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It looks interesting and I want to play it.

i wish it was playable

It was pretty good, had some funny moments too

It literally crashed my PS3 several times.

The music is amazing, as is the vocal tracks coming on during Intoner Mode. The story is a ride, and whether you like it or not, it's a lot of fun to follow the story.
Zero is awesome. I liked getting to play as a complete bitch. Her and Metallia from Hundred Knight are among my favourite characters ever.
The combat is technically the best in the series, when it's not held back by the frame rate. Not saying much though.

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vocal kicking in when u go super mode or w.e was pretty cool

It has Four and Four is the best!

it has a good dub

>Soundtrack was amazing, perhaps the most underrated one in a Taro game
>Characters were all unique and easily stood apart from each other
>Some weapons made the game legitimately fun, rather than a slog
>Voice acting was actually good for once
>Arena could legitimately be challenging without feeling cheap
>The Intoners are all 10/10 designs

It has good story but the gameplay suck and it looks like an early ps2 game

it almost hits 15fps

Two is best girl

Ending mechanic is bullshit, literally the only game to make me rage quit.

PC port when? The game is a fucking technical mess on PS3, but that soundtrack is great.

Some of the females were sexy? That's about it. I hated that game.

Absolutely this. CPU controlled enemies were able to get several direct hits, but all of my attacks missed when the framerate would hit sub 10FPS.

Pleb Filter: The Game

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I wanted to play this game on ps3 but I can't get jap dubs.

This is unnaceptable, the very soul of this game depends on japanese voice acting.

The final (really final) fight is clever and I love that Zero basically knows she's in a videogame and hates it. Other than that I really didn't like this game at all.

>The character designs are varied and well done
>Zero and Mikhail are both great characters, I like them just as much as 2B and 9S
>I really like the music
>The humor is hit and miss but on the whole I'm glad it tried. Gives the game a very different atmosphere to most Yoko Taro stuff

>To unlock the final route you have to collect every weapon in the game! You currently have 38%. Have fun.
Eat a fucking dick, Taro, stop making me play more of your awful game.

I did enjoy the characters pointing out how shit the game is

You can though, its on the PS store as dlc

NieR made my PS3 nearly die from overheating and the sound would start crackling if the game ran for too long.

Fuck Cavia.

Getting every weapon in Drakengard 3 is literally the easiest its ever been in a Taro game, since you all have to do is grind money. Try doing that shit in D1 where you had to put up with all those retarded hidden mission objectives or Nier with it's ridiculous material grind.

I love it even with the absolute terrible framerate.

God I still have nightmares about those Junk Heap grinds.

This. I also like how it shows in the menu when you're going to use an hp item how much it'll heal at that time. Such a minor detail that so many games would benefit from.
Play on an emulator, don't even need a top pc to make it run well and loadscreens short.

Wish we could get a ps4 port. 60 fps would make this game GOTY

the ending music is very very nice

Guess I'm gonna play. been putting it off after 1 and Nier.

Character designs are amazing shame we got no sfm porn.

>actual quote (from shitty english localization)

Final Song is basically better than 99% of Nier and Automata's soundtracks

>we got no sfm porn
that's where you're wrong. there wasn't much and i think only one guy made them.

Erm. The music is really good so you can at least close your eyes and enjoy the tunes while waiting for the next frame to load.

By no sfm porn I meant no good sfm porn.

And the flower gardening....and running through Aerie eight thousand times hoping a damn eagle egg will spawn, and all the other countless little annoyances you'd have to put up with for 100%.
Drakengard 3's grind was mercifully short in comparison, by the time I'd actually gotten through all the of the game's actual content I'd basically already gotten the majority of what I needed.

You have to get every collectible in every stage, do a bunch of sidequests and then also grind money. Thankfully I already opened all the chests. Had the game told me to go through every branch again to get the chests I missed I would have snapped the disc in half.

the Nier one is the one I don't understand because I swear I did that without noticing. Or it's just my brain repressing memories.

I should go finish this game. Stopped playing during the weapon grinding. Gonna have to get drunk to deal with the shit framerate though.

