How can one expansion be this fucking based? Other than Eureka, it shits on anything from WoW in the last 10 years and also dabs on HW

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Other urls found in this thread:


>dabs on HW
>Other than Eureka
Also wrong cause BA is some of the best content this game's ever gotten

they killed her

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Five days.

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Both of his eyes are red now retard.

And replaced with her someone that actually has a personality, instead of just being "ha ha, I'm so dumb and silly!!!"

The heterochromia makes it more recognizable

*clenches fist* why the fuck won't you die for the resistance

>giant male Roe in cheetah underwear joins the party
you should be able to report these degenerates on sight

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Its their culture, user.

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>was engaged in the Ala Mhigan civil war as a young teen
>let several successful missions and became a war hero in her own right
>escaped to Sharlayan and got an education
>received the rank of Archon (Sharlayan PhD), so she's incredibly smart despite being an airhead
>was recruited by Louisoix for her strength and intelligence to save the world

>literally fucking retarded, not pretend retarded like Yda
>gets mad because people won't die for her sheltered ass
>gets handed her position purely because she's related to Yda and their father

>spent over 1 hour is lower la noscea killing fates to get my atma
>didn't drop a single one
fuck this game and fuck yoshida

>based expansion
>majority of the new content is the same, complete with Diadem v4.0
>content release cycle identical, aside from Ultimate fights thrown in, and one less dungeon every other update
>real Savage dumbed down to Final Coil-tier difficulty, but they call it Savage still for some reason
>Ultimate content the only redeeming experiment of the expansion, and there was only two of them, when a third would have been perfect to help with the lull between update & next expansion

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Did nothing wrong

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>feel like replaying Singularity Reactor
>24 minute wait
Oh yeah, that's why I unsubbed last time

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>got bamboozled by Ascians
>wanted to brainwash the planet into worshiping him
>thought he could take the WoL
>nothing wrong

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>thought he could take the WoL
It's not that. His religion worships a war goddess. It was a trial by combat, because they believe that Halone will put her power behind the one who's truly right.
>wanted to brainwash the planet into worshiping him
That was the primal, not the Archbishop. He didn't have the Echo.

>other than [shitty thing that ate up ridiculous amounts of dev time and will be dead and forgotten]

did you get your tranny marble yet?

because you couldn't immediately find a party for four year old content?

install this

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eureka sucks shit, tranny marble should be more easily available for people who have lives

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>playing SCH
I bet you get your coke without ice, eat your steak well done, and have never used a weight bench

this ruined ffxiv

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Why would you have a dummy as a fairy?

Aren't dragons basically Uchihas?

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>Other thank eureka

>He outperforms all of you

>Scholar image shows fairy sitting on shoulder
>Fairy never sits on your shoulder

I hate it.

It's just part of Japan's mythology of the eye being the window to the soul

>>Ultimate content the only redeeming experiment of the expansion, and there was only two of them, when a third would have been perfect to help with the lull between update & next expansion
This did feel weird, but I guess it's mostly because so few people even attempt Ultimate fights that they probably didn't feel it'd actually promote any real retention pre-expansion.

Not only the eyes but the betrayal and revengance

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stfu shitter

it didn't ruin XIV, but it did signal that they have no intention of smoothing out the beginner experience, which sucks.

>i like waiting for 3 hours to kill a 24-man boss while someone sweatily reads ozma's gimmicks to me over his hot mic
based retards ensuring we get fucking shadoweureka

Better be nopan

>No Zenos Uchiha copypasta

Have sex with a naturally occurring female with a legitimate vagina

At the least they could have done a Savage version of an existing trial just to give 'something' for people to do, without the production costs associated with having to cram four fights into one with new arenas/effects.
Maybe they still can as a surprise when the next Yojimbo fight hits

>gets handed her position purely because she's related to Yda and their father
Welcome to feudal tier settings. It's fucking tragic what happened with her though. I wanted to give Yda headpats and the dick since I met her as a level 4 Lancer, and being spoiled that she became majorly important and we got to spend a lot of time with her was all I allowed myself to know, and built up a lot of expectation. Then she became Lyse and suddenly lost every drop of charm she had.

Thankfully Alisae is a vastly superior choice even to classic Yda, so byegones and all that. I was also surprised at how much of a bro Thancred became after his near death and time in the lifestream. He went from a useless flirt, only good for failing at spy missions, to being the only other Scion to call out peoples over reliance on you and treat you like an equal. And then he proceeded to not appear in much of Stormblood.

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where is it
just did a search on the discord and couldn't find it

> Matthew 6:22-24
>22 The eye is the lamp of the body. You draw light into your body through your eyes, and light shines out to the world through your eyes. So if your eye is well and shows you what is true, then your whole body will be filled with light.
>23 But if your eye is clouded or evil, then your body will be filled with evil and dark clouds. And the darkness that takes over the body of a child of God who has gone astray—that is the deepest, darkest darkness there is.

Not just Japanese user. Middle-Eastern and, via Christianity, the West as well.

Can't wait for cat shitposters to be eternally btfo

I thought you could only use once of these per character? Meaning if you bought lvl 50 SCH, then you couldnt by lvl 50 anything else.

He'll be back shortly.

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>I was also surprised at how much of a bro Thancred became after his near death and time in the lifestream. He went from a useless flirt, only good for failing at spy missions, to being the only other Scion to call out peoples over reliance on you and treat you like an equal
Because he lost both his surrogate father and surrogate daughter within a few years of each other, and also feels responsible for the Waking Sands massacre. He's about to go fucking nuclear. I can only imagine Hydaelyn is using Minfilia to manipulate him for some reason in ShB.

They removed that limitation.

>also dabs on HW
No, it doesn't. This expansion was horrible compared to HW
>And replaced with her someone that actually has a personality
KEK, yes sure.

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Better lock the doors to all of the mosques and schools then.


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Don't be hyperbollic. I bought an upgrade to SCH when I started the game, because it also levelled SMN. I don't even play the classes, I'm a tank main, and would never have considered shitting up end game content by trying to play on a class I had no idea about. I used it to farm gear for my main class and tackle dungeons I hit in the story at times where getting a group would have been difficult.

There are going to be shitter who coasted on Palace and soon on Trusts no matter what you do. Being able to buy a boost, ten levels below the cap, doesn't help but is also far from the only reason there are shit players.

>HW trannies coming out of the woodwork to defend their shit expansion
Someone must've posted the link in their tranny discord

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I was really hoping the Scions would die permanently. ShB could still knock one or two of them out of the game.


Piss off WoWfugee, SB doesn't hold a candle to the kino that was HW. How's your liberated cities? Oh wait, one got sunk to the bottom of a river and the other wont let you in cause WE WUZ KANGZ and is getting gassed in a week. The only thing Stormblood did right was making ever villain a fucking lolcow.

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Baito da. SB was garbage compared to HW in every aspect.

image on the right is objectively better

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>my opinion is bad so I'll say tranny over and over!

Eat a dick, HW is twice as good as HB. Mhiggerland is bland and pointless just like Lyse, and the only good parts of Weebland are Kugane and the Steppe. Not to mention garbage villains like Fordola and Yotsuyu, and Aulus just dying as an anticlimactic dungeon boss

A literal pile of dogshit on the gound is better than wow so that's not saying much

SB is when the tranny population exploded though

BLM always

I don't understand people who complain about queue times.

Get a decent FC! They're more common than you think.

What is this lalafell seeing?

