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Other urls found in this thread:


based bandai namco holding out on american cucks

Doesn't seem like a relevant part of the game.

Nobody is surprised, violence is ok in murrica but boobs are bad. Especially anime boobs apparently

>Not playing japanese version of all games

This isn't even a fucking costume being removed or changed, this is an actual gameplay segment just being ripped out of the game

It's not but this could easily be spinned as why the game failed and it's going to be by people who are desperate for muh anime tiddies

though, I will say, the game is fucking trash anyway, fanservice certainly would have helped me regret buying it less. Fuck me for expecting it to be on par or better than a literal wii game, I guess.

Then I won’t buy it. Not mad, not going to be tweeting that I’m not buying it or anything.
Emotionally detached. Too tired to really get upset anymore. There are plenty of games to play all wanting my attention.

>Especially anime boobs apparently
Especially female asian body. Didn't you see what happened with DMC5?

Lol, why are burgurs so afraid of tiddies?

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>they're not trying to take your games away from you, nerds

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anime games forever cucked on consoles just get into VNs like the rest of us

Did Sony have something to do with this?

But what about violent anime boobs? Like Darkstalkers or something?

Most likely. Not directly, but with all the shit that has been going on, it's all a massive colateral damage with no other objective other than censorship and evil.

what is this from?

Imagine playing OP games for this
Or even playing them at all

>be American
>be denied anime titties
>get shot

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Well I hope the PC and Xbox One gets the hot springs mission, that would be pretty shitty if Sony somehow prevented the Xbox One and PC from getting it.

Japan is just lucky we're allies or withholding anime titties would merit war.

Based. Fuck that faggy-ass country.

Europe gets it when they get more triggered over this crap then Americans

My "I'm not playing a shitty rushed game from Bandai that uses anime licenses" boycott now has a reason to exist.

Isn't the game garbage anyway? Who gives a shit.

Read the OP. All of America got cucked.

Meanwhile the PAL version is intact. L O L

I used to take posts like this in stride but now it just hurts my heart. Every day the dyed hair brigade gets something else removed, or banned, or censored, and it's not stopping. Any dev that tries to resist is immediately attacked from all sides by the activist media. I hate this timeline.

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There is a lot of irrelevant shit in video games but it's nice to have it.
Every weapon outside the silenced tanq gun is irrelevant in MGS games but they're still there.
What a stupid argument.

What reason would they even have to withhold it? It's just one mission of the game that takes up like 12 minutes. Plus Nami's default attire on top is a swimsuit and they're not even naked at the spring, just wearing swimwear.

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Or Digital Devil Saga

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Namco US being an ass company.

Keep this in mind. Namco Europe does physical releases for NEAR EVERYTHING. Not so with US.

Feminists Rise Up!!

>It- it isn't even that big of a deal!

Fuck you. This is the next response from censorfags after "it's just a costume!" fizzles out.


Yeah, and I could be because of Sony so Bandai decided not to even try.

Is Namco US woke by any chance?

only incel pedophiles are upset about this

Whoops, my money to Scamco was seemingly left out of the loop

>wan piss

seething gook detected

Not at all. They just don't give a fat shit about anything not Dragon Ball related.

It should say a lot that only Dragon Ball and the occasional Naruto game gets dubbed.

>there are idiots in this thread who'll buy the game anyway and then proceed to complain anyway

I remember digimon was censored in NA but uncensored in EU too

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It's DLC though

Let us put an end to all of these lolicon fantasies.

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Americans are literally subhuman parasites, they used to be known as people who didn't take shit from their goverment & corporations, But now they willingly take everything up the ass & believe everything that the Trannies & Kikes tell them. What the fuck actually went wrong? Did 9/11 really do THAT much damage to America?

It's a pre-order DLC so apparently Namco had considered it eligible to be "ripped out" in the first place.

America's puritanical nature goes back to its very founding.

when in doubt just remember that next month my country requires a porn pass

We get the sexy costumes so I litterally don't get why they cut the misson

Even funnier that the middle east are getting this content. Jesus.

Stop posting anime tits, they scare me!

Yeah wait. That makes absolutely no fucking sense.

So this may not be censorship at all but Namco of the US not giving a shit at all. I'm so glad these shitheads didn't make Metroid Prime 4.

You deserve to be scammed if you still buy JUMP shit

I honestly don't know if financial failure would be enough to show the people in charge shit like this isn't a good idea. Just look at the comics industry. Nobody buys them anymore because the whole thing's been hijacked by far leftests, but they keep at it. Runs barely make it 5 issues in before it's canceled and "rebooted". Then they pat themselves on the back with meaningless awards and talks where they brag about writing lesbian latina super heroes. It's not about money for these people. ffs, IDW comics lost millions in a single year after hiring on lefties and that only made them double down.

Of course it is. Sick of you fucking c.ucks

Then we let it return to dust

This is why pc is the best version because some nice Euros will make a mod that restores it for us.

People that censor stuff are usually kind of dumb and ignorant about the stuff they don't like.

What was censored? If it's supposed to be that pic it was changed to blue instead of black, is that what passes for censorship?

The 1st amendment is the cornerstone of our country. Censorship of something for no other reason than, I don't like it, is as unamerican as you can get.
Sometimes I forget how bad bong bros have it.

>who cares its just a small costume alteration
>who cares its just a missing costume
>who cares its just a missing mission
>who cares its not important to the game
>who cares if it's coming to the west, nobody would've bought it.
>who cares just port it
>who cares if they censored every version
When does it stop?
Once they're done with sexy shit, they're coming back for the violent video games

When is California just going to break off into the sea already? I'm getting tired of this shit.

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>Nobody buys them anymore because the whole thing's been hijacked by far leftests, but they keep at it.

Comics are a bit different, since the big two live on movie sales. There's been rumors for years that Disney has considered shuttering the Marvel comics division entirely, since the entirety of it generates less revenue yearly than a single MCU flick.

Burn more gasoline.

What happens when a gameplay segment is removed from a game that ISN'T bad?

Resist these changes now, or else there won't be anyone around to stand up about them later, when it really matters.

Ameriburgers were never good. It's a country created by a mishmash of criminals and the mentally ill that abandoned their luxurious homes in Europe to travel across the globe to America. The resulting mutts are degenerate and basically subhuman as you specified.

>everyone joining in to dab on virgin weebs

they removed the nuns and made new characters just for NA that aren't religious dumbass

based and redpilled

Those peasants are cucked with the console again

OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO land of free

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>you were planning to play this trash

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>Comics are a bit different, since the big two live on movie sales.
That's true, but for DC less so. Maybe that's why they were able to resist longer than marvel, but it eventually got to them too.


>Nobody buys them anymore because the whole thing's been hijacked by far leftests, but they keep at it.
And if enough people didn't copout and buy their stuff anyway, they would bleed money, but they have this attitude that nothing they do will ever work so they'll just settle for buying into it like losers. I don't have sympathy for these people. I haven't bought a single comic since the 90s and I've never felt more liberated. Even if they keep making it, eventually it will catch up to them, but the people who complain don't have the patience to wait because everything must happen right the moment they make a decision, which is why the stupidity.
>not being a piratefag

Not for full price

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Wow I'm glad I skipped the 67th One Piece game now.

>Nobody buys them anymore because the whole thing's been hijacked by far leftests,
Comics were almost always leftist

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Lol what the fuck? Why would you buy this




Murica and Canada are already full of gooks

Video games don't seem like a relevant part of life, why bother making and translating them?

>Fighting nazis

You can tell the idiots who pushed for the removal of that mission know nothing about One Piece or its subject matter. Compared to other series and games, One Piece's ecchi is very tame.

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And yet despite that nudity in basically any media has been taboo for Americans for centuries.

Cops aren't the one's pushing tranny bills into law. They have to put with with the same lefty shit. Even a good cop can't do his duty as a peace keeper without human trash dragging him. And by human trash I mean, niggers. Like, I watched this video the other day of a guy with a CCL stop a robbery by shooting the robber dead while he had the clerk on his knees at gunpoint. They got a sound bite from the robbers mother and of course the sheboon was angry, saying the guy with the CCL should've just got in his car and drove away. This fucking nigger actually said the guy should've left someone in mortal danger to their fate.

Being uncomfortable with sex is a core American value, older than the Consittution.

>Thing was always leftest
And politics change over time and get different names. Plus nobody likes getting shit shoved down their throat and that having priority over the story. Plus it's not just politics but the general style of comics books got fucked now also as they all act like a slice of life anime. Also if that picture was made today it would be talking about how evil America is.

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Oh hey, it's you again. Missed you the last thread cause mods are fags. I was gonna say then what cap said about upholding ideals and freedom is absolutely correct.

oy vey, it was real in my mind!

What happened to America? You guys used to be cool. Big tits, explosions and badassery were the order of the day. Now it's like you're ashamed of yourself.

It was taken over by religious zealots. That religion is progressivism.

To be fair the texas kid threatened to shoot up a school. Even if that's in a game and even if you say "jk" that's fucking retarded to do and not expect something to happen

We have tits on television. We have no great aversion to nudity, even guys go full frontal once in a while. The movies with that shit just get rated R, or are aired later at night. They're not removed entirely.

