So we can all agree that YK2 > Y0 > YK1 > Y6, right?

So we can all agree that YK2 > Y0 > YK1 > Y6, right?

Attached: downloadfile.png (1067x600, 468K)

K2 is best but K1 is the worst

Y0 > YK2 > Ishin > Y4 > Kenzan > Y2 > Y5 > Y6 > Y1 > Y3 > YK1 > Dead Souls

>2's ruination above 0

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I feel people who care about tier lists usually have pretty bad taste to begin with.

Not a huge fan of YK1 even though it's a standup game and has its moments but YK2 blew my expectations out of the water. I'm having so much fuckign fun playing this and I thought the series had peaked already

Where's 3, 4 and 5, you fucking secondary?

I have a lot of fond memories of 2 and am worried Kiwami 2 won't hold up.

Not on PS4, retard

Most people do and they're blind to the fact that it's an objective improvement over an already stellar game.

Secondary here. Why did Majima go from being an edgy but relatable protagonist to a full blown WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY autistic villain?

Does he return to form in later games? He was so cool in 0.

Attached: 1549933519203.jpg (400x400, 31K)

It doesn't hold up. Combat is clunker because of the new shitty engine. Lots of music is axed, and the lisenced music is absolute garbage, though I understand they were trying to appeal to Japanese zoomer, so CKB wouldn't have been brought back. Fights are garbage as not only is Kiryu's new moveset trash, but so is Ryuji's. He's an absolute joke to fight. They added to stupid fucking clan creator cancer from 6. Despite being a modern game, a lot of areas look worse. No reflections on tiles like in 2. They removed a city (which was like 2 streets), but that's still a negative so fuck off.

It's worse than 2, and only secondaries will tell you otherwise.

Yeah the original 2 sure, Kiwami 2 is shit.

>an objective improvement

In what fucking way outside of modernized in terms of graphics and camera?

And? Was the PS4 the first console your daddy bought you?

Yes. I didn't really start gaming until I was like 12, blow me

Why do Chad's like K2 but incels don't?

Because as much as the developers take strides to have these games have that almost seamless transition between games as the world and characters age with the release dates and the districts in real life Jap land, story wise they fumble quite often, especially after 2.

>this passive-aggressive pussy behaviour

You wish you were a chad.

More like 0 had a decent writer behind Majima's story, but he's fucked off.

>Kiryu's new moveset trash, but so is Ryuji's. He's an absolute joke to fight.

This was the biggest letdown for me. The last boss fight in 2 was GOAT, but garbage in K2.

K2 > 2

>no new IP

just stop

Not quite, buddy :)

Attached: YakuzaTier.png (1420x1126, 1.18M)


Pretty much, yeah.

With what, your fucking stupidity?

This seems like a very "trying to fit into the fanbase" list.

Correct. People who out 5 that low aren't real longtime fans.


whoa now say U MAD next

Shut up, nigger

Grow up.

This guy gets it.

>Has only played Kiwami games, 0, and 6
>Has completely shit opinions
Yup, checks out as a zoomer.

Attached: zoom zoom.gif (244x250, 47K)

Kill yourself.

>Does he return to form in later games? He was so cool in 0.
Yes, he does.
Starting in Yakuza 3 is when you start seeing the more serious side of Majima, and Yakuza 4 covers a lot of what Yakuza 0 alludes to in his backstory.

Attached: Majima - Yakuza 4.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

Grow up.

Kill yourself.

Also the reason Yakuza 0 tries to clue you in on, is the fact that his "lul so craaaazy" persona is largely fake.
He's just trying to be an unpredictable clown so he can't be manipulated like he was throughout all of Yakuza 0.

Attached: 1550778574876.png (1760x1246, 1.48M)

You are both massive cocksucking faggots

6 and K2 are abominations that have ruined the Yakuza brand

Attached: 5pgsgmrwsg221.png (640x732, 584K)

>the Yakuza brand


agreed, I much prefer 5 to 4, which everyone seems to rate as the best (of the ps3 games at least).

>low tier
this is bait

Shin Yakuza when? We won't have a western release until 2025 at this point.

I really tried to get into Yakuza 0 ( I got to when you regain control of kiryu, I think it was chapter 5 ) but the combat is just so bad.
you either spam the same OP string that happens to be the only redeeming quality of a terrible stance, or you use a stance with nothing OP in it and therefore have to fight against the terrible lock-on and movement

You can tell that guy is an ugly jawlet

I'm over it. I was expecting some footage at TGS.

K2 feels almost unnecessary.
K1 gained a ton with the added cutscenes and taking from the best combat system in the series helped a ton.
K2 additions felt like a jumbled collection of extra and the Host Club Adam/FPS Sword fights from OG 2 were better than all of it's added content.

This is upside down

K1 just feels like a mod of 0 because it is, mechanically it's a better game than 1 but as an actual remake it's not great. All the good stuff in it comes from 0. I would have like to see the Adam stuff redone to be more like 0's hostess minigame (from the other side of the table, so to speak) or something new entirely, it's a really cool feature in 2 but it's essentially just a reverse of the regular hostess stuff, which is a boring time and money barrier to 100% completion.

I think I'm over 0's host club mini-game, it's just not got a ton to it and it's very easy.
You never get any sort of real set back and it's just down to how much time to want to put in to grind your staff up.
I'd cut the waiting times from the Adam quest but I'd keep the rest fairly close.

Yeah, three games is enough to let it rest. North Star changed a few things up but it made it even more of a boring grind in the process. Mostly I just want the hostess minigames to be an actually enjoyable part of the gameplay experience, something you look forward to rather than dread. Unfortunately the reason they exist is so Japanese players can simulate talking to an actual women. And not in a forgivable VR porn game way, it's in a lame "maybe if I remortgage my house to buy overpriced champagne she'll fuck me!" way.

The one fucking thing that would have saved K2 for me was if Kaoru was available in premium play. I remember having so much fun kicking ass with Kaoru in the original but no Sega had to be lazy also removing all the good gambling games and other fun stuff. It's like what is even the point of K2?

But all the gambling games from 2 are in K2? The ones they cut out were massage parlors, bowling and the cool lightsaber VR game. The old one had New Game Plus but no premium adventure, they both have Kaoru escorting you during story missions as a helper, that didn't change.

Roulette and baccarat man. Also chohan and ceelow if they were going to add koikoi and ochikabu. And there was a premium play mode in the original where Kaoru can freely follow you around.