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Neck yourself

If you play dps you deserve long queues, pussies

clipping issues and unfiltered textures

Getting nervous that catfags and barafags are gonna be btfo in favor of bishonen bunny dudes?

How did Yoshi get away with this?

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He was more than a dumb flirt in 1.0. Not sure why they pushed that side of him so hard in 2.0's MSQ.

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Get fucked. Shame too since Blues were awesome in 11

>watch stream of someone doing ozma in NA/EU
>super serious no fun allowed atmosphere complete with angry and nervous sounding person nagging people on voice with callouts
>they still wipe anyway
meanwhile i cleared it in a literal pug on jp with nothing and the grand total of their prep consisted of a text macro in chat before the pull

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Because it wasn't actually him for most of 2.0. One of the few times you see the genuine him is when he's solemnly taking on the task of mercy killing the tempered. Pretty much everything after that point is Lahabrea.

It's looking grim for Raubahn. I'm also slightly concerned for Hein and Yugiri, but they could just be fake-outs. It just seems like an interesting choice that they have found an excuse to remove everyone 'important' from harms way, just as the Empire is about to gas the front line and we are about to have a climactic duel amongst a field of dead, and then allegedly wander off aimless and depressed.

>looking pretty grim for Raubahn
Have a single fact to back that up besides wild speculation, faggot?

There a date on the world visit stuff?

not that user, but him leaving nanamo's service and the amount of attention paid to it is a massive fucking death flag.

His character arc is over, he passed on the Tizona and title of Flame General to Pipin, and now there's a huge war on the border of his homeland where people are 100% going to die because of whatever Solus is planning with the Black Rose. We saw the mountains of bodies already in the ShB trailer.

fucking kek that shit is hilarious
>that white roe watching him saying he's amazing or someshit

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I really wish I could have experience 1.0, warts and all, as now that its gone all that remains are Youtube collections of the story cutscenes.

Do we know exactly when he got overtaken? To be fair, even after that and up to 2.5 he was still pretty useless and his ambient dialog usually revovled around fucking or who he had fucked whenever I went back to the Rising Stones. One cutscene where he actually uses his dagger and acts like a high-level rogue doesn't change that.

It's so we have an Ala Mhigo leader who isn't fucking Lyse

See; and . The fact speculation triggered you enough to call it out and insult me tells me you are worried too. I don't want it to happen. I genuinely love the fucker. He's the only 'leader' that comes to bat for us in any tangible way and puts his blade where his mouth is.

>Do we know exactly when he got overtaken?
Right after the Ifrit stuff is when he starts wearing the dark crystal, so apparently the stress of taking those lives weakened him enough for Lahabrea to snatch.
>To be fair, even after that and up to 2.5 he was still pretty useless and his ambient dialog usually revovled around fucking or who he had fucked whenever I went back to the Rising Stones.
Well that's consistent with his character in 1.0 too. He's a huge flirt, loves women, and uses that to his advantage to get information. He only gets serious when bad shit is happening.

Can you still get these without being banned?

after the datacenter infrastructure maintenance so early may

They're going to destroy him, and burn him as fuel to force that mary stupid Lyse into being comfortable in a leadership role. "now i have no choice so I MUST do my best!" She will overshadow his demise with her bullshit.

>I really wish I could have experience 1.0
One day perhaps.

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>final story boss of Shadowbringers is yourself
>have to purge the darkness you built up inside

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No one has ever or will ever be banned for buying and redeeming these alone.

Pls no

>I haven't levelled DRK

I wouldn't say based; it takes forever for the story to actually pick up. That being said, could someone watch this? youtu.be/ItY4mNnRnsU?t=33

That's Dragonslayer, right? I'm not just imagining that?

We already did that.

We also teamed up with him/her

Pretty sure that is and always was an empty threat. I know several people who have bought boosts and items from Ebay and the codes have worked fine and no issues have come from it. Worst comes to worst, you claim a friend gave you the code and you had no knowledge of its origin, and chances are you are fine. It's about scaring you into using the Mogstation more than a genuine risk.

I haven't

Yoshi said when DRK was revealed that it's heavily inspired by Berserk.

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>Fray's acting up again...

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I thought SE was cracking down on codes being bought off from illicit sites?

FFXI did it already.

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>not puck
fucking modders...

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Lorewise, Living Dead literally even works like the Berserk Armor. Your wounds fill in with abyssal energy to keep you from collapsing.

you should

it could be late April at the earliest. just expect it on a tuesday since all number update patches come out on tuesday

>Swapping between Eos and Selene is swapping between his normal/chestnut forms.

They also "crack down" on RMT activity once a month and yet you'll constantly get tells on unlocked servers and people openly advertise RMT clears in PF. Furthermore, there is no way to distinguish who purchased an item code that is redeemed seperately. Use your head.

How would they prove it? Friend codes are just that, codes you pass on to friends. If they started banning these accounts, Terms of Service or not, they would start having various orgs breathing down their necks about their trade practices. They don't have access to your Ebay or Paypal history. They would be actively banning you with no proof of user wrong-doing.

wait, didn't he lose an eye? What is that a magitek prosthetic? time fuckery?

>no slutty erp catgirls to fuck, no raid scene to clear content

He wears the eye cloth for style points

I'm on Ultros and never get tells from gil seller bots anymore. Happened a lot when I joined 3 years ago but not now. Only spambots still around just sit in the Ul'dah/Limsa/Gridania markets spamming in /say.

no, he just wears the eyepatch for style points

No, if you talk to him after you get him back he tells you he was wearing the eyepatch to look cool.

Nah, you see under the scarf a few missions later when he dresses up as an Imperial, and it's fine (if differently colored).

>Bard is retarded OP
>Dragoon is mandatory bring because synergizes Bard
>Ninja is mandatory bring because Trick Attack
>Summoner is mandatory bring because big DPS, rez, and devotion
>Everything else is inferior or fucking sucks

how do we fix this?

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>>Ninja is mandatory bring because Trick Attack
What? No. Not since 4.2.

>get to alphascape savage
>apparently a grey dpsfag
>tank calls me out on it
>ask him for pointers then
>tells me to git gud and initiates a votekick
>gets rejected, he gets votekicked
>other rdm starts telling me about opening with hardcasts due to the countdown and how to optimize my rotation to make sure i always end around 80/82 mana
Gotta admit, it's surprising how helpful this community can be.

If you're running a team that stacked for Phys you could replace the NIN with a MNK.

That tank sounds like a shitter trying to compensate.

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You black ranger posed on him right?

QUITE YOU. Don't go invalidating all those useless ninja out there with your ridiculous facts.

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>I really wish I could have experience 1.0

No, you really don't

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BFA is unironically better

>I really wish I could have experience 1.0, warts and all, as now that its gone all that remains are Youtube collections of the story cutscenes.
There's some neat lore but as someone who was actually there for 1.0, it was basically a clunkier XI, if you can imagine that, and the maps were straight out of a Shin Megami Tensei dungeon.

It had some nice story touches and the Path Companion was nice, but no, it's not worth bringing back.

>soon I will have my giant slab of metal that I always wanted

Shame about the armor, though.

what are some things you've seen said mid instance that made everyone laugh so hard they wiped?

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Check out the Baldur Blade from Neverreap/Fractal

Fucking retard.

