when were they fired?

I reiterate: zoom zoom

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>all because of the apparent Half-life 3 bait and switch
Whatchu mean by that billy-bob?

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it was a pay to pay game

The best thing about this game was the fact I bought it, refunded it, and then was able to buy it again with the money I made from selling my cards. It was a shitshow initially on the market, glad I came out on top in a way.

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Will valve make games ever again after this?
Artifact is embarrasing.

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The game looked retarded, it had like three boards. When I saw trailer knew It was bad

Video games are dying.

valve thought they could milk paypig whales with this scam, but richard garfail's design was just too shit to dupe anybody for too long

game is utter dogshit, the singularly least satisfying game to play ever made due to the worst mechanic ever invented in video game history: arrow rng

yknow, to this day i still think tyler mcvicker's words still hold up, even with artifact post launch.
"we make games, we just dont finish them"
>remember when artifact was gonna be ported to source 2 on the tablets?

It was a game that nobody wanted. Add the fact you have to buy the game AND extra card packs while it's competitors are free. It never stood a chance and I have no idea how anyone at Valve could have possibly thought the game would be a good idea to pursue.

>plebs playing anything other than YGO

>Half life 1 has a higher 24 hour peak than Artifact

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This. While all other critiscism is also valid, nobody seems to mention that the game was just retardedly overcomplicated for a tcg.


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>yfw it almost dipped below 200 people
I wonder how many people refunded the game after release. Willing to bet at least as low as 35%

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You couldnt refund if you accepted the card pack at the beginning

Aww shit, thats pretty scummy of them, they should be liable to lawsuit but name one time when some lazy neckbeard decided to launch a lawsuit

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>I wonder how many people refunded the game after release.
As if they could. When you finished the tutorial the game gave you some ''free'' packs to get started, and as soon as you received them you were no longer eligible for a refund.
Of course the vast majority of people didn't know this.

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Design flaws aside it was DOA when they announced it wasn’t free to play. The fuck were they thinking?

I genuinely thought that this game was going to surpass Hearthstone. I guess I'm retarded. Anyways, what game should Valve be making?

It hasn't stopped they before. Remember portal bridge constructor?

>all because of the apparent Half-life 3 bait and switch
What the fuck are you talking about? They said it was a brand new game, not a game in an existing series.

Still better than Gwent.

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For me the most amusing thing about Artifact is watching the player count.
Every time I think it's stabilized it manages to drop even lower. How low can it go?

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Revisionist horseshit. A majority of non-shill spergs would argue vehemently as to why Artifact was superior in every facet to every other CCG.

Valve didn't make that. They just gave someone else their IP.

What's the game about?

Retarded Sony fanboy.

It's that one with the cool robot suits innit


I thought it could've too until I saw how the mechanics were handled. RNG on so many aspects that you can't even really mitigate them all the time (Instead of just card draw, which ironically was improved by virtue of drawing multiple cards each turn, you have creep placement, initial hero placement, and shop items all being random, and attack patterns also being random as well), along with cards like Cheat Death which turn the game into coinflips. Nothing like burning two attack phases and three cards to try and kill a Drow on 1 health and fail each attempt, costing you massive board advantage and card advantage.

Beyond the RNG nature of the game though, Artifact is just slow to play. It takes anywhere from five to ten minutes for a turn just because of the back and forth nature of the coin, which while fine for an actual tabletop card game, sucks for an internet based one. The actual turn length of games usually isn't over seven to ten, but the game itself still takes 30 to 40 minutes to actually play out. With very little to engage the player, especially if it's a lost lane with just the opponent being the only one to do anything, it's not particularly fun for those involved.

I honestly thought hearthstone was the absolute worst possible rng design in a card game, but artifact was way worse

I think the biggest issue with it all would be that Valve isn't hurting for money. Supposedly Richard Garfield didn't want it to be "predatory" so it can't be f2p. Ironic. That was their biggest mistake when they could very well have made it f2p where they sold packs that are basically cosmetics. The unusuals could have been the cards having a real animation where everything else are various levels of a shiny picture. Never doubt autism with 'rare' things.

Beyond that
>games take forever
>very little variation
>strictly better cards for no reason axe vs the ogre one you got with your $20 buy in
>no rewards so most people will eventually drop your game quickly
>a card game that nobody asked for
It's a good card game if they threw in new cards and sped the game up.

Despite all that, Artifact is the cheapest digital card game to get into if you were willing to spend money.

It came almost same time as dota 2 chess. Everyone just played it because it is far more superior strategy game.

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Eternal is pretty fun so far very f2p friendly

It literally tells you that you won't be able to get a refund if you opened your pack.

What's the point of making bullshit like this up?

