>everyone on the enemy team targets you
Everyone on the enemy team targets you
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't spell slaughter without laughter
Kek what the fuck is happening
>game rewards the player who killed you
God I wish that were me
Penguin mothers who lost their young trying to adopt stray chick.
What on Earth am I looking at?
Literal cuckold.
animal instincts are some crazy shit
alive for like half a day and it knows to do this shit
Cuckolding is named after a bird that lays its eggs in other birds nests, its young kills the birds young.
Penguins will fuck anything including chicks and dead chicks and suggestively shaped chunks of ice. It's fucked up.
cuckoo (parasite) removes the mother's own chicks to eliminate the competition.
this was the webm i meant to post
looks like a bird hatched a different birds egg. that chick that pushed off its siblings did it so it could be the only one being fed. greedy fuck
>superior large dark bird discards white dregs
as it should be
>This happens almost mechanically for centuries and the birds are too stupid to figure it out
Look at lesser beings and laugh. A crow or bluejay wouldn't take this shit.
Really aggressive adoption policies
>enemy keeps you alive to torment you
what a evil little shit.
Worse than that actually. A cuckoo lays its eggs in a different birds nest not even of the same species. When it hatches, it instinctively pushes all other eggs and hatchlings out of the nest. Whats really hilarious is the cuckoo is usually much larger than the birds raising it.
Why the fuck do I have a boner?
You just don't fuck with some birds
>never leveled up any of your stealth abilities
>forced stealth mission 3/4 through the game
>enemies can mate in your presence
That's a cuckoo being ripped into by the way
Penguins are truly abominations. Nothing about their design is admirable or efficient.
Is this rape? this looks like rape.
fuck reptileniggers
>doesn't attempt to put up a fight
>boss enemy/leader is larger and bigger than the rest of its kin
kek why the fuck was that stupid little shit running away for?
>Nothing about their design is admirable or efficient.
Most of their strengths lie underwater, where they're bird torpedos. They use trapped air to go fast
i see this as revenge for something now and is much more enjoyable to watch
>enemy has a OHKO attack
Not that we can laugh, considering whites have been (and still are) falling for jewish tricks for centuries.
>the moving half formed bird in the cracked egg
probably looking for its real mother
>cucks are literally okay with this
Disgusting fags. The only good cuck is a dead cuck.
>bird torpedos
that's actually based.
oh jesus christ
Remember, just about every cuckoo you see flying around had killed its own share of nests and took it as their own.
Penguins are based as fuck, they just rape everything. On a side note, does
Japanese bondage has gone too far!
When mother penguins lose their children their mothering hormones go crazy and they try to steal another birds chick. This actually has a very high rate of them crushing the baby to death as they all fight over it.
That's one slick chick
oh shit there's a sniper get d
>most mobile while underwater
>still mandatory to return to the surface where you're clumsy and pathetic
That's shit design.
>take shelter in building
>enemy still tries to attack you
Why are animals so much better than vidya, bros?
I feel fucking retarded, but can you explain the AssCreed filename? What's the joke
What? If the cuckoo isn't the mother's child, then how did it the nest in the first place?
They live on cold islands the southern hemipshere. There's no food on land and barely/no land predators so they can afford to be ungainly on land.
So it's just like those /ss/ doujins I hear so much about!
I don't get it, why don't Cuckoos just raise their own chicks? Why do they need to cuck other birds into doing it? Are they just cunts?
He doesn't wanna get crushed by roasties m8 no one does.
>that ending
>you catch the enemies when they're grouped up and not alert
Well, that horse got free protein
That is actually amazing that Penguins are that caring at least. Most other animals wouldn't give a damn.
Cuckoos wait for other birds to leave their nest and then they fly in and lay their egg inside of it.
anyone have the video of the goat eating a bunch of chicks out of a basket one by one?
Holy shit
another bird comes along and sticks it there.
oddly arousing
Ice cold motherfucking killer
>Most other animals wouldn't give a damn.
What the fuck are you talking about
Not having to raise your own young saves them a ton of energy.
Eliminates competition for local food sources. Evolution is a blind cunt that will do anything to get its way.
The feak should wear the strong.
why are /an/ threads on Yea Forums so based
I suppose momma birds are too retarded to tell the difference? She should peck the shit out of the odd egg.
Spoony 2012
>enemy can loot you while you're still alive
post more animal webms
Are you retarded? The cuckoo's mother placed it there so it doesn't have to take care of it.