>guy can't even be bothered to read his class guide and instead wastes the parties time by asking for advice inside the duty itself and waiting for people to type out what you should do
Le EBIN my friend you truly REKT EM
Kill yourself my cuck

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lol angry tank is angry

This. Or at least watch MTQCapture. Love that girl.

3.0 was a good time to be alive

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They're so cute and I cant wait to see their ShB outfits!!!

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You can thank 4.0 for introducing shirk for making hate holding a joke, and AST for making WHM's hate-hungry ass irrelevant.

>evidently isn't using a parser himself
>wouldn't even know how bad he was doing without someone else saying it

>mrhappy shill
oh yes watching mr happy take 2 minutes to explain a stack up marker is my shit dude

>made a minor typo
aww shit, my life is over. I beter just kill myself to preserve what little dignidy Iv god left on dis vianamese baget weaverz bored.

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>Primal grill
>Aether fatty

Are you okay man? Are you ill? Because somehow you imagined me saying something that I didn't even come close to saying

>guide riding at all

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>implying either are worth the time of day
I'm not here to read a book, nor am I going to read shit that's not fact-checked.

>greylets watching guides
>implying they don't believe they are above that

>Get a monk in party
>Waggle the boss around to fuck with his positionals

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>tfw brainlet but also lazy
>find a player who seems like they know the score
>non slutglammed fem lalas usually work
>perform monkey see monkey do

*blocks your path*

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>see NIN casting Suiton
>run through the boss

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>user discovers the secret job

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this is a good post

If they were set on doing some kind of limited job, it should have been Mime. I'm not sure how they'd get the Mimic ability to work but just being able to fill out your skill list from ANY ability you've learned would be cool.

>refuse to pull until the group plays rock paper scissors with me and I lose

i've been looking to resub a month or so before the new xpac drops, but what is this 'eureka' shit that people keep mentioning?

Diadem 2: Electric Boogaloo

>not aetheric boogaloo
See me after class

How big of a faggot can you be, OP?

This expansion sucked, and only weebfaggots slurped that cum of an xpac up.

Weaboo notJapan Doma was such a fucking stupid idea.

>trick attack- Increases target's damage taken by 10%
>chain Stratagem- Increases rate at which target takes critical hits by 15%
>battle litany- Increases critical hit rate of self and nearby party members by 15%
> brotherhood- Increases physical damage dealt by 5%
I don't get it. Is trick attack THAT much better than these similar "more damage" skills that it warrants a mandatory slot? Whats so special about it? new player btw.

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I dont understand this meme, its the same character and she acts the same way as she did before the mask came off, she just had less screen time before so you didnt get enough time to grow to hate her

Yda has always been shit

We didn't even get that much weeb stuff, though. Which sucks.

Yes 10% guaranteed damage increase. 15% more crit is like ~2-5% more damage if RNG favors you.

Trick Attack is a flat damage increase for everything. No critical hit RNG or physical/magical split involved.

trick is only good if you mix with all the crit bonuses, greylets sam wouldn't know what to do with trick

x% damage is generally better than x% crit, unless you're bard or something. Trick also only has a 1 minute cooldown, so in terms of utility * how often you get to recast it its #1 in terms of raw total throughput too.

>its the same character
>she acts the same way
>Yda has always been shit
no, your not getting a real argument out of me

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Well straight up increased damage is significantly stronger than increased critical hit rate, and Trick Attack is 10% every 60 seconds and works on all forms of damage, making it more than twice as good as brotherhood which is 5% every 90 seconds and only works on physical damage.

>why is 10% increased damage for 10 seconds every minute so good?

>Eureka has a 11% clear Pyros rate and possibly less with Hydatos
>Alphascape Savage has a 6% clear rate
and reminder that BLU itself only has 18% at 50 even though it takes less than an hour to cap it out. I wonder how many people even bothered beating Azulmagia

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Just wanted to point out that Yda never actually existed within the story of 1.0 or 2.0. She died before 1.0's story kicked off. It's been Lyse the whole way.

TA is every 60 seconds, those other abilities aren't and flat damage buff is better than crit. Anyway scholar is basically a guaranteed spot because of that ability and they're not competing with dps slots. DRG optimal personal dps also isn't that much higher than NIN

>Just wanted to point out that Yda never actually existed within the story of 1.0 or 2.0
Wrong. She did die before 1.0, but every time you see Yda and Papalymo in 1.0 up until the Futures Perfect battle, you're actually witnessing an Echo vision of events 10 years prior. That is the real Yda.

Lyse is better when she's pretending to be a retard.

I asked this last thread, but any way to know what % actually finished azulmagia as well?

Right, but ten years prior is not the story of 1.0. My statement still stands.

The thing is that trick attack can be used every minute and gives a flat 10% increase of all damage for the duration.
Crit is RNG and battle litany has a long ass cooldown, slash and stab weaknesses only affect physical damage of those attack types, brotherhood is +5% physical damage only and on a longer recast than trick attack.

Yeah, it's that big of a deal.

>1 min cooldown
That seems...imbalanced...

Not only did I beat him last night, I also learned Ram's & Dragon's voice from him.

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>Right, but ten years prior is not the story of 1.0
It is though. A huge chunk of 1.0's story is witnessing those events of 10 years ago.

Yeah no shit but people still talk as if pre sb "yda" and sb lyse are two different characters. Its the same shit character but you get to really focus on how shit she is this expac. Years of xiv threads and not once did I hear "wow yda is definitely a good character" until after sb comes around and she changes her name

Man fuck you guys, I loved 1.0
If they had just continued on in the direction they were going with it in 1.2x it would've been a better game by far than it is currently.

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>I can only imagine Hydaelyn is using Minfilia to manipulate him for some reason in ShB.
Can she really be trusted? Also will she remain a child or will she revert back into being an adult

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Being an Archon has nothing to do with knowing what to do in political, war and state matters. There is virtually no difference between Yda and Lyse.
Getting her position from hereditary privilege is also perfectly fine for the setting of the game

It is the only reason to bring a NIN.

its fine, only monk mains seethe about it
brd does more rdps and more damage, its far more imbalanced

How much will Hydatos have the overall population clearing it at this point? With each iteration we lose more and more players hitting cap and at 11% I can't imagine it being more than 2-3% higher than Alpha Savage itself.

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Ugly character

>Being an Archon has nothing to do with knowing what to do in political, war and state matters
Being involved in a civil war at a relatively young age and leading successful missions in that war DOES though.
>There is virtually no difference between Yda and Lyse
If you ignore every part of Yda and Lyse's characters, sure.

1.0 was an irredeemable dumpster fire and the fact you paid for it is a testament to your shit taste.

t. dude who got kicked

>tfw havent event done the first blu unlock quest in limsa
i aint tainting my armory chest with a limited soul crystal

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>Can she really be trusted?
She still has the Word of the Mother eyes, meaning it's not actually her. It's Hydaelyn puppeting her meat for some reason.

>we finally beat wow after years of domination and it shaping the entire genre!
I mean I guess that's a win.

>Mime Limited Job
>You can set any 20 abilities
I would be interested to see people math out the highest possible DPS but it's not actually necessary to add to the game to do that as a thought puzzle.

if they were Garleans people would be supporting them,but alas, they're not

If you finished Stormblood's base story you can probably grind it out in a month if you're interested. If you haven't that might be a stretch.

concert at limsa

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All the skills are intertwined to a class rotation so you can't just extract fire 4 for example and give it to red mage and sit back and enjoy it. I honestly doubt you could mash the classes together to achieve higher dps without entirely changing how many skills work.