>Censorship of something for no other reason than, I don't like it, is as unamerican as you can get.

Its a day 1 American trait that has been implemented in laws in one fashion or another. When you look at the American timeline as a whole the whole do as you please movements are blimps on the radar compared to group X censoring Y.

>What happened to America?
People who hate america infiltrated the schools, and also people who grew up never knowing any real hardship.

The path to hell is paved with good intentions

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why do these fuckers keep fucking with everything I love! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Jesus Fucking Christ, we are back to square 1 with this industry.

Until they start putting more sexy fanservice of males in games, this is fine. Gender equality must be solved.

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>A pre-order bonus

This explains everything, but Yea Forums and shitposting europoors are gonna make this a censorship issue to fit their anti-American narrative.

are ameriga and the UK the two worst countries of the western world?

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I said almost always, Captian America had ideals that would be found extremely SJW alot of the heroes had some liberal shit back then like Lois Lane fighing for civil rights and Green Lantern finding it's first black member while the guardian told him how wrong racsim was.
Upholding ideals is good but stomping on others because they disagree with you is wrong. The SJWs do this to many people today.

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The burger is afraid of imaginary tits.

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>how do you do your make-up after an acid attack?

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She still has the costume in-game though

>This explains everything
It doesn't explain why it's not being given out in the west.

If you play this trash weeb game you should be ashamed of yourself.

we aren't even at square one, this shit is fucking janked and fucked dude. Even bedroom devs are being assholes lately

Isnt the game total ass anyway? I swear I've seen threads posting about its 57 score

Bandai America has been pulling this shit all time even before Sony went retarded.
Remember that Digimon dlc that was censored in america but not everywhere else?

>Far right

Nami gets fat?

The people who call for loli to be banned always turn out to be pedos

>we have tits on television

Maybe paid shit like HBO, but on standard TV? Has no one in this thread read about or remember, the moral panics of the 80's and 90's? The sexual tension of the 40's and 50's, the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's?

The first colonies were founded by puritans. Baptists and Evangelicals have traditionally held strong positions in government and regulatory committees and groups like the Mormons have a lot of power in youth groups.

Acting like America has only just recently become uncomfortable with sex and sexual imagery ignores the entire country's history.

Anytime something dealing with the 1st amendment reaches the supreme court, it's struck down, and freedom is upheld. Even cp has yet to go full euroland tier, but fuck me if faggots aren't trying. I've never seen it as bad as it is now.

I wonder what would happen if game translation and localization was only volunteer.

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Fucking garbage in human form.

I'm getting so fucking tired of video games. Soon we are going to have a whole hour of content cut out because of this kind of bullshit.

no, it's actually very good.
"journalists" just hate anime games

Because the US branch was shit and didn't do a pre-order bonus.

I see this happen to anime games all the time, like they have fighters or levels missing and stuff because they didn't want to go through the effort to do a pre-order bonus, but now that it happened to anime titties, suddenly it's an actual issue.

>stomping on others because they disagree with you is wrong
Stomping on others when they're trying to sabotage your very way of life is absolutely the right thing to do. Stomping on others is the only course of action when you want compromise, but other side wants nothing less than your complete subjugation.

That description fits a very thin subgenre of movies, as well as some counterculture media like comics and video games in the 70's through 90's. I don't know how old you are, but the larger American culture has always been prude.

>live in California
>go to college and talk with my SJW friends
>mfw I'm secretly redpilled, and no one knows it
>I'm not white, so they assume I'm "on their side"
>I call myself bi, but only because I like traps
I'm playing a dangerous game, my friends. My Filipino privilege is the only thing keeping me from getting eaten alive.

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Name a game where actual content got cut and Yea Forums didn't mention anything.

But even that piece of dogshit Xenoblade 2 got a pretty good score.

This is exactly what I mean. I thought you were that type of left by todays standers but you are really this type of left from past standards. Yet people of todays standards like to hide behind the standards of the past to argue stuff and I thought you were a todays one.

>europe gets lewds but not america
That's some bizarro shit

what do we do dude? are we fucked? do you think everything is fucked?

If you disagree with "preorder DLC" as a concept, they could offer it to all users, or include it with the game. Don't act like this qualifies as some sort of measure against anti-consumer practices. The content already exists. Let people have it.

And to be clear, concepts like equal rights and equal opportunity are not bad.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle suffered from the same issue I mentioned, but because it had nothing to do with anime titties, nobody cared.

Why live in a world like this?
Can anyone give me a reason I shouldn’t kill myself tonight?

>Stomping on others when they're trying to sabotage your very way of life is absolutely the right thing to do
If they are effecting you then sure but if they're just voicing their opinion then no. You're going down the road of wrong think and sjws.

damn, I feel all your words there user. I lie to my friends about that shit constantly. But yah know? maybe everyone else is lying to. fuckit

>didn't do a pre-order bonus.
They did though, they just didn't do all of them.

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>b-big publishers like Bamco won't bow down to the rainbow brigade
I hate you fags.


Censorship monkeys will still weasel their way in. One will get in then invite the rest of their friends and if you call it out they will call you toxic and a gatekeeper and the only response is not to give a fuck.

>My Filipino privilege is the only thing keeping me from getting eaten alive.
Lmao, you think that's gonna save you? It's gonna be the first thing they weaponize against you the second they find out.

Any games you're looking forward to?

Why? European countries are typically less prudish about sexuality, outside of the UK. France especially is open about nudity and sex. Meanwhile America and the UK are still carrying holdups stemming from their religious pasts.

Nope. I remember threads for that. You're just ignorant. That game also was fully translated in the Japanese version, so there was no reason to not just import it.

We're still having problems with nazis nad violance in vidya, something burgers don't have to worry about.

Capcom too

>look at me guys, I'm not a white but I'm based and redpilled just like you!
Kill yourself attention whore.

nah, he's cool. fuck giving up status for woke/pol points or whatever.

Today's liberal's are shit and don't understand any issue they talk about. An SJW will say Regan was bad because he's white and not because of the shit with Iran-Contra.

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Rune factory 5, but that’s it.

Sometimes it feels like only a civil war can sort this shit out. Hell, maybe we're already in one. You have antifa beating people for carrying american flags, and wearing a MAGA hat being enough to justify assault to some people.

I work in theater (a sound designer). I don't think there's a single person I know in my job who doesn't enjoy dick. I have to be very careful with what I say, since I've literally been told to my face that certain people are cautious to work with my because I'm a "straight white male."

These are the same retards that seperated God Eater 1 and 2 on the american PSN store, while in europe you can still get them as a bundle.

If someone's comment on Yea Forums stops you from committing suicide for a night, then you don't actually want to do it.

>is as unamerican as you can get.
lol what america do you live in? the US has been a puritanical nation since the very beginning

>Nope. I remember threads for that
You don't, because I completely made it up.
Nothing was removed at all.

see, that's why he just lies all day. you. your response. that is he only response you would get by telling the truth. fuck off user, he's being a good person

Status granted to you by worthless people is equally worthless. It's not about showing the world how enlightened you are. It's about living in a manner that reflects your honest feelings and intentions. People who hide themselves from their friends only demonstrate that they do not actually have friends.

Of course you don't resort to violence when all the other person is doing is saying, I disagree.

>it's another Yea Forums pretends to care thread
fuck off with your clickbait from the pedophiles of resetera.
fire bomb the CERO offices or kill a boardroom of CEOs then i might start to think anyone here is serious.

>live in California
Fucking why? It can't be because that shithole is cheaper, because it's the hard opposite.

Probably not, but I’m nearing the end of my rope.
I at least wanna just stay in bed forever and forget about anything outside my four walls.

Fucking wrong. There was a Stroheim costume that was removed. Unless I am thinking of a different Jojo game, and either way in that case, it disproves your point, since it wasn't anime titties.

>Censorship of something for no other reason than, I don't like it, is as unamerican as you can get.
America has a long history of doing this

I don't think you pussies would have survived some actually challenging times, like the Great Depression.

no shit, it isn't really about friendship it's about funtioning in your community. what the fuck are you even talking about with that feelsy bullshit?

Well least we know you aren't a boomer, otherwise I'd point out McCarthy and his hunts.

This is self censorship and doesn't violate squat legally. 1st amendment only applies to the government and matters concerning public safety.

>Sometimes it feels like only a civil war can sort this shit out.
you're either retarded or a conservative that has never felt any adversity in his life
>You have antifa beating people for carrying american flags, and wearing a MAGA hat being enough to justify assault to some people.
extremely small one off incidents

>One will get in then invite the rest of their friends
Fucking this.
Just look at warframe. They hire on a hardcore sjw type as a chat mod and they go crazy with power. People bring it up with DE and changes are promised. What happened? DE just hired on some of that mod's friends and the problem got even worse. They're fucking parasites.

>Censorship of something for no other reason than, I don't like it, is as unamerican as you can get.
Didn't you guys banned alcohol for a while?

You're a weak pussy if you need other people to approve of you in order to be able to function. Stop getting defensive.