>enemy is invisible until it attacks
Ungulates are trash that are dumb as bricks and panic over things that shouldn't even be a danger to an animal that size. I hope that horse burns in hell.
Whenever you kill a target in AC, your character will let them speak their last words before finishing them off.
>bandit tries to get into your blowout shelter
i hate this webm so much, makes me genuinely disgusted
>mission: defeat weak enemy
>weak enemy is surrounded by strong enemies
my fucking sides
Eliminating competition basically. A lot of these birds cuckoos go after tend to eat the same things they do, so less other birds there=more for cuckoo. Plus they don't have to waist time raising their own chicks before the other bird will do it for them, giving them more time to ruin other nests.
Nature is pretty interesting sometimes, the sort of instincts these birds have to just be minutes out of an egg and still know to just start shoving everything else out, and the best way to go about it.
birds are literal retards that never think they're in any danger. that bird should have flown off 'stead of standing there
He's talking about the attitude of a lot of animals where if it's not offspring or immediate family a lot of animals do NOT like other members of its species. Not uncommon to have orphaned/abandoned young just straight eaten or killed for luls by members of its own species.
Maybe I just didn't know how stupid birds were.
Afterall, if you laid 4 eggs, you fly off, come back, and there's a 5th odd egg all of a sudden, what would you do about it?
Why did I laugh.. am I that fucked up in the head?
i like this, thank you for posting
You gotta use a fury spell so that the objective self destructs on it's allies.
i bet they licked her cunny
How in the fuck did they pin down a spider like that and why is money being spent on this? For what scientific purpose?
t. bird
You were a good birdy, Ernest...
>let the police cut off my balls, i don't mind because it's the cops and they're always right
literally what did he mean by this?
>Game rewards campers
Guess I shouldn't be surprised it's a bird brain but the mother literally watches the suspiciously large chick shove over one of her young to it's death. She watches it fall for half a second, then is like 'eh, whatever'. By what miracle is that species still alive?
>thankfully it's an optional mission
I haven't watched the webm. But I heard that spidersilk makes incredibly durable fabric. Las I heard about it, was like 15 years ago, when they said they were developing lightweight body armor out of the stuff. I wonder how that went.
It's in the name, user.
That's fucking comedic
birds are some of the stupidest animals on the planet
oddly satisfying
fucking smart
>enemies keep taunting you after you die
>rapidash used stomp
>enemy pidove flinched!
Nigger that's not them being caring or anything they're just getting compelled by some fucking chemicals in their brains to violently seek out a chick which according to the other user leads to them dying most of the time. How the hell can you see that as a good thing?
>requiescat in pace
I love this one.
Hmm really makes u think about etymology now, doesn't it
Get baited you dumbass neccbird.
>enemies feel pity for you
>enemy has good pathfinding
The point is that their intention is to take in the chick as their own. They don't intend to kill or anything like a lot of other species would
>enemy has a knockback attack
>developers accidentally added a 0 on the end of the knockback value
>enemy is polite enough to not aggro over a misunderstanding
I cant imagine it would be more efficient than whatever were using now. Seems like a pointless endeavor.
This looks painful, like pulling a string through your urethra.
>enemy can spawn more enemies
There are 3 kinds of birds
1. Weirdos like penguins and coswaries, we won't count them for now.
2. Flying rats that out breed and out scavenge everything on the planet despite being dumber than a sack of hammers
3. raptors and corvids, who are either top of the food chain level hunters, or below humans in terms of intelligence
what's the deal with this cat?
>tfw can watch horrible shit happen to humans but am genuinely sad every time I see an animal die
this can't be okay and normal
basically this. They will try to steal any young they can get their flippers on.
>Game features random encounters
That is one ominous rabbit
Is that cat retarded?
What wrong wit teh kittie ;__;
cheeky cunt
The mother put it there to prove how accepting and tolerant it was of other birds.
Nature unironically isn't about being admirable or efficient. Its literally random bullshit that just works until it doesn't.
Orcas and dolphins truly are seaniggers
It's a nerve defect like cerebral palsy but for a cat
he's an incel
Neurological disorder iirc, but it's been a while since I've seen that.
How do you know though? They might already be using it. Or still trying to work out how to mass produce it.
>enemy tries to be evil
>they're not very good at it
Think it was cause he smelled like shit?
What else would you do if your the shittiest bird ever on the shittiest coldest part of the world? Penguins are fucked.
