Mega Man Battle Network


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The DS version of the soundtrack is so good


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what did she mean by this?

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Play Shaghai.exe

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She knows that Mayl doms Lan with a strap-on.

can we even be considered the undernet anymore?

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the problem with mmbn games is that it takes way too long to get to where you get a decent amount of chips or powers

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Attached: Mega Man BN5 Chivalry Program.png (2124x638, 85K)

Attached: Mega Man BN5 Humor Program.png (1894x1624, 221K)

Attached: Mega Man BN6 Humor Program.png (3820x1581, 310K)

>BN5DS came out
>expect BN6DS with Gregar + Falzar
>never happen
Fuck you Capcom

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The perfect girl. Cute and zero personality.

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Should i play the ds version of 5 or the gba ones?

I like the one where he insults Chaud and he calls them immediately after the comments made.

I always liked how the dark chips in 5 looked like they were bootlegs.

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Post a better track.
Protip: you can't

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I literally can't

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>mfw Colonel was a major character in 6 when I played Team Protoman, where he was basically just a cameo

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Attached: BN3 Wily Statue.webm (480x320, 84K)


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I thought battle network is a GBA series, while DS has starforce?

MMBN 1-3 is GBA, MMBN 4-6 is DS

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Why do you have to lie like that?
All BN games are on GBA, but 5 had a port on DS that gave you both versions in one, and after the last Star Force game came out, they ported BN1 to DS with an extra chapter where you can play as Star Force Mega Man. The 1 port was Japan only, but there was a recent fan translation.

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