The relationship between Zero and Mikhail as an abusive mother who really does love her retarded dragon son made me really feel things, fucked up

I guess I did the collectibles and sidequests without worrying too much about it, the game is so linear that you barely have to go out of your way to get them.
Nier's grind was absolutely ridiculous if you weren't super lucky. Plus the time consuming grind side quests like the lunar tear cultivation.

I liked it. The story only really got decent towards the end and some of the disciples or whatever were annoying, but it was a fun game. Combat was solid enough and while the framerate dropped often I never found it unplayable. The final boss is simultaneously the most beautifully designed boss ever and a cheap piece of shit.

>tfw farming subdued bracelets

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Zero is mai waifu I want her to step on me.

I think this is what she actually said while remembering her life while being tied to that pole before she died while meeting the flower for the first time

>tfw need to drag out my ps3 to finish this game now

Goddamnit why doesn't ps4 have backwards compatibility.

ps5 will, your magical numbers sealed this to be a fact

>Only Zero doujin I've found in English was her getting raped
What a joke

>was her getting raped
very fitting

But the english localization is the best. I understand purists though, almost every line of dialogue is different from the original. Still, this is one those super rare games where dub>sub (the other one is Resonance of fate)

zero is a cutie patootie

Just remembered I bought all the prologue DLC and never played it. Guess I know what I'm playing tonight thanks Yea Forums.

You don't have to upgrade any Nier weapons for the final ending, just own them. It's no grind at all

It's one of the best bad games ever.

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>proceeds to kill everyone in the room as soon as its over
Yeah that's some rape alright

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I wish I could be her


It was a wild ride. I never played a game like Drakengard 3 and I mean that in the best possible way. It was that introduced me to Yoko Taro and NIER which was also amazing. Not sure how I feel about Automata because of all the waifu faggotry though.

I loved it, in fact I'd like to get a career in the videogame industry and try my best at making quality products just so that I can get around to finally making something that resembles the impact and joy this gave me.

It is if you want to do all the sidequests (and you'll have to to get all the weapons.) Especially your first time through when you don't know which sidequests will get you weapons. That said, I mostly meant it in relation to getting the platinum trophy. Just the ending isn't that bad but its still requires you to go further out of your way than D3.

Mikhail is cute

I love you both.

I really liked everyone's design and the cutscenes were fun.
I'll never get to explore that flying ship.

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>the flying ship
Jesus fuck that was a kick in the balls

anyone have that pic of the intoners with comically summarized descriptions of what they did throughout the game
I remember one of them mentioned killing the orphans, I think zero's was about killing her sisters, etc
saw it once months ago but forgot to save

And I love you too fellow drakenbro, the moment the entire world goes black and white and the rhythm fight against the flower/queen happens in both the first one and this game might be one of my favorite moments on videogames.

Holy fuck. Brainlet here can you please tell me the songs name? I understand it's from the dlc but I have no clue beyond this.

Yea Forums is the best

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Octa best disciple.

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Sure no problem, same as the original
Just chapter 13: closing
played over the original Closing

Sadly I never got to that ending. When I beat the first Branch I was on a roll, but when I found you had to get 100% weapons for the final Branch I took a break to play NIER Gestalt and never went back. I was 40% when I left off.

What a glorious remix.

Much appreciated, anons

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One of the only games I bought used and never even played once for some reason

It can't be considered MANslaughter.

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I really hate how that guy's channel name, description, and like 2/3 of the video info go out of the way to just not explicitly say he's doing unofficial fan remixes and they aren't "unreleased" official tracks as you might assume
also he's some brony furfag or something

>Still, this is one those super rare games where dub>sub (the other one is Resonance of fate)
nier dub > sub
dod3 though I gotta disagree. strongly.

Is this the one with the pissing dragon?

It was still rape even if they do all die as soon as that one guy takes her gag out
Not my thing at all

Mikhail is neither a stinky nor a stupid dragon thank you very much

Yes, also all the girls are sluts.

