Is the Halo series actually good? Most of the people on the internet say its great, but a lot of people on Yea Forums claim its garbage. It could be that Yea Forums is contrarian, but I'm just trying to get an honest answer.
Is the Halo series actually good? Most of the people on the internet say its great...
It's alright, just that there are shooters out there with much, much better movement & speed than Halo.
It's an FPS on alien planets. It's whatever
When Halo first came out, it was revolutionary. For consoles.
Thing is, shooters on PC were able to do what Halo could years before it came out. Halo is a fine game and I had a lot of great memories form playing it on PC. However, Halo 2 on Xbox aged like milk for me.
The reason Halo became popular was because it had fairly interesting weapons and a boring, generic, nothing scifi world that Normie's could get into, and then it really had no competition in terms of online mp on consoles. But no, its not actually fun, you never feel like you're doing any damage, and its not like Doom where you're actively dodging attacks so the mobility doesn't mean much either. I've always thought it'd be more fun in 3rd person but that's probably just me.
1 has fantastic environments, and it's a shooter with no gimmicks or special abilities, just good level and enemy designs. Also the vehicles are fun as heck to drive.
2 is a worthy successor, and everything they added feels like halo.
3 has a good campaign, and exceptional multi-player.
Odst is boring. Lots of walking and talking exposition dumps.
Reach has a really fun campaign, but terrible multi-player with sprinting and melee kill animations.
4 is garbage.
Never played 5.
Halo was made to be played in parties. It's the do whatever you want type of game. It has lots of vehicles, unique weapons, lots of different game modes and custom maps along with multiplayer: couch co-op and online play
It's hated because it revolutionized shooters on consoles.
First trilogy was great, even if the third fell kind of short on the writing.
ODST was kino, but overpriced at the start.
Halo 3-Reach customs were the peak of gameplay at the time
Halo 3 community maps were fantastic as well
5 gave me similar feels, but the community kind of died since it released with almost nothing in substance. It took like 6 months for infection.
It's good. Most of those saying it's garbage are either contrarian or trying to start some retarded PC vs console thing. It definitely has the Seinfield effect these days, but the MCC on Steam should still be fun
When will this shit come out Vee?
>ODST is boring
You shut your whore mouth. ODST is great.
no, only 1 is decent at best, there are much better fps games both for pc or console
With the insider program being announced like 30 minutes ago, I'd say in a few months. In the next month or two, they'll probably have testers ready.
I was a PS2-kid back in the day. From my perspective, the best thing Halo did correctly was the co-cop campaign. I would strongly recommend playing co-op campaign of Halo 1 with an IRL friend if you have never done so.
Post service records or characters
Testing starts very soon. E3 release easily
It was probably the first AAA game in terms of gameplay and presentation
That's what everyone says, and I don't understand it. It's worth playing if you like halo, but the walky talky sections kill the pacing.
Loved the first three. Didn’t care for any of the others. Stopped buying them after 4
Yes, Yea Forums is known to have shit taste and shouldn't be taken seriously.
It's a in the land of the blind one eyed is a king thing
For PC players it was rather meh
>Reach has a really fun campaign
No, it wasn't
Good console shooter for the time. In fact probably the best "console" fps ever. The PC game was a bit of fun and a decent fuck around game. But it feels incredibly clunky to play now.
the MP is a slow arena shooter with good maps weapons.
the vehicles are probably the most fun and smoothest controlling of any FPS.
the sp is boring for me tho
>movement & speed
And that matters because? CoD has some of the best movement in the fps genre but the games are still shit.
The dumbest post of the last 24 hours, easily
>And that matters because?
Because it is the appeal of an arena shooter.
It hasn't exactly got the skillcap, tactical component, strategy, meta, competitive nature or precise aiming, of say R6 or even CS.
I also wonder how the fuck you think CoD has better movement that Say D44m or Quake or something?
>how the fuck you think CoD has better movement that Say D44m or Quake or something?
>fast = better
but those games also have way more fluid movement, and more depth to the movement mechanics. Nothing about movement in CoD remotely stands out to me.
The first half of Halo CE's campaign is the only part of the series worth playing. The rest is trash.
It is fucking amazing how shit Yea Forums's tastes are. Most people here don't actually play games.
I like em, the weapon variety is good, lots of vehicles, some memorable multiplayer maps and insane amounts of customization for console game multiplayer.
Only play CE-Reach. Don't bother with 4 and 5.
Like said above it was revolutionary for consoles so it gets more love than it should even though PC shooters where doing greater things before it.
That said, there is a contrarian movement against it so it does get more hate than it should.
>play ODST and Reach
Kill yourself, you either play Halo CE-5 and prepare for Infinite or you just play Halo CE-3 and stop there, don't play any more Halo games after that point.