>north america
so its in the EU version?

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I miss the days when I could mock Europe. Now look, us burgers are fucking mega-cucks in this industry.

This is out for PC right? mod it back in problem solved.

Is it removed from the actually disk or is it an NA only patch? If the former, I'll import. If the later, they can go fuck themselves.

I can confirm it is.

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Then do it. Nothing anyone says on here is going to be able to help you. There are plenty of people out there specializing in treating depression and suicidal thoughts but Yea Forums isn't the place to go to meet those people.

defensive? I'm just pointing out that manipulation and adherence to group behaviors keeps you fed, money in your pockey and pussy on your dick. I'm being empirical if anything

No, I'm sick of this "I'm a minority, but I'm based like /pol/" meme, I don't give a fuck about politics at all, FUCK SJWS AND FUCK /pol/

I'm not gonna go full /pol/tard just because games are getting censored, if /pol/ had their way, they'd be fine with censorship too, I want homosexual relationships in video games for one, something /pol/ considers degeneracy.

nami got that goodf pucci.... the typ eof pucci that feels like macking cheese when u f*cking it lol

WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN is one thing but complete censorship is another, retard. You can restrict access to more mature media so kids can't easily see it. You cannot restrict access for everyone. That's unamerican. That is not FREEDOM.

It turns out I am thinking of Eyes of Heaven. Doesn't matter though. Threads were had over it, and it wasn't anime titties.

I always hate fags that bring up politics from 50+ years ago as a excuse or reason for things today.
Especially while claiming it's progress to start a fight for them, when we're in the most peaceful time in the history of the world.
It's straight retardness that the leader of the free world can be called a dictator.

They will say more user that's a given, but you don't need to always resort to violence. You may not like it but in cases like the Civil Rights what won the American people over were acts of non-violence towards a party that wanted them dead. Stand up for your rights but don't give them what they want, they want you to shoot they want you to scream and they want you to get physical but don't do it because if you do all you'll do ia prove them right in all the wrong ways. Show them that you aren't a stereotype or some nutjob that hates everyone not them.

You know a civil war would the worst thing that can happen to this country now, right? It's not going to be as simple as x killing y and going back home to jerkoff. It would ruin us further.

It was a preorder bonus, every other region got two costumes and two missions, the western release only got one of the missions.

Normal work does the same thing and you don't need to live a lie and sacrifice your dignity. You're not being empirical. You're trying to make excuses for taking the easy way out by taking advantage of stupid people. In the end you can do what you want because it's your life, but I'm being honest when I say I don't respect that kind of behavior. Maybe you should try being honest for once in your life.

then whatever, fuck his opinion. I don't give a fuck about yours in any real sense. that's what it is dude... just a bunch of people not giving a fuck about each other

it's a pretty shitty thing, but the game fucking blows donkey cock so nobody should even be wasting their money on it in the first place


a game developer removing a tiddy mission isn't censorship brainlet

Tits like hers should be celebrated, not locked away.

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And american's have a long history of upholding freedom. Fuck, they made a whole movie about larry flynt fighting the courts for his porn magazine.
The people who wouldn't survive hardships are the ones insisting microaggressions are real.

Looks like Snoy's rampant censorship has tainted all platformed. Based Snoyboys did it again!

remember when the american branch censored a digimon for looking too much like a nun

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They also got the costumes

I was referring to the fact that Yoshikage Kira was sold as Amazon exclusive preorder bonus, and a separate character, I believe Shigechi, was held as a preorder bonus from a completely separate store, so you couldn't get one, and have the other until they released the other as DLC long down the line.

Not one person complicated about this, and I didn't see a person complain about Nazi Stroheim either, and even if they did, if anime titties were censored, they'd be a huge shitstorm of butthurt about how SJWs are ruining video games.

user, I'm not a fucking Nazi. I literally only said that I was "redpilled" because I don't know any other words for "anti-SJW". Everyone here calls things they like "based and redpilled", so I thought you would understand what I meant.

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Wasn't that the point of the character design?

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You're one of those fags who says it's not censorship unless the government does it, aren't you?

I blame Sony for this bullshit.
Fuck Sony and fuck Japan and fuck California.

I know, I was just saying the difference was the missing mission.

da fuq is this? her hips barely move but she's walking lmao

I fucking understood, that dude was just being a dick

Wanting to come off as "Anti-SJW" is still pretty cringy.

>And american's have a long history of upholding freedom
Was that before or After Jim Crow Laws and the Prohibition ?

I don't understand why you think mainstream media should or would ever cater to a small group. That's bad business. They really don't hate you, they just can't sell games to 7% of the population that's gay. I don't know what you expect, do you think they make games as a charity?

>on Yea Forums
>having shame
Are you 'aving a laff?

I don't even know who's being genuine and who's just fishing for (you)s anymore. I fucking hate ebin troll culture.

If a developer, publisher, or parent company makes the decision to remove something from their game that's not censorship. It's their product and they can do whatever they want with it.

A tsunami needs to hit California already. And I mean a big one -- like those massive ones they used to predict in those documentaries on the Discovery Channel or Natural Geographic or whatever, and the other states can finally gain some media Independence, too.

No one bought the fucking game anyway. That's what Bandai gets for shilling One Piss

And being anti-/pol/ is equally as gay.
Yup, you're gay. Have you told your parents?

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Here's 50k people caring about the Stroheim costume.

>I was referring to the fact that Yoshikage Kira was sold as Amazon exclusive preorder bonus, and a separate character, I believe Shigechi, was held as a preorder bonus from a completely separate store, so you couldn't get one, and have the other until they released the other as DLC long down the line.

This isn't removing content, though, since they still put them in the game, from my understanding. It sounds more like just general nickel and diming, which is almost equally as bad, especially if it's exclusive to localization.

Yeah that was satire.

So when it happens, we should be calling for it to be censored?

Let people make what they want to make.

Then are we mad about tits or cut content?

If they're doing it to avoid backlash, that's censoring themselves. Likewise, it's the localizers who are removing the content, not the developers.

Just admonish them regardless. Either they're stupid and you're correcting them, or they're trolling and you're ridiculing them. Disengagement just allows people who are unfamiliar or uneducated to believe, ever so slightly, that because something was unchecked that it is the truth.

Why? SJWs suck, I don't like their attitude, so I'm "anti-SJW". What's the problem with that?

>tfw dont know how to play mahjong

Are those laws still in effect, you fucking nigger? America isn't perfect, I never said it was, but I'll be damned if it's not one of the best, if not the best, country on god's green earth. It hurts my soul to see the fucking trash fire insufferable faggots have turned it into. Where being proud of your country is to be shunned.

Both of you are kinda being retards, they are just outrage buzzwords. You should have expanded the conversation by saying what you really mean and he should fuck off with his word-clinging "zomg" bullshit. Shit is retarded

who cares wanpiss is trash

Wasn't there supposed to be a super storm that was supposed to hit them?

If you think anything today even closely resembles the situation leading up the actual civil war, then you wouldn't last a day in bleeding Kansas. A bunch of teenagers, living in the most prosperous, peaceful time in world history, who have spent their entire life on the internet, think that because a few landwhales with pink hair screech on tumblr the entire country is falling apart. It's absurd.


>Here's 50k people caring about the Stroheim costume
After the game was already released, if it was an anime tiddy costume being censored, we'd now the moment it happened, and have daily threads about it.

>It sounds more like just general nickel and diming, which is almost equally as bad, especially if it's exclusive to localization
Exactly, so it's pretty bad when nobody cares because it's not fapbait for one angry incel to write articles over.


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The Right had us under their supervision for a good while, and they when we finally broke free, the Left then clutched us by the balls.

>What's the problem with that?
anti-sjws tend to become pretty militant and self-righteous quickly and slowly become sjws themselves

>Are those laws still in effect, you fucking nigger?
Well one of them just got removed less than 40 years ago and the other got tightly restricted. Also now we're facing sjw tier censorship so when did we have true freedom?

But it sells, especially in Japan, fujos rule the market over there.

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Cut content, the preorder bonuses were these plus the hot springs mission mentioned in the OP. Except in the west where only it was removed for some reason.


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horseshoe theory

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Forgive me for I have sinned.

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>only one Oda's drawing for comparison

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Well you know there are a lot of strategies to win a game or horseshoes but since it's not really directly competitive there's not a lot of theories to win. It's pretty straight forward all things considered.

>brainwashed americucks will defend this

please nuke this shit country already
i will gladly sacrifice my life if it means the end of these dumb fucking idiots

Let me clarify. When I say civil war I don't mean fields filled with pussy hats and MAGA hats ripping each other to shreds, I mean people taking sides and drawing lines in the sand. It's already happening with even fucking banks telling certain right wingers they will no longer be allowing them their services.

What's wrong with mentioning the facts?


>I never said it was
>"America has a long history of upholding freedom"

Didn't know all of America is gay.

>After the game was already released, if it was an anime tiddy costume being censored, we'd now the moment it happened, and have daily threads about it.

