Why is it that every time a moderately popular youtuber reviews Space Station 13 the servers go to complete shit for...

Why is it that every time a moderately popular youtuber reviews Space Station 13 the servers go to complete shit for weeks?

It happened when mandalore did a review, it happened when oney did that video and now it's happened again

Why can't jewtubers just leave us the fuck alone?

Attached: newfags incoming.jpg (480x360, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey, it's not their fault your game is interesting.

ad revenue comes from the spilled blood of your communities

The game is nearly dead on some servers I can only hope that enough people learn to play so I can go on /vg/ again.

and other servers have like 200 people on them

desu most servers go to shit with more than 20 people, byond just can't handle it

Any non-shit server can easily handle 60 people.
Stop playing on goon

There are some games, like Space Station 13, that don't lend well to streamers mainly because a part of the game is lack of information and using outside means of getting information is against the rules.

It's not really the streamers fault or the games fault, but hopefully streamers realize this and fuck off.

SS13 needs more blood.

yeah but 60 people is too many, it's too chaotic

20 people, each playing actual roles (no assistants, clowns, janitors or mimes) with an admin playing the AI is the optimal setup

Sseth was 100% aware that this video would destroy SS13 for months and that its literally not built for mainstream, yet he still went with it.


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>no clowns
Fuck off.

The Merchants Guild demanded it

>half of the 111 people on /vg/ right now are assistants
fucking hell, I'm scared to join

they're a complete waste of a job-slot, they fulfil no purpose at all

their """job""" is just griefing until security gets annoyed enough to shoot them

This. You can't beat the Happy Merchant.

A little chaos is what makes it fun though. 20 people is just too small for a good round. Makes most maps feel completely empty too.

>muh super sektrit club of redditors

oh noes

I see you haven't played a round with a competent clown

>they fulfil no purpose at all
>apparently have purpose

Its not my fault that the servers are shit, is it now?
Im gonna play the game and you cant stop me

You miss the point of ss13 completely

Just weld all the newfags into lockers and vent them, it kept me away when I jumped on the craze years ago

>People are legitimately angry that their game gets exposure
Why dont you blame the devs for having shitty servers, assuming theyre not fucking dead

It isn't the servers that are the problem. It is the flood of newfags that shit up each and every round they are in

>flood of newfags

You should expect your game to be played by people who are new at it and want to learn about it. You dont have an exclusive right to a game. Make it private if you really need to.

>You dont have an exclusive right to a game
you dont know shit about ss13

>You dont know shit about ss13

I know its the same as every other game.
Be glad that someone who isnt a furry advertised it for you. It should help clean up the problem.

The fucking game isn't even meant to be played on a server of more than 70 people, the Newfags shitting everything up because they are given freedom in a RP game only exacerbates the problem.
This guy is right
You don't know shit about ss13

Why do you talk about this like you know anything about ss13 when you've clearly never played it?

Too bad, so sad, suck my cock, enjoy the newfags

>I know its the same as every other game.
It's not though, literally every server has the ability to be unique and are unique due to the fact a server can change the rules of the game.

Playing Colonial Marines is nothing like playing /vg/station, yet both are the same game.

does it seem like he actually played the game this time?

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Ss13 seems like a game I would enjoy, but it looks so janky an unintuitive. I'd have an easier time playing dorf fort, and I do.

SS13 legitimately needs new blood. Not saying that it should become more accessible, it just honestly needs more players. I've never played another game like it.

Oh how can we keep up our furry ERP now?! Ugh griefers when me just want to le rolepway....

If you play dorf fort, you should be used to memorizing hotkeys.
Thats all it really amounts to

Is there any project that tries to take ss13 off byond?

>furfags seething that newfriends who want to actually play the game instead of sucking each others cocks joined in on the fun
Get fucked

>but it looks so janky an unintuitive. I'd have an easier time playing dorf fort, and I do.

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Plenty and all have failed

this guys lisp is so god damn aggravating

yeah, but the players should at least watch some tutorials on basic gameplay first

one round I played in today, half the newfags took more than a minute just to unbuckle themselves from the shuttle

no successful ones

This kek. Die furfags.

