This is a professional electronic athlete. Let this sink in. All of it.
This is a professional electronic athlete. Let this sink in. All of it
Other urls found in this thread:
>electronic athlete
>this new
>is she a robot?
thats a faggot
I make fun of him for looking like a gremlin but if I could make money off of losers with my gf I'd probably fall for the same nonsense
is there a mega link to him or his gf's stuff? I wan't to passionately stroke my cock to them if you know what i mean
god i wish that were me
no that's a faggot who plays the shittiest game on earth
Now post the unedited photo.
When is he gonna do porn?
I wish these degenerates would just go all in and do porn or at least post nudes. Fucking attractive tranny faggots make me sick.
>electronic athlete
>from greek 'athlein', to compete for a prize
>those thighs
this guy is on kilograms of estrogen right? i cant be gay...
How tight is his chastity cage?
>attractive tranny
He gets fucked in the ass I guarantee
He's not attractive though, look at any of his raw photos or streams with cosplay on. Photoshop does wonders lad: he doesn't look passable without it at all.
someone post the reality comparison image of him cosplaying on twitch looking like the ugly dude he is
He doesn't look nearly as good as this pictures you gullible fuck
Didnt he come out as gay?
Honestly if Sneaky feels comfortable in skimpy women's clothing, more power to him. His girlfriend seems to be down.
that's not a transexual, that's a crossdresser
it can also be short for transvestite, conveniently enough
Why do gamers do this?
>i will never be cute enough to pull this off
I miss when the people who were best at the ASSFAGGOTS genre were the Cambodian kids on my block who did Melbourne Shuffling, Parkour and introduced me to torrenting and cigarettes. Death to all traps.
I hated the mid 2000's why am I starting to become nostalgic for them now
Sneaky is fucking ugly
>the estrogen in the water/food/air joke isnt actually a meme anymore
Anyone remember that clip where he accidentally showed off his sissy hypno porn
i wanna fuck his bussy ;-;
>he hasn't ordered his Gamegear(tm) one piece high performance gaming wear for keeping cool during intense matches
Just download photoshop, user.
HOLY SHIT he literally looks like an old grandpa.
literal mental illness
Fucking this. I thought he was a cutie at first, but he's just a fake just like all women
that's his gf?
you think they had sex while wearing those?
he's at least bi. he accidentally opened a sissy tumblr blog about men being forced to crossdress and then dicked while he was streaming
Excuse me?!
>edited photo
Sneaky is fucking ugly, but i'd fuck a hot trap / tranny
Cherrypicked screenshot with weird lighting. He looks fine here.
God, I fucking hate make up
Hopefully you have all learned a valuable lesson now. Never trust pictures. Only trust raw videos
aka transvestite / tranny
Probably. Why else would they?
>only trust raw video
yeah still would
Reminder sneaky literally has a fetish for feminization.
He actually looks fucking ugly in your webm too
i'm fucking jealous
finding a partner that's into the same kinky shit as you are must be heaven
if you think that looks fine you're probably an actual incel who has lost all sense of standards
Holy shit where the fuck is his neck? He's so overweight
would you suck a brap out sneakys brapper?
the concerning part is that she might have made him into it
It's one thing to have a fetish, it's another to make it such a fucking huge part of your identity, and he's obviously just doing this cause his gf and him get off on it. Should keep that between them honestly.
Meh, I'd fuck him. As long as I'm on top, that makes him gay not me.
fuck that's even hotter my dude
Daily reminder that his chink GF is feminizing and slowly breaking him. Sneaky is nothing but a husk of its former self, and I have no doubt that she got Chad and Tyrone to fuck both her and her sissy boyfriend (which was caught on stream looking for sissy porn). God I wish that were me
Why would a supposedly hetero male do this shit? My guess is that he landed a hot gf, she convinced him, and he's desperate to keep her around so he does this humiliating shit he probably doesn't even like
I want to sex a Sneaky!
>Never trust 3DPD*
>b-but i'm a b-b-boy
>imagine being in a threesome with them
his reaction to getting caught was hot
But that's different from finding someone who's into the same thing
You fags say every crossdresser looks like shit. They could clone beyonce with an added dick and you fuckers would say shes got a man face and looks like shit.
He's in to sissy porn for years my dude
>Photoshop and angles
where the patreon pics at
His collar is hiding part of his neck. Not defending him but stop being retarded.
Sneaky is fuckin' hot as a chick.
Sneaky is an average looking dude and the only reason he looks "hot" in pictures is because his girlfriend is a makeup artist and she's good at Photoshop.
a challenger approaches
I think I want to try crossdressing, sounds arousing.
What should my first cosplay be? Give me suggestions, anons.
>copies slutelf
>isnt half as hot
Someone just post a collection of the pics already
It's a setup, you're giving him what he wants, humiliation. Seriously people.
>that fucking photoshop
>that posture
>those shoulders
Not vidya
Holy fuck, have some standards.
>hides behind a mask to hide his 0/10 ugly manface
he can't keep doing this
>Sneaky is fuckin' photo-shopped as a chick.
he looks bad there too, you're probably gay or a tranny yourself. the tranny in picrel is an example of an attractive trap, very few biological men can pull off such feat
t. straight guy
but beyonce (and black women in general) do have more masculine faces
i'm thinking you are fucking based, slutelf is god tier
Bitch, his real normal ugly face has been posted just a few posts above, kill yourself.