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I'm mad the only video with Mikhail singing his little song in Japanese with eng subs that was easy to find doesnt have the sub any more as annotations don't seem to work

It's a good experience but sadly as we know it's not the best game when it comes to gameplay and I don't know if after you playing the others, maybe it has been spoiled as in not making the journey worth it.

Thirteen chapter
I actually paid money so i could use this song while climbing the tower to fight one at the end of route 1

The girls are cute and the music is great

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>a little gag will stop Zero from killing everyone in the room
Sure thing buddy

>tfw this was an actual picture in the game
They had me from the start.

yoko taro's wife seems like a nice person

Can't the game is complete and utter garbage

To my understanding she was just playing with them because she wanted dick (because she always wants dick).

I would if I could play it on a ps4.

The final boss theme is godlike and the best song of any Taro game ever

"does good work but is an insufferable autist" is like half of the DoD/Nier content creators. I try not to think too hard about it.

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Did she make that?

The reason I bought a PS3

Returned the console, kept the game

yeah she also does the art for the taiko games

The last boss is one of my favorite last bosses. The boss music is good. I appreciate that the different endings are actually you doing different shit instead of just replaying 3/4 of the game again like Nier

Probably Stockholm syndrome talking here, but after being forced to listen to it for 6 hours straight I have to agree.

To be fair i wouldn't have smashed my head against it for about a week if the song wasn't as good as it is, it truly feels divine

>Drakengard 3 has a hard final bossfight

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Combat was really fun when the framerate didn't shit itself.
Zero was much better acted in the JP voice were she comes off more as exhausted than a raging cunt.
The ending was pretty memorable.

Remaster with a decent framerate and all DLC included when.

This but also adding the DMC style system with the dynamic tracks.


I really couldn't give a fuck about any of the characters by the time I got to ending E, and the whole experience felt more grueling than DoD1 with how lacking the atmosphere and soundtrack were outside of bossfights, on top of the grating technical issues.

Is it actually worth it to tackle ending E's boss? I felt hype as fuck to slay the Mother, but this just isn't doing shit for me.

Drakengard 3 is a better written game then Automata. Also Zero > 2B

>Drakengard 3 is a better written game then Automata.

Great music.

Was One (Female) not into incest? Because One (male) definitely was.

It's true. Automata is all pretension with no real pay off, it's all just navel gazing. It only gets credit for that final ending which really isn't that special.

I mean I can respect your opinion but surely this is a ruse that you setup to get me to reply?

Nope. Aside from the Yorha being hot and the gameplay being Platinum lite Automata can go fuck itself. I had hopes for a Taro game and this one felt so tame. Also 9S was a mistake

Brother One was so horny he'd fuck anything if he's given the chance.
Apparently, she lets him fuck her in a novella. Be free to correct me, lore sages.

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ive never even played this game i just started nier today i didnt expect this thread to gain this much traction when i made it why does everyone know about this game is it trash

Gameplay is ok/frustrating. Story is fun. Zero is fuckable

Resonance of Fate gave my PS3 YLOD. It was the fat 60gb one. Not even the countless chapter installs of MGS4 did that.

>The music is amazing,
A thousand times this, it's always Nier or Growing Wings with folk, but I love 3's music so much.
Two is best girl, but Three's theme is the best.

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Even if I didn't really like the main game, I enjoyed the prequel manga that was based on it.

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>why does everyone know about this game
Just Taro fans.

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That was a great read, I actually have the whole thing downloaded, which I never really bother to do.
Personally I am just waiting for Taro to finish his Psychic Military/High School Suffering manga though.

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Baltas spinoff when? I actually do want to know what his deal was.

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but 9S is the hottest Yorha unit

>Psychic Military/High School Suffering manga
Thou Shalt Not Die?

Is it any good? The only vague reviews I've ever heard about it just say that it's super violent.

>Verdelet's bald head catching the light in the audience

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Maybe they'll throw him a vague reference if we ever actually get to see Accord again.

elf = jew

Utahime Five was honestly what I wish that Drakengard 3 was more like. The whole concept of a bunch of tragic Megucas just trying their best to be a family of superheroes in a weird dark fantasy world was fun.

