This game is bad

>this game is bad
>it's overrated!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally Undertale

I haven't played TF2 in years, is it worth reinstalling?

Only if you have friends to play with

>this game is bad
>it didn't age well

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>The story was hard to follow.

Literally Witcher 3

Literally Sonic Adventure 2

Ocarina of Time

>go back to play one of your favorite childhood games
>your outlook is jaded to hell and back nowadays
>somehow despite all the new flaws you can find she still has that spark that made you fall in love with her all those years ago
What's her name Yea Forumsirgins? Mine's Star Fox.

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This only applies to movies for me.

"This game is bad"
"The graphics are bad"

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not him but I still like it

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For me, it's Rayman 2

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>this game is bad!
>it's overrated!
>in what way?
>in general!
>it's bad!

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>this game is bad
>It has less depth than older titles
>But it has more mechanics

>the game is bad
>*gives a reasonable argument as to why*

Pokemon Emerald

Undertale is a strange case. It is overrated, completely overrated, but it really is a good game. Anyone that says it is bad is just a contrarian, however, anyone that says it is "le best game/RPG ever!!!" are just as bad as the contrarians.
It's a great game, but not godlike as it is described by many people in its fanbase.

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Yet somehow praising a game is any different? Thinking a game is good is just as subjective as thinking it sucks.

The idea is that "games age" is a fictitious concept. A game can't age poorly or well, it simply exists.
Games don't change, people do.

The difference is one side has an argument based on facts and logic and the other does not

>This game is bad
>Because [other game]

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i play it occasionally for quick funs

or maybe some people just don't like it
fucking cretin

>facts and logic
On Yea Forums? lol

>this game is good
>It's fucking [game] dude, do you have shit taste?

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It's not a good game though

wonderful 101, till the end of time

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>this game is good
>it's fun
>wow look it's the "fun is a buzzword" faggot!

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>this game is bad
>because dev is a nazi

I like it's story and characters but the gameplay becomes stale and uninteresting once you play all the routes

>this game is bad
>because it has women and minorities

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I've never called FFVII bad, I've just called it Inferior to VI and IX. It being overrated goes without saying, everyone who knows anything about FF knows is the single most overrated entry in the franchise, if not the most overrated videogame of all time, but I'll reiterate it to stay with the thread theme.

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You must be 18 years of age to browse this website.

>This game is bad
>Because i said so you shill.

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i know that feel bro

True, but this thread is working on the assumption one person has at least given some reasons for the game being good, while the other person is using "overrated" as an argument

Nah it's incredibly easy and repetitive bar 2 fights

>this game is bad
>because its soulless

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gameplay is easy garbage and nothing else matters

Super Mario 64. Special feelings with that game.

Battleborn isn't a great game, has many flaws but it definitely had potential that shined at certain times, I had some fun times playing it despite its flaws. it was dealt a terrible hand by the retards at gearbox.
>Small minority of anons that have actually played the game and feel the same way.
>Any time you bring it up its either pruned or devolves into twitter shitposts about Randy being an annoying dickhead.
>Before it was constantly bombarded by blizzdrones deepthroating Overwatch like it was the second coming of christ
>Scorched earth in terms of content and memes due to burnout and Randy being Randy.
>Noone cares about Overwatch anymore except for the occasional shitpost about a new character, porn dump/gay erp healslut gathering and muh ESPORTS
I'm STILL disappointed
At least it's not lawbreakers.