Is gwent that bad?
I might give it a shot, been wanting to try a new card game besides hearthstone (shit) or magic (i'm brainlet)

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Do even the tiniest bit of research before bullshitting next time

>f2p, you can get more cards and aesthetics with real money tho
>f2p, you can get more cards and aesthetics with real money tho
>pay to play, pay for cards, pay for arena modes, pay for-
Chronicle of a Death Foretold

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>People now claim there was nobody defending this game

Oh boy imagine lying this much on an anonymous imageboard.
Steamdrones were literally writing how this game would revolutionize card gaming and how reat it was and what the benefits would be

It's not. The devs shoot themselves in the foot with some retarded decisions over the last year, but they seem to get shit together and it's still a decent game. Generous with packs at least.

Horrible marketing.

Valve was dumb to assume that Dota 2 (a F2P MOBA) would have the same audience as a paid card game. But I think they did it because most of their creative talent has fled so creating an entirely new universe from scratch would have been too big an ordeal. They should have just gone whole hog and put in Half-Life/Team Fortress/Portal/etc stuff as well, nobody cares about the lore.

Not true of the cards they gave me when I first bought the game on launch.

DotA lore needs a dedicated single player/co-op campaign to release that actually expands upon the background stuff to ever get people interested in the game. I'd say if they put a team to work releasing something like a 4-5 mission mini-campaign that revolved around a couple of heroes (Where you can play it from either perspective) every other month, with a big focus on showing the background of the world off in an interesting way, you'd have people more interested in the universe.

That would require Valve to want to make single-player content.

I remember Valve was making tutorial content for Dota 2 that was somewhat in-universe, but they dropped it almost immediately. Not sure if it's even in the game anymore, haven't checked.

P2W AND pay 2 play.
That's not even the worst part tho, the card game marketed itself as "hardcore" and "skill based" and it turned out to have a shitton more rng than hearthstone
fucking hearthstone
The game could've maybe survived if the gameplay wasn't ass as they had pcbros and "hardcore" players to carry it but the rng is egregiously bad.

It's why there hasn't been jackshit for info for like 4 months.
Valve is doing a complete overhaul
They kicked garfield because garfield is a massive hack and a jew that thinks that any game were you can gain free stuff is cancer and prefers the artifact way of charging the player for breathing which clearly was fucking retarded, as magic online proved almost 2 decades ago.

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I just checked, they replaced the handful of old tutorials with a much more sterile streamlined one that's basically a series of text dumps with some instructions, then three bot matches, then a multiplayer match.
I have never touched this until now, it's buried in the menus.

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>Custom games abandoned
>Guids abandoned
>In game tutorials have been too basic for such a complex game since the beginning
>Dota + abandoned
>Things like courier morph never were implemented
>They don't even bother making their competitive scene rules clear
I'm not going to quote everything that comes to mind, but they clearly don't give a shit.
They balance the game, make some hats from time to time and that's it. It's more than enough to play and enjoy the game though, let's be fair.
Dota 2 has a lot more potential but they don't bother.

If that's how they handle dota 2 their biggest game, imagine the future of artifact.

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>Wasn't Richard Garfield working on it?
Reminder 99% of the games Garfield has worked on have been massive failures.
This list is also missing at least like 8 games
He's a massive hack that's forever salty he gave up his golden egg and keeps trying to replicate it.

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watch reynads critique of it to find out why

>Dota + abandoned
What the fuck are you talking about? They add new shit to Dota+ all the time, they just even put out a partner app.
The problem is they should be working on the actual game instead of the shitty premium service.

>People who play Dota only play dota
They said the same thing about HS and WoW.

>Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle

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The game is a million times better now.
It looks better.
Plays better
Deck building is better
Abilities are more dynamic
The rows make sense and have a purpose
UI is better
Lots of rewards and forgivable card grinding
Best progression system of all CCGs, not even close.
And you don't need to take my word for it playgwent.com/en/play-gog

Right except for hearthstone was based off the already successful (by standards at the time) WoW TCG.

So who said that again? fucking nobody user sit down.

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what? zooming like a car? well i do like racing games.

Isn't Netrunner a super success?
There is always a thread on /tg/

I think what I find most hilarious of this entire debacle was seeing valve fanboys finally realize how far valve has fallen.
Even Blizzdrones realized that with blizz, it's not until now that valve autists are swallowing that pill.
I remember posts of people spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars in this game solely based on the valve stupid impossible promise of "cards will retain their value"

This game was a trap since the start, it was full of anti consumer tactics, false promises and forgotten salepoints, the worst part is that they literally marketed the game as a game with trading then a couple weeks before release they release a FAQ where it says trading won't be implemented just yet because they couldn't, really easy miss section of it too.
Meanwhile they literally restructured and changed the market just to fit in artifact buying and selling and to be ready day 1, of course, this worked flawlessly because valve has to get their share of literally everything you do.