Birds are pretty stupid in general, the smartest birds (like crows) are just not dumb
>opponent utterly outplays and humiliates you
>enemies can OHKO you
Sharks boop things to test if they're weak cunts or not
looks like it but that hole is built for it so probably not
>Enemy stands near explosive barrel
>enemy is nonaggressive and gives loot when killed
why the fuck did they all shit on that one bird?
t. seal
Orcas are chill, fuck dolphins though
the niggers of the bird world
> the smartest birds (like crows) are just not dumb
Crows are primate smart mate.
i kinda wonder what would have happened if it got the food and started prancing around like the smug asshole bird it is. the caged bird would have flipped massive shit
> survival through entirely destructive parasitic behavior that would result in that species extinction if its host died
Ah yes, the physical embodiment of evil.
are you implying birds know how to fucking count? lmao
Fuck nature, this is why we built cities.
He's the designated toilet.
You forgot the 4th type: the asshole
Is that a fucking harpy eagle? I bet at least one monster myth comes from these fucks, they are absolute units
>farming the same instance for that rare loot
That's a fucking toy right? Why does that pup like a toy.
Crows know how to use and improvise tools to solve problems. That's some higher level brain power.
Some crows can make new unique tools. They are some smart fuckers.
He wore a MAGA hat once.
This, we literally have eyes barely evolved from those of fish and our respiratory and digestive systems seem to be designed by retards hellbent on killing us as a leftover from early vertebrae bodies, to the point where you wonder why we can choke while eating food, which wouldn't happen if we didn't share the same tube for eating and breathing.
Man dropped the meat and said "try it again bitch"
What in the fuck, Birds always move the moment you get near them
What about parrots?
Even stupid things know how many eggs they laid. Or that one egg is not like the other.
Based and Komodopilled
Artificial selection
Go post that feedback on the penguin developer forum
>Enemy AI can't properly target you.
By that logic aren't animals that eat others evil as well?
>enemy can detect your faction
Dude imagine how many spiders it would take to make an order of say, 50 silk shirts for whatever purpose. You would need to find spider harvesters or breeders if those even exist, mature them until they reach full size, find a way to pin down each of its legs and the body, weave out all its web, and somehow thread it in between 2 other pieces of cloth so it doesnt stick to your body or stick to anything it touches, and then somehow dispose of the spiders or reuse them without losing them all over the factory. They would need to find out how to artificially mass produce spider web fluid or run each article of clothing by the hundreds-thousands to make even.
Orcas bully whales when they get bored, they are total seaniggers.
australian cattle dogs are so based
>not them being caring or anything they're just getting compelled by some fucking chemicals in their brains
perhaps the same could be said of all humans. Nurses have to carefully guard newborns. There are women who will kidnap infants from hospitals to raise as their own.
well, they don't, which is why cuckoos aren't extint.
>game forces you to abandon party member forever
>immobile enemy starts moving around
how the fuck did the bird failed to move??? the second you even make a move they fly away
needs venetian gondola music
Lots of them actually spot the cuckoo eggs and destroy them.
>enemy isn't in the bestiary
fuck off
Dogs were a mistake jesus christ
Aren't tiger sharks huge assholes by shark standards?
Dolphins only fuck with the stupid
Orca's are just plain sadistic assholes
Crocs are usually pretty chill with some types of birds, especially ones that pick shit out of their teeth. Croc gets a free cleaning and the bird eats whatever's left in there while a big croc scares potential predators away.
you're overthinking this
they just take one of the eggs out
>enemy has high dodge chance
>Game allows players to grief
>boss can OHKO you
>enemy breaks your game
People are cunts, this was never up for debate.
A lot of predators eat the weak and infirm, they clean up the bad ones.
Spider silk degrades fairly quickly too iirc.
imagine if the shark had just taken a bite out of his head
why's the white one being such a fucking dickhead
what is this
Maybe some genetic manipulation is in order?
Maybe they can cross some genes, in order to create spiders that produce insane volumes of silk? Or maybe they can achieve that through selective breeding.
Maybe they'll learn a more efficient way of spindling silk, so they won't need to pin a spider to get it?
This is what the Jews want to destroy.
i want to pat her
But Orcas are chill with us so they're cool. At least wild ones
brutal as fuck
>hissing intensifies
At what point are creatures like this no longer considered dogs? And don’t give me that “fertile offspring” bullshit since tons of animals are considered separate species while being able to mate.
who was in the wrong here?
A sheep dog?
What the fuck could it be.
Tiger sharks are like the ocean's garbage cans, because they'll eat just about anything that can fit in their mouth
They'll eat literal trash too, shit like license plates have been found inside their stomachs
I've seen the kawaii version of this
I forget the story here, did it break a leg? i see it twitching one hind leg still to move. or is it just paralyzed?