There was no active knowledge of it getting removed prior. What are you even going on about? It's not like there was a big blogpost saying "we are removing this costume for fear of its Nazi symbolism." It was just done. This game was also fully translated in its Japanese state, so theoretically, it was completely import friendly, with all the original content.

>Exactly, so it's pretty bad when nobody cares because it's not fapbait for one angry incel to write articles over.

Nickel and diming is not the same as censorship. People complain about bad DLC practices all the time. Censorship in this case however is simply removing content from a release, and expecting people to pay the same MSRP. It's worse than overcharging, since they, full stop, are just not giving you access to the entire product no matter what.

The fact it makes you so mad is proof that it's 100% true.

Not user but I feel you. Like having a clique of friends at work or school where you exclude that one asshole and treat them as shit as possible. It's not a physical war so much as "how can I make this person suffer?"

Fuck you

That can't even be misconstrued as me implying america is perfect.

>It's already happening with even fucking banks telling certain right wingers they will no longer be allowing them their services.
source or it didn't happen

California is at the brink of outlawing hetero relationships. They believe it objectifies women.

factiousness nigger, fuck you. those fags are crazy but they aren't that fucking crazy... I think

>pre order only
So even if i buy this shit on a deep sale i'd never go to that mission anyways, what a fucking waste.

Chase bank told some big wig with the proud boys they'd be closing his account. It also happened to some other chick but I don't remember that one off the top of my head. On a smaller scale you have patreon and paypal doing that shit.

Why give it out when they can sell it? As pointed out, there was some preorder bonuses given, but they probably decided to sell this separately. Bamco is doing something similar with the Taiko DLC, in the West it's being sold individually, whereas in Japan and Europe, you can get it cheaper and buy it in packs.

American history is full of examples of people drawing lines in the sand over cultural issues. Guess what happen? The tide comes in, things change, and those lines are gone. Women voting, alcohol, no alcohol, blacks being free, blacks voting, Asians on the west coast, changes in fashion, violent video games, D&D, rock music, Elvis, etc. Every time people make a stand, they aren't going to have it! It's going to ruin the country! And yet we're the best off we've ever been, believe it or not.

> banks telling certain right wingers they will no longer be allowing them their services
Keyword here is certain. I guarantee you it isn't because they are right wing.

>There was no active knowledge of it getting removed prior

Outside of US trailer mysteriously showing him in a different costume from JPN Trailer?

>Nickel and diming is not the same as censorship. People complain about bad DLC practices all the time

My point was that Yea Forums only ever cares when it's about anime tits, imagine if this mission does get released later down the line as DLC, nobody would give a shit, Yea Forums would call them based for "sticking it to the SJWs" because they got their anime tits, even though it's the exact same issue with the JoJo game I brought up.

Move to Europe you fucking SJWs.

Only true patriots belong in my country.

Is this all Texas?

If California is as bad as you say it is, then there shouldn't be a need to make up shit.

desu reading news all day makes you think everyone is like that, that's why /pol/ is full of tinhead faggots and Yea Forums believes everyone is a crazy SJW who wants them dead

It wasn't banks, it was shit like paypal. that anyone is being a cunt and disingeious. yes banks target people sometimes but they don't ban people. fuck banks anyway, you gotta be stupid or poor to take that shit seriously

You were already gay.

Was this removed entirely from the PC version? I'm Portuguese and I don't see any kind of pre order bonus or DLC related to a "hot springs" mission anywhere on Steam.

I can't no longer tell if shit like this is bait, or the embodiment of nu-Yea Forums faggots.

can confirm they aren't quite that fucking crazy

but who knows what a few more years of massively increasing unemployment+homelessness and the resulting increase of drug use and disease will do.

>Why give it out when they can sell it?
Because we're in the digital age where everyone can see you ripped them and them alone off for no possible reason other than spite? All this is going to do is make customers lose faith in the company, same with the Taiko bullshit if it's true.


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>it was shit like paypal
and I guarantee you they were 100% justified

>Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme Song Prompts School Lockdown



The game is shit anyway, that's all that matters.

sometimes it's a bit of both, you have to read through lines with your knowledge of current events

This. Sad part is that it's getting worse.

You can get the dlc code for the mission here for free.
Only available for EU of course

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totally, paypal is like pussy shit, they ban for a lot of things. that's such a stupid argument.

>because I don't know any other words for "anti-SJW
Common sense. Faggots like you consider anything to be the antithesis to leftist politics to be redpilled vs. being rational and logical. You're a faggot and an attention whore.

t. black that got a bunch of whites huffy because I didn't give a shit about Trump being in the office.

Trailers can differ. I mean the costume they replaced him with was already in the game, and you could easily make the arguent they just switched it out for advertising's sake, since youtube videos of a guy in a Nazi uniform would pretty much just get blocked in Germany. Shit, I remember web banner ads of stuff like SoulCalibur IV having censored breasts, but the in-game material being the same. There was no solid proof for Jojo until it was released.

>My point was that Yea Forums only ever cares when it's about anime tits, imagine if this mission does get released later down the line as DLC, nobody would give a shit, Yea Forums would call them based for "sticking it to the SJWs" because they got their anime tits, even though it's the exact same issue with the JoJo game I brought up.

You're making a whiny strawman. No one would support putting something free as paid DLC. You'd get posts saying "fuck Scamco." "Game's shit anyway." And a million happy merchants.

> no PC

So Steam is treated like the entire world is America.
Good job Bandai.

>that's such a stupid argument.
if you violate their TOS, they don't have to associate themselves with you

I want to believe so much this bullshit will sort itself out, but a part of me isn't so sure. I mean, stifling free expression, oppressing certain groups, outlawing alcohol? Of course that was never going to work. It was only natural it would get righted. But but oppressing free speech, attacking people for wrongthink, mass media collusion? Actually, when I put it like that, it's easy to see that's just as wrong. maybe there is hope afterall. Thanks for helping me find a little perspective, user. I'll hold out hope the silent majority makes itself heard when it counts and tells faggots to fuck off.

Well, is it?

guess who was responsible for that fiasco?


based redpilled black

Yea Forums are paranoid fucks who always see censorship in everything, that trailer still should have got shitposted to death.

Imagine if it was a big boobed anime girl in a bikini, and in the US trailer only, she was covered up with a separate costume that was also in the game like with Strohiem.

We'd get 5 threads talking about how the SJWs censored another game, even though it's not even out.

America rules this world, you have a problem, britbong?

Thanks fuck I didnt buy this game even knowingb it was garbage since im a big fucking loser one piece fan
fuck you bandai

>zealots cant comprehend that both extremes lead to oppression of the individual
Lefties don't get that the only way their policies can work is by oppressing people through denying them agency. Right wingers are at least honest about wanting to oppress people.

The steam version was published by the Bandai not Bandai EU so you are fucked, yes.

The trailers shouldn't be different. Easy fix. The only reason to change it would be to drum up this exact kind of controversy.

Everytime someone tells me the slippery slope isn’t really, I always look at the LGBT community and censorshipfags for any media.
And sometimes Unionfags, but then I will just be accused of being a corparate bootlicker.

no shit dude, that's how it works. the fuck do you corporatism is nigger? fall in line or get eaten. I don't even use paypal and I know it's like treading ice. It's a stupid argument because there is so much news out there about the retarded shit they do. That user is being pussy fucking faggot and disreguarding the plethora of data out there. If you know a company does shit, then don't use it.... simple... oh my fucking god is simple

And again, nobody complained about Strohiem until after the game was already out, but if he was a sexy anime girl, we'd never hear the end of it.

If Texas is SJW then I fear Metroid Prime 4's development.

>Same shit happens over and over again
>You are just paranoid

Based Sony protecting our onions

can someone tell me why this can't be modded back in on the pC version. i feel like people are flipping their shit over absolutely nothing.

What makes you think I'm a britbong? Seriously what the fuck.

Turns out people care about titties in games they buy just for some titties.

Hold the phone, were the Japanese and Western trailers exactly the same except for the costume? Link me to both of them.

>you're just paranoid. no one's actually trying to censor or take away your games
I'm so tired, I like the will to even call you a faggot. It's not paranoia, it's the reality we live in.

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You seem to be under the impression that the majority of Yea Forums aren't underage consolecucks.
PC will always win, don't worry.

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I really don't know what you want. You moved the goalpost. I presented you an example of people not complaining over anime titties, but then said they didn't complain early enough for you. You're the one who started talking about "paranoia." I'm sure you could make an argument that people saying it's censored just by looking at the trailer would be "paranoid" as well.

the reality is that you're 3 clicks away from seeing nami's tits, but decided to get assblasted about a $60 game that's probably going to be shit

>Right wingers are at least honest about wanting to oppress people.
This. At last the white nationalist will just call me a mutt and shoo me away. The progressive will call me a best friend but the moment I show signs of individual thought, they'll burn my life to the ground.

They're the only ones who desperately try to convince themselves they have a bigger dick than Amercians 24/7.

Why do Americans let this kind of people dictate their life style?

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Women and beta males taking over the media industry.
Women get jealous of anime titties and the beta males support them.

the reality is you're a low iq retard who's incapable of grasping the issue at hand

kindly fuck off

The fact that it's a $60 game and removing content is the problem, you absolute fucking idiot.