Cue months and hundreds of posts by said fanboys saying the game was fine, they went from calling it a hs killer to "20k is a healthy number" to "this is a hardcore game of course it will have low numbers" to just absolute desperation.

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>remember when Yea Forums thought this would kill Hearthstone?

Almost everyone was shitting on it. Even before it was known it would be buy2play

>230 playing 12 min ago

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>it's not until now that valve autists are swallowing that pill.
because it took until now for Valve to release another game

Netrunner stopped being printed like 20 years ago.

>They release dota plus on march, 2018
>They add new shit like voice lines and ranked roles on september, 2018, 6 months later
>They add new sets on january, 2019, 10 months later
>They add an app most people don't care about now
>''They add new shit to Dota+ all the time''

I don't know anything about lol but I bet these things are way more frequent.
Not not mention fortnite or any mainstream game.

I thought it only got discontinued last year? Some guy in my local /tg/ community was constantly trying to force it and had to give up.

You're telling me DOTA isn't successful in terms of MOBA's?

>The 3 second pause and chorus of disappointed "AWWWWWWWW"s when the game was announced

Nobody thought this game was going to be anything other than what it turned out to be, user.

Have you played it on the actual Homecoming release? It was slow af, scrapped out of mostly everything that they tested and added some new bullshit, that didn't even made much sense. You could say that now is just okay for what it is months after what they claimed as official and finished product.

I remember when not even doomposters though it would hit less than 300 players

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They've been on a jewish downhill ever since like 2009.
Actually I think the day they released the mannconomy update is the day valve died.
They didn't had to release a game, anyone that wasn't indoctrinated could see how hard they were fucking their current games.
That was Android: Netrunner, it's basically a continuation of netrunner that happened years ago but it wasn't made by garfield.
It also just went out of print last year.
The game is very popular on card game enthusiast circles for the core gameplay and being the only really playable cyberpunk game, on top of being based on a game with tons of rich lore, you can expand a lot on cyberpunk 2020.

The game might see a small feature on cyberpunk 2077 since the 2020 pnp did included things from the game and even the complete tcg rules for special stuff

>when you think it's still 1997 and Wizard of the Coast bullshit is still taken up the ass
Garfield is clearly utterly stuck in the past if he lacked the business awareness to know MtG itself wouldn't have its ass reamed if he tried to release that same shit in the year 1999+20. Trading cards, especially digital trading card games, MUST have a free2play model from the get-go because ain't nobody paying you your $30 starter pack +$9.99 boost packs no more son. You give the start pack for free and then you implement the gacha to fish for whales who will max out their credit card out of some compulsive need to pay2win at a children's card game.

didnt have any interesting mechanic, one board wipe and pretty much it

I mean Garfield did literally that with magic back then
Gave up free decks and shit for people to try it out at game cons and gatherings and spread the word

Never underestimate how hard someone can be blinded by Jewishness

Honestly there's been a huge decline in Valve fanboyism even before Artifact, simply because they weren't releasing single-player games. Not to mention that paid mods disaster.

Though there has been an uptick because they now have a common enemy to rally against (Epic Games).

the WoW TCG not WoW itself

God I wish HS was the WoW TCG.

That game was actually fun

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Remember when this was annouced and people was expecting Half Life 3? dead on arrival.

i still think it's very fun to play and wish it had succeeded

People keep talking about the monetization but that’s not it, it had 60k players at launch even as pay to play. The game is just not fun, the game is RNG out the ass but the cards are designed as if it’s a competitive game except when they’re not.

>waaah waahh its not another shootshoot bangbang game!! booooo!!

Gamers are entitled pieces of shit


I agree, it's a 2/10 argument. People should judge Artifact fairly and not out of spite because it's not a new entry of Valve's low-IQ explosive shootbang shitfest

We wanted a videogame Valve not a card game.
We are post peak card games. The hype passed.

Bitcoin comes to mind.

It's brainlet as all hell. Like the shill says you can certainly check it out since it's free, and since you say Magic's too much for you maybe it'll be your cup of tea.

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no TCGs are fun user.

Pride comes before a fall.

>last Twitter post: 21 Dec 2018

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Fucking faggots, you will pay for refusing to play Artifact.

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Valve used to be great at single player games. They were even great at multiplayer games.

But other developers have surpassed Valve in single player and multiplayer. And now Steam is under threat. Remember: nobody is too big to fail.

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>making a cardgame this fucking late

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It can't sink any lower.

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Oh just you wait. f2p when?

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you are right 25 years are a long time

not even f2p will save this piece of shit


The REAL reason this game failed is because Valve's hands off approach wasn't going to work this time. Games like TF2, Dota 2, Counter Strike are CARRIED BY THE COMMUNITY Valve does as little work as possible. They needed to step up this time and at least do as much as Wizard's does with MtG but they didn't do fucking shit. They expected the community to run the game for them.

