I'm not feeling this game, bros. Feels like it's going to be just an another Souls game, but with even less features. Even if the combat ends up being good (which I doubt - see webm) it's still going to be a game with good combat and nothing else. There's no gripping story, no exploration, no character building, no cool fantasy landscapes, because From actually thought that people like that setting (hint: no they don't).
>b-but there are no games with that setting
Who cares? Last RPG game set in Japan was Nioh and it was awful and forgettable. I can't see this game doing anything but failing. I said the same thing about lots of recent titles and I was never wrong, but hey, it's just my humble opinion.
Sekiro critique thread
Don't play it then!
seething fromdrone
Hello DMCfag
Unironically got a refund for my pre-order after I saw the AI reset after a failed stealth attack and you jump away.
They just go back to their programming as if nothing happened. It's fucking 2019. It's not ok when assassin's Creed does it and it's definitely not ok when a seasoned developer of quality Vidya like From does it. I'm not supporting this shit anymore. Either remove stealth entirely or fucking innovate to solve the problem.
>no gripping story
No one can say that before the game is even out yet.
>no exploration
Confirmed wrong, Myazaki said the world was DaS1 levels of interconectivity and exploration rewards you with skill points
>no character building
Confirmed wrong, AT LEAST 3 possible builds and everything in between with the skilltrees
>no cool fantasy landscapes
Opinion, from the trailers I think they've been doing a better job with landscaps of Japan than Nioh and I fucking love Nioh.
OP is a fag post female vidya butts to make him fuck off
Hahahahaahahah, nope.
>I saw the AI reset after a failed stealth attack and you jump away.
They got that right in XV and stealth was a small portion of the game.
Since when was Nioh awful and forgettable?
Since never. The game has probably the best combat system I've ever seen. Stance change is ridiculously more intuitive than any form of combo system from other 3rd person action melee games.
>of a game that's not even out
>someone pretending to be XV-kun
>probably the DMC autist
Nioh was great, characters and story was not good but that was not the focus of them game. Gameplay wise and progression was fucking great, better combat than souls (i am a Fromfag, i love DS, BB etc). Im looking forward to Sekiro, i think it looks good. Trying to be as sceptical about it but i like what i se.
if you're not getting souls to level up, what do you even get from killing the majority of enemies in this game?
what is stopping you from running or ziplining away from all possible encounters?
>what is stopping you from running or ziplining away from all possible encounters?
Have you played it or are you going off of video footage?
Was it the final build of the game? If yes then that is horrible at worst and at best it is a bug. If no than stop complaining.
but you are a ninja
>caring about zombies having a short attention span
It was gameplay posted by some Xbox channel like less than a week ago. It happened twice in two different areas during the 8 minute video. I'll see if I can find it in my history.
That's the thing. The game has stealth but if you avoid enemies you don't get exp from killing them, so far as I'm aware. Once you get enough exp you level up, which I guess gets you points to buy skills.
So unless they've put in a system where say, for every enemy you avoid, it adds a % bonus exp for killing the boss at the end of the level, the stealth mechanics are pointless other than for AC style enemy takedowns.
I dunno how the game works yet as it's not out, but it's looking to me like there's a lot of oversights in the design because of things like this. Putting in pointless stealth that has you ignoring what seems to be the main selling point of the game (combat) and not rewarding it if you do partake in it? Shit's wack
>what is stopping you from running or ziplining away from all possible encounters?
This is actually one of the more reasonable sounding criticisms I've heard of the game, that fighting enemies over and over again becomes tedious and the previewer found himself trying to avoid encounters after a while
That was in a recent youtube video but I forget which one
Oh cool so it's lore-friendly mediocre AI, good to know.
You get xp, that you later use to unlock new skills.
You do level up dude, so just running away from fights aint that smart. Gain XP from killing enemies and from minobosses you gain an item that you can turn in for more posture, health etc.
this game SUCKS
Stealth is built for you to sneak behind enemies and insta-kill them, not just run past them.
The person in the Webm is by far the worst player I have ever seen.
You don't get exp or loot, also you can'tproceed into certain area without killing certain enemies (not talkin about bosses)
>that webm
oh fuck it's literally just Souls with better animations and less gameplay features
>I said the same thing about lots of recent titles and I was never wrong
oh, well if you were never wrong before I guess I have to believe you
The game has stealth mechanics because most fights are impossible without thinning the enemy counts, and because sometimes you just want to sneak past enemies.
You have to kill certain enemies for upgrades and new items or just to be able to use your special kills, so you can't skip everything. Some minibosses you can't run past either.
And yes random enemies give exp.