Theres also the whole washing thing, I dont know how well spider silk holds up in high heat like a dryer.
what a faggot
Ah shrikes. Vicious nasty little shits. Have a habit of finding sharp sticks and branches to impale their catches on to let dry out for several hours before they actually eat it.
Trying to turn the nest into a shithole so no female will mate with him.
Not a glitch it was known about in development but the developers kept it in.
Did this fucking bird learn how to ride a tricycle?
just engineer giant spiders
>enemies can utilize vehicles
that's min/maxing for you dog
god dam cyclist on the road, I fucking hate them.
>Kill enemy's spouse
>They grieve for days and starve to death
Spider silk has been used for centuries my dudes.
Traditionally you get a high output spider like an orbweaver and just harvest that bitch like a silkworm.
Modern production for bodyarmor ant the like needs even higher output than that, and of more consistent quality, so we've taken to genetic engineering.
Silkworms are the obvious candidate, but we've also modified goats to produce silk in their milk, e. coli bacteria to produce the raw silk protein for artificial weaving, and there is some research into spidersilk producing plants by modifying potatoes and tobacco.
>I suppose momma birds are too retarded to tell the difference?
Yes. "it's my nest so it's my kid" is the only logic the bird thinks of, even when its baby grows to three times the mother's size.
Holy shit this reminds me of the time when I was a kid and alot of mothers wanted to adopt my brother but he wouldn't go unless they took me as well.
>think that you escaped from an enemy
>you didn't
>Enemy constantly patrols area.
i don't get audio from webm
they have evolved to be that way
>enemy can become part of you
Aria the crocination
most plastic ends up in seabirds or turtles because they're too stupid to tell the difference between living matter and trash.
It's hard to feel sympathy when my dog can tell the difference between those awful pellets that barely qualify as food and the container it's served in.
soeone post the walrus/seal fucking the penguin
think they used silk worms for awhile but not for anything mass produced. Probably more experimental/prototype shit.
>and there is some research into spidersilk producing plants by modifying potatoes and tobacco.
Great, so soon we're going to be eating spider potatoes.
Mixing goats with spiders sounds like the plot to a B movie from the 1950’s.
>their faces at the end
>Scary enemy is actually a good mother
illegal to view in new zealand
Fucking dipsticjk he was literally home free if he just moved like two inches.
iirc theres a breed of spider that spins gold web. Persians use it for cloth. 2500 bucks a bundle
Basking sharks are so unsettling.
I come to Yea Forums because it has the best animal threads
I wonder if cuckoos have the ability to build a nest or raise their own young in dire circumstances. If they were really successful they could outbreed nestmaking birds and then be left stranded. Truly the niggers of birds.
Get new speakers user.
deaths by accidents or defenseless animals getting killed by a much bigger creature are depressing
but ones like this are just bad ass
>Traditionally you get a high output spider like an orbweaver and just harvest that bitch like a silkworm.
I need a doujin where a spider monstergirl is captured and forced to weave silk for her tormentors.
The whale chased him for 4 hours and bit him already a few times. They chase seals around until they are too tired to get away, just for fun, then they devour them. That's why the seal is crying, because it's too weak and tired to survive.
They genetically modified goats to make spider silk in their udders.
Maybe? it's been a while since I read about them. That said if they don't and run into a time of crisis, the population will thin out and let their competition come back, giving them more nests to lay eggs in and repopulate again.
Things in nature generally have a way of working themselves out.
I like how the cat just knew it was a dud
>stanley woo gets his paycheck
>When the game lags
>enemy knows your weakness and exploits it
>enemy can climb surfaces
Birds are literally flying rodents
>enemy boss can reverse gravity
>next in our series of webms that end too soon
We need more of this type of dog.
the blow dried a normal dog
>How in the fuck did they pin down a spider like that
They probably near-freeze them to "knock them out" in order to manipulate them into those positions.
oh wow
Damn that's kino
>enemies die in one hit
>"stop that"
probably just some animal that had a genetic defect that made it hairless. it happens a lot and people assume it some new strange animal/monster.
The people recording could've atleast shot the Zebra man.
How does it feel knowing that top tier modern dinosaurs like hawks and crows share the same genetic lineage as trash birds like these?
>escort missions
imagine if that was your dick haha
200 IQ
>Game forces you to watch gory cutscenes
I fucking love these guys. Overact like fucking crazy, to the point that if you try to roll them back on their stomach, they'll keep twisting and contorting to stay on their backs. It's hilarious.