That wasn't even the point of my post, Jesus, so you're so blindly by your paranoia you didn't even finish reading the post, nowhere did I say it never happens, in fact, I was wondering why it was only ever one type of censorship you guys care about.

The middle east doesn't have censorious leftist facsists

Because it was a good enough game that they felt obligated to give it a good score despite their bias.

Bamco's been doing this shit since DLC was implemented. The DLC for Beautiful Katamari were 364 KB for each stage, same thing with the DLC in Street Fighter X Tekken. this isn't going to deter people from buying games or DLC from these companies As long as these people keep buying, Companies will keep implementing it.

See This whole argument has me proving people care about censorship besides anime tits, but you're completely desperate to frame the situation in a way where you're right, you move the goalpost.

The reality is the publisher removed something from the game to appease sjw sensibilities.
>you can just google pics of nami's tits bro
Man, that is just so irrelevant. I really hope you're just trolling me. I'm so tired of this.

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several groups of people like this shit
there's the brainwashed SJW retards who think it's literally oppressive to women

there's lazy parents want the government to take care of their kids for them

and then there's the dumb old puritan fucks who still vote

people with functioning brains are a minority in this country, don't forget

somebody's mad



>”You guys are just paranoid!”
>No we’re not. This is very much reality
>”No! That’s not what I said”

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>Man, that is just so irrelevant.
How? That's exactly what fan service is

time skip nami was a mistake

you would be too if you weren't a complete retard

Angels have rules. Abide by them and enjoy eternity in the heavenly ethnostate. Demons just want your soul so they can rule their globalist hell.

And if it was any other form of content besides fanservice, you wouldn't care.

In an East vs West thread, I literally saw someone on Yea Forums say that violent games getting censored in Japan was perfectly fine because sex is a positive aspect of life while violence isn't.

Americans really believe they defeated the Germans don't they?

And we got a new Digimon out of it. What's the problem?

Didn't we?

Do you enjoy getting fucked in the ass?

So the fact that anime tits being censored has a higher priority of getting defended than literally any other form of censorship getting defended, doesn't seem like an issue to you?

I want someone to find out how Oda feels about games of his series getting ruined by cucks

Except this thread has an entire conversation about that being wrong. >In an East vs West thread, I literally saw someone on Yea Forums say that violent games getting censored in Japan was perfectly fine because sex is a positive aspect of life while violence isn't.

Wow, a sourceless anecdotal post from someone on the internet said something stupid. All censorship is bad. Period. There. Here's me going against that narrative. Weigh's an equal amount.

>That wasn't even the point of my post
You literally called me a paranoid fuck who sees censorship in everything. Please don't be like this, dude. Don't try to play the radical centrist who's so woke but everyone is just blinded by their own hysteria. When a huge AAA game like battlefield can be so infested by sjw type shit, it's not paranoia to be guarded against publishers altering games to try and appease a small group of people who will never be happy, and only want to destroy what they don't like.

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yeah man nobodys ever gotten mad about non-fanservice content being removed for preorder bonuses before on Yea Forums

you're an absolute fucking delusional retard. you're literally altering reality to fit your stupid brainwashed worldview. wake the fuck up.

After what we did to One Piece with 4kids, he probably doesn't care about what we do.

You jumped the beaches when the war was pretty much over.


Except it's not. You're creating an imaginary scenario where you're right, and nothing will change that. What other censored things happened that people ignored?

not him, but using Google isn’t a gameplay segment missing from a game.
And if you want to use the “but you can just do X if you don’t like it” argument, the people who don’t like lewd images can do something other than play anime games, which is easier than fucking removing levels from games.

No, they defeated themselves aka their leader committed suicide

hey man the scoreboard says we got the kill

>Ignore the SJWs, they will go away

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Have they given a reason for this change? The characters don't look underaged so i can't really see an excuse for this.

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>The 1st amendment is the cornerstone of our country. Censorship of something for no other reason than, I don't like it, is as unamerican as you can get.
The 1st amendment never defended obscenity.

this. it's the bible belt mostly

It's just an example about how Yea Forums only really cares when it's anime tits, I don't need to source a claim, because that's literally their mindset.

Some guy also told me he literally lives for anime tits in games, because he wants to die that badly, so when they get removed, he feels as if he's very life is being threatened.

Being able to google anime tiddies doesn't make it okay for a publisher to remove more fanservicey bits from their games because they don't want the usual suspects to call them sexist. I shouldn't have to explain this to you, guy. It's like, I just want the fucking game. The whole game. Give me the whole game, fanservice and all.

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It degrades women.

Why would he care when the game is trash with or without the censoring? All that matters is that retards buy this shit giving his IP more staying power.

>murrikan doesnt even know the state of murrikan land

Wasn't that because of Russia?

And what is obscene? Aside from the plowing I gave ur mom last night.

>muh anecdotal evidence from vocal minorities on an anonymous imageboard

you're stupid.

Yea Forums is not one person, you reductionist moron.

>Some guy also told me he literally lives for anime tits in games, because he wants to die that badly, so when they get removed, he feels as if he's very life is being threatened.

Possibly an autistic reductionist moron, since you either framed this argument in a way to better make a strawman, or can't clearly understand sarcasm.


religious conservatives hate anything sexual

They keep breeding though.

The first amandmant is intentionally broad and covers all forms of expression because people like you would put it under a classification to demonize such expressions and claim its different from Freespeech.
Similarly, people are claiming hate speech is different from Freespeech solely because it hurts their feelings or their narratives.

My old friend said this and that they will never gain power. Three years later he joined them.


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that kinder egg smuggler is a terrorist

better start collecting games with lewds pre 2018. Prices will skyrocket if this shit keeps up.


Seems to be the opposite going by their relation to incel culture nowadays.

Nice deflection, they haven't held power in forever.

finally europeans don't have to suffer because of crazy american censorship

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At the very least, agree or disagree, at least it's possible to talk with your faggots. Frustrating and tiring as it may get, at least some of you are still willing to read what I post and respond with actual discussion and not just total shitposting. When civil war 2 happens, I hope you fags make it through alright.

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Unironically an hero.

>The first amandmant is intentionally broad and covers all forms of expression
Except obscenity.
>because people like you would put it under a classification to demonize such expressions and claim its different from Freespeech.
No, I support complete and total actual freedom of speech and expression, not what Americans currently have.

Short-haired Nami > Long-haired Nami.

>Yea Forums is not one person

Not him but there is plenty of evidence via the archives that suggest such a mindset possibly exist for a good amount of posters here. Now wether or not the mindset being projected on the posts is just hyperbole is up for debate. But the consistency to which it occurs every time such subject matter comes about gives weight to what user saids.

More like you whiny liberals think everything is misogyny and video games turns people into rapists.

I'll make it. I live in bumfuck and can grow my own food.

literally every one piece girl who isn't fat or ugly or little has this body shape and face

>literal gore ok
>nipple bad

fucking puritans ruined this country from the start

>Except obscenity.
Again, what is obscene? Larry flynt was able to argue that porn wasn't obscene, so what is?

or maybe its just because sexuality is the lowest common denominator on Yea Forums

That site is a complete outrage manufacturing machine for right-wing manchildren. It's no different than Polygon or Kotaku yet you idiots keep posting its shitty headlines here.

>I-It's just a costume!
>I-It's just a gameplay segment!
>I-It's just an anime game!
>I-It's shit anyway!
>I-It's not censorship, it's localization!
The lengths people go to to defend censorship is insane.

So your argument is a blind sourceless strawman of random posts you saw that frame things as Yea Forums only caring about anime tits. You also can't account for the seriousness of any of those posts, and if whether or not they are being sarcastic or trolling. You're just bringing nothing to the table so as to try and frame a massive community as a bunch of hypocrites. It's ridiculous.

none of this sentence makes sense
incel = not liking women, they like women because they want to see them in the game
pedophile = liking prebuscents, One Piece females are stacked to high hell
kys please

>Again, what is obscene?
Whatever a judge wants it to be when it goes to court. The wording is intentionally vague.
>Larry flynt was able to argue that porn wasn't obscene, so what is?
Good for Larry. Not so good for the other pornographers who were convicted of obscenity for the porn they produced.

Gay marriage in Harvest Moon.
Hitler's censorship in games released in Germany is openly mocked and used as an example of American superiority in it's threads
Metal Gear Rising's reverse censorship creating plotholes
The censorship of Xenoblade 2 suspiciously being ignored because they didn't censor the sexy outfits for once despite getting 500 Xenoblade X censorship threads back when they removed the bikinis
FE Fates censorship, while getting called out a fair amount of times, had the headpats and lesbianism getting the most attention, despite some scenes getting censored for being too dark.

Remember, people who speak out against homosexuality with such rage are often gay themselves, so you know what that means.

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>knocks on your door
>we're here to seize your means of production. please open up and state your preferred pronouns

Attached: sjw-freakshow-lauren-southern.jpg (640x338, 90K)

Yes goyim please attack that evil right wing site instead of us

Except for those of you who bought the game on PC as it's not available on that platform for ANY COUNTRY. Anyways, Bamco probably gave it only to you guys because felt sorry for the UK when you consider porn licenses is getting ready to be a thing there

How did you get past my 9 dogs?