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Oh. How many hotkeys?

>I don't like hordes of le epic maymay griefer newfags invading my server so I must be a furry

Yeah actually, he even seems to have started a local server and recreated the stories he was telling like some sort of dollhouse
There is also some real footage of actually playing the game

YouTube discussion needs to auto-ban.


Dorf fort with lazy newb. And mouse control.
Fuck not using a mouse. I don't live in the 80's.


There are plenty of those
the curse consumed them all, though

A loooooooot of hotkeys

new blood is whats killing places like tg the newer coders go out of their way to make the game less fun and unintuitive

Why isn't ss13 a moo?

for our amusement

What are you then and why do you play it?

Has anyone ever told you that you're really fucking stupid?

i hope you cunts enjoy the influx of newfaggots. you deserve it

Well, is the learning curve steep?
And how badly will I get bullied if I play assistant or whatever? I've had my eye on ss13 for a while and this review might do it for me. Mandalores review should have been enough.

I just like playing on my small 20 player server

Now the population has doubled because of the fucking newbs

Just dont play with /vg/ and you should have a relatively interesting time being hazed

This. Literally the definition of muh sekrit club.

Installing it right now

Nobody cares if you are a newfag as long as you don't murderbone, the learning curve isn't that deep and you can take it at a slow pace and still have fun. Your first real job should be cargo, it eases you in real nice like.

Trying finding an empty server and playing as AI

AI have vision on almost the entire map and can access any electronic device connected to the mainframe, which is most of them

It's honestly one of the fastest ways to figure out what everything does

Wait doesn't VG have a 2 assistant per round limit?


Is /tg/ better?

Sounds fun and comfy. Until the weird shit like space wizards and murderous clowns happens, right?

It has a more active community, /vg/ is the "oldfags"

fresh blood is needed to save /tg/, the current playerbase have grown too complacent in allowing the retarded coders to destroy the server by removing anything fun.

I recommend starting with /vg/

>no HBL
>no oranges
>nobody to save anything
thanks meka

That is the best part. Not to mention it is pretty easy to get access to guns as a cargo tech.
Don't activate any of the antag roles as a newfag, that really tends to piss people off

Quick rundown on /vg/?

You were a fucking newfag at one point, genius. The only way you learn how to play is, you know, starting to play. What a stupid fucking thing for you to say.

they want to role play as a serious space station instead of play space station 13
fuck me i've heard they took the vore away because people kept smugling bombs inside their assholes

Sounds boring. I'm interested in ss13 for the weird funny shit.

There is a HUGE difference between
>A couple of newfags learning the ropes
>over half the fucking server being assistants
If you don't get the difference you might be braindead.

>The only way you learn how to play is
Reading the fucking wiki

>you learn to play ss13 by playing

It's like /tg/ but the coders are less obsessed with removing things.


Think "this is fine". Thats what I want.

more people for me to harvest and train my surgery

Don't listen to him he is a /tg/fag

Where is the fun in that?

The only difference is a lot more people want to try out the game you elitist cunt, go suck a 12 inch dildo.

for fuck sake just go janitor
you literaly cant fuck up as janitor, just clean shit up
thats it

>I've never played a round of SS13 but you should listen to me because I know whats good for the game!

Oh, it is the retard that doesn't know what ss13 even is.

Oh ok. Its been a while since I took a look at the wiki. It explains the differences between servers, right?

Yup, no weird funny shit on /tg/ at all, you should probably avoid the /tg/ server entirely and go ruin some other server

In fact, don't even bother logging on to /tg/, trust me you'll hate it. Go play goon or something

the best part is people whining about slipping on wet floors even though the wet floor signs are down

I think the big wiki is /tg/ based, but there really isn't that big of a difference between the two.
NEVER go on Goon

I don't know who's jewing me anymore. But I am certainly being jewed here.

I assume the goons run goonstation. And I fucking hate goons.

Ok so let me get this straight, because I'm not a massive retard paranoid nutcase who doesn't balk at the fact that new people are playing the game, ala the original poster I was replying to, I've "never played ss13" jesus christ that's not even an argument, it's just retarded.