It's an action game. Enemies return to their post in Souls games too, is that also a flaw in them?
>You don't get exp or loot,
Yes you do.
Not sure about loot, but you do get exp.
Journalists who do not play games but are paid to write about them.
>souls baby thinks every game should be like dark souls
This is way closer to a tenchu game with souls elements.
Go fuck yourself OP
I saw this as well and thought it was a legitimate complaint but based on how I’ve seen the world being structured I would assume if you’ve fully explored the area and are essentially corpserunnjng to the boss why wouldn’t you just zip past everything anyway? for all the people complaining about the setting and environments I believe we’ve seen at most four areas of a game that has DS1 design philosophy and (I would think) many locations both large and small, so how do we know there aren’t going to be fantasy elements? you would almost be ignorant to not expect them
My local store said they're expecting their copies in tomorrow, and they always sell as soon as they get games in without regard to street date.
Should I buy a PS4 copy? I was going to get it for PC but 4 days early is 4 days early.
>and less gameplay features
you what
>Yes you do.
>Explicity stated that you can only get certain loot from killing certain enemies and that you get exp from killing enemies
What are you on about
>It's an action game. Enemies return to their post in Souls games too, is that also a flaw in them?
They're not games built with stealth as a main mechanic, so no. And also those games are older than this title, yet the AI remains the same. If you want to enable devs implementation of lazy AI, go right ahead. Hopefully it stagnates the industry faster so we can get some real innovation.
>another Souls game, but with even less features
It can't have less features than a Souls game. Souls is pretty minimalistic when it comes to combat mechanics. At the very least you could argue having more features would worsen the experience.
This isn't metal gear. Stealth in Sekiro is used to get a drop on someone. Mini bosses for example have two health bars if you do a stealth attack on them you reduce that to one.
It is an action game where stealth is also a key feature to the game. Were idiots like you not calling this a spiritual successor to Tenchu not too long ago? But the stealth now being barebones shit is okay because souls games do it? You god damned retards have been arguing that this is nothing like Souls for months now.
30fps with drops vs 60fps with mods
Stealth in Tenchu was also about jumping onto enemies or killing them from behind. Not much difference in this one, so why is it a bad thing?
The same thing happens in 99% of stealth games.
This game is also fuck all like Tenchu, and the exact same thing happens in Tenchu.
> Even if the combat ends up being good (which I doubt - see webm)
You can cherry pick combat from any game to look bad. The majority of Sekiro's combat looks fantastic so far, and I 100% trust From to follow through.
>There's no gripping story
You have no idea, you're only judging based on that story trailer (which looks kino) and little else. No basis for this argument at all.
> no exploration
Not only will there be the usual From exploration which is absolutely top-tier and some of the best in the business, but: 1. They are going back to an interconnected open world design like DaS1, and 2. The grappling hook, vertical jump, and swimming mean that there are going to be entire new dimensions to the exploration. I dislike getting hyped for things but this could honestly be better than DaS1 which IMO has the best 3D level design/exploration of all time.
> no character building
While my main reservation about the game -- skill trees -- still worries me, again I trust From enough that this won't devolve into something Far Cry tier. From what we've seen so far the different skill tress look diverse enough to introduce build variety, but I hope that you aren't able to unlock more than 60% of the skills in a single play through.
> no cool fantasy landscapes
I'll agree that if you don't appreciate the atmosphere on display so far the levels shown thus far could be considered generic, but we've only seen 3. Press are currently under an embargo preventing them from showing anything past that. Again, you have no basis because you've probably seen >20% of the game at most.
If you've ever played Tenchu, you must remember that killing enemies with stealth actually lead to a better rank and you got nothing by being a pacifist. These guys are your enemy and you are an assassin.
>DaS1 which IMO has the best 3D level design/exploration of all time.
I'll never understand soulsbabies
>spam dodges
>try to go for a backstab
holy shit darksouls fag are really easy to spot
How do you critique something you never even played? Legit question. I can understand not being interested in it, but you can't exactly form a valid opinion without playing it. You can of course borrow the opinion of someone else who has played the game, but you can't exactly call it your own.
I'm not saying you should go buy it, because obviously you have no interest in it, but you look pretty fucking retarded saying "I never played this game, but it's garbage. Trust me, I'm never wrong." Instead, just wait for the game to come out and glance over the reviews, reading more into the ones that share a similar opinion on previous games you've played.
It's a bunch of hallways.
>New gameu bad
>Me get guranteed replies
If someone told you that shit tastes good, would you eat it?
