What are some good jrpg's for the 3ds Yea Forums?
What are some good jrpg's for the 3ds Yea Forums?
Etrian Odyssey has like 12 games for the thing and they're all good except Mystery Dungeon
The Alliance Alive
is SMT IV a good entry point to the series?
I've only ever played Persona 4.
Saw your thread too late last time
Anyway, disregarding any and all of Yea Forums's complaints about them
>all 3DS MegaTen games, e.g. Devil Survivor, SJR, even Persona Q
>The Alliance Alive
>7th Dragon 3: Code VFD
>Etrian Odyssey series games
I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting, but this is off the top of my head.
radiant historia
does it ever get good? i stopped about 3/4 through cause basically every turning point was either a bad end or next part of the story
Probably, but SMTIV:Apocalypse is better
Go ahead then go for the sequel. If you liked it you can also try for the Devil Survivor games (Devil Survior 1 was my entry point).
Soul Hackers is very good, but it's also very dated in gameplay.
Etrian Odyssey
Shin Megami Tensei
Yeah. Apocalypse is the sequel, and it has better gameplay, but shittier story, though you might stomach it coming from Persona, no offense. The story in that game is so bad that I wouldn't say you *need* to play IV before IV:A.
This. Underrated as fuck.
Anything published by Atlus
Yes, it is.
Other anons already listed their picks, I'll just ass Dragon Quest VII and VIII (assuming you haven't played them). Also, since 3DS can play DS games, get Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light.
Nice to see Alliance Alive fans here.
I am autistic and like to play games from order of worst to best. How would you rank the 3DS SMT games?
Persona Q >> Soul Hackers >> SMT IV Apo >> SMT IV
I haven't played Strange Journey Redux, but it was one of my fav RPGs on DS. Assuming they didn't fuck up, it would be between SH and SMT IV Apo.
SMT IV, while last on my list, is still pretty damn good game.
>4 heroes of light
Man that game was so fucking unpolished but was somehow still pretty fun.
But Persona Q is trash
Good to see you too, I think I'm going to do my first NG+ play of it soon, I know there's a bunch of little new things like extra recruits on NG+ in it.
Wish I could find more fanart of it.
Not in my book.
I think I'll just wait for a remaster now. NG+ will be there, too. :)
I think it's still worth to do at least one NG+ if you liked it on 3DS, the world map is pretty convenient and I'm not sure how well a singlescreen port would implement stuff like the amusing little telegrams and such.
Also I'm going to try out infinite chaosium on this run, I didn't realize it on the first one. That's probably getting patched out of the HD ports.
Bumping for hopes of added content on the remaster but also to reiterate that the 3DS version is still great
Unpolished how? I don't recall it being unbalanced or looking bad.
Bravely Default is great, although the sequel is garbage.