Maybe I just wish for a Drakengard game that let us explore a bit more of the actual setting and lore.

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Drakengard 3 is the video game equivalent of a high effort shitpost. It's intriguing to say the least, I don't suppose it's the sequel I wanted but it's the sequel that makes the most sense given the studio. If Drakengard 4 doesn't offer the player a chance to brick their systems with the dialogue choice selector resting on "yes" by default I'll be upset.

I do wish we got to have more sister vs sister fights and less crab battle shit

Yeah, that one. It's not really that great so far as I have read, but it is a fun read.
Imagine a Shounen manga with all the fun of every new fight somehow topping the last like usual, but the MC is a proper sociopath in "love" with the Heroine, everyone is never really not suffering, no one is safe from death flags and the cutest girl is an incredibly nice kid and unfortunately a powerful murder machine
Basically it's a Taro Take on Shounen, instead of JRPG's/Videogames.

I'm the opposite. It's a really lovely song but my eye twitches whenever I hear it.

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Yeah, i can't remember which one but it should be available in the lparchive guide

I saw somewhere that this motherfuckee was built by the same people that made accord, except that this was a combat android

Noted. I'll probably look into it.

I could do with it being a mite less edgy than the other Drakengard 3 manga though.

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>I could do with it being a mite less edgy than the other Drakengard 3 manga though.

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I thought we had no idea where Accord came from.

Other than her maybe being related to the "Old World" and the magic/tech that suddenly appeared during the cataclysm. Which may or may not have come from Nier Automata's future as a product of some weird inter-dimensional time paradox.

I know most people here dislike the game but I really liked the first caime encounter in dod2.

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They say in game that she comes from the old world, they say nothing about baltas, but in the manga accord is the one that says to that old woman to fuck off from the gate, baltas is the being that guards it, so they have to be somewhat relates

I would give it a 10/10 if it didn't have so many technical problems.

Drakengard 2 feels like it was initially a collection of good ideas with a lot of potential, but the final execution's a mess. The Caim and Angelus subplot was genuinely good. The different pact partner ideas were fun. And the idea of Manah and Caim trading roles as heroes and villains was a great premise.

But Nowe's a bit of a git with unironic shonen anime Chosen One powers.

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The true final boss is the biggest casual filter in gaming

You have nice short lore to go with hit about some used up child prostitute who had nothing in her life and wanted to die but the flower wouldn't let her. But the rest of the game dumb as fuck.

switch port?

>But Nowe's a bit of a git with unironic shonen anime Chosen One powers.
I agree with this but the interactions between nowe and legna were really entertaining and it was fun to see them go on a adventure. Overall the game is a mixed bag as you've mentioned.

JP VAs were good
Do not play the dub version tho

The art for Drakengard 2 is weirdly beautiful. Showing backstories and characters we don't even see in-game.

It makes me feel like they had bigger plans for it initially, but they ran into publisher/dev issues along the way, as well as creative differences between the new director and Taro's original ideas for the series.

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I like Liam O'brien though.

English Zero is fine

she is in my top 5 waifus but the game ran like shit

You are correct

Is Drak 2 really that bad? The only coherent criticism I see is that Nowe is an insufferable little shit, but that seems like a deliberate choice.

Eeh, I don't hate it as much as some folk. I actually got really emotional over Caim and Angelus's story in the end of D2, but I think the rest of it's wasted potential.

Gameplay-wise it's about the same as Drakengard 1, but somehow with even less polish in certain areas. And unlike the first game, every new ending you unlock literally forces you to start from the very beginning every time. Every time.

Story-wise, my problem with Nowe is that he feels like he was just kind of forced into the story. Adult Manah should have been the protagonist, but she just becomes a bland love-interest, while Nowe is basically everything that the first game was making fun of played straight. He's the oblivious nice-guy hero who kills countless people on a whim and doesn't explain himself when he should, but is still treated like the good guy who gets his happy ending in the end.