>left gil uncensored
say goodbye to your account

I hear you brother

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It would just mean you'd also have to carry over the necessary BLM skills to keep Enochian. I can imagine MIM being a clusterfuck of half a dozen job gauges on your screen.

t. didn't play it
either that or casual babb

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So basically 1.0.

how do they have cushions under them

I envy you friend, I dared touch the class so I can shutdown all faggots who defend the shitty design by pointing out all the fucking flaws it has.
>people actually think this class is OP
I just don't get how they think its OP or even relevant when the only content it can do is what other classes can do better already.

It's a minion.

She is good at punching shit, of course she is successful in military missions. Doesn't mean she understands the actual struggles of the common folk nor the responsibilities of large-scale leadership and, in that aspect, it is exactly what you'd expect from Yda or at least from a slightly more emotive Yda (which makes sense considering everything that happened since Baelsar's Wall)

Lyse is just Yda with more character, and that's precisely why it's easier to hate her, because it's hard to hate a harmless one-note cardboard comic relief, which is what Yda was

BLM first and foremost, but SCH is also based.

They're actual, legitimate retards who think MNK and SMN don't also have tank stances, and think White Wind is actually usable in any real content and worth the MP cost.


if she acted more like this she might've been tolerable

Attached: 1552357434072.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

it's 4.5 my dudes, nin is in the cuck shed

>when the only content it can do is what other classes can do better already.
not dungeons

You're not proving him wrong.

>Lyse is just Yda with more character
Again, that's just wrong. They're completely different characters and Yda was killed off for no fucking reason except that Oda wanted to tell a 'growing up' story.

What we could have had is Yda, an experienced military leader, letting her airhead facade drop and learn to command an entire army and inspire her people. What we got was a spoiled, sheltered, literal retard clenching her fist and telling people they're cowards for not dying for her, up until her problems are solved through none of her own actions and she's rewarded with a leadership position she can't even handle.

>this is what monks believe

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Holy can already lock down entire groups of trash mobs for as long as it takes to kill them.

Oh fuck, not the projecting green fag again.
>when the monk refuses to use chimatsuri

being a cute little girl means that more people are likely to protect and trust you

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>when the monk refuses to use chimatsuri
impossibilities are still technically a refusal i suppose

Rivalry with Thancred incoming

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>Other DPS jobs did a better job when the 50 dungeons were relevant
>Tank stance sucks as it limits damage dramatically in a game that really pushed away CC and focused on damage only
>thinking BLU does 50 Dungeons better than classes that can still access thru DF and even do it unsync'd
So great, it can do about 100 or so less damage overall on enemies compared to other casters at the time and ineffective over a majority of bosses due to immunity plus given the relevancy of said content you might as well take a 70 and clear just as fast since the only thing you might be hoping to get with "fast" runs are glamours.

>who cars if 1.0 was seamless, it had copy pasted textures!
>meanwhile pic related going on since arr
>AND it looks like jaggy SHIT now!

Attached: ffxiv texture reuse.jpg (2388x650, 806K)

Why does she seem DUMBER? Did she remove her brain when she took off the Yda mask?

While I don't think they need to go overboard with graphics the fact that Yoshida admitted to making all new textures at low res with no high res source is apalling. AA options suck and for a game that is segmented in zones the overall world looks atrocious at this point in time.

1 more week until based chad rabbits

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doesn't do as much damage as BLU AoE burst and the WHM needs to spend GCD healing here and there since it wont have all the OGCD heals at lvl 50
BLU can replace the WHM while keeping other 2 DPS, making the run much faster

also I was referring to Missile killing the first and second boss in like 10 seconds (almost instantly with 3 BLU), no job can do that

Honestly, the ARR zones look fine as they are for having to be remade in less than a year.
But there is no excuse for the expansion zones, ESPECIALLY the SB ones, for looking as bland and boring as they are.

Less than that.
The battle will reach its conclusion soon.

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I was talking about the ugly ass character, retard.

>implying Yoshida isn't going to pull one over with Lionhead rabbits
Helps them reuse Viera assets while claiming a new "race" with a mane

Attached: Lionhead-Rabbit-Orange.jpg (785x430, 44K)

Primal has a good raid scene but doesn't have the e-thots and drama of Aether. Far superior.

>WHM needs to spend GCD healing here and there
Not if the enemies are stunned by Holy.
>BLU can replace the WHM
No, it actually can't because White Wind is garbage. You're a fucking idiot.

I'm just here for the salty tears. Don't care which side.

Do that, one of, if not the best job storyline.

Dug deep for those magnificent bastards, didn't you?

>every seiryuu ex has a shitter cat

why does this always happen

What bothers me is that 1.0 had both MSAA and supersampling built-in, while ARR has neither.

What is this supposed to be? Official FFXIV dilator?

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what the FUCk is dialation


t. ranny

It's faceroll content that provides a weapon weaker than raid months after the tier was released. Now just imagine it once the weapon upgrade item is added to Orbonne.

Or just BLM's core kit with every other job's utility skills. BLM's core kit is probably the smallest out of all the current jobs, while also offering the highest pps.

>Fire 1, 3, and 4
>Blizzard 3 and 4
>Thunder 4
>Sharp, Triple, Ley
>Battle Litany, Chain Strategem, Blood For Blood
>Mage's, Army's, Wanderer's
>Draw, Redraw
>Summon 1 (Garuda)

If we're limiting to only 20 skills, this would offer the highest potency per second. If we were to increase that to 24 for an even 2 full hotbars, Ten, Chi, Jin, and Ninjutsu would be the next obvious choises.

downgrade for ps3

faceroll content doesn't excuse a sam doing less damage than the tank

You're asking the wrong questions.

One of the things 1.0 was shat on by reviewers for was that it was too demanding of hardware.

Continue to be asspained and call me whatever you want. You're the one that has to look at that ugly ass character.

You asked 'why', not 'is this ok', keep up with your own posts.

you've clearly never played BLU at lvl 50 roulette and given what you said about WHM, probably never fucking played a lvl 50 expert dungeon either, while conveniently ignoring that you can just cheese 2/3 of the bosses in a dungeon

you don't know what you're talking about and i'm glad you're just a seething retard that will never understand why BLU isn't an unlimited job

I'm honestly more upset at there are still segmented zones.
Imagine what the game could be like without this bullshit. I don't mean the same as it was in 1.0, but a naturally evolved version of what we have now.

>Front of the collectors edition box is literally our character representation cradling a tiny Minfilia and fighting off the darkness encroaching on her

Pretty sure that's one we'll win.

>paladin is 11 euros
>warrior is 17 euros

Attached: little shit.png (458x438, 256K)

>you've clearly never played BLU at lvl 50 roulette
Nobody has.
>and given what you said about WHM, probably never fucking played a lvl 50 expert dungeon either
I've been playing since 1.0, played literally every ARR dungeon when they were fresh. WHM doesn't need OGCD cures when they have Regen and Holy. Again, you're a fucking idiot which isn't a surprise if you're defending BLU.

Meanwhile any modern PC that can run ARR....can run 1.0 better. 1.0's problem was it was rather CPU heavy for its time, but with quad-cores being the norm now it's a joke. ARR has major CPU burden with its animation engine and ludicrous drawcall count, and it's bottlenecking the hell out of its engine. Probably is why we're seeing no new visual upgrades two expansions in a row.

>Imagine what the game could be like without this bullshit.
I'm imagining it.
It's exactly the same except with a few less loading screens.