>my abdomen is moving on it's own onichan
>when you don't know the true power level of the enemy
Little smarty pants
>enemy is on their last hit point
>have you guys seen my pet?
What a good mama
>enemies form an unlikely friendship
makes me wonder what the fuck dinos might have evolved into had they not been cucked by a spacerock
This is the best.
mama tet
The camera people adopted the animal right if it was abandoned?
Simply imitating your enemies and acting casual prevents them from going agro.
Prove it
Cub got stomped by antillopes.
There is no saving him.
>Last mission is a race sequence
>When you don't aggro the boss because you're a low level
Don't be dumb.
>"What are you doing in there?"
>"I... I dunno! W-What are you doing in here?!"
Man I haven't seen this in fucking ages. Is there still no source for it?
>Oh fuck, there goes my good moo-
Is that a snake or a legless lizard? They're awesome, basically harmless Skinks that became legless worm like things because "lol evolution what's that?"
Oh god I can hear the grunting
>Merely pretending.
It's not, when we can't find something naturally we will bend nature to get what want.
>Team mascot is great with tools
No they can't. They wish they could, but you have to let him die there. Nature is the truest fascist.
Aren't these called gopher snakes?
>works for me bro
No. As far as I know nature photographers aren't allowed to intervene. They have to let nature take its course.
>Quake IV
holy shit what's happening here
>that face of acceptance
What do you mean they can't? Can't they just take it to some kind of sanctuary?
Show me DNA evidence proving spider silk has been used historically and not just fanciful references to regular silk. I'll wait.
>enemy drains your health
he legit does that shit better than I ever could
>the enemy has more than one life
>New Objective: Escape
>that brief power slide
I actually have the full set of this scene start to finish if anyone wants to see em
No. Why should they?
>underdog Party member you grew attached too dies a hero halfway through the game
Run Forest Run!
My best guess is a bug getting swarmed and eaten alive by a bunch of smaller bugs, judging from the bigger one's reactions.
>you can raise an enemy from birth into a companion
navigating skyrim.webm
what a good boy
>wandering higher level npc defends you from enemy
>metroid after beating final boss
Legitimately looks like it's playing.
>enemy can be persuaded to avoid combat
>Wartortle used Guillotine!
IIRC if a bird does grow a brain cell and refuse to raise a cuckoo chick, the adult cuckoos will bully the other bird into raising it by force
>boss sends all his troops at your current location
>that kid who wavedashed to school
Oh yeah I know he dead, just was curious of the cause
Holy fuck this is shot like a horror movie. Jesus this is disturbing.
did you see his face m8, he was ready to die.
>enemy glitches itself behind a wall
schopenhauer was right
What are some good recent nature documentaries? I've seen all of the Attenborough ones, unless he has new ones.
They’re photographers, not animal handlers. They usually go out and camp for weeks to get their shots. What the hell are they going to do with an injury baby lion during that time?
My boy said well that's all folks
>Whats really hilarious is the cuckoo is usually much larger than the birds raising it.
Yeah it's fucking silly. Pic related, fucker doesn't even fit into the goddamn nest. You'd momma bird would notice that something is off but nope.
Nah, I'm gonna jack off to monstergirl smut.
Enjoy being needlessly combative on the internet.
One of the sidequests in Dragons Crown rewards you with this art and lore about this being how the invincible spidersilk cape was made.
>"I wish dinosaurs were still re-"
You bastard
It's the number one thing every nature photographer video crew learns.
You don't interfere, period.
>enemies can disguise themselves
Is that a dog or a stuffed animal.
That's a pretty big leech. Will he die if he doesn't pull it off?
In Starcraft 2 the zerg homeworld is full of creatures constantly killing and devouring each other to rapidly evolve
That is, essentially, our world
Tons of crazy shithead creatures all killing each other and trying to survive and become the most powerful
I fucking hate it bros, fuck nature
>Ice stage
>ice level
Fuck, I want to get married just to have some bantz with my kids
>Some adult parasitic cuckoos completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg. In this case, raising the cuckoo chick is less of a cost than the alternative—total clutch destruction.