Goon sucks.

It's too late, all of these fucking new silicons are making me sick.

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No, it is because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.


I've played this game for 9 years and still use arrow keys to move.

No, you've never played SS13 because you obviously don't understand how even a basic round plays.

>no idea what I'm talking about
Do you even know what anyone is talking about at all?

>Be glad that someone who isnt a furry advertised it for you
But sseth is a furfaggot like Mandalore

I’ll try the game out.
Can someone explain to me how long a game lasts and what rounds are?

No, Goon is great and really newbie friendly, all the new players should go there

SS13 relies on the players to push the game round forward and keep things going. If half the server is retards who don't even know how to unbuckle themselves from a chair in the game, then there's nowhere the round can go and it becomes a major borefest.

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common i played the game for 2 years and i still dont know how to buckle myself to a chair

I'm noticing it's been a while since you actually had anything to say but "nuh uh" and now images.

Fuck goons and fuck SA.

Rounds last until the emergency shuttle is called and either departs or is destroyed, or everyone dies

It can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on how chaotic things get

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>that poor lad who always falls when the shuttle launches

you dont need hotkeys at all you can play arrow keys mouse and probably play better then half the autists

>New silicons keep taking ai slots and going braindead immediately when they realize they have to follow asimov
>Chemists everywhere keep going for dangerous chems only and not even bothering to make the most basic healing shit
>Engineers waddling off without even knowing they should get insulated gloves

These is even worse than tippotide.

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If clown didn't exist security would have nothing to do.

>lol u guiz should be happy new people are playing ur gaym
>lol just get better servers lmao

Imagine you have friends. Now imagine that you and your friends like to do a fun activity together, such as a movie night, or board games in the afternoon. You've been doing this for years and everyone has a good time. Now imagine that some fucking jew on YouTube makes a review on your board game night, and the next day 1600 people who have never even seen a goddamn Monopoly board rush into your house, take everything from your fridge, run a train on your wife and deposit enough shit on your floor that it becomes indistinguishable from New Delhi. Fuck you to death, you don't even play the game you insufferable faggots.

security is for faggots anyway

Rounds are single completed games. They start with everyone alive and the station intact. How they end depends on the ruleset, usually by having the Emergency Shuttle called and everyone evacuating, if all personnel die, or if all Antagonists die. The type of round that determines win conditions and antagonists are determined secretly each time. Sometimes you get an "extended" round where there are no antagonists at all and people are free to chill and make mischief.

Rounds can last from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the number and competence of players. You can join or leave a match in progress without issue, though you may not be able to leave the starting room due to danger outside.


SS13 is the ultra secret club faggotry game. Every time this happens, it slowly dwindles until only a portion of the wave are left. I know you're a static character who wants games with the only 10 players you know, but the station needs more people to fill roles and fall for tricks.

Unless, you know, you're playing on Paradise or something and have all the "people" you need. Is that why you're upset? You can't ERP?

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Except its not your hous and its not your game


coming onto thread
reeeeeeeeee talk about thing i like

>muh gatekeeping

Sounds like a lot of fun to be honest

you sound like a fag filled with assumptions

He just loves eating cum

>Servers are actually populated again
>People having fun discovering the shit they can do in the game
>All sorts of shenanigans happening because of the new people
>Medbay isn't fucking dead for once in its life
Fuck you "MUH SEKRET CLUB!" faggots, these influxes are fucking great. If you want to play with the same 10 people constantly go host your own fucking server.

>go host your own fucking server.
no fuck off newfg find your own game

Hey he said not to play it and he's right to say so. Just go play Gmod RP or some bullshit, at least retarded but dramatically less janky.

>Populated again

Every server being 70-80 pop isn't a good thing.

I am guilty of joining the game after seeing the video. However after setting up my character I landed in a completely dark area, people randomly standing there. I did 5 steps out with a huge delay and unbearable lag and performance issues, and the first thing that happened was that suddenly white smoke appeared everywhere, non-stop fart sounds and screams, then my guy lost his foot or something (?) and I could barely move anymore.