I'm not buying your games 343.
If you can enjoy the slower paced movement and TTK its pretty good. However, thats not for everyone and its understandable that a lot of people don't like it. Its one of those things that you can't judge is right for you before you try it.
[/spoiler]Go get yourself a copy of Halo online, its free. You should be able to judge whether you enjoy it or not based off that. Notes that halo online isn't as smooth as the real game[/spoiler]
The original trilogy is godtier but the rest are mixed
Used to be an xbot but playing Halo on pc because i still had dial-up and couldn't use my xbox got me into pc gaming so i have a soft spot for the series even if i haven't played it since 3.
>343shill for not liking Bungie's two final games of 2009 and 2010
Shut up Reachkid, you don't speak for Halo veterans, your games sucked, you either play Halo CE-3 and consider Halo 3 the definitive end to the series, or you play Halo CE-3, skip ODST and Reach, and continue with Halo 4, 5, and Infinite.
You arent going to get an honest answer from Yea Forums go to /vg/ and find the halo thread if you want an honest answer.
Also don't listen to this guy because he shitposts every thread with his abysmal taste.
Multiplayer is alright. I really enjoyed the campaign of CE, especially in my first time playing through it
Yea Forums has many contrarians, but the majority of the site agrees the original halo games were great. Its not nostalgia.
As if a Reachkids taste is better, call me when you fags stop shilling it and ODST as great games or on the same level or better than Halo CE, 2, and 3.
I'm still not buying your games 343. Your games sucked harder than reach & ODST combined
There isn't much else today if you really like single-player sci-fi FPS games, so you take what you can.
In all the many years I've been on Yea Forums (since 2005) it was always treated as a mockery and Halo fans were treated like Fortnite kids today. I did play Halo 1 and 2 and enjoyed them at the time then forgot about the whole series. All this hype about MCC on PC made me check out Halo 1 again for the first time since it released and it is enjoyable if very slow and bare bones, presentation is good, guns feel good, cool aliums vs humans campaign. But in the end I really can't comprehend why it and the franchise turned into such a big phenomenon over time. What did it DO? Was it the multiplayer? The cinematic presentation? What am I missing that I missed back then too?
It was a console seller.
Marketing. Halo 2 set the record for many years for the most money spent on marketing in videogaming.
Yea that's why Titanfall 2 is so popular.
Halo 1 aged like shit too.
It was the first console fps that was comfortable to play with a gamepad. That's about it.
>CoD has some of the best movement in the fps genre
Contrary to popular belief, a game doesn't have to be special or groundbreaking to become a phenomenon. It just has to be consistently competent.
Think Star Wars original trilogy: really it wasn't particularly innovative or special, just well done.
3 > 2 > 5 > CE > Reach > 4
It was pretty hyped among certain gamers even before it stopped being a Mac RTS because Bungie made Myth
Then it hit the shelves as xbox exclusive fps and zoomers of that era went apeshit over it, because they landed an FPS that was adapted to a console
I played it when it released on PC and got bored around or after silent cartographer (a memorable title for some reason)
But as shit as they are I would still play them over ODST and Reach.
Your whole first few sentences read like bad copypasta written by a child.
Yea Forums back then couldn't wait to 'finish the fight'. Stop lying you inbred fuck. Entire post just to prove you weren't here watching everybody eat up the marketing like it was their job.
If you can't figure out how Halo 1 sold systems as the best couch multiplayer game out (for years to come) you can't be helped. Get a second system and have 4v4. Get 4 systems and have 16 players. Ignoring how good the pc version was. The gameplay was tight and there was good balance, everyone can play at a party with very little effort involved. Comparing to every other game before it or even before Halo 2, you had at best 4 player games (mario party, smash, timesplitters - until 2005 when it added lan).
>Laggy BR
>In first place
That’s a nah from me dog
>Advanced Warfare didn't exist
>Ignoring how good the pc version was.
Halo CE is a horrific port
>Yea Forums back then couldn't wait to 'finish the fight'.
lel don't kid yourself you lying zoomer sack of shit it was endlessly mocked for being Mountain Dew and Doritos: the game
no, only ones who jerk off to it are north americans who played it as kids
this guy's spot on
do halokiddies really play nothing aside from halo and CoD?
it was the first major online experience for console kids
Not that guy I fuckin hate Halo but that wasn't even a meme back then you retarded dog cunt
LARPing newfag, halo was always a joke series on Yea Forums and only isn't attacked as much now due to 1. halo fans growing up and infesting this board 2. Halo isn't relevant anymore compared to other series that get shat on by Yea Forums's assblasted contrarians
>but that wasn't even a meme back
yeah it was, it just got overshadowed by the Doritio Pope