It's not our character right there.
It's Shad Owbringer.

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why is XI more fun to play than XIV?

Return it to the 1.0 style. We still have zones but instead of multiple zones per region you make each region a zone meaning anything under the "Thanalan" teleport menu will be in one giant zone with teleports being for the sake of faster access if needed. Allows for Devs to add flying to old zones and lets places with massive hubs like Rhalgr's and Kugane to still be in contact with other areas so people can just shout hunts out and the like to get the whole zone going.

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I've played this game many a times but the early game is insanely boring and I just steamrolled quest to try and get to the more fun parts of the game like I've been told but gave up at around level 40 when I think my free trial thing went out, is it worth going back and playing? I played vanilla wow and EverQuest but idk if anything will ever have me in awe like those games, I like the combo system but I do not like it when games have me constantly just rotate a couple of skills and having the rest just sit on my action bar. I wanted to get to try dark Knight and samurai but didn't get far enough or invested enough to go on. The soldier seems really interesting and it's spiking my interest back up. Any reason to come back?

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I will forever have fond memories of trolling DF idiots with "what's a sward anyway".

It's more RPG focused while XIV is more action focused. So it aligns more with your taste. I like both personally and I'll continue playing XI once a free login period drops.

never going to happen. console limitations.

>You're the one that has to look at that ugly ass character
I'm okay with this

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It's more or less the same shit.

Huh, you learn something new every day.

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>edgelords already clamoring for us to betray Hydaelyn
Fuck off. Go play one of countless shitty jrpgs if you just have to get your godkill hateboner off. I shit you not, if this game ever even hints at us betraying Hydaelyn, I will personally fly to japan and raid SE's fucking offices myself.

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Who is the biggest slut and why is it Y'shtola?

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>people claim wanting to rush endgame is bad and the true fun experience is the leveling
>people claiming that the leveling is bad and that endgame is where it gets fun once you have all your abilities
Every time I hear these 2 arguments all I can think of is what is actually fun in this game? Raids are solid but a tad boring at times, Primals are fun but are generally done once you get your 10 wins for a guaranteed weapon and everything else dies off in the span of its launch week if its not so heavily timegated. It's foolish to hope ShB will shake things up but please let it actually push XIV away from its already stale formula, it lacks the shiny aspect that Heavensward got the privilege of using for being the first expansion.

You are awfully angry for someone who claims to be correct. If you were right than discussions about the actual strength of BLU in level 50 content wouldn't even give you pause. I think you are just so aggressive to try and shut down conversation prematurely because you know you are wrong in every way and that if we were p[laying ARR right now with BLU exactly as it is it would be the best class in the game for all content. The reason it's dead content right now is only because people do not enjoy level syncing down to 50 to play 5 year old content not because the class is weak.

Just how much experience does Ara Cat have anyways?

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I just take portals and clear solo. ezpz

>Literally eating our world like the fat fucking pig she is
>H-Hydaelyn's a good gurl she dindu nuffin

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>I shit you not, if this game ever even hints at us betraying Hydaelyn, I will personally fly to japan and raid SE's fucking offices myself.
>"Hydaelyn is a parasite that must needs be burned out."
>Ivalice raids introduce an angelic, alien parasite that thinks it's the creator of the world and uses crystals and holy magic as the core of its power
>said angelic parasite is shown with the same crossed-arms pose as Hydaelyn and Zodiark, and with identical angelic wings coming out of its head
Really makes you think.

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>angry about killing god in a JRPG
>angry about killing god in Final Fantasy
Even for bait this is too comical.

Well, she's a miqo'te, so she's been experienced since she could walk and talk.

I just reached heavensword, does the game get any better? I'm bored

She gets propositioned often but rejects them all because she has ludicrously high standards.

>what is actually fun in this game?

Playing with friends. The objective is irrelevant when you got bros to fuck around with.

>Is an idiot

She's a Seeker and a mature female, regardless how 'civilized' she is that means she goes back when she's in heat and gets her kitten-maker exercised. She's probably got like 10 kids.

>Gotta admit, it's surprising how helpful this community can be.
Someone saw me grinding craft leves in limsa and traded me some nightsteel craft tools. Makes a change from wow where you dont even get the time of day from anyone else.

Heavensward base story is the apex of the game so far, so if you don't like it by now you probably won't.

>Nobody has.
>i d-didn't so nobody did
get the fuck out of here lmao
if your tank is doing wall to wall pulls you're not doing it with just regen and holy and benediction won't always be off CD
pulls like the one after the second boss of Hullbreaker Isle, the one in Snowcloak with the blizzard segment and pretty much all of Amdapor Keep (hard) won't die in the 8-9 seconds of stun you bring from Holy

and before you reply actually play BLU in lvl 50 dungeon content so you don't talk out of your ass

I don't intend to involve myself further in this dumb argument but you have poor reading comprehension. Check the words again.

>The Primals could never temper the WoL because they were already tempered by Hydaelyn

Pure pottery.

your dedicated off tank for the next 2 years

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user, you might be retarded.

>You are awfully angry for someone who claims to be correct
Yeah I'm fucking angry. Blue mage is my favorite job in the series and to have it dangled in front of me and then fucking mangled boils my blood almost as much as seeing you stupid fucking niggers DEFEND it.
>if we were p[laying ARR right now with BLU exactly as it is it would be the best class in the game for all content
I don't know what kind of delusion you need to have to think this is remotely true when we can see and test its skills and know it's blatantly fucking not.
Head back to grade school and get some reading comprehension you dumb nigger.

As long as he stays out of tankstance

Why is blue mage your favorite job in the game? Just a fan of cheese, eh?

In 1.0 Ifrit even assumes that Garuda or Titan got to you first, but in ARR that's retconned to him calling you the 'godless blessed'.

The only time BLU can cheese is in a handful of fights in FFV, and the early game in FFV and FFVII (FFIX if you have a strategy guide to tell you how to get early Limit Glove). And the 2D games are full of cheesable party comps. Try playing the games, faggot.

point stands, considering people did it with PF

how do you guys deal with random people targeting and emoting at your character?

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I have, and blue magic is by far the most broken shit.

Spill my spaghetti and run away.

You may as well say SMN is too overpowered because it has Bahamut, Odin, and Phoenix in past games.

Summoner barely even makes sense for the lore of this game, why the fuck would we summon things knowing the effect of summoning. Blue just ain't meant to be some mmo trinity class since it's a walking one man army.

I always thought Hydaelyn reminded me of FF13's Falcie or whatever. Same thing with Dissidia where there's the light and dark gods fighting by using FF characters and villains as proxy.

Hydaelyns parasitic in that she needs to absorb a shard world to save herself when a calamity happens, but i wonder if theres more to it?

I'm at level 65 of the stormblood msqs and right now it doesn't impress me as much as hw did. When will it get better?

>Summoner barely even makes sense for the lore of this game, why the fuck would we summon things knowing the effect of summoning
Did you not read any of the lore for SMN?
>Blue just ain't meant to be some mmo trinity class since it's a walking one man army.
Only in FFXI. BLU in every other game is either weak physical attacker or a weak mage that has quirky support skills and a few powerful AoEs like Aqua Breath and Grand Train.

Why is everyone on Yea Forums so fucking bad at this game?
This is worse than the burger kings in the novice network, every single day.
And get a room you fucking retards shouting over each other about blue mage.

Stop skipping cutscenes.