Maybe not a terrible game by its own merits outside of the bad pacing, but not the thematic or mechanical follow-up to the first game that people were hoping for.

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Imaging if you take drakengard gameplay and remove anything that made the game interesting and replace it with naruto tier story, that is what drakengard 2 is, the gameplay is slightly better, but going from dogshit to vomit isn't that much of an improvement

The characters were all very interesting and it was fun to watch where the story went.

Go clean up. Front AND back.

How do I complete the final song?

I always seem to fuck at at the middle of One's verse.

I can't tell if it's latency of I'm off rhythm by the fraction of a second.

If you carve really fucking deep you'll find something resembling a loving mother in Zero, i think that is worth quite a bit

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The timing is so strict by that point, a framerate hitch or a button being a tad sticky will fuck you over

I want to have sweet, crispy fuck w/ Zero!

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You mirror the sequence as soon as it ends, that's it, you can rely on your eyes until Two, but the camera movements in One segments will actively screw you, so don't rely on it, no need to count times either, as soon as One finish to throw shit at you you start pressing, this applies until the very end, the last 2 notes though, there's no pattern, you just tap the button when your instinct tells you

Cheat and match up your game to a youtube guide video that shows the timing on all the visual cues.

Or be a coward like me and just watch the last few minutes of the story on youtube while your're at it and move on with your life.

why are drakengard threads always better than nier ones?

Nier has more mentally ill trannies who want the series to fail now that it's popular
Drakengard is already dead

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I love Nier but most 2B Op threads are just invitations to shitpost.

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How does this emulate these days? The original nier too? I dont want to plug in my PS3

Nier emulates well enough on my 4690k.
DoD 3 I couldn't get to run properly but I didn't even try twice

>How does this emulate these days?
literally runs better on emulators than on the original system. I've seen videos of people running it at 4K, locked 30fps, on very modest systems.

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Probably not, if you're not feeling it up to that point. Just look up the rest of it online and join the people wondering what the hell Accord's deal was.

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Is the gachashit worth it?, there's an english version coming out soon and i may consider getting into this shit

I feel like the localization and script were great, but Zero's VA kind of fucked up her characterization. If she'd managed to nail the exhausted, out-of-fucks voice that the Japanese Zero had rather than screaming all the time, THEN it would have been perfect.

How is drakengard and nier related, it makes no sense

I know there was a god or some shit that died and killed everything in drakengard, but it doesn't explain shit

I honestly do not know.
Apparenlty they're now adding in a NieR:Replicant themed missions too.

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I recognize that art
Is that bb?

Drakengard 1 had an ending, Ending E, where the protagonist fought a giant cosmic horror called the Queen Beast. Their battle somehow tore a hole through space and time and dumped them into the middle of modern Tokyo.

The giant was supposedly defeated, but when it turned into ash it spread a supernatural disease that led to the apocalypse of the modern world. That's what leads into the first Nier's story.

Meanwhile Drakengard 3 is a prequel to Drakengard 1, and Drakengard 2 is the alternate continuation of a different ending from the one that leads into Nier.

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Is gachashit ever worth it?

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terrible story
terrible characters
terrible framerate

really fun though, plat'd that shit in a heartbeat

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Its a different audience, not him but i also enjoyed english Zero more, she made more sense to me, she gets angrier way more, but only because of mikhail, you only get angry if you actually care about something, jap VA doesn't express the feels she has for mikhail, but that's just me
Mankind died in nier because the queen beast fell and got killed in tokio, drakengard humans can use magic and form pacts at will, nier humans can't, so when a watcher tries to pact with a human they can't withstand it, and they either get turned into a mindless salt zombie that keeps spreading the infection or die right where they stand, the solution comes from another kind of particle, the ones from angelus that has another effect that isn't killing you instantly, you should know the rest if you played nier

oh yeah the god was the queen beast

i remember they tried to contain the virus but it kept leaking

I don't know but i need something to burn 2 hours each day that isn't fucking clash royale

Afraid I don't know. Saved it from an old thread.