What is he playing in heaven, Yea Forums?

What is he playing in heaven, Yea Forums?

Attached: TB1.jpg (1018x570, 87K)

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In one of the posthumous podcasts his wife mentioned that while he was in his final hours he was complaining about the resolution of his dreams

He's playing Brothers A Tale of Two Sons in VR.

Attached: bugs sad.jpg (232x197, 38K)


He's playing #FortniteGame

Fortnite. He's flossin' on us right now.

>implying this elitist cunt would be in Heaven if it existed

Literally whom?


Attached: EC91A5FE-0A9D-42ED-A5D7-E63CE42FD0B1.jpg (640x360, 34K)

And that his only regret was not playing forknife more