>this delusional shit again

Yea Forums plays this game really really casually

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I just wish learning parties didn't have to need watching a video as a pre-req. I'd prefer just learning as you fail and just slowly learning the phases.

>Hydaelyns parasitic in that she needs to absorb a shard world to save herself when a calamity happens
She's not absorbing it. The Ascians are shoving it into her, and it weakens her for some reason despite getting an entire planet's worth of Lifestream infused to her body.
>but i wonder if theres more to it?
My theory is that Hydaelyn is good, but the thing we're speaking to is a parasite like Ultima that's latched on to her and is trying to usurp her. By bringing back parts of Zodiark's essence, he means to fight the parasite away and save his waifu.

As opposed to ERPing like you do?

>defending BLU
Holy shit I thought this was just a forum thing but people actually defend this class? user BLU is utter garbage, even with the most optimal hotbar and rotation the class is at best doing the average caster DPS in 50 content.
>doing Roulette with a class locked out of DF itself
You gotta be baiting user
>never understand why BLU isn't an unlimited job
Anyone who had any kind of critical thinking skills realized why Yoshida went with the LJ status the second they showed it off. Less work and more than likely reusing an older iteration of the Logos system from its development stage. The class overall sucks ass for something that is touted as a "Solo Job" and really depends on "Party Play" even if it's not meant for group content. It can tank but at the massive cost of damage and without the stats or armor of a Tank to back it up, it can heal but its a massive MP hog and requires spamming to even compete with a Healer's basic party-wide heal since it scales off your current HP making it shit vs Raid/Dungeon-wide style attacks.
>y-you just play it wrong
It's shit and the optimal rotation has been known since week 1, it serves no purpose in a game that buries content with a new patch and is outclassed by other DPS since they can unsync'd down and farm whatever content you claim "BLU" to be great in outside of the MC. Hell its status effects that optimize its damage is worthless on things that matter, truly an OP class.

Attached: bluemage41.jpg (840x810, 161K)

Man that is fanfiction tier. Hopefully not the case.

>i-it's okay when we summon because of bullshit reasoning!!!!
Suck me off retard.

you can be a hardcore player who also ERPs, retard

user you should know by now that almost everyone involved in the Hrothgar debacle is delusional. This includes the Shotafags, Barafags and the Lionheadfags. The 23rd will just bring disappointment for all 3 and shitposting hell for everyone in these threads or at least make it more unbearable than normal

>3.4 storyline happens
>WoDs explain that their world got fucked over because they kept on winning too hard
>Hydaelyn, when confronted, suddenly finds in herself enough strength to "undo" the destruction of the first shard
>While she does that, she tells WoL to continue doing the exact thing WoD warned us about
>ShB premise clearly is about how we fucked over the world by winning too hard
Really makes me go hmmm

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What SMN summons aren't primals. They're basically carbuncles infused with primal aether.

elezen and roe bros are you going to change when viera come out?

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Is there SMN version?

>1% ultimate wipe

Attached: 1552533201532.png (790x767, 711K)

What the fuck? How in the

Go away.

you can't even do squadron missions. might not matter to people playing the game for a while, but as returning player it would have been nice 2 in 1

They defend it for brownie points in hoping SEQX notices and invites them to the media press for Shadowbringers. Stormblood had one a month before it came out in SF, Cali.

Hey that's a cool little job crystal collection

>it's an ice tray

smn have mods that replace the primals with their real versions and one that replace them with the minions

Well, you know, aether doesn't exist in a vacuum. Pulling out of the earth and putting it into your carbuncle, which is also aether pulled from the earth.. Sounds very similar to what primals do, use the planet's aether to sustain themselves. Literally "it's okay when we do it."

Arbert couldn't even lay a finger on Minfilia.

Attached: 1552667636903.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Aether made to create a carbuncle and an egi is pulled from within the caster's natural reserves.

We're stronger.

>Make sick glamour
>It's for a class you don't play

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Bros.. the warriors of darkness are perma dead. they went back to the source..

go back home pedo

It's a foreshadowing of an imminent WAR nerf.

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pretend to be afk and alt tab until they go away

So serious question to Barafags, why do you actually think you're getting some Roe like given the low numbers for actual Roes and the JP lean towards cuteness? I'm not going to say Shotafags are actually going to get their damn Shotas but at the very least concept art exists of a teen-like looking variant of rabbits since the FATE in Tokyo event. It's more than likely going to be something cutesy that will be a fantasia cash cow like Viera so why still think Yoshida is gonna give you some muscle bound race when Roes can barely compete in popularity?

Attached: OUUD7nM.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

We're talking about dungeons, where half of what you said doesn't apply and there is n need for an optimal rotation when you can kill 2/3 of the bosses in 10 seconds spamming missile.
BLU is OP in dungeons and would also be in PotD if it could do it. No one denies how lackluster it is in trials and single-boss fights, although it's not as horrible as some people claim: Peculiar Light is particularly too good depending on your group composition.

Why do you think the art is accurate to what you're getting?

Attached: file.png (900x800, 1.64M)

Got a link?

>infused with primal aether.
>pulled from within the caster's natural reserves
would you like to pick one?

still a cool ice tray

if you aren't serious about making gil then you deserve to be poor.

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>10 seconds spamming missile
>50 dungeons
I'll just unsync my MCH and instant kill all the trash and kill the boss significantly faster. If I want tomes I'll do roulettes since BLU can't do that and if I want glamour options or for w/e reason ingredients from past content I'll just speed thru it as many times as i can without breaking a sweat on a 70 DPS. What is good about BLU? It's not even the best at clearing dungeons as you have stated, it's a glorified Allied Seal farm that even then doesn't matter.

here's your au ra bro

Attached: file.png (1394x779, 1.07M)

Yes but I never made any of those points. It is very easy to win an argument if you do not respond to the questions being posed. BLU in it's current state is not good. The class cannot do content. All I said was that if every job in the game were reduced to level 50 at this exact moment then BLU would be the strongest job in the game. For it's level, which I shall repeat myself once more since you are too dense to understand simple English is 50, it is far stronger and can do far more than any other single class in the game.

When BLU is raised to level 60 in Shb it will be the strongest level 60 class in the game. No one will use it in content and it will never be relevant but it will be stronger than any other class at what it does which is being a lower level class that will never do current content. I am not arguing that you can do any content on BLU but that the content it does have access to it is stronger than other classes across the board objectively.

You are just plugging your ears because Square hurt your feelings and you are incapable of rational thought without someone else telling you how to feel.

Stop skipping cutscenes you tard. When a primal dies in the presence of someone, that person gets 'tainted' with part of the primal's aether. The SMN then draws out that absorbed aether to create an egi. BLU functions on the same principle. They draw out the absorbed aether of a monster they've killed to use their spells.


It just seems like a poor time to be in the market right now. People are hoarding instead of buying.

Would you read the fucking lore before arguing? The caster got infused with the primals aether upon contact with it.

nope, too invested in my char
also too proud because it would feel like the roe haters won

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aren't you the person who was complaining about people stalking your twitter when you regularly do creepy shit when you think nobody is looking?

>giant roe

You folks are why the JP laugh at our Savage clear rates compared to them.

