So is this the final nail in the coffin of bioware and ea?

so is this the final nail in the coffin of bioware and ea?

Attached: 1541435128-anthem-the-game.jpg (640x320, 49K)

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Bioware yes, EA no

Nah Anthem is alive and well. I'm playing it right now actually. Best $90 I've ever spent.

you dont really have a concept of spending $90 well

I'm glad retards like you exist to drive the industry down faster

All talented devs left Bioware years ago, if EA shitcans Bioware nothing of value will be lost.

Those chucklefucks clearly can't take a hint. I doubt it.

BioWare getting shut down for sure.

EA I dunno.

Yes, my user !

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EA obviously not they're 15 million copies plus of FIFA every year now.

Did Bioware even acknowledge any of the critics or the bad reception of the game? or are they just staying in a hugbox?

BasedWare know what work needs to be done and they are constantly engaged with the true community and releasing the amazing hotfixes and updates.

that sounds like sarcasm and that they only respond with marketing shit

EA will be fine like always. I hope it kills Zombie BioWare though

This age has made people cynical.

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EA aren't going anywhere while millions of mouthbreathers keep buying fifa and madden games. It's over for Bioware though, and that's a good thing.

I love it when big projects Iike this just crash and burn

Only for Bioware, as long as EA has FIFA and Madden they are good

EA will be just fine. Bioware however, is fucked
It's for the best to be honest.
Do you guys REALLY want a new Dragon Age or Mass Effect game with current Bioware?
The A Team left years ago, the only ones left are the drooling retards that didn't do much at the company besides pick colors for the curtains and make the coffee

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>what could have been

>Do you guys REALLY want a new Dragon Age or Mass Effect game with current Bioware?

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The fact that I don't hear ANYTHING about this game is even worse.

you'll hit level 30 and start noticing the flaws in their systems soon enough

Thinking EA will go down for this is too optimistic. Bioware hopefully will, though.
lol sure you are, shill

They made chocolate with the (then higher) metacritic score on it.

probably not, ea would be flagged by journalist for firing a team of wamen and trannies

>what kind of weapons should we have
>uhh, like an assault rifle I gues
>but like, there's three of them
>and one shoots slow, one shoots normal and one in bursts
>fucking brilliant

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There is only so much money you can put into keeping a zombie alive. At some point paying off the zombie life matters cultists to shut up while you old yeller the abomination will be cheaper.

even if they fix it with patches there wont be enough people left to play the game

> Bioware
They'll probably get at least one or two more chances before EA brings down the axe
> EA
Fuck no. Apex is a massive success and Battlefield and sports titles rake in cash every year