>The parasitism is not necessarily entirely detrimental to the host species. A 16-year dataset was used in 2014 to find that parasitized crows' nests were more successful overall (more likely to produce at least one crow fledgling) than cuckoo-free nests. The researchers attributed this to a strong-smelling substance secreted by cuckoo chicks when attacked that repels predators, and noted that the interactions were not necessarily simply parasitic or mutualistic.[32]
forced diversity is their greatest strength
>NPCs can emote at you
>The mafia hypothesis provides an explanation as to why some host birds do not remove parasites' eggs from their nests. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests to spare itself the effort of raising its own young. However, some parasitic avian species like the North American brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) or the European great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) depredate their hosts' nests out of revenge when the hosts do not accept their eggs. Under these circumstances, it makes sense for the host birds to tolerate the additional work involved in raising the cuckoos in the nest to avoid endangering the lives of their own offspring.
>Host birds can have different reactions to brood parasites: while some basically accept other birds' eggs, others weed them out immediately. Others again only accept parasitic eggs when their nests have already been depredated on one occasion. Which of these behavioural strategies is most successful depends on the prevailing environmental conditions and on how often the adversary arises in a population: if there are a lot of mafia parasites around, it is worthwhile for the hosts to accept the parasitic eggs without resistance. However, if the parasites do not retaliate, host birds that remove the cuckoo eggs from their nests immediately are at an advantage. As a result, the frequency of the different behavioural strategies fluctuates in regular cycles.
what surprises me is how the chick knows how to drop the eggs and others outside the nest
This. They look like someone did some kind of grotesque taxidermy to a normal shark.
>Activate no fall damage cheat.
you were a good boy George
Wait. Sharks are just the felines of the sea?
>Enemy can copy your skill.
>Enemy team is immune to ambush
>enemy is a complete fucking mystery, even to hardcore forum nerds
pretty gud
>Going back to the starting level to beat up low level NPCs
>By that logic aren't animals that eat others evil as well?
All animals end up in population ratios dictated by reproductive cycle length of their competitors and predators; if the wolves kill too many deer the deer become too difficult to find and the wolves starve. If there are too many deer without predators they over-populate and starve when they eat green fields barren.
Compared to a predator, which keeps prey populations in check from destroying the plant biosphere, a parasite doesn't contribute anything to any biosphere or life cycle except its own; if it was able to, it would reproduce endlessly until there was *only* the parasite.
Like cancer.
>survived snu snu
>You can ask members from other guilds for help
>enemy can make your attacks backfire
>Neutral NPCs can steal your resources
>be born as a male lion
>starve to death
>or get injured and abandoned
>or get killed by the guy who kicked out your dad so he can impregnate your mom with his own kids
>or get killed by predators looking for easy food
>or get killed by water buffalo out for revenge
>manage to survive to adolescence
>get kicked out by your family and have to make it on your own
If you're lucky some of your brothers might get kicked out at the same time and you can team up.
>Fuck other animals
>Its not like we should preserve them.
without a fucking doubt
>spooky night
>only moonlight
>see THAT mother fucker doing his wing squat with that huge head
>yep that's a fuckin monster I'm dead
Really, the dudue handled a Cassowary running up to him exactly like you should. Stay calm, don't turn your back on it, and just keep moving away from it. Eventually it'll get the hint you don't have any food for it and fuck off. Cassowaries run up to people like that because you get retards feeding them, so they start associating people with food and running at them expecting more.
Do cuckoos provide anything to nature? I'm feeling like wanting to genocide them
>that sambo reversal
That's so fucking cool. I wish I could work with bugs. Looks so fun.
>TL;DR if you don't take care on this baby I'll fuck your house up
holy shit, look at his eyes.
he was a real hero
he was a true patriot
Probably a lot of people dont get this reference anymore
Skepticism is not being combative.
A lot of animals enjoy a good scratch.
>Invert Y axis: On
>You can camp enemy spawn point
>snek learns football etiquette
>people enjoy feeding defenceless baby animals to some leathery fuck reptile that couldn't give any less shits about you and would eat you if it could
>final boss can be persuaded to an hero
>those eyes closing from pleasure/sensation
oh so I should just love the shark not punch it in the gills what the fuck
the story about the crow war with the mcdonalds, that was some good shit.
>game has a object that looks barely climbable except for a few invisible polygons
>enemy attacks only do 1 damage
Do you know what the most fucked up shit about cuckoos is? They can change their EGG COLORS and can even change the SIZE of their eggs to fit more the the eggs of the bird they want to cuck.
What the fuck, man.
Pic related, black arrows indicate the cuckoo eggs.
So yeah, they evolved the ability to change their egg colors and sizes, the knowsledge to remove one egg, as well as the instinct to throw the other eggs and chicks out right after it's born. Nature is fucked up.