I quit after that. Fuck that shit.

>b-but he said not to play it
shut up fanboy


Don't come back

>that fucking nigger story

Attached: hahahahaha.jpg (200x200, 10K)

Can you rape someone?

Not on most servers

As opposed to the same 10-20 people every round, its a blessing.

>non-stop fart sounds
Holy shit did you actually go to goonstation, what a retard.

What happens on goonstation?


Do you enjoy just making up these numbers?

how the fuck should i know, was there a global warning somewhere to not join any of these shitty servers.

When I last played last week on tgstation there was a max of 24 people

noooooooo stop playing my secret game stop it stop it stop it

Mandalore and Seth are so fucking shit.
Mandalore has the worst voice though

You aren't allowed to say nigger or faggot.

/tg/station is such fucking cancer.
Awful moderators and catfag trannies like Kevinz ruin shit.
Seriously so fucking sick of the tranny metagang

It's reflective of /tg/ as a whole.

Does Seeth have a thing for Khajiit?
Like why does he have some sort of cropped furry porn on half his videos?

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fucking casual

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Obviously. He went on furry servers for fucks sake.
He's like that YMS fag

I'm gonna be a clown and do clown stuff.


Is it just me or are his videos no longer the same?


Yeah they kinda have no SOUL

Fuck off sseth. Your editing is atrocious and your voice annoying. Write your own scripts instead of stealing

Wrong. The merchants guild no longer has power over him.

>mandalore has the worst voice
At least he can pronounce TH sounds.

e621.net/post/show/1796139 here you go sseth


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>space station fur teen
I mean he's not wrong

Remember to -Katia Managan

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I am so glad that people like you are affected by this. Nothing fills me with more joy that your ilk suffering.

Hey hey people.
Sseth here.

Issue is that SS13 simply isn't designed for more than like, 50-70 people unless its CM. Once you have 100+ people huddled together especially if half of them started 8>= hours ago its impossible to do shit. Doesn't help that the servers and engine can barely handle 100 people.

>turns off video

t. "gamer girl" who only plays shitty mobile games

>Server reaches population cap
>Not a single assistant
>30 assistants

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checked quints of thruth ssseth is a free man

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fuck off discord trannies

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Streamers need to keep doing this, so the SS13 servers become literally unplayable, so it will force one of the remakes (if any still exist) TO FINALLY BE FUCKING MADE

>The conveyor belt full of banana peels and hacked vending machine turrets.
>The cult that was stop by the janitor.
>"Security the're turning her into a Papa John!"

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BLACKED and bluepilled

Are security players really always on a powertrip? Genuinely curious

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they occasionally are decent but otherwise they are practically braindead or powertrip

They have to be to keep a modicum of order. It is just what happens to the psyche when you realize everyone is out to get you

All of you are correct. And as a captain whenever i hear a clown get tortured/raped/beat/dismembered i give zero fucks because that's part of the burden of being a clown

you shit on people, but you'll get shit on way more, a clown that makes it end game is the only clown worth having around

In his defense he did ask people not to play.

Lets be honest SS13 is amazing but dogshit because of its limitations. We need a new SS13 on a better service.

Also Sseth stories were god damn fucking hilarious so it was worth it.

gotta get that cum in his mailbox somehow, user

like anyone was going to listen to that

Actually I listened. I'm not playing the game right now as we speak.

Checkmate, atheists

You say that, but Sseth gave a clear example of WHY clowns are amazing when one lubed the hallway to the airlock and killed half the crew.

Its fucking funny, its AMAZING gameplay mechanics and its the ONLY reason SS13 is good. You literally cant point to a single other game where people can be complete fucking dickheads in the most amazing ways possible and just fuck everything up for everyone.

Having a balance of people trying to do their jobs and some people ruining everything is why SS13 is so loved, you need people playing the game 'properly' because they are the canvas to which absolutely fuckery can occur.