>can't even read
>"I'm not going to say Shotafags are actually going to get their damn Shotas but at the very least concept art exists of a teen-like looking variant of rabbits"
Anons don't skirt the question. Of course they're going to be fucking disappointing as shit, Au Ra already proves they wont be true to their concept art but once again there is at least a claim to "Well SE did think of a younger looking race" when compared to Barafag claims of nothing. Even genderlock fags have a more believable claim with the "Copy Paste" argument. No way in hell will Yoshida actually make Shotafags but it'd be silly to think it won't be something "cute" given what they did to Au Ra. Once again I ask, where are the claims to back up your point?

>have a ton of concept art for male viera
>not a single one for hrothgar

what makes you guys think it won't be male viera next week?

>They draw out the absorbed aether of a monster they've killed to use their spells.
No, they don't

Then it's not primal aether any longer, it's just aether.

Are you fucking baiting?

Attached: 1525386553425.png (651x138, 122K)

t-the dramaturge says no male has ever been seen!

I hope you've all taken a moment from your shitposting to thank Hydaelyn for keeping all the voidsent out and NOT letting them enter our world and ass fuck your character.

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I'm not one claiming we're getting buff cats either. We know nothing about what a hrothgar is even supposed to mean. All this speculation has gotten stupid and out of hand.

>it will be cute because of Au Ra

Nah. Female Au Ra turned out that way because Yoshi-P likes the women cute. He likes the men manly.

haha yeah wouldn't want to get stepped on by scathach instead

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how does it feel knowing that the average NA player is a green parser borderline grey?

No shit we haven't seen the concept art for Hrothgar, they haven't been revealed yet.

Yes, that is how percentiles work.

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They've also had 0 presence in the world so far, unlike Au Ra and Viera before their subsequent reveals.

>really need those genesis tomes
>HAVE to do Main Scenario roulette
Gaius please....please stop talking.

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no ultimate clear is complete without a 1% wipe at some point during prog

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Just spam expert dungeons.

>Are you fucking baiting?
Can't blame me if it works every. single. time.

Besides, if you absorb some of its aether then it is by default limited in quantity. Realistically it would be altering your own aether to mimic the aether you have collected from whatever, BLU or SMN.

My argument is regarding the job gameplay design since people complain it's shit in dungeons compared to other lvl 50 jobs when that's clearly not true. Had BLU been release with the other jobs at ARR, it would be mandatory for dungeons and maybe even meta for EX trials and Coil with a caster composition because of Peculiar Light and Bad Breath spammable damage down (which works on EX bosses)
They will never put BLU on the same level cap as the other jobs unless they tone down a couple skills. Imagine doing a brand new dungeon for the first time and your 2 DPS are two BLU killing the first boss in 5 seconds before you even see what mechanics the boss has.

What you're talking about is regarding problems with the implementation of the job itself (doing content with it x doing it unsynced with an unlimited job) and is another problem on it's own. They should've given new incentives to run synced lvl 50 content to go with BLU release, but they didn't.

I feel they went way too far in that direction with female Au Ra. They could've been Midlander height at least, it's absolutely fucking ridiculous that the tallest femra is as tall as the average female Miqo'te while the men almost surpass Roes in height. Fucking how?

At least citadel siege is the most elaborate and visually impressive enrage sequence in the entire game. God damn, it looks so fucking cool.

Viera presence came super late to be fair

small dicks to compensate

Oddly enough I didn't get a 1% enrage on UWU. First time we got through Suppression clear it was a win. UCoB on the other hand....plenty of 1-3%s because all it takes is one person to fuck up exaflare.

do hunts
you are in a hunt ls, right?

that's gotta hurt. to get that far and get nothing.

>implying people give a shit about you at all beyond disgust
catsluts and trannylizards living in your head rent free

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>secide to scroll through /xivg/ for shits and giggles

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Ivalice's presence alone was a big enough hint.

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I wouldn't say super late, they were at least mentioned in dialogue by name I believe during the quests for Rabanstre or Ridorana.


>I'm not one claiming we're getting buff cats either
Then the question was never really for you was it? Had you read the post you would have noted it was a question for Barafags. I want to know why they're pushing the idea they're getting Baras when their is no evidence point in that direction when compared to Shota/Young-Race fags and the Genderlock-Fags. Hell even the Lionhead-fags have something, even if its a big stretch, but Baras have nothing to support their claim at all.
I will accept this as a fair point but the question will fall now on if manly then how manly? We need to take into account that at the end of the day Yoshida still needs to push those Fantasia sales.

Making sure your artificial axe wound doesnt heal, so you essentially gotta keep it propped open

Caught myself one of these earlier, and wanted to ask what do you feed these things Yea Forums?

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fuck off back to /vg/

>he doesn't like size difference
>he doesn't like size queen lizard girls getting dominated and pounded

One of the most common themes of FF is balance, and how the fuck is there supposed to be balance with this bitch soaking the world in so much God damn light sunglasses ain't gonna do shit?

/vg/ isn't for game discussion, it's to quarantine social bullshit when there's nothing game related left to discuss/post about

I actually haven't paid much attention to those. thanks 4 the tip.

lol dalmasca got btfo

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Vieras were inevitable. During Yoshida's 1.0 poll regarding races the Top 2 choices across all regions were Viera, which Yoshida noted as possibly skewed due to him dropping the name Viera itself, and mixed races.
>Source: forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/46936

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>expert roulette
You got options. Use them.

Primal aether is different. It forever marks your own aether. It also doesn't just naturally dissipate. For example, the beacons around Zahar'ak are fueled by Ifrit's aether, and the pools around Halfstone are filled with Leviathan's. It lets them temper people even without having their primal summoned.

>more clans
please god
He said viera would be the last race, hopefully that means we'll get more options for current races

>what do you feed these things
gasoline and fire4 seems like a good shot.

what would your commanding officer say if they saw your posts?

why is mixed race so popular?

fuck the world. Nobody better touch my holy waifu.

6.0 will be adding the missing genders for Viera and Hrothgar.

I really, really want to see what a roe/lala hybrid would look like

We're goin' home, lads.

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Is it punishable to kick Faerie players on sight?

Degenerates want it to be canon that different races can breed.

People want to be either an Au Ra without the horns, an elezen without the giraffe neck, or a half-lalafell loli.

oh god I could almost see that
they would probably even have them already made right now, they just want *something* to introduce then

Attached: yoshi when asked to do work.webm (294x232, 1.3M)

Did you forget about the HW MSQ? It's already canon. Half-breeds exist in eorzea. They're rare, but they exist.

>reptilian races for french players
this shit writes itself

It is canon, you absolute fucking retard. Hilda and Arenvald are both half-breeds.

because people want to mix the features of certain races to get what is essentially "the best of both worlds" or they're like this user . Honestly everyone knows a lot of people want to make Lala'qotes or Lala Ra like pic related. you can soon add Bunny-fells to that list soon

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people want goodlooking elves

Attached: FFXIV_Hilda.png (400x1000, 668K)

A male Viera will be a Garlean aligned antagonist I'm calling it now or a Judge.

Attached: Winged_Judge.png (394x763, 351K)

>make a glamour for all crafters and gatherers
>barely craft and gather for a while after

Attached: hmm.png (640x632, 312K)

what is arenvald a mix of

Hyur and Garlean

Arenvald, Hilda, and the Ruby Princess's ancestor are half breeds

we already know how an hornless au ra looks like

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But it happens already. Mixed Races are canon with the way it works already explained. The race inherited is dependent on the mother with features from the father mixing in with the child. So for Hyur-Au Ra mixes you'd have a Au Ra with less scales, maybe with something mixed with a Male Cat you'd have that race with feline features with possibly ears and tails.