>Not knowing you can negate fall damage if you slide off something halfway
Quak it up, sempai
>defeated enemies come back later in the game with enhancements
it wasn't home free at all. It's on a very small patch of ice, look closer. Orcas can flip that easily.
You can see it has no energy left, it's exhausted, can't even fight as it's dragged down as that other guy said they chase them for a while.
No they actually sodomize it after they're done filming. These are sick sick people.
Here's your shoebill bro,
Stared and bullied into retreat
>Ah shit
>enemies can be romanced
Is that a grain silo or something?
>That enemy that has a .1% chance to encounter
>At night
>Game has lots of gore
These little fuckers are so smart they could outjew a literal jew.
are they destroying the ecosystem?
are they a pest?
I love doggos so much
Skepticism is you looking into the matter yourself out of doubt and curiosity. Either you learn something new, or you get to post a smug anime girl and a link to a Snopes article proving me wrong.
"DNA evidence or it didn't happen" is being a shithead, uninterested in actually learning anything.
>heard you talking shit bitch
>When an assman gets reincarnated
awww it's a lil' retard kitty
that dead-eyed headbobble is so cute.
invertebrates should stay in their fucking lane
>enemy has no discernible weakpoint
Didn't Australia lose against these things?
>hanging a foot off the edge of the bed
Instantly made me think of this song
It's not a fucking Andalite
in fairness, at this point the body has probably shut down the zebra's pain receptors or it's too much in shock to feel it anymore.
Nomad lion brothers are the best
Ducks are such bros.
I would, I'm not gonna lie
its probably just instinctive behavior-- it probably is associating the scratches with Deparasiting that small fish due, the sensation of being scratched might feel similiar to other fish cleaning it.
Since a human isn't "normal" food for it and its just curious, when it experiences a positive sensation that compels it to be neutral and not attack (since it thinks its being cleaned) it just keeps kind of behaving "friendly"
>The clownfish trying to calm everyone down
A true friend
I wonder if we'll ever truly understand animals intentions with scenarios like this. This webm I'd expect someone to say oh they just happened to walk into the ducks territory, birds were more of a threat so they were targeted first. I bet afterwards they went for the penguin too. It's nice to think they may have just came to the rescue and we underestimate animals but its unlikely.
>there goes the neighborhood
I bet you're into handholding too you sick fuck
>enemy ai gets stuck in aggro mode
uh so would every other animal
or plant or any living thing
cause thats the point of life and reproduction
They love you too.
>Showing compassion
anyone comes close that girl wouldn't last to long
God I wish that were me
>Boss can be put to sleep
You are one cynic asshole, eh user?
>my sides!
Birds, man. Everyone knows this already.
thanks lads this was the best thread on Yea Forums in a long while
Fuck off retard.
>literally has tissue sample
>DNA evidence is impossible
That was the Emu.
If they were fighting Cassowaries, it wouldn't have been so humiliating,
Nah they are just assholes.
this kills the crab
>It's nice to think they may have just came to the rescue and we underestimate animals but its unlikely.
I don't think you understand just how much flock animals fucking hate predators.
>Boss gets really nervous in front of a crowd
this, but unironically
so I can shoot the fuckers?
how does the cameraman not fall to his knees and weep in joy for the life he's been granted?
>Babysat a hedgehog once
>Shit was ungodly awful smelling and everything was always covered in urine
Put me off wanting one.
That cat's scarred for life.
>>defeated enemies come back later in the game with enhancements
Reminds me of the nemesis system in the shadow or mordor games. I killed one orc like ten times and he kept coming back with new shit added to him.
I mean they are maneaters but the real assholes are bull sharks.
>Tiger sharks are like the ocean's garbage cans, because they'll eat just about anything that can fit in their mouth
Thanks Jaws. I mean your statement is right, it's just almost word for word what they say in Jaws.
>Revisiting the Level 1 area 100 hours in.
there needs to be a script for web browsers that replaces all instances of "pit bull" with "nigger"
name 5 pairs
>Dragon dogma
The human trait of compassion/empathy is not entirely unique, and originated somewhere.
Highly disturbing
Unironically this.
>enemy is impervious to attack
Putting words in my mouth is also being a combative shithead.
What the fuck is this?
hes so confused
>that chad chick protecting his brethren
Reminder that Indian there is going to beat that baby elephant tonight.
On the bright side, that initial buzzsaw to the center kills their nervous systems, and they're probably too cold to realize.
>Nature's NEETS
He was running from the asshole chasing him with the drone.
