So is it just me, or was KH3 trivially easy compared to its predecessors even on proud mode...

So is it just me, or was KH3 trivially easy compared to its predecessors even on proud mode? I really didn't have a hard time with anything, even the Secret boss. KH2 and 1 were far tougher in my opinion. I think the hardest part of this game was the hidden Gummi ship boss. which I fucking loved, I'm a huge Einhander fan and I thought it was the best thing ever

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No, KH2 when it first came out was way way easier than 3.

Imagine being this wrong.

They're all easy on proud

wonder which designer thought it would be a good idea to make a series and company known for hard bosses be easier than Telltale game.

Even on Proud, KH3 was a joke.

t. Zoomer who didn't play 2 when it first came out

After all these years this should've been THE Final mix release but obviously Square learned nothing from past releases

It was an explicit design choice by the director of the game to make KH3 easier compared to earlier games in the series as a means of appealing to modern player sensibilities or something like that.

Sora is honestly too powerful, and the vast majority of the enemies can't keep up. This was an issue in KH2 as well but KH3 went even further.

KH1 was the only KH that felt like the protagonist and the enemies were on relatively equal footing.

Try being a retarded child again, maybe you'll find it as difficult as the originals.

No, they learned. They learned how much more profitable DLC releases can be.

Original release 2 was easier and had less content than 3.

It wasn't and it didn't.

I played all of the games again before KH3 released. Same experience.

Nah, people struggled with at least a few bosses like Demyx, Luxord, and Groundshaker. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. KH3 is still overall easier than KH2 though.

>Didn't play the original release
Final Mix 2 is not a representation of the original 2 release

Yes it's incredibly easy. I went back and played DDD after beating it and was getting shit stomped occasionally on proud mode, and I didn't recall that game being very difficult when I originally played it.

Did I say I played FM2?

Nigger I played 1 and 2 over and over again when I was younger and burned through the collections before 3 came out, your'e wrong.

How can someone possibly be wrong about a personal experience, unless they have Alzheimer's?

Where is it Square?

I am saying this because when 2 originally came out I had to figure out how to make the game challenging, 2 was easier. 3 starts you with Zero Exp so you can actually make a challenge pretty easily.

None of those bosses were difficult, Demyx is the only thing you might see a gameover screen and that's only because of the timed mini game that you can easily clear by mashing reaction commands, not because the fight is remotely difficult.

>So is just me
Everyone who played the game and is not a Nomura's cock sucker criticized the shit easy peasy difficulty. Only delusional fanboys argue that muh Proud lvl 1 or muh Critical dlc have any chance to fix this whole mess of game.

I have never understood people saying Demyx was hard.

BBS had hard bosses on Proud though.