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Question: Is max hardcore still making porn? Cause if he is I don't think we'll have to worry about obscenity.

The source doesn't really matter as long as the information is true, and why shouldn't people be mad that content is being removed from the game?


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There's a fault-line to the northwest that for most of the United States' history had been considered inactive. It's actually super slow and the last time it went off, the Native American tribes of the region had a spoken history of coastal tribes vanishing into the sea one night after the earth shook with a great ferocity. Of course such oral histories were discounted because reasons. But later, examination of coastal sediment backed up the notion of a massive coastal earthquake. Japan had kept written records of earthquakes and tsunamis, knowing the link between them. Looking back at these records, it could be seen that a tsunami struck the eastern coast of Japan with no known earthquake to associate with it. This record corresponded with the time that the sediment would place the earthquake. While the hardest hit area would undoubtedly be Washington state, northern California would be hit as well, likely by tsunamis. It is important to consider that while the US west coast is prepared for regular earthquakes, tsunamis are not something the region had regular emergency facilities or plans for. When the fault inevitably gives way once more, the destruction is estimated to be unprecedented.
>tl;dr: soonish, geographically speaking

i saw plenty of threads about xenoblade 2 getting censored

you're full of shit, keep on fabricating "facts" to fit your worldview you stupid brainwashed fuck. you're beyond help.

Just get the English Hong Kong version from play Asia, problem solved.

>Scanning all these ridiculous headlines.
>"Aw man, this is awful, if it's actually true."
>Get to the bottom right most headline.
>It's basically just complaining about the dwindling white population.
Oh, so this is just another "I'M RAYSHIST" crybaby image.

WTF is the appeal of gauges?

every time I see her swimsuit it reminds me of this that smurf drew for me in the drawthreads

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>paying full price for a game that’s been cut down in features
yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me

>SJW friends
>at all
Faggot. You actively seeked them. College has people of all sorts and you went to the ones you "don't agree with".

>that fucking gross ass shading on her ribcage
What the fuck?

I never said it wasn't talked about, but there was never whole threads on the scale of Xenoblade X's censorship.

Whenever Xenoblade 2's censorship was criticized, it's fanbase would claim it's actually better now, and you were a Sonyfag trying to spread lies about their game.

just fucking end it and rid us of your bullshit

You didn't ignore them where it counted. You fed them all the negative attention they needed to fuel their victimization narrative. And then you wonder why they're so good at playing the victim.

>Gay marriage in Harvest Moon.

When was the last game to do this? Was it any time recent when Yea Forums could have a relevant conversation? Because my knowledge of the issue stems from a GBA game that removed the option 10+ years ago.

>Hitler's censorship in games released in Germany is openly mocked and used as an example of American superiority in it's threads

That's complaining about censorship, you mong. It's laughing at the ridiculousness of Germany still being afraid of even making fun of Hitler.

>Metal Gear Rising's reverse censorship creating plotholes

This is an interesting case, and a somewhat complicated issue, due to Japan's censorship issues. From what I understand, the western localization gave a slight not to this by saying the newest version of cybernetics switched things out to make the blood red.

>The censorship of Xenoblade 2 suspiciously being ignored because they didn't censor the sexy outfits for once despite getting 500 Xenoblade X censorship threads back when they removed the bikinis

Bullshit. I've seen plenty of complaints over script changes. You're grasping at straws.

>FE Fates censorship, while getting called out a fair amount of times, had the headpats and lesbianism getting the most attention, despite some scenes getting censored for being too dark.

Oh FUCK OFF. That game was raked over the coals! I was there! EVERY aspect of it was criticized! Right down to the ",,," scene. It was a humongous shitshit and people are still wary of Treehouse TO THIS DAY.

Grilledkambing? Is that you?

You don't like skeletons?

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>You also can't account for the seriousness of any of those posts, and if whether or not they are being sarcastic or trolling.

I just stated that with the hyperbole point.

>You're just bringing nothing to the table so as to try and frame a massive community as a bunch of hypocrites. It's ridiculous.

I don't need to "frame" anything when the archives exist. That's the issue user.

also consider that russia has recently built a special nuclear torpedo to meant to weaponize eartquakes and tsunamis


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Wait a minute. Yea Forums told me Rèsetera wasn’t invading this board

>You didn't ignore them where it counted.
SJWs falseflag constantly, retard

so you're saying there were clearly two different groups of people that didn't all share the same view on censorship

I hope I get to see faggots like you get thrown off buildings by the very same Muslims and spics you’re inviting into the country.

>I don't need to "frame" anything when the archives exist. That's the issue user.

Archives of what? lmao. Yes, this site has archived posts. Millions of them. You could use this exact argument to say Yea Forums is entirely a bunch of out in the open transsexuals if you cherry pick the right posts enough.

Stupid monkey, you have absolutely no value to them. Asians are an inconvenient novelty to SJW, even faux-asians like SEA monkeys.

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>no nude version

Attached: 1526615597048.png (430x336, 93K)

Some things are better without full nudity.

>mfw there really is collusion between trump and russia but it's to remove california, not rig elections.

Attached: it's the future.jpg (1067x935, 157K)

People didn't ignore these, what are you talking about.

welp time to read orange pie again

The difference is they don't lie.


>I've literally been told to my face that certain people are cautious to work with my because I'm a "straight white male."
This is a willful attempt at tying to put white men in the same boat as black males, isn't it? I had the same thing happen to me. I nice middle aged black lady I frequenty conversed with at the university said she had for most of her life been afraid of being near white males. I thought to myself "wtf, it's not 1850, when was the last time a white male lynched anyone". Now my sister is talking the same crap. She's pretty smart too. The only rationalization I can come up with is a willful attempt at portraying white males as violent to take away their privilege, which I admit is a thing to one extent or another.

Holes means there's less chance of them hearing the truth.

Doubt it. It would be banned on all regions otherwise.

It's more to do with sjw/feminist culture in america. Japan is slowly taking notice and pulling out.

Yes, AND you guys constantly fed them with all the attention they needed. Don't pretend like everyone here acted like supreme gentleman, except for false flaggers. Who are you fooling?

>to take away their privilege, which I admit is a thing
Yes, whites are so privileged that they are the only group you can't advocate for without having your life destroyed. Idiot.

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>Because my knowledge of the issue stems from a GBA game that removed the option 10+ years ago
There's still threads to this day about games from ages ago removing sexy content.

>It's laughing at the ridiculousness of Germany still being afraid of even making fun of Hitler

So why not laugh at America for censoring boobies instead of playing the victim and claiming this is a war against the SJW menace?

>This is an interesting case, and a somewhat complicated issue, due to Japan's censorship issues
And again, it's never talked about, to the point I only ever found out about it years down the line, because it had nothing to do with sex.
>Bullshit. I've seen plenty of complaints over script changes
The fact you think it's only script changes highlights the issue further.
>Oh FUCK OFF. That game was raked over the coals! I was there! EVERY aspect of it was criticized!
Which I acknowledged, but again, the main thing everyone and their mother cried about were sex related issues, not even one person brought up the dead puppy scene.

Cut all contact with the nigger. I’d not put up with that shit. Fuck you if you do.

Yep, typical retard deflection. Everything that holds an opinion you don't like is resetera, reddit, tumblr, or whatever strawman you can conceive of.

>best off we've ever been
>failing infrastructure, increasing homelessness, increasing debt, increasing inflation while wages stay the same, worst class division in history with an insane minority having the majority of wealth, not prepared for impending climate disasters at all

>best off we've ever been

how fucking delusional can you get

>orange pie
My nigger, what's your favorite volume?

Nice try but blaming Yea Forums for a politically motivated invasion is completely and utterly retarded.

First they take away my face-rubbing minigame in my waifu simulator and now they take away the steamy tiddy hotspring mission from my anime game?!?!? This cannot stand!

Leftists are known for their delusion. It’s why they’re leftists.

Are you sure you are old enough to be on this board?

We need to rise up.

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The game sucks balls anyway. If you're going to waste time playing it you're a dumbass. Just play Senran Kagura if you want the titty

I'm making a team, you in?

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>no argument
We're done here, faggot.

So happy the UN's banning anime pedo porn so all the weebs crying about this shit get jailed.

Apparently I'm not a fragile snowflake like you.

You realize this has nothing to do with law, yes? I can't believe the people in this thread are so stupid they haven't realized this. It's a private company deciding they want to baby the American audience. It has literally nothing to do with legality. Consider the fact that we can produce porn with full frontal and gaping cunt and all, yet Japan has to censor dicks and cunts alike. You really think this has anything to do with that shit? God damn you're stupid

I was busy but I guess I can come along for one last ride.

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First they came for the communists.

Then why remove it?

Your post is exactly why people are becoming wary of white males. You speak negative of them in a moderate manner and they start getting aggressive.

Funny thing is if you said something similar to the sheboon your life would have been ruined in an instant.

