which one Yea Forums?
Wired or Wireless
>current year
>faggots still claim that the wireless is laggy and has too much latency
If you stop buying re-branded chink shit, you'll see that wireless is superior for a portable system. But for a desktop pc? Of course a wired mouse.
>B-but my extra 0,0000001% response time.
my wired mouse gives me 0.0000000001 nanoseconds less delay so its superior for my gaming needs
Always go wired, hate either having to replace batteries or recharging shit, especially when I want to play something and forgot to charge it.
>but it has to send a signal
It's amazing how people still don't understand how fast electronics and radio signals travel.
Depends if you're autistic about cables, I am so I went wireless but I've had 0 issues with latency
imagine having to charge your fucking mouse
fucking zoomers
You have absolutely no idea what your real actual response time is in-game, who here can identify what actual number of ms pass between a hit registering on the game's servers from the moment you click your mouse button? Nobody, there are so many factors that impeded literal milliseconds of difference, your computer's motherboards USB ports connection to the PCB probably has more of an effect than it being corded or wireless.
Can confirm. Electronics are faster than anything mechanical, more louder than anything alive.
t. electronics engineer.
Wireless for the Facebook internet machine.
Wired for the gaming rig.
wired because cable doesn't bother me and I dont need to charge it
Only wireless mouse i would buy is the G pro but i cant justify spending over 60 dollars for a mouse so i went with the G403 prodigy and im happy
Tell me user, do you spend more money on headsets?
...why? the g305 is literally the same fucking sensor
Wireless mouse or keyboard with a desktop is completely retarded.
Gaming headsets are for spergs i bought studio headphones because im not retarded and i like decent audio
Only Logitech's gaymen 10000 jiggahertz wireless tech is worth a damn, otherwise wired.
>50 bucks for a g305
Stop buying wired mice, or at least don't pay more than 20 bucks.
Wireless, as long as it's good wireless and you're willing to dish out the extra cash for it. A few months ago I would have said wired but I got a Logitech G305 and it's literally indistinguishable from using a wired mouse. However, you can easily find a great wired mouse for under $20.00. The cheapest wireless mouse you're going to find with wired-equivalent performance isn't going to be under $50.
i'll go wired for my next one because i keep fucking dropping my wireless ones and they start having issues.
G Pro Wireless was definitely worth it, besides being light and lasting long the magnetic side buttons make it easy to clean, probably the best feature no other mouse I know has
The wireless one has a still $150 price tag, but is a great mouse if you can stomach the price.
If you don't feel like you need the wireless, then the G403 is pretty great too.
extra weight of a wireless mouse just doesn't do it for me
>buying batteries
>having to charge your mouse
lmao, durashills out in full force ITT
Wired, literally just because I'm autistic about having to charge or replace batteries on devices.
inb4 "wireless is slow"
>Using the MX518, one of the best mice of all time
>Try that site that tests your mouse response time
>Buy a new wireless G602
>Consistently averaging 30ms quicker with the G602
G903 with powerplay
A wireless mouse you never have to charge, worth every penny
Having your mouse discharge even a single time instantly invalidates all other reasons for owning a wireless.
g305 and gpw are both better than any other mouse I have used, wired or not
powerplay is so small though, never gonna buy if they don't bring a 40cm version
I wish they would make one that's the size of the qck xxl I use, though I'm afraid it would cost a fortune.
if you mean the mousepad itself, you can just slap a bigger ontop of the charging pad. I have a 40 x 48 cm pad on it and it works great.
Cables don't bother me, swapping batteries/charging a mouse sounds retarded, and wired stuff still costs less. The only wireless peripheral I own is a M570 I copped from a previous job site because I kinda like the trackball, but even then it gets barely any use.
>these two mice from logitech are having only recently gotten a good sensor so they can compete with wired mice that means all wireless mice are good now