>halo combat evolved finale
that is one sleepy little kitteh
It was a girl
It's a crinoid
Half of these are terrifying and the other half fascinating
Well yes, that's why I said they targeted the birds first. My point was, did they run them off to help the penguin, or simply because they were to close to their territory
eat shit
Eh, either way.
>fuck that dark motherfucker
I like that prank video, but why only that .gif ever circulate the internet, the rest of the video is good too.
"George tried to protect us by barking and rushing at them, but they started to bite him - one on the head and the other on the back".
>the dark knight rises.webm
welcome to nature
Ask the United Kingdom
>quest items can be destroyed
>h game
>good scenes are nearly impossible to get
>Boss is actually kind of hot
How much can one spider make?
I saw your point. It's a stupid point.
Duck territory? Seriously?
>At what point are creatures like this no longer considered dogs? And don’t give me that “fertile offspring” bullshit since tons of animals are considered separate species while being able to mate.
It only looks like that because a stylist trimmed the hair to be extra cute. It is called a teddy bear cut.
Terrifying things are fascinating
>no homo
Rabbit Territory!
>Look to my coming at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East.
steamer ducks
hate those eagles.
Its not really cynical, just fish and reptiles aren't really evolved to be capable of empathy like mammals or birds are.
Its just not something their animal line developed along the way in an evolutionary sense. Its why reptiles can be trained to respond well to captivity, they've never really been "Domesticated" in that you can't breed something into a species if none of their genetic samples have that as a trait (same with fish)
thanks for the thread /an/
Just when I thought Yea Forums had gone complete normie, you post something like this.
>When you're so bitter that you ruin everyone else's fun
this is what fascinates me about insects
>what fucking kind of deer is this
>it's an Eagle
What a fucking chad bird
You retards, this dog just got a haircut and its fur dyed. Asians are crazy like that.
How exactly? Ducks are highly territorial animals
>enemy is vulnerable to fear
goddamn these things are clumsy. Why aren't they all fucking dead?
>best threads on Yea Forums are always the animal threads
>Grouping with friends
Then you are the one being the shithead by calling anyone who puts even simple barriers between you and baseless claims a shithead.
>If you're lucky some of your brothers might get kicked out at the same time and you can team up.
Then they eventually have to fight, the biggest twist.
>You whacked lil' jonny's kids ya sick fuck
>This is for littler jonny and lil' janine!
It can still eat the bird corpse
Sup, Ahmed. Did you throw acid in that girl's face who turned you down yet?
>"Who shot Hannibal?"
BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
they are monster predators underwater and don't have to deal with land predators. they can be as losers as they want on land.
What a fucking asshole
I'm calling you a shithead because you're putting words in my mouth.
You're not looking to learn anything, you just want an argument in an autosaging off topic thread.
>Boss is really poofy
Our God is an angry God
Seems like animals are freakishly tough compared to us. I'm amazed it wasn't immobilized by a broken neck or legs or at least knocked unconscious
i used to have two dogs who manages to get through those kind of gates, they take a stroll and later return pretending nothing happened, those fuckers were clever but maybe being stray dogs makes them streetwise. Of course they got fatter as they grew older so they couldn't do that shit anymore
Ah, animal threads. The single thing I have against Yea Forums
> Yup, gonna feel that one in the morning.
>you lick good mon ami
>you taste good mon ami
its almost like they're not supposed to be pets
What words did I put in your mouth? Was it the obvious implication that you were claiming that it is unreasonable to expect DNA evidence when you have the supposed spider silk right there? If not then why are you insulting people for demands you otherwise admit are reasonable?
God this gif makes me laugh every single time I watch it. The look of pure confusion on the raccoon's face is just gold.
Lmao that cat is really thinkin
delete this right now
These are fucking things that had australia on its knees. The absolute state.
Seems like opposite to me. Most animals will choose flight over fight unless the odds are really favorable to the predator. Human bullheadedness is almost unnatural, nobody would spend hours hunting one animal.
>Ally just wants a hug
Bird ears sure are something.
that dogs fucking laughing
This thing is dying for sure
>all is lost
>enemy is accompanied by higher level versions of them
Its probably diseased or injured
My kneejerk reaction says rabies but I haven't seen a rabid animal do that head bobble. They're just sluggish as fuck
Humans are ridiculously though dude. Broken leg? No fucking problem m8.
Broken leg on a horse? It's fucking dead. Just shoot it.
"Der I think my baby is broken,"
Someone needs to make this a Yea Forums banner
Its not to the same level as apes, but some species of birds can exhibit empathy, if only at a small level.