That's a man right
>tfw no qt gf that wants to feminize you and fuck your butt
Are you sad it's not a roided up dindu you can prep for your wife?
seething discord tranny
>the tranny in picrel is an example of an attractive trap
Look at his un touched photos. They are disgustingly obvious.
These photos have tons of photoshop and ofcourse makeup.
If you don't look like a mud golem like the actor from Hell Boy, then you too can look like a trap.
why is he so passable?
those thighs alone make my penis very, very confused.
Too bad his dick probably looks like a boneless thumb from the early hormones.
league players are not only retarded, they are trans faggots too I see.
This is what he actually looks like. His girlfriend is a professional-tier Photoshop user.
Being into it is different than participating
i would unironically give my life for just one chance to facefuck him and cum down his throat
A woman will still look like a woman without 10 pounds of makeup. I declare from the mountaintop:
Remember the huge fallout from that Canadian tournament a few years ago? Scumbag Scarlett memes should come back.
>they weren't able to photoshop away the fat stomach or wide shoulders
Sneaky is a good girl who deserves headpats.
And cocks.
I want to cum inside of Sneaky while his gf films it
same, his bf has a great dick too. Deff my fave amateur porn
>A woman will still look like a woman without 10 pounds of makeup
[x] Doubt
trans faggots out
I wouldnt even think twice about fucking him/her, looks hot as fuck
do you guys think he wears a cage
Ya'll niggas are BIG GAY
Sneaky is literally /ourgirl/
Do NOT bully!
>a trap with a limp worthless 2 inch dick
It helps concentration on the game
The advertisers won't be happy about this...
>dressing like a girl
pick one and only one
cause you have to be a gigantic fag to do that
Damn I'd fucking hit it. Or become hypno'd with him and become sissy best friends, selling our boipussies and getting fucked by his gif 24/7
Why live
Anyone has the pic of his gf in a maid outfit?
*sigh* This is a guy isn't it.
What's the source.?
abhorrent choice in toppings
Yes it is bad, what's the point? Might as well go for a girl in that case.
zoomers don't know what photoshop and makeup are
Cute tummy made for cummy
This is a boy right?
nice dick you shoot piss out that thing?
i bet you think you are straight too LMAO
big benis
timestamp or gtfo
>Doesn't know what straight means.
Dude if you wanna be a bigot, do you, but at least get your bigotry straight. You don't have to ALSO be a retard
I'm going to start posting Sekiro spoilers cause of you faggots
You have been warned.
1. Dragonrot works like world tendency, and kills NPCs in the hub even if you avoid deaths. There is a scripted death of the female npc that gives you your initial quest at the hub.
Humanity was a mistake...
rosie aren't you already on HRT tho
Depends on the face, but if you're at least somewhat feminine and have good makeup like Sneaky it might work out.
Work on the butt a lil too, and stay smooth everywhere else :)
I am not saying going for a real girl is bad so don't misunderstand.
go for the suicide meme
make up your mind already
tranny for transvestite or transgender
Depends what your butt game is like
a pretty cute faggot
Isn't that a boy
2. there are 11 bosses in Sekiro, not including sub bosses. the final boss is your "master" from the tutorials.
keep posting, niggers
The only good posts in this faggot thread. Fuck tranniggers and fuck the janitards allowing this shit.
CAn we fuc an onahole together?
i ask you the same, if you want a hard monster cock up in your ass, why don't you go after regular men?
i just want something cute with a hole to pound
i don't give a single fuck about being straight or not
God this reminds me of the time I walked in on my emo friend cosplaying a certain blue haired anime girl getting fucked in the ass by two buff dudes. There was cum pouring out his ass...
It was horrible.
th-this is a girl r-right?
Did you ask for a go?
How does he have tits?
I'd sink all of it into her
how do you go from this...
at this rate I'm getting traumatized by proxy from the couple times you post about it
I think im bisexual
Does it matter?
I want the one on the left
no wonder every faggot from Yea Forums thinks he's a "trap" when the standards are this low
hey mods, do your job please
shit doesnt belong here
... to this?
so you are saying you are into little dicks?
>cock up in your ass
I didn't say anything of the sort you projecting faggot, the whole appeal of traps is that it is a dickgirl, you can do many things with that
> something cute with a hole to pound
Women are able to be 10 times cuter than any crossdressing trap and have a hole specially made for that, that is what I mean you stupid fuck.
This thread isn't fucking Vidya. Sneaky is a faggot
are you sure?
freud was right
haha imagine if his gf pimped him out haha
they look like they could be brothers. talk about narcissism
what a cute pair of genetic dead ends.
This is just 2D at this pont.
same but it's probably just bi curious, I don't think i could go out in public and hold hands with a guy and shit
they are
Frotting, I always wanted to try exactly that with a cute girl (male).
I honestly thought that was a female. It's definitely shopped though. Reminder that 2D traps are better than 3D "traps."
that's just sad
>janitor deletes the loli porn but not the NSFW pics of sneaky or the clearly off-topic thread
that's one of the worst versions of that epitaph I've ever read
How do I get an Asian gf?
would you play video games with me?
you dont
they look almost like twins, that's kind of disturbing to look at
best boy coming through