Attached: NamiEdit.png (1450x1400, 810K)

Turns out when you belittle and antagonize people in the media for 20 years they develop a bit of a short temper.

Look at all this hostility.

I wasn't talking about government enforcement when i posted that, you johnny-come-lately. I meant the individual values any good american should have.

>It's Yea Forums's fault that games are being censored
>White privilege is real and needs to be dismantled
>Sexy women don't belong in videogames anyway

Something doesn't seem right with this thread.

Then leave our fucking countries and go back to whatever shithole your ancestors shat themselves over.

I can, and I will. Because back *before* Anita did her tropes versus video games, I had already watched a few of her videos, became enchanted. Thought about her positions, and then decided she was full of shit.

Fast forward to the kickstarter, I started seeing her get posted on Yea Forums, and watched how you guys were getting baited bit by bit, into her little game. That's when everyone said "just ignore her". But nope, you guys went apeshit. And even if we assume she manufactured part of the harassment she claims she received. There's no way you guys weren't a part of it.

>white males don't make up the most of technical and managerial positions
You have to be underaged. That or stupid. I'm playing the polite card here, user. Don't call me out for not calling you retarded.

>There's still threads to this day about games from ages ago removing sexy content.

How many threads about this specific Harvest Moon game? To my knowledge, the game at hand wasn't Friends of Mineral Town, which is the popular GBA HM game. We're talking about a specific niche title from over a decade ago, when people nowadays are more interested in Rune Factory as a whole, when talking about this franchise.

>So why not laugh at America for censoring boobies instead of playing the victim and claiming this is a war against the SJW menace?

Please, make as much fun as you like. Though this issue impacts all version of the PC port, regardless of region, so Europe and everyone has to deal with it on that front. The whole point however is that censorship is bad.

>And again, it's never talked about, to the point I only ever found out about it years down the line, because it had nothing to do with sex.

Because it's reverse-censorship? It's making something more violent. The only reason the white blood exists in the Japanese version is due to CERO's rules. What's interesting though is that Kojima made it a plot point. So it's a mixed bag. It was white to get it (and MGS4) on store shelves in Japan, but just altered to be more natural elsewhere.

>The fact you think it's only script changes highlights the issue further.

What else is there? The main complaint I've seen are things like changing references to God to "Elysium," and some raunchier stuff involving going for dog walks.

>Which I acknowledged, but again, the main thing everyone and their mother cried about were sex related issues, not even one person brought up the dead puppy scene.

I remember plenty of examples of people moaning over everything in the game. The sexual stuff is more prominent because it was an actual GAME FEATURE. Gameplay was taken out of a video game. Regardless of its merits.

Why do I keep going and caring anymore.

I don't care anymore. I don't care what the law or anyone else says or thinks about me anymore. I'm just going to live my own life.

>why are you getting mad, bro? I'll I'm saying is we should bench you in favor of tyrone so we can meet the diversity quota.

>white males don't make up the most of technical and managerial positions
In white countries.

You don't see me going to Japan and complaining about all the Japanese people, you fucking anti-white piece of shit.

That's certainly better than the lynchings other races had to face from white people back in the day.

Still pissed about sistermon noir. I skipped buying it because of it

You finally grew up and realized this shit doesn't really matter in the end.

So this is about revenge, then? How about whites just kill you off instead?

Doesn't matter what now dead people used to endure. People alive today have only known what they have experienced first hand. You shouldn't be advocating that the son be punished for the sins of the father.

>Bring another race to your country to work as cattle.
>Centuries later now you "Why can't you people leave?"

That's like buying something and coming back 20 years later wanting to return it.

Obviously it has nothing to do with that either seeing as America is one of the largest consumers of and producers of porn

No, it matters more than ever, but I can't change it.

I'll just pirate whatever I want and steal whatever I want. I don't care about society anymore and have decided to care entirely about myself without any regard for others.

My wife is a lecturer at a very prestigious university, we both need to keep our mouths shut, other university employee's are constantly baiting to find right wingers too, all functions politics come up and they all scream and wail about conservatives and everyone joins in even though i know 5 other conservatives in group those 5 are the loudest "leftist".
Supporting the wrong politician in AUS can cost you a 150k a year job.
Right now the board for agriculture has literally petitioned the anti discrimination board to allow discrimination against men so that they may only hire women to leading position within the agriculture section.
My partner and I both think this is a fucking ridiculous even though it'll mean my partner will be earning 250k annually starting next year for doing the exact same job but with a fancy new title so the uni can pat themselves on the back.

You're free to go back to Wakanda at any time.

the majority of humans are legitimately brainwashed to the point of insanity by whatever culture they happen to grow up in

their opinions hold no value and never have

also civilization is going to collapse soon anyway thanks to unchecked climate change causing famine which will cause mass immigration which will cause more famine and disease which will cause a world war which will hopefully end human life; so you might as well just do whatever the fuck you want

Ah, I was wrong, you're just and edgelord.

One day you'll realize none of this really matters and go with the flow.

No, summer child. I mean technical and managerial positions are disproportionately taken up by white males, hence why their is any semblance of an argument for white male privilege. Now please end this conversation here before you do something stupid(er).

>bawww we wuz slaves n shit
Holy shit, get over it you nigger. You think slavery was only a white on black thing? Do you want your 40 acres and a donkey? I think that was the promise.

who is even responsible for a decision like this?

>an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

and yes, faggot, i have had horrible shit done to me personally and forgiven it, before your dumb predictable ass even goes there.

Turns out white males are also the most competent workers. It's not privilege that gets them these positions. It's merit.

And wait a fucking second! The dog scene was from Awakening, not Fates. You're misremembering that. And it WAS brought up. Especially in light of how bad Fates' localization was. It had people scrubbing Awakening to see what changes were made besides that one visual one for the DLC.

What does any of that have to do with cut content?

In white countries, I assume. Go complain about chinks being at the top in China. They have even less diversity than us and need your help to fix that.

user I'm pretty sure he had nothing to do with bringing slaves here.

>I mean technical and managerial positions are disproportionately taken up by white males
In a white country.

What's the problem here again? Do you go to China and see all the Chinese men in tech and then say there's an asian male problem?

No? Sounds like you might be anti-white then.

Why does the entire world hate and attack me, and then expect me to not hate it back.

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They were literally sold by other black people

>It's not really that bad compared to being killed whenever you got upset. It's just mean words on the internet.
>"Oh, how about we just kill you instead?"

This is why people are afraid. Any minor jab can make you guys bloodthirsty.

>You shouldn't be advocating that the son be punished for the sins of the father.
If you can take credit for your father's accomplishments, why can't you take responsibility for his mistakes?

Traps aren't gay though.

Yep. Just accept the dick being in your ass. Maybe even enjoy it a little.

>This is why people are afraid. Any minor jab can make you guys bloodthirsty.
Yep. Whites are going to kill you.

Go back to your home country before they lose their shit and holocaust you (for real). Run. Now.

That's the semblance of privilege I'm talking about, deserved or not. It's still easier to get into the club when everyone looks and acts like you. Now stop acting so fragile for me acknowledging that fact. It has nothing to do with your personal abilities so you shouldn't give a fuck.

Maybe you shouldn’t live in dangerous white countries then. Mexico needs people.

What do you mean by taking credit for your father's accomplishments? You need to expound on this, because it seems unusual for you to imply that whatever you're referring to is strictly something only white people can do.

SHITLORD (remember when this insult was a thing? good times)

Almost as funny as "just between 2 consenting adults in their bedroom, not like we're preaching it to your kids in kindergarten. Barely a decade later, and you have tranny horror monsters preaching anal sex to fucking toddlers. Looks like the slope is quite slippery indeed.

>it's whitey that keeps the black man down
No no, it's the black man that keeps the black man down. That and democrats. And the jews, but that might be too /pol/ for you fags.

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>Buy black people.
>Centuries later.
>"Can I return them?"

See what I'm saying here?

Not his point. His point was calling you retarded because you claimed in paraphrase that any backlash for advocating whiteness invalidates the notion that white people can be privileged. And yes, you're very fucking retarded for it. You're probably the same breed of shithead that thinks black people get everything handed to them and seeth over it behind your keyboard instead of ever doing anything to improve your own life.

That or like he said you're underage. Either or, you're a retard. Since this is a Videogame board and we're just here shitposting in yet another political thread, I'll remind you that FFIX was the best one and FFVII was overrated trash.

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Not angry about this, though it is silly that all the other PS4 regions who have DMC 5 and World Seeker aren't missing anything.
Yet specifically our US version of these games have additional censorship.
It just makes me wonder what Sony's new HQ is thinking.

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Would have been better if the entire game went missing.

There is no dick unless I wish it to be there.
Life is just a dream I'm having, and it changes in any way I see fit.

So you're one of those people that never takes any personal responsibility and claims your problems are a direct result of someone else creating them for you. You deserve to have a miserable life because you won't take it in your own hands. You will get no sympathy from me if you're unwilling to work.

>I'm angry because non-whites are morally inferior to whites

So go fuck off your dirty non-white country and be privileged over there. Whites do not want you in their countries.