Yeah, thats a legit question. When i first saw Dark Souls gameplay i thought it looked like shit, but then i played it and i fell in love with that shit.
I'm not interested in shit, so no. Sadly, there are people who would say that though and be serious about it.
>it's okay for a new game to have shit mechanics if an old game has said shit mechanics
Fromdrone logic at its finest.
Do you realize that what you like and dislike are SUBJECTIVE. Must i spell it out to you?
It's a standard video game mechanic, including stealth games.
I don’t WANT a Tenchu game. I was a souls game. As does EVERYONE else including the people who are saying it’s not supposed to be dark souls. They’re only saying that because they are so desperate for another souls game that they’ll settle for a game that’s not dark souls. Enough already.
Fag. I want a Tenchu game.
Why did they put stealth in it if they were going to half-ass the gameplay? It's like fucking MGS-tier "stealth"
>hurr durr people have opinions therefore literally everything is an opinion
solipsismfags need to go home
Speak for yourself idiot.
I wanted a new IP, now i got that. Would be fine with a new Souls game or Bloodborne but i wanted a new IP.
But the last thing I wanted was a 6th Dark Souls game that plays just like all the others.
And that's exactly what we got, but this time with no builds, interesting setting, armor/weapon customization, or online.
I wonder just how many of you would completely change your tune if it was revealed that there was in fact phantoms, invasions, messages and different weapons. It would be so funny
Yeah, shit ones. Proper newly released stealth games do not function on 1990s logic.
I wouldn't be interested there have been enough Souls games. I was disappointed in Sekiro not being Tenchu though. I don't really like the animations but it looks like it'll be fun.
Name one
But it's not going to happen. It's like me wondering if you'll ever have sex.
Invasions might be fun. But who cares, that is just a fantasy, it is what it is.
No, because it would still just be Dark Souls. Anyone without turbotism is tired of that shit.
that webm looks like a fun beginning fight.
This guys right. I’d imagine there’s not a SINGLE person that would have been less happy if this game was more like souls. Honestly it is getting exhausting, but I’m happy there’s still some reasonable posters like you.
You are delusional.
Depends on your PC. Seems to be a lot heavier than DaS3 for comparison.
>Seems to be a lot heavier than DaS3
Why would you think that?
It's a mid game boss.
I just wanted Bloodborne in Japan. Not a feature-starved "new IP"
Everyone who replied to you doesn’t really know what they’re talking about. The real answer is that there’s fog gates behind every miniboss (of which there are several per level) and if you don’t kill the enemies in front of it, they will gank squad you during miniboss fight
no, what you and the other Soulsfags wanted was DS1 again, but a lot of people only even started caring about Sekiro when it turned out it was going to be it's own thing with new mechanics instead of "DARK SOULS, BUT IN JAPAN!"
how much discussion was there about Sekiro until the major gameplay reveal? Absolutely nothing because there is literally nothing worth discussing about the same old Souls combat, but Sekiro is different and that has people interested while a vocal minority keeps moaning about how they would have rather gotten another Souls clone with braindead combat.
it has more features than souls
the only feature that was starved were the flashy weapon skins and animations when you mindlessly mash light attack.
>no exploration
No it fucking doesn't dude.
Yes it does, you can't even jump in Souls games.
Deus Ex Human Revolution would keep all ai on partial alert if Jensen was spotted once. They would not immediately shift back to not being on alert after losing sight on Jensen and they would stay that way.
That's amazing.......
why are souls fans saying this game doesn't have stealth and "you have to fight all the enemies head on you can't backstab them like in dark souls"
are souls fans retarded or just prone to lying?
>posts a shit game
Wew lad
>modern day stealth game
>sadly one of the better ones
It's a good example.
It just looks like an upgraded NIOH and its scary. They SAID they won't make another soulsborne game yet this the same but with less features. Feels like a downgraded version of the more complicated dark souls.
Epic blog post friend. Upvoted.
Why do people do this? Post shit like this?
>but with less features.
souls babbies are really reaching today
This is literally all souls games. Beat area once and die to the boss, run past everything to get to your body in the boss arena. Unless you're grinding souls or cleaning an area you can always run past every encounter that isnt mandatory. Why is this even being brought up.
Board culture. You're expected to get your point across in an objective way in a less than 300 characters. Unless you're giving helpful information. Hes taking advantage of the unwritten rule of self-moderation that each board has. Nice blog post fag.
Is that Nama-sensei
I can tell you there won't be a demo, I don't get the feeling Activision have much faith in this game at all.
soulsbabbys ITT absolutely seething
That's obvious.
>no 5 games isnt enough I WANT MORE
>review embargo