Oh I'm very well aware but you'd think that Valve would still do that just to try and get more customers in their shitty in game store. It's also about proving a point to friends of mine who defended the game to no end even after knowing their monetisation scheme

Autochess is the better card game.

>What is Auto Chess

>dota """lore"""
does anyone honestly care?

>Artifact shills existed on Yea Forums
>People honestly tried to give me the "You're supposed to play around the randomness bro!" argument.
Even fucking Hearthstone has better risk management with the "Random X gets hit for Y" shit, what the fuck are you going to do when your baby bitch blue boy gets his ass reamed turn 1 against a red chad because the lane placements were fucked?

You know that blue was the dominant color in Artifact to the point where mono-blue was shitting all over red and red/blackfags, right?

This, basically
Having steam inventory be used to play games and the game itself is about 85% fine
The problem is 2% of any game being REALLY bad can completely destroy it with no workarounds, and this game didn't have that much to it to begin with.
RNG creeps and attacks would be perfectly fine. What WASN'T ok was no consideration at all for gold snowballing (kill first turn, outnumber next turn, get more kills, repeat till 20 gold and end game in early), and how you also had zero control early game to deal with anything. If community modding/fixes were possible, you could make the game far better by simply fixing creep spawns to be like Dota (1vs3/2vs2/3vs1), keeping hero spawns aligned with your deck (safe/mid/suicide) and giving you one token per hero to change targets on any non-taunted card this lane.
Other things are to fix are more specific like e.g. Axe's taunt also starting a fight, instead of simply locking targeting in for end turn if not at least just doing basic low damage (since it's supposed to be based on his helix ability)

Ok so the game might have been designed at first to be blank without dota themes, but there's no sound reason why it didn't go all in to be based on Dota's designs and ideas.

>making up shit
Mono nothing worked, you just cannot play around Red simply because literally all cards regarding heroes were MODIFY, and some cheap items SNOWBALLED AUTOMATICALLY, as opposed to playing around giving/taking fixed amounts of power.

>non f2p card game
It was doomed from the start

biggest fucking cash grab ever created
gaben went full kikeo mode on this one


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>could've put more life into TF2, a game that already brings them money and has a large userbase
>lets pump out a shittier hearthstone that died in just mere months after release

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Are you guys here because you wanted hearthstone to succeed or talk shit about a game that the fans have already dropped

>team fired

All that source2 engine experience wasted

>wanted hearthstone to succeed
you have to be a literal retard if you seriously think hearthstone didn't "succeed"

>HS game
Unga bunga go face 5 minutes random xD
>Artishart game
30m+ 3 boards whaythe fuck is going on

it's fun now after some much needed updates and the new expansion hits on march 28th
I'd recommend to just download it and see if you like it
its definitely the most generous card game in terms of rewarding the player with packs and other stuff, the reward book progression system is amazing

Hearthstone is alive?

Y-yes there's a thriving general on /vg/

I dont think it was bad, but with no way to get new cards except through paying it is sure to get old after playing 10 games with the same cards.

It's less popular than it was during its peak but yeah it has a lot of players. Like mtg it tends to be cyclical though everyone comes back for the new expansion then plays on and off after the meta has fully settled.

this is the first proper new game valve has made in almost a decade, it's clear that the talented old guard have left, and the new hires in recent years have been people who excel at monetization and nothing else

when valve was milking TF2 and DOTA for hats this didn't matter, but now that those wells are drying up, valve have come face to face with the issue that no one who works there knows what the fuck people want anymore, and even if they did they don't have the talent to make it
this is exacerbated by their stupid company layout, where there are "no bosses", AKA no one to check if the work being done is satisfactory, and everyone can pick what they want to work on, which leads to people wanting to work on hats because it's a risk-free money maker, whereas trying to convince other people at valve to work on HL3 is impossible because of 1) the expectation of quality 2) the potential for huge backlash if the game doesn't meet up to the expectations 3) the time investment for a valve employee that will most likely choose make a hat

as someone who bought every valve game on release day since HL1, I hope that company burns to the ground if it remains in it's current state, I just wish the only viable market alternative wasn't owned by tencent who are bad for different reasons

Turns take a long despite nothing interesting happening. In mTG arena when turns take a long time it's because the other player is drawing 50 cards, casting 20 spells and increasing their life total to 90. In artifact? nothing it's boring shit repeated 3 times.

remember when source 2 was a thing?
they put it on DOTA 2 alone (and no one could tell the difference from source 1) and then did fuck-all else with it at all

valve is a company eternally spinning it's wheels and going nowhere, they keep making things that no one asked for, and no one buys, then they do nothing with it and just try to forget it ever happened and repeat the same mistakes over and over again