I thought all the ishgard characters looked like fine elezen.

Yeah, and they look better, hence why people want it. People play Au Ra in spite of the horns/scales not because of them.

i thought garleans were a superior clan of hyurs?

>Gunbreaker isn't judge themed

Attached: 1529018976759.gif (460x345, 492K)

looks fine when you arent bad at making characters

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2018-09-23_04-12-28.png (1020x1610, 2.16M)


Nope, they're a totally different race

but that's literally just a midlander with elezen ears

>good looking

Besides, most of the people taking screenshots with the elf ear mods for au ra and midlanders already showed us how cancerous those "elves" would be.

Holy shit, they really dropped the fucking ball

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Garleans got fucking bullied because they can't into magic. It's only when they got Magitek from Goug that things turned around from them.

>It forever marks your own aether.
So then it's not primal aether being used if it's just aspecting our own. There's a distinction to be made between primal aspected and actual primal.
Devs probably confused themselves and conflated the 2 at some point

Any good FFXIV let's plays or guides?
All the YouTubers I've seen 90% their jokes won't land or they're mumbling a lot.

thats what most people want. maybe taller

>being this asshurt over literally nothing

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modfags need to go back

What app is that?

>watching a let's play of a fucking MMO

this sounds like another propaganda

>muh generic tolkien elves
Shit taste as far as the eye can see

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most people are fucking shit


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>It's only when they got Magitek from Goug
The Gougans are the descendants of the Garleans from a previous era. Garleans got magitek because the Ascians led them to old Allagan designs. The Gougan magitek is actually very different, but what proved the connection between the two was the architecture.

You. I recognize you the other day. the retard wearing the maid cap and shoes with the heavy armor

To put things into perspective, all jobs utilize aether to perform their techniques. Garleans can't do that so it would be impossible for them to even be a gladiator.

Man I just wanna see someone else play the game and see how they react to the mechanics and other stuff.

>most people
You mean balmongoloid degenerates.

Oh huh, that's the connection. Didn't know that.

Meanwhile nobody else on your server sees what you see so what’s the point

Even Varis admitted it. The 1000+ years of the Sixth Astral Era had the Garleans being pushed around Ilsabard until they carved out their shitty little home in the far north.

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anyone else can't stand miqote because of their retarded idle stance

nobody else sees when you mod in a single player game either

Ok? This is an mmo

Shit changes friendo, lets not forget we could have had this over Au Ra, but JP loves more humans with ears.

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This is what story skippers sound like. Always fucking stupid and always eager to idle in limsa

And everyday I thank god for it.

>can't fathom just enjoying something for yourself

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Of course they can. Just post your vomit mod screenshots to twitter like every other attentionwhore ffxiv "screenshot artist".

>mfw lalafell walked up to me on balmung and ask if she could roleplay being my daughter

i dont even fucking roleplay

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This is obviously early Lupin concept art also look at and note how Wolfmen ranks so low on the overall population desire. It was the lowest of the low. It's not just JP that doesn't care for it user.

Shizuka Rin's FFXIV playthrough

utter shit taste

fuck au ra players they ruin everything

Au Ra look like absolute dogshit without the horns.

We can't have Judges until the Ascian plot is full out of the way.

wow if only i knew moonspeak

Legatii are basically already Judges

Attached: 1549088255841.png (1440x811, 1.35M)

>glam over leveling clownsuit with bunny outfit because why not
>cat in slut glam comes over and repeatedly /hugs my femroe while saying "momma" "momma" over and over
>pop the weirdest boner and never idle for more than two minutes in limsa again

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they all died in Rabanastre.

>not at least understanding spoken japanese
You must be 18 years old or older to browse Yea Forums.

im really not looking forward to being shoved on crystal, i hope the balmung and mateus faggots dont visit any other servers

...uhh... I'm a EOP. Thanks anyways I guess? She looks like she has good production.


Varis, Edmont and Jenomis use modified Au Ra faces. Its especially apparent with Varis

>Varis, Edmont and Jenomis use modified Au Ra faces

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shut up weeb

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I'm real curious to see how long it takes the post-orbonne scene from the lighthouse to pay off. Hopefully Gabranth doesn't end up being a Regula-tier jobber.

You are actually delusional.

you're out of luck friend
that wasn't even on balmung

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>this is what speedrunners in ffxiv look like

Attached: au'ra.webm (846x604, 2.75M)

I want to try leveling MCH, talk me out of it.

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Multicore cpu's dont mean shit if its not multithreaded

Heat Gauge is annoying as fuck.

You should be banned just for posting that shit.

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>Probably is why we're seeing no new visual upgrades two expansions in a row.
did you miss the graphics overhaul in heavensward or the fact that stormblood added better transparent lighting and dof

Eh, go for it, SURELY they'll make it not shit to play in 5.0.

Wait to see the ShB rework, level DRK in the meantime because it's not so offensively bad, just monotonous as fuck in it's SB incarnation.

The game always had DoF but it was put to limited use. Transparent lighting was always there as well, and if anything, the general environment lighting stands out more like a sore thumb in Stormblood's environments than any of the prior ones.

I was also referring to how Shadowbringers is adding nothing new according to YoshiP, which makes it two expansions without any tangible technical improvements. Hell, we still can't change the audio device the game uses either without reloading the entire client.

1.0 absolutely shits itself once you exceed a certain number of characters on screen because it's limited to a single thread. doesn't matter if you have a phenom II or a core i7

>did you miss the graphics overhaul in heavensward

Attached: ffxiv jaggy bullshit.png (585x223, 273K)

Around elves watch yourselves
also bunny shitters are already more obnoxious waifu trash than lalacucks and bitchcats combined

transparent lighting wasn't there for water until stormblood and the lighting right now still shits all over 1.0

textures are the same but everything else got changed

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I haven’t seen vierafags say much if anything other than they’re excited for the race. Meanwhile Hrothgar fags shit up the threads constantly.

But it's Femroes that ruin everything.

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t. lala shitter

take your persecution complex somewhere else scale slut i dont even play shitty lalafell

i agree but they are nowhere near as bad as lizard,cat and lala shitters

Fuck no. Save yourself

>thread ends just as I get into it

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>Race wars
Nobody cares about what race you play in an mmo retards.

kill all lalafell players

I just want masculine male viera
don't care about the rest, if there's a bara race good for them

and I don't play this game at all you faggot

d-do you want to talk about our cats on discord together? >w

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Good. Weebs storming in and ruining the thread with waifushit can fuck off.

cope lalashitter

go fuck some more horses

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You can see the exact moment it all went to shit.


go molest a kid
oh wait, don't actually

I was doing some stress tests on the 1.0 private server with humanoid NPCs and had no issue with performance with the display model cap more than maxed (40 displayed, can handle and sort through 150 max before it goes bonkers), on a now relatively ancient quad-core processor. The only thing that really fucked my performance was multi-boxing 4+ instances on the same machine with them set for 60fps. Had to lower that to 30.

Meanwhile in an empty area in ARR I can't break 80fps for whatever reason despite not maxing out either my CPU or GPU.

Attached: multiboxing.jpg (1439x857, 563K)

nice try lalashitter

5 more days until everyone is BTFO and Bangaa are revealed.

you're the lalashitter, lalashitter

A NPC implied some male Viera joined the empire after slaughtering some imperials.

shut up you diaper wearing fag

If they don't fix Elezen animations yes.