>say the word nigger
>literally the entire black community wants to murder your family

this is why people are afraid. any minor jab can make you guys bloodthirsty.

What was censored from DMC5?

With all the shit going on with them lately I wouldn't be surprised but they are off the hook this time since this just seems like Namco US being lazy asses again.

>"WE created civilization and invented practically everything!"
>"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not the one who enslaved your ass. That was my ancestor!"

Make up your minds, faggots.

*chimping out intensifies*

>now he's pretending to be someone else
Pathetic. Go be anti-white somewhere else, dipshit.

Then uncensor this game.

>"SJWs won't fuck with your games!"
>SJWs continue to fuck with our games
And yet they still wonder why they are hated.

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Not just morally.

>white cop shoots a black criminal
>city wide riot

Literally both of those things are true.

>slippery slope is a fallacy

whoever decided this was deliberately trying to make people retarded

I don't care about anime tits, sorry.

I remember when the cuck lord himself Jim sterling back when I watched him said this and now look at him

Okay, then reshape reality so they're the type of tits you approve of.

Name one thing your "people" invented.

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In order to claim that they hold those positions because of white privilege, you have to answer how they got those positions. Even if they there because of greater opportunities from being born into wealthy families, that doesn't prove white privilege because there are millions of poor whites who don't receive those benefits. Economic privilege is real and easier to address than racial privilege.

We need to rise up...

I like how this thread went from people tearing their hair out cause muh censored tits to arguing about racism.

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So it's that not even black people want black people

As soon as you see the red post count all bets are off.

>strawmanning intensifies to protect fragile world view

You guys know that non-retarded lefties are cool with artistic expression, and it's conservatives, IE, people with actual power who're making the choice for Americans to have this content censored, right? Leftists aren't generally purists, and actual feminists don't care about video games, and want to enable a more sexually comfortable population. This is 50 year old CEOs who're deciding what your morals are for you.

The US PS4 version has a lens flair that covers up a butt for two seconds.

It's only in the US, and it's only on the PS4, and it's the most minor thing in the world. A fucking wonder that they went and did it in the first place. These people are insane.

I don't like any tits.
They look like weird tumors growing on women's chests.

>Being afraid of retards on Yea Forums

So I guess not morally then.

>when white people chimp out
>I'd like to speak to your supervisor!
>when black people chimp out

Attached: lapd+riots.jpg (652x435, 31K)

Then reshape reality into something that pleases you.


Never heard about that.
Probably because, again, had nothing to do with anime tits, so Yea Forums didn't care.

>runs away from the discussion

>Leftists aren't generally purists
That used to be true, but the left has changed significantly in the last 10 years to the point where the tables have flipped in a lot of ways. Liberals used to be the party that staunchly defended free speech. Now it's the complete opposite with the liberals screeching to silence opposition to their new ideology.

>This is why people are afraid. Any minor jab can make you guys bloodthirsty.

>If you can take credit for your father's accomplishments, why can't you take responsibility for his mistakes?
Also fair.

stop telling the truth, you'll get the thread deleted

>when white people chimp out
>World War starts.

I'm fine with reality the way it is, I can sleep and eat all day and have no worries.

Don't samefag.

" If it's a type of artistic expression I don't care about it's fine if it's destroyed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "

No, you're just a fucking retard, since there were plenty of threads about it days ago when it launched. And DMC5 is an anime game. Like, holy shit, you're so obsessed with framing this narrative you'll go to any lengths to do it, without even taking a brief look at what you're talking about.

>why can't you take responsibility for his mistakes
Not him but, because I am not my father. You will not get any gibs from me. You don't even deserve them.

I assume you are talking about in the last few decades.

Has nothing to do with me so I don't care, that's how I live my life.

except for there were threads about it for days you delusional mongoloid

>Acting like America has only just recently become uncomfortable with sex and sexual imagery ignores the entire country's history.
To be fair, during the late 90's and throughout the 00's, these shackles were coming off. Historically it had been conservatives who were enforcing such censorship and liberals would push for less. Now the tides have shifted and the left are the ones trying to push for more censorship.

Are you certain you are replying to the correct post?

Why do liberals seem to despise women?

>They're not REAL leftists
I mean you're right that not all leftists support censorship, and that a lot of conservatives support censorship, but to say that a lot of the pro-censorship crowd today aren't real leftists is just dishonest. Authoritarians on both sides should be purged.

Then why do you take credit for your father's accomplishments?

Doesn't matter if it's an anime game, JoJo was an anime game and nobody cared about it being censored because it was a male character that got censored.

The first response was correct. The second was meant for . Obviously.

Are you intentionally quote snipin or just dumb?

Only pretty women.


Lady's scene is censored on all platforms (only PC users can uncensor everything).
Trish's scene got censored on the US PS4 version thanks to a day one update.
The problem isn't about these fictional characters getting covered up, it's about the precedent this censorship spree has set due to numerous games that got censored.
Censorship (regardless of who does it) is retarded.

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You never explained what this even means and you never explained why white people are the only people that can do this.

Why do virgins make random inflammatory comments to try and create a false narrative?

Oh look, now he's looped back around to that Jojo conversation, even though he was proven wrong. You're just blabbering man. It's hilarious.

Yea Forums literally never ignores SJWs tho. Look at the constant Twitter screencap threads.

Honestly, WW2 germany is the greatest comeback in history.
>germany in WW1
>gets fucked even with allies
>germany in WW2
>literally 1vthe entire world

Does the JP PS4 version of DMC5 have English voices and text? I'll import that if it does.

Nah, you just have no argument.

why do you hate virgins so much that you create a false narrative about them making false narratives?

What accomplishments am I taking credit for? If you say western civilization, I swear I'm getting the noose.

Thank you Snoy

You said no one cared about Jojo. I linked you to 50k people who did. You said it wasn't good enough. You have no metric for what you're arguing, and now you're rushing to get the last word in before the thread archives.

>literally delusional beyond any possible help

>the majority of people are like this in one way or another

human extinction is the only logical course of action

>Yea Forums talks about something
>this means anything outside of Yea Forums

>Lady's scene is censored
Do you have proof of this? The glare doesn't mean it was censorship.

>If you say western civilization, I swear I'm getting the noose.
Because it's true? That's what you always take credit for.

>intentionally not linking to both posts for fear of a simple screencap making him look like an idiot

What about my post was inaccurate? Also, you forgot to call me an incel.

The point is one day it might have something to do with you. I mean, I can't make you care, and I was 13 once too, but eventually you'll start being mindful of these things.

>The glare doesn't mean it was censorship.

Attached: 1420728736249.png (255x211, 5K)

I'm getting the noose.

When only one post is linked it's because the person samefagging is replying to his own post, not replying to someone else's post. And there's no longer any reasonable way to prove you're not a samefag because you can claim and unclaim posts at will without even needing to alter ascreenshot.

Nothing has anything to do with me because I'm comfortable with nothing.
You can take away everything I own and I'll still be happy.

capcom could have done it as a gag

I'm the same dude you responded to, and while I don't entirely agree, I'll say I have definitely seen leftist damage. And
>Authoritarians on both sides should be purged.

I agree 100%, beyond words really

a reminder the slippery slope is not a fallacy

Attached: just give us an inch bro.png (486x241, 219K)

Just stop

The glare apparently isn't present in the Jap version at all.

When it's there for lady but not trish? Yeah. That tells me the glare in lady's scene was intended. As in, part of the artistic vision.

it's a slim possibility
deal with it faggoo

not even that guy btw

What does that credit get people if it's not true? If it's not true then just making the claim would do nothing and you would have no reason to complain. The fact that you're complaining at all means you're mad that it's true and you're not able to capitalize on the intelligent decisions of people who weren't your family.

Whatever helps you protect your worldview, bro.

Good luck fighting the authoritarians after you get silenced and banned, loser :)

Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>I heard
don't even bother if this is how your post starts.

Considering that Yea Forums goes and harasses them too, yes, it does mean something.

You weren't the person he was responding to because both of those people already responded to him negatively as you would suspect. People don't just jump into a conversation and agree with people who say stupid shit. You're retarded for thinking your samefaggotry wasn't transparent.

Slippery slope fallacy is only called out by the people who want to take as much ground as they can.

>Considering that Yea Forums goes and harasses them too
Now I know you're not from here.

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I don't have the Jap version, so no. The American version's day one patch added a glare to Trish's ass, though.

>stupid shit
Like I said .

Keep beating that drum, retard. You got called out.

Been here longer than you kiddo unfortinately

>The American version's day one patch added a glare to Trish's ass, though.
And if that's true then that's censorship, however minor. Meanwhile, I have no reason to believe lady's scene was censored and not just intended to be that way.

>stop saying I need evidence for the claim that it is impossible for two people to disagree with me on the internet, it makes me very uncomfortable and I have to keep squawking about it until you stop
>it's simply impossible that two people could disagree with me in short order, impossible, therefore I need no evidence
>no evidence at all

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it was nice shitposting with you Yea Forums, take it easy

and remember that civilization WILL collapse in your lifetime

I remember there was a huge controversy with Tomodachi Life when they removed same-sex couples.

Not if I kill myself first