If you have no fuckery then the game is just a boring chore simulator. If you have too much fuckery then its just a mess and nothing interesting happens because everything is happening at once. You need that balance between the janitors and the clowns.

why so much failure?
seems like the demand for non-shit interface and servers should be there

Bartender gets bounties for the cargo, so that's something. Chaplain is needed to fight cults. Botanist can make food and do cargo bounties.

The game has literal decades of coding behind it

Cant capture the feature depth. Same issue you have with DF, in order to complete you have to create a game with the same as or more content and doing so requires too much time and energy for a basically dead game.

Sure it has its regulars, but no one is going to make a SS13 game and commercialize it because not enough people would buy it. And the Toady's of the world are too far and few between to fix up a new SS13.

Also the current community on all servers is dogshit no fun allowed so fuck em anyway.

What about, you know, antagonists?
Dealing with Syndies, cultists?



The best is when you fuck shit up, and do so by doing your job.
I still remember one round where as a geneticist, I found Hulk and cold resistance within the first 3 minutes. Blasted on radio COME DOWN TO GENETICS FOR HULK AND COLD RES.
By the time I got arrested, I had already won. The round was permanently changed.

>that part with the niggerbomb
game looks like it's extremely fun, and I like games where you can act like a complete fucking retard. But at the same time learning all the shit to be able to play it decently looks extremely autistic, even for my low standards

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I haven't been on /tg/station in years.
What happened?
It was the only server I played on. I knew what the rules were, and knew how to push boundaries without getting DINGed
Things like turned Cargobay into a pawn shop, or other action that might lead to me killing other players, or disrupting other players, but with a suitably IC justification

and goblins.
and traps.

Oh boy, I sure do like playing with 8 braindeads, 6 observers, 4 people not even in the game, an autist working on his Gordian Knot of pipes, and the one person who thinks AFKing in the bar is rich role-playing.

These are both incorrect.

You absolutely can capture the feature depth, it just will cost a lot of money to do so. (Or time, but realistically this isn't possible with just a couple of people, and therefore, money is required).

Someone like fucking notch should just fund it because he wants it, not to make money from it.

What, you're telling me medbay isn't a self service station?

Oh my God. You're boring. Stay on Bay with your shit opinions.

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I don't get it, if the servers are so bad then why don't they just port the game to a new engine?

You don't have to do your job for amazing things to happen.

>implying people haven't tried

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Sseth does say in his video "I do not recommend that hordes of you play this game because it will ruin the servers"
Don't hate Sseth just because a decent portion of his fanbase are retarded 12 yearolds.


to many features that autists would bitch about if they were removed or changed

also, because of the way the code came out, each server runs its own version of the game

>He doesn't play Clown as an anti-traitor/cult jannie who pretends to be obnoxious but is in fact the only reason everyone didn't die a horrific death yet
The trick is to do everything in your power to make their plans fall apart in the most obnoxious fashion possible without them being able to tell it's you. Thanks to hearing about the pneumatic cannon+LSD laden donuts suggestion, that gives me a new idea.

Is gmod rpg servers the closets you will get to a ss13 game?

Depends on the player count.
Sometimes you have to initiate things with your own hands.


Watching that video made me want to give the game another try after giving it a shot a few years back. But now I'm worried of being grouped with those autists just for dumb memes.

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>the LSD Pizza pocket gun story

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Just don't play AI or any head role and you'll be fine, admins won't ban you for fucking up and only the turbo tards will hiss at you

Sseth's video is the worst of all because his fanbase is made of shitters and he portrayed the game as being a randumb deathmatch so all the new blood will want to be epic griefers

>tfw you have power over the life and death of everyone on the station, and you're a glorified doorman

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>Mfw playing a janiborg and swerving past the janitor at round start as to let him know he isn't doing shit this round

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>Be Clown
>also be Changeling
>tell all the changelings over the hivemind chat to come get a dna sample and turn into me
>they do
>after equipping ourselves with ridiculous costumes and pranking implements we walk into the station proper
>one thing you should know is that changelings can turn normal people into people you've gotten samples of
>We made good use of both this and the hallucinogen sting to raise hell
>by the end of the round near everyone on the station was the clown.

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