What happened Apexbros?

What happened Apexbros?

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>133 hours played
Thanks for the free entertainment Respawn niggers

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EA literally admitted to paying Twitch streamers to shill this game on launch.

people are busy playing it.

Not watching it

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It’s over

Why would they need to admit it? Either;
>Twitch streamers got paid to stream it and would need to tell everyone as they were streaming it
>Twitch streamers got paid to stream it and didn't state this, which is illegal

This video is more relevant than ever youtube.com/watch?v=oK158ih4smY

Games nowadays are so similar they blend into each other you are reffering to Anthem not Apex Legends you sideloaded text file

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Ape Legends was always going to be a meme like Realm Royale.

Too much forced diversity and microtransactions

The game's microtransactions are just skins that no one cares about. The problem is all the characters are ugly though and being diverse doesn't mean you can't have porn worthy heros. Just look at Overwatch.

How does GTA have so many viewers?


>playing league in 2019

how embarrasing

>why is my FOTM bullshit not still popular?

Shroud got into an accident and has to take a break from streaming Apex to recover from surgery

>when the basically the whole view count for your game depends on one streamer


damn nopixel really took off

Do you really still not understand that LITERALLY EVERY game publisher does this? Even fucking indies do it if they can afford it, it's by far the most effective marketing

How the FUCK is GTAV still so popular?

NoPixel mod,roleplay servers
lots of streamers in there, but metagaming isn't allowed.

Holy shit, GTA V is fucking STRONK

Roleplaying kino is back on the menu


>RP in GTA
less serious than fucking DarkRP

RP mod


I'm amazed that they're still able to suck in new players after they peaked so long ago. Everyone I knew who played it stopped playing over 3 years ago.

that shrug streamer or whatever his name is stopped streaming it. And ninja only streamed it cause he got payed by EA to stream it for a month. Basically it was literally a FoTM game

it's free and popular in poor countries

also braindead so girls can play it.

We got too cocky. We either shilled too much or not enough, but one thing is for certain, we didn't shill the correct amount.

Same reason why TF2 is still in the top played on Steam.

Fortnite is better.

Oh, it's better cause more people play it, right?

>guise twitch is an accurate representation of playercount especially in a day and age where developers no longer publicly release player counts because its a dying industry

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No it's better because Apex is full of glitches and cheaters and Wingman still hasn't been nerfed.

and why artefact isnt

Both Epic and Respawn have released player counts though.

I remember reading about a nerf. Has it not happened yet or was it too small a nerf?

Shroud isn’t streaming

youtube video opinion makers and influencers and paid twitch streamer advertisers
and retards that watch that garbage

you're all low iq zombies

no they havent

Bros how do we stop those boomers from playing league??

Too small. Still the best weap to peek+shoot with


90% of players are either potatoniggers, chinks, or shitskins. It's a dead game. They bot their viewers like nobody's business.

>bragging about registered players
>not releasing active players
>not even a month after release

How can people watch fortnite still? I can get when it first came out, I can get maybe a few months. But it's the same game everytime. I guess I'm just falling out of touch.

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>i can't read

It's botted, just like how the GTAV viewers skyrocketed after RDR2 turned out to be a cashgrab

>I present information in a deceptive manner

I suppose that makes sense. But 230k is an asinine amount.

What about this is deceptive?

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It has more to do with people just watching their favorite streamers doing the popular flavor of the month thing to do.

I think you can buy like 5-10k viewers for like $100 a day or something ridiculous. It's mostly chinese/indian botfarms

As far as streaming goes Fortnite has an edge over every other BR game because they have a system that actually pays people to stream it. It's actually brilliant how Fortnite is rigged to milk literally everyone involved.

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I was playing DOOM this morning and couldnt get a match after 20 min of waiting, so I flipped over to MCC, same fucking thing

2 million players, in a game where the average player doesn't even play 3 games before quitting

>0 updates worth mentioning
>Still crashing constantly for weeks, some so bad people can't even play
>Awful hitboxes on the grand majority of characters
These things bug me the most

So all of those #ad streams were bullshit?

Not everyone is you

EA shills are no longer on payroll, that's what.

124 hours spent without paying a single cent.
This is better than spending $70 on AAA games

Slant eyed subhumans killed the game with their auto-aim
>imagine being so hollow that you don't even care about improving and becoming a better player


What does it do?

It's pretty obvious when you try to play a game to win down and somebody's speaking some click clack language with 2k ping on a North American server

not gta, but FiveM

the cash cow that people call gtao should have died a long time ago

Will the Nazis ever stop fucking winning? This game has diversity out the ass with black, latinx, blasian, queer and non-binary representation, and we were supposed to fucking support it. It's success was supposed to be proof that gamers want representation and diversity and progressive values. I don't know, maybe there aren't as many of us as I thought.

People walk around an pretend they're somebody they're not and everybody's streaming so it's like a popularity contest to who can say or do the most embarrassing shit. I think one of th most popular streamers RPs as a transvestite who thinks its godzilla or something

I can't even comprehend how to derive entertainment from this.

protip if you see #ad in the twitch stream title its paid

Absolute mongoloid, embarassing


Did I miss something?

apeshills BTFO