Fight me.
Also post and rate battlelogs :
Fight me.
Also post and rate battlelogs :
game was and is piece of shit
discussion over
>servers will never play B2K ever again
feels bad
Looks like i'm right
bfbc2 was better
soulless BC2
I'm reluctant to agree.
That game, to put it bluntly, was console trash.
Only minidicks, such as yourself, enjoyed.
G3A3 best raifu!
I'm about to purchase BFV, convince me not to
>not BFBC2
>That game, to put it bluntly, was console trash.
BC2 was made specifically for consoles and was way better than BF3. BF3 is just shit.
This right here
>using C4 to blow trenches in roads
>exploding fences and cover with sniper rifles
>using the M2 Gustav/tracer to butt fuck pro pilots so they can't sit all game going 35-0
>maps were varied and interesting
>peak Rush experience
>classes versatile, all guns had a chance
>squad mode
literally name one multiplayer shooter right now that's got a big, healthy playerbase and is actually a GOOD GAME
there literally isn't a single one.
Absolutely disgusting.
>posting autistic vehicle babby stats
>not even a 2K/D
literally every map was copypastad houses between mountains and a seaside but with assorted brown, green, or blue/grey color pallete
thats not bf4
t.hasnt played the game
If you actually play the objective having a 2 K/D is practically impossible. You can even see for yourself by comparing the score per minute from someone with a higher K/D versus someone with a lower but still positive K/D like 1.5 .
name one that isnt
No idea how EA managed it with BF:BC2
> make a very solid game with minimal bugs
> actually a unique FPS due to environment destruction
> The game ooze with soul in every aspect like sound design, voice work, character design, art style and graphiic
> release an extremely good demo and the game to the spotlight and bring hype through the roof
> directly make bf series to compete with COD when mw2 just around the corner through almost word of mouth alone
> EA DICE was unironically the good guy underdog on that year for bf:bc2 release
> make very balanced class system
> good progression system with no microtransaction. All starting and early unlocked weapons and accessories are good
> release free maps and update
> pay DLC was a well done expansion to the game
just compare it to bf4 and youll see bf5 is utter shit
play BF4
name 3 things bc2 does better than bf3
1. Makes me care
2. Rush
3. Maps
ye I give you that
quite subjective
>muh subjectivism
Accept your defeat with dignity.
>minimal bugs
get good
Second. All stock except for HB.
Class balance
Weapon balance
Good dynamic between vehicle and infantries. Jet just doesn’t work well on console size map and introduction of jets force introduction of stinger which make flying unfun for all air vehicles. The tracer dart system is better than auto-lock anti-vehicle system even when it is not realistic
Supression was a mistake
Explosive shotgun was a mistake, while also nerfing everything else to shotgun
Bipod mechanic was a mistake
Every nerf to sniping was a mistake.
Only good maps from bf3 are back to karkand maps while all other maps in bf:bc2 were superior
Better sound design
Better weapon feel and recoil system
I wouldn't call consolizing a PC centric franchise to get codbux "being a good guy."
>no microtransaction
They're both really solid.
The best bc2 maps were bc1 maps because they werent chokepoint ridden slogs.
It was my jam
Idk how they managed to fuck up BF4 so bad
was an absolute soulless trash compared to BC2 (a console shooter, mind you)
1. gun weight and balance.
2. better destruction
3. sound/bass
You probably played Metro 24/7 servers like a full pleb you are.
> yfw you will never play par for the course ever again
BF:BC2 map choke points aren’t bad if you look at bf3’s fucking choke point. Bf:bc2 chokepoint help in that you can somewhat find coverage for most enemy’s route and zone enemy’s out in conquest or rush. Too wide open map and you basically have to way to actually stop an enemy just going anywhere they like and can make even conquest annoying because everyone just easily capture flags almost with no resistance because they just go around each other all the time. It kinda makes capping really unsatisfying
There is something way off about the way BF4 looks. It makes me feel oddly sick.
Actually now that I think about it, I think it's just too goddamn bright and "crisp" on the outdoor maps. Locker/Metro are fine because they're darker, BF3 had that blue filter which gave it a warmer tone. How have I not thought of this? Should I just lower the contrast and be half blind?
It's the rim lighting or whatever the fuck they call it on all the playermodels
>you probably played chokepoint 24/7 because you didn't like chokepoints: the game
>tfw playing BF3 at 1440p at 144hz
still looks pretty good
>not picking ut2004
Close 2nd with bf3 though
And fuck quake
There's fuck all content, shitty map design and they focusing on br mode that the zoomers want
Everything post 2142 is a joke.