What's harder? Become the best Smash Bros Melee player or learn to perfectly play Franz Listz's Liebestraum No. 3?
What's harder? Become the best Smash Bros Melee player or learn to perfectly play Franz Listz's Liebestraum No. 3?
Lincoln Gonzalez
Aiden Sullivan
smash bros player
Ryan Perez
Liam Sanders
You know your art is garbage when Zelda is even less attractive than an E rated game made her.
Josiah Brooks
My penis when looking at and thinking about Zelda's big beautiful ass!
Landon Carter
They both require following something exactly without any creativity. Tier list for smash, a sheet for that song
James Ramirez
my cock after licking the sweat out of her smelly asshole
Liam Gutierrez
Needs more steam
Dominic Rodriguez
Smash player since you're supposed to be the best and many professional pianists can perfectly play Listz. However, being able to composea piece of of music as good as Liebestraum is way harder than becoming the best smash bros melee player
Landon Rivera