ITT: Games Only You've Played
ITT: Games Only You've Played
I fucking love Fossil Fighters and FF: Champions. Such good games
Ya I played that game at swim meets and shit when I was like 9 or 10. Takes me back
I remember watching the trailer on the Wii shop channel and then downloaded the demo it via the old DS & Wii connection method.
A shame Champions only has the old characters in DLC.
Great game.
Champions was peak Fossil fighters, then the 3ds version had to ruin everything with their ugly fuck models.
I played og and champions but i didn't know they made a 3rd.
I remember playing this game and it's sequel. the plot was weird as hell. I remember teleporting into a giant fish in space that was trying to destroy the planet and killing 3 being inside of him to kill him. Was that real or did I just imagine it?
Fuck I really wish they made a sequal
no its real
its just as stupid as you remember, im playing it on desmume
No you're actually thinking of the final boss of the first game lol. Guhnash, I think its name is, creepy fucker. And the three "Vivosaurs", if they can be considered such, it used were its brains: Guhvorn, Guhlith, and Guhweep.
yoooo I made this exact same thread like a 2 month ago thats crazy, same image as well.
waifu coming up
I really hope I'm the only one here who had the displeasure of playing this.
Wouldn't wish that displeasure to any other user.
I love this series! Made an awesome team with Gorgo, Tanstro and Radox.
I unfortunately bought this at full price and dropped it after a few hours.
based nanovor
true, sucks we won't get another
The 3ds one also ruined the battle system
i liked it
pretty sweet
Can't believe I fell for this shit. A shame it killed the series. Also never played the sequel, how is it? Also alien dino wife>lame ass pink haired girl.
No sir, I actually still have that cart. Its one of the ONLY GAMES where the mechanics revolve around excavating something in a precise manner.
t. archaeologist.
Pretty sure I was the only one to watch the anime too.
Comfy as shit scuba diving. I remember you could play music off your SD card on your boat. Was fun.
I ended up playing the opening of the game but dropped it for DQ5 instead, was the anime any good?
the gameplay is fun as fuck, too bad the stealth section scared people away.
Played this game as a kid. Could never beat that boss, and assumed there was still a lot after that. Fuck, I was so close to beating the final boss.
No one ever talks about Theresia on DS.
And if by the off chance there's someone who does know about the game please don't spoil me I haven't finished Dear Martel yet I'm only at the first chapter thank you
spectrobes did the exact same thing where you could irreprebably damage a fossil if you were careless
Too bad I can